Free Thoughts~on One word...

See the two together
sitting side by side
in the reatuaurant
they tease and taunt
each other, say please
thank you with perfect politeness

they are sightless
see only each other
in the moment, passion
foments perspective shifts
as they sift through the missing
meal, savoring the tasty morsels

take turns liifting forks
to each others lips, open
taking sustenance from each other
only when the plate is empty
are they at a loss for what
comes next, no room
was left for desert
Hmm ....

sugarmountain said:
See the two together
sitting side by side
in the reatuaurant
they tease and taunt
each other, say please
thank you with perfect politeness

they are sightless
see only each other
in the moment, passion
foments perspective shifts
as they sift through the missing
meal, savoring the tasty morsels

take turns liifting forks
to each others lips, open
taking sustenance from each other
only when the plate is empty
are they at a loss for what
comes next, no room
was left for desert

two together
side by side sitting
they tease
say please
thank you
with perfect

they are
each other they see.
passion in moments
perspective shifts
they sift
missing the meal
tasty morsels

take turns
lifting forks
each to the other
lips open
taking sustenance
only the plate
is empty.
are they at a loss
what comes next
no room left
for desert.


OK, so I played. I'm sorry if it seems I messed it up.
Great poem and very sexy ~!!! Please forgive my savageness ~
I wanted to see what would happen if I twitched and turned a bit.
Thank you ~

;) :D
RhymeFairy said:
two together
side by side sitting
they tease
say please
thank you
with perfect

they are
each other they see.
passion in moments
perspective shifts
they sift
missing the meal
tasty morsels

take turns
lifting forks
each to the other
lips open
taking sustenance
only the plate
is empty.
are they at a loss
what comes next
no room left
for desert.


OK, so I played. I'm sorry if it seems I messed it up.
Great poem and very sexy ~!!! Please forgive my savageness ~
I wanted to see what would happen if I twitched and turned a bit.
Thank you ~

;) :D

two poems
each speak
the same language
words rearranged
inflect dialect
subtle takes
on what makes
each one say
what the other
does not

such is conversation
two speak
pass phrases and gazes
back and forth
hearing ears
seeing eyes
take in info, surmise
but do they really know
what the other is saying
Last edited:
Nostalgy_Prince said:
It does, indeed ... didn't make the connection myself, glad you made me realize that. Then again, I write by miserabilism or in an extraordinary state of hanger sooooo :eek:

Missed on your sickness, glad to read you're feeling better. :rose:

Back to my old boxes, I'll probably find something to post here :D

the above was on the 13th -dark poetry thread.
I bounced it ...
I am borrowing so I will know for future references .
.. what state of mind I was in when I wrote

this ... :eek: :D :p :nana:

into those boxes. boxers
plaid n spacey
room to grow
room for two if you ask
me. so scoot over, lets give a lil
shake'n bake
curl the edges, get it primed just
for this fairy is shaking the dust
off her halo

ya'll know, how I love to bounce.

Thanks N. Prince ~

listening to?

complete ... utter silence.
hear that
nothing, just a fan of thoughts
a dish of dreams
and the laundry of what to wash ...

mmm sighs*
wonderment, complete ambiance ~

A late entry..........

sugarmountain said:
I think were all acquainted with this one, but can you use it in an original manner?

Steve Earle- F the CC

I used to listen to the radio
And I don’t guess they’re listenin’ to me no more
They talk too much but that’s okay
I don’t understand a single word they say
Piss and moan about the immigrants
But don’t say nothin’ about the president
A democracy don’t work that way
I can say anything I wanna say

So fuck the FCC
Fuck the FBI
Fuck the CIA
Livin’ in the motherfuckin’ USA

People tell me that I’m paranoid
And I admit I’m gettin’ pretty nervous, boy
It just gets tougher everyday
To sit around and watch it while it slips away
Been called a traitor and a patriot
Call me anything you want to but
Just don’t forget your history
Dirty Lenny died so we could all be free

Good Morning ~~

A new word. Thinking we all need to know this one. ( self included )
See what kind of meaness we can come up with using this one, or
just bounce, write free style ... let it all hang out. Whatever floats
your boat my friends ~ ;)


Syllables: re-spect

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation rih spehkt
Definition 1. a detail, point, or aspect (usu. prec. by in).
Example It is a good plan in many respects.
Synonyms regard , detail , particular
Crossref. Syn. way

Definition 2. regard or reference.
Example a question with respect to the rules.
Synonyms regard
Crossref. Syn. deference , relation

Definition 3. the state or condition of being regarded with
admiration, esteem, or honor, or such admiration itself.
Synonyms esteem , regard , estimation
Crossref. Syn. favor , prestige , reputation , admiration , honor

Definition 4. consideration for and deference to another's privileges
or knowledge.
Example Parents deserve respect.
Synonyms deference

Definition 5. (pl.) a conventional expression of esteem.
Example Please give him my respects.
Synonyms compliment , regard
Crossref. Syn. compliment

Related Words attachment , fear , courtesy , approval ,
approbation , credit , duty , adoration , consideration , homage ,
adherence , civility

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms respected, respecting, respects

Definition 1. to express deference, honor, or esteem towards.
Synonyms esteem , honor , venerate
Crossref. Syn. favor , consider , admire , salute
Similar Words favor , regard , admire , revere , defer

Definition 2. to show consideration for.
Synonyms comply with {comply} , observe
Similar Words follow , abide by {abide (PHR)} , heed , adhere
to {adhere} , obey

Related Words worship , fear , value , credit , venerate ,
recognize , adhere , observe , reverence , cherish , prize

Derived Forms respecter, n.

Have fun, and Happy Writing ~

:rose: :D :kiss: :p :nana:
I said I would not write
told myself to stay away. till
mail received, caught my eye.

questions unanswered, marched
through my mind
like soldiers to war. suspecting
anything goes. people will say
what they want, feel
what they say
lying to selves
to others too, I suppose.

a radical riot has occurred
blowing thoughts into the air
like a space cadet, easy come
easy go. is it drugs ya wonder
no, just a simple trick of light
blinding blink, as dreary eyes warp in
outta orbit.

simple as it may seem, a picture
of lifes most tragic lesson has been
learned. what you see
is not always, what you get.

RhymeFairy said:
I said I would not write
told myself to stay away.

simple as it may seem, a picture
of lifes most tragic lesson has been
learned. what you see
is not always, what you get.


Partially quoting you...

I know "exactly" what you mean. Hard for me NOT to put into words my feelings and emotions at the moment. Too much still going on that now feeds the fuel to both my anger and my pain. Life again showing its cruel head. Maybe I should have known, expected it, anticipated it...but I didn't.

Going to end up where I knew I'd eventually go, just wasn't ready to go there yet.
Many Feathers said:
Partially quoting you...

I know "exactly" what you mean. Hard for me NOT to put into words my feelings and emotions at the moment. Too much still going on that now feeds the fuel to both my anger and my pain. Life again showing its cruel head. Maybe I should have known, expected it, anticipated it...but I didn't.

Going to end up where I knew I'd eventually go, just wasn't ready to go there yet.

one has to know the lows in order to be able to measure the highs accurately.

writing is good.

I need
a boy toy
a man to suit
my needs.

I shall tailor him
like a penguin, nothing
but the best
for a lick
a dive
a lil taste
of heaven.


a shaking shimmy
digging of tunnels
like a rabbit he must run
a dolphin he must
swim. a frothy ocean
of cream
his dessert
I have in mind

please send resume
to 69-69, my place
if you would be
so kind ...

;) :kiss: :p :catroar:

RhymeFairy said:
I need
a boy toy
a man to suit
my needs.

I shall tailor him
like a penguin, nothing
but the best
for a lick
a dive
a lil taste
of heaven.


a shaking shimmy
digging of tunnels
like a rabbit he must run
a dolphin he must
swim. a frothy ocean
of cream
his dessert
I have in mind

please send resume
to 69-69, my place
if you would be
so kind ...

;) :kiss: :p :catroar:

Resume in the mail...~
Many Feathers said:
Resume in the mail...~

bet that's snail mail eh ~
I always have the damnedest luck ... ppfft ~

mmm a snail *
this man,
my boy ... toy :D

round me he shall slither
curl up like a cat
at my feet, his tongue a snail,
easy n slow, steady as he
goes. down
down, way down

south, the for the border
gets hotter
hotter than hell, as he
paints me
into a corner. brushing pink
folds, covering every molten
gland, like a spider
I climb the walls, bass ackwards
wearing nothing but a smile ...

ya think it's possible?

:nana: :D

RhymeFairy said:
bet that's snail mail eh ~
I always have the damnedest luck ... ppfft ~

mmm a snail *
this man,
my boy ... toy :D

round me he shall slither
curl up like a cat
at my feet, his tongue a snail,
easy n slow, steady as he
goes. down
down, way down

south, the for the border
gets hotter
hotter than hell, as he
paints me
into a corner. brushing pink
folds, covering every molten
gland, like a spider
I climb the walls, bass ackwards
wearing nothing but a smile ...

ya think it's possible?

:nana: :D

Gingerly titillating
like a thousand feathers
lighter than wings of a butterfly

her nubbin of pleasure assaulted
carressed and adored
sensory overload, shivering

homage to her twin does
fawns of equal pleasure and ecstasy
hands and lips capturing

mountains climbed
summits reached
penultimate the joy of staking the flag
editing ....

I need
a boy toy
a man to suit
my needs
I shall tailor him
like a penguin, nothing
but the best
for a lick
a dive
a lil taste
of heaven.


a shaking shimmy
digging of tunnels.
like a rabbit he must run
a dolphin he must
swim. a frothy ocean
of cream for his dessert
is what I have
in mind.

round me he shall slither
curl up like a cat
at my feet, his tongue
a snail,
easy n slow. steady as he
goes ... down
down, way down

south. for my borders
get hotter
hotter than hell, as he
paints me
into a corner. brushing pink
folds, covering every molten
gland. like a spider
I climb the walls, bass
ackwards. wearing nothing
but a smile ...

please send resume
to 69-69
my place
if you would be
so kind ...

:catroar: ;) :kiss:

well it is a really good thought, and image .. grrrr
gets me all hot'n bothered ~ ;)

do not know about the last stanza,
seems like I *just remembered* what I was doing,
and added it. maybe .. maybe not~

Good Mornin'

New word. I do see a few friends lurking. :D
Thought I might put all those awesome brains to work. ;)


The existing system of things; the world of matter, or of matter and mind; the creation; the universe.


The personified sum and order of causes and effects; the powers which produce existing phenomena, whether in the total or in detail; the agencies which carry on the processes of creation or of being; -- often conceived of as a single and separate entity, embodying the total of all finite agencies and forces as disconnected from a creating or ordering intelligence.


The established or regular course of things; usual order of events; connection of cause and effect.


Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience.


The sum of qualities and attributes which make a person or thing what it is, as distinct from others; native character; inherent or essential qualities or attributes; peculiar constitution or quality of being.


Hence: Kind, sort; character; quality.


Physical constitution or existence; the vital powers; the natural life.


Natural affection or reverence.


Constitution or quality of mind or character.


To endow with natural qualities.

Related Words :

Actual, Affection, Agencies, All, And, As, Being, Carry, Cause, Character, Conceived, Conformity, Connection, Constitution, Course, Creating, Creation, Detail, Disconnected, Distinct, Distinguished, Effect, Embodying, Endow, Entity, Essential, Established, Existence, Existing, Experience, Finite, Forced, From, Hence, In, Inherent, Intelligence, Is, It, Kind, Life, Make, Matter, Mind, Native, Natural, Of, Often, On, Or, Order, Ordering, Peculiar, Person, Personified, Phenomena, Physical, Produce, Qualities, Quality, Regular, Remote, Reverence, Separate, Single, Sort, Sum, System, That, The, Thing, To, Total, Universe, Usual, Vital, What, Whether, Which, With, World

Use it, play it, think it ... go with it. See what ya come up with ~

Happy Writing~

natures call ...


music all around
our candle is lit
can you feel me
waiting, for you

all along in our lovers den
like a bear hibernating
waiting for the time

long smooth legs
dangling. wanting to wrap
around you. soft silky hair smelling
so sweet, needing to flow
in your face, down to your chest
and tickle your nipples.

pink nails longing to trace
your flesh
your firm muscles
rosebud nipples puckering
to be kissed, as your lips take them

into paradise.
tan tummy tingling
with hot desire.
my mind is racing
as I watch

the clock. pulse
is erratic and breathing
has turned to pants

working on structure ...


music all around
our candle is lit
can you feel me
for you. all alone
in our lovers

like a bear
hibernating, waiting
for spring.
long smooth legs
dangling. wanting
to wrap around
you. soft silky hair
smelling so sweet
needing to flow
in your face

to your chest
and tickle
your nipples.
pink nails longing
to trace
your flesh
caress your firm
rosebud nipples
to be

as your lips take them
into paradise.
tan tummy tingling
with hot desire.
my mind is

as I watch
the clock. pulse
is erratic
has turned
to pants


seems a bit better ~
RhymeFairy said:
Good Mornin'

New word. I do see a few friends lurking. :D
Thought I might put all those awesome brains to work. ;)


The existing system of things; the world of matter, or of matter and mind; the creation; the universe.


The personified sum and order of causes and effects; the powers which produce existing phenomena, whether in the total or in detail; the agencies which carry on the processes of creation or of being; -- often conceived of as a single and separate entity, embodying the total of all finite agencies and forces as disconnected from a creating or ordering intelligence.


The established or regular course of things; usual order of events; connection of cause and effect.


Conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artifical, or forced, or remote from actual experience.


The sum of qualities and attributes which make a person or thing what it is, as distinct from others; native character; inherent or essential qualities or attributes; peculiar constitution or quality of being.


Hence: Kind, sort; character; quality.


Physical constitution or existence; the vital powers; the natural life.


Natural affection or reverence.


Constitution or quality of mind or character.


To endow with natural qualities.

Related Words :

Actual, Affection, Agencies, All, And, As, Being, Carry, Cause, Character, Conceived, Conformity, Connection, Constitution, Course, Creating, Creation, Detail, Disconnected, Distinct, Distinguished, Effect, Embodying, Endow, Entity, Essential, Established, Existence, Existing, Experience, Finite, Forced, From, Hence, In, Inherent, Intelligence, Is, It, Kind, Life, Make, Matter, Mind, Native, Natural, Of, Often, On, Or, Order, Ordering, Peculiar, Person, Personified, Phenomena, Physical, Produce, Qualities, Quality, Regular, Remote, Reverence, Separate, Single, Sort, Sum, System, That, The, Thing, To, Total, Universe, Usual, Vital, What, Whether, Which, With, World

Use it, play it, think it ... go with it. See what ya come up with ~

Happy Writing~


it is natural for nature to nurture our needs
balanced by the wild and the domestic
howl at the full moon and silence in the sun
to touch someone gently
then pound your flesh and desires into theirs

does anything really mature in nature
or mere children of a mother, the earth
My Erotic Trail said:
it is natural for nature to nurture our needs
balanced by the wild and the domestic
howl at the full moon and silence in the sun
to touch someone gently
then pound your flesh and desires into theirs

does anything really mature in nature
or mere children of a mother, the earth

he touched me with passion
colored me into a corner
of a lovers den to casually coerce
tenderly tease
and poetically passion
me up. a slow building of love
brick by brick placed
just right, for the making of such
is unthinkable
to me. once a woman
destroyed by loves embrace
he took the time
energy to remake, make me
rebuild this lost soul
structured to stand tall
think proud
and love once again.
time could not stand still
the oceans churned, and the world
turned into a new time
and place. here I stand
becoming unglued by the thought
of his passing, his touch
his mere
being in my life. happy
to be a new me, saddened
by the thought
of being without him ...

RhymeFairy said:
he touched me with passion
colored me into a corner
of a lovers den to casually coerce
tenderly tease
and poetically passion
me up. a slow building of love
brick by brick placed
just right, for the making of such
is unthinkable
to me. once a woman
destroyed by loves embrace
he took the time
energy to remake, make me
rebuild this lost soul
structured to stand tall
think proud
and love once again.
time could not stand still
the oceans churned, and the world
turned into a new time
and place. here I stand
becoming unglued by the thought
of his passing, his touch
his mere
being in my life. happy
to be a new me, saddened
by the thought
of being without him ...

We are saddened by the past, thoughts of being without them
but somehow we pick ourselves up, move on. Especially when
there is so little time left to do so. But we do. Sometimes there
simply is no other choice.
Just poppin in.

I see things are a bit slow around here as of late.
Hoping all is well with everyone ...


New word anyone?

Come on, you know you want to. Do it ~ ;)

:p :catroar:
New word

and here are a few synonyms if you want to try them

Main Entry: regret
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: doubt
Synonyms: affliction, anguish, annoyance, apologies, apology, bitterness, care, compunction, concern, conscience, contrition, demur, disappointment, discomfort, dissatisfaction, dole, grief, heartache, heartbreak, lamentation, misgiving, nostalgia, pang, penitence, qualm, regretfulness, remorse, repentance, ruefulness, scruple, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-disgust, self-reproach, sorrow, uneasiness, woe, worry
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: regret
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: doubt
Synonyms: apologize, be disturbed, bemoan, bewail, cry over*, deplore, deprecate, disapprove, feel remorse, feel sorry, feel uneasy, grieve, have compunctions*, have qualms*, kick oneself*, lament, look back, miss, moan, mourn, repent, repine, rue, weep, weep over
Antonyms: applaud, welcome
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
* = informal or slang

Main Entry: bemoan
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: complain
Synonyms: bewail, complain, deplore, grieve for, lament, moan over, mourn, regret, rue, weep for
Antonyms: be happy, celebrate, exult, gloat, laugh
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: bewail
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: cry
Synonyms: bemoan, deplore, grieve for, moan, mourn, regret, repent, rue, take on, wail, weep over
Antonyms: be happy, be joyous, celebrate, exalt, rejoice, shriek with joy
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: cry
Part of Speech: verb 1
Definition: weep
Synonyms: bawl, bemoan, bewail, blub, blubber, boohoo*, break down, caterwaul, choke up, complain, crack up*, deplore, fret, grieve, groan, howl, keen, lament, let go, mewl, moan, mourn, regret, rip out, sniff, snivel, sob, sorrow, squall, wail, weep, whimper, whine, yammer, yowl
Antonyms: express joy, giggle, laugh, snicker, titter
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
* = informal or slang

Main Entry: deplore
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: regret
Synonyms: abhor, be against, bemoan, bewail, carry on, censure, complain, condemn, cry, denounce, deprecate, disapprove of, grieve for, hate, hurting, lament, moan, mourn, object to, regret, repent, rue, sorrow over, take on, weep
Antonyms: approve, be happy, delight, praise, rejoice
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: disappointment
Part of Speech: noun 2
Definition: displeasure
Synonyms: adverse fate, adversity, bafflement, blow, chagrin, defeat, despondency, discontent, discouragement, disenchantment, disgruntlement, disillusion, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, distress, failure, frustration, letdown, mortification, nonsuccess, regret, setback, the knocks*, unfulfillment, upset
Antonyms: fulfillment, pleasure, success
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
* = informal or slang

Main Entry: discontent
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: dissatisfaction
Synonyms: depression, discontentment, displeasure, envy, fretfulness, regret, restlessness, uneasiness, unhappiness, vexation
Antonyms: contentment, happy, satisfaction
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: dislike
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: despise
Synonyms: abhor, abominate, allergic to, antipathize, avoid, condemn, contemn, deplore, despise, detest, disapprove, disesteem, disfavor, disrelish, eschew, execrate, hate, loathe, mind, not appreciate, not endure, object to, regret, resent, scorn, shudder at, shun, turned off
Antonyms: approve, fancy, like, love
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: dissatisfaction
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: discontent
Synonyms: annoyance, anxiety, aversion, boredom, chagrin, complaint, desolation, disapproval, discomfort, discontentment, discouragement, disfavor, disgruntlement, disinclination, dislike, disliking, dismay, displeasure, disquiet, disrelish, distaste, distress, ennui, envy, exasperation, fretfulness, frustration, heartburn, hopelessness, indisposition, irritation, jealousy, lamentation, malcontent, malcontentment, oppression, querulousness, regret, resentment, trouble, uneasiness, weariness
Antonyms: contentment, gratification, satisfaction
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.2.1)
Copyright © 2006 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
Thanks Suga'

I knew someone would bite ;)

OK, regret ... or bite what'da say?

Bite ~

Syllables: bite
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun
Phrases: bite the hand that feeds one

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation bait
Inflected Forms bit, bitten [or] bit, biting, bites

Definition 1. to cut or pierce with the teeth.
Synonyms nip
Similar Words eat , chew , sting , nibble , crunch , champ ,
gnaw , pinch , cut , chomp , mouth , wound , pierce

Definition 2. to hold in or as in the teeth.
Synonyms clench , mouth
Similar Words chew , suck , grit , seize

Definition 3. to cause to sting or smart.
Example The cold bit our fingers and noses.
Synonyms nip , sting
Similar Words prick , freeze , smart , pierce

Definition 4. to eat into, as corrosion.
Synonyms etch , corrode, eat
Similar Words erode , dissolve , gnaw , consume

Definition 5. to begin or proceed to eat.
Synonyms eat
Similar Words chew , nibble , munch , gnaw

Related Words taste , twinge , ruminate , worry , nip

Phrase bite the hand that feeds one

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to cut or wound something with the teeth.
Synonyms nip
Similar Words tear , wound

Definition 2. to grip; hold.
Example These tire don't bite well on the ice.
Synonyms hold , grip
Similar Words grasp

Definition 3. to be duped.
Example Did he bite at the trick?
Similar Words swallow

Definition 4. to take the bait.
Example These fish bite best in the evening.
Synonyms feed , eat
Similar Words nibble

Related Words ruminate , snap

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act of biting.
Synonyms nip
Similar Words prick , sting , chomp , champ

Definition 2. an injury that results from such an act.
Similar Words prick , sting , wound , nip

Definition 3. that which is bitten off, as food.
Synonyms taste , mouthful , morsel
Similar Words nibble , bit , chunk
Definition 4. a stinging or smarting feeling.
Example the bite of the cold.
Synonyms smart , sting , nip
Similar Words prick , tingle , paresthesia

Definition 5. a quick meal; snack.
Synonyms nosh , snack
Similar Words tidbit , morsel , munchies

Definition 6. sharpness or effectiveness.
Example the bite of her remarks.
Synonyms effectiveness {effective } , sharpness
{sharp (adj )}
Crossref. Syn. nip
Similar Words wit , sting , penetration , potency , force

Definition 7. hold; grip.
Example the bite of a vise.
Synonyms clench , hold , clutch , grip
Similar Words grasp

Definition 8. corrosive effect.
Example the bite of acid.
Synonyms causticity {caustic (adj )} , mordancy
{mordant (adj)}
Definition 9. (informal) an amount of money.
Example The rent took a big bite.

Related Words chew , taste , tang , zest

No worries.
We could always ... regretfully bite. OR ... gratefully bite. ;) :catroar:

Good one...

I regret I ever met you
regret that I gave my heart away when I did
I regret the memories we accumulated
laughter on your couch, along with the tears

I regret taking you to the mountain
even more the second time
I regret seeing what we saw and shared
it became meaningless afterwards

I regret giving you that second chance
I shouldn't have, and regret that you asked for
yet another still, and gave that

I regret letting go, but I gave myself no choice
and regret you gave me none either.
I regret that I threw away my life for you,
and regret that you let me.

I regret now words and symbols that I wear
a reminder of you constantly,
I regret that I will live what time I have left
never seeing you again.

I regret having loved
something I never thought I would ever