Free Thoughts~on One word...

regret it is ... Thanks Mr. Feathers :rose:
A great insight to regret if anyone ask me
... lets see if we can expand ~

regret is
what happened when our eyes met
the first time
the last time
for a piece of me was taken
by piece my heart
was broken, shredded
after layer.

once loving words were spoken
two lives connected
a loving shrine built
only to decay. year after year he
tore me down, spit arsenic acid in
my luminous love stricken face
shoved his shit so far inside
leaving one remaining space
one spot
to poke his putrid fungal finger in
so he could dig
dig at me day
after day. night
so many fucking nights
of being scared, being alone
an arctic heart remains

regret the leaving
regret the staying so long
yes ...


free thoughts, thinking no poem here ... ;)
day by day
bite by bite
regret ravages
consumes good
vomits bad

such a diet
is deadly
slim fast is no solution
nor South Shore
nor grapefruit (sour grapes)

a toxic fast
sweat and patience
renewal through replacement
in with the good
out with the bad

be thorough
flush the toilet
So true...

RhymeFairy said:
regret it is ... Thanks Mr. Feathers :rose:
A great insight to regret if anyone ask me
... lets see if we can expand ~

regret is
what happened when our eyes met
the first time
the last time
for a piece of me was taken
by piece my heart
was broken, shredded
after layer.

once loving words were spoken
two lives connected
a loving shrine built
only to decay. year after year he
tore me down, spit arsenic acid in
my luminous love stricken face
shoved his shit so far inside
leaving one remaining space
one spot
to poke his putrid fungal finger in
so he could dig
dig at me day
after day. night
so many fucking nights
of being scared, being alone
an arctic heart remains

regret the leaving
regret the staying so long
yes ...


free thoughts, thinking no poem here ... ;)

Once again...your words are my own :rose:
alone ... suga'

being alone is not so very bad
I see the sunrise every morn
thinking again he was here
beside me, lost in memories I rise
to face a new day, yet another
without. he made me complete only
to leave me completely alone


days pass slowly, yet so fast
because I have three reasons
to live. my childrens love
so innocent
so careful am I to show them
a world of you can do it
a world where there is danger, just
be aware, observant, and all will be well.

slow down
please, take my hand

I shall miss them so
when they fly from the nest
even now, my heart grieves just thinking
about that distant time.

slow down
please, take my hand

alone, yes. I am alone
inside my shell, where the darkness
has overcome, taking me down with it
no sunlight shall penetrate, only three
lil ones keep this heart beating
only three

slow down
take my hand ...
my blog ~ :eek:

The time has come. Decisions to be made, but it's too heavy. This I should not make alone. Yet, that is all I can do. It all started with the dropping of a phone. Just one lil accident, avalanched into ... decisions.

Reaching out or in is a must. Inside the stress has built again. Blood pressure is outta the roof. Work was such a trial today because I could not breath right. I swear I thought I was having some kinda attack or something. It cannot be anxiety, for I am on those meds too. :rolleyes:

I am writing this here because I will probably be leaving Lit again. Here, I am cocooned inside my world of words. Friends bounce around and play, such fun. I learn, and feel as if I have grown quiet a bit in my writing, yet as of this moment I feel again as if I have hit the end of the yellow brick road only to be told it was paved with poo the whole time. I have my rose colored glasses on the whole time and I have not seen clearly for so long now.

I know this is prob. a maze of words for ya'll but it makes sense if you know this. I have a lot of chaos in my life, never know if I am coming or going, lol. Seen that did ya ... ;) I am currently looking for another place to live, working a full time job, and juggling three kids schedules. Been in and outta court so many times, they know me by my car ... make model and tag number, lol. This was due to a really bad divorce that had been in the process for over two years, so now ... it's final and I can move on with my life.

We live in a two bedroom apartment, quiet simply it is not big enough. My preteen daughter sleeps with me, because well two rooms, ya heard that already right ... Anywho, since she gets to sleep with mommy then my two boys wanna sleep with me too. This is a disaster. I never get enough sleep, and they all sleep practically on top of me. Usually one on my hip, shoulder and knees ... no I am not joking ... So this - is my first problem.

Secondly, I jumped in a pool to fish my son out, I had my cell phone on my hip.It is not working, and I do not think it will ever again ~ Needless to say I am not a happy camper about that. Not sons fault, just really really bad timing. So I am gonna cancel my cell phone. No sense in buying a new one. I never talk to anyone much anymore anyway ...

Lastly, if I am gonna save up for a new place I need to cut some bills. No worries, I am not hard up or anything, just need to save ... I am sure ya'll can understand that. :) So in a sense cutting the cell, and the online will help me ... right. I am so indecisive .. uggg

I feel I wanna write, need to write, but it just aint happenin'. So maybe this break will be good for all involved. I know this is really too much info to be puttin out here on Lit, but I feel I owe it to you all my friends to explain why I may not be back around for a while. Maybe after I find us a place, I will get the *hook-up again. ;)

Love ya'll

and always always ... Happy Writing. Do it, it is so important and such a wonderful way to express our daily lives. If your like me, you cannot help but do it ~

:rose: :rose:

(my finger just does not wanna push submit ... :( )
RhymeFairy said:
my blog ~ :eek:

The time has come. Decisions to be made, but it's too heavy. This I should not make alone. Yet, that is all I can do. It all started with the dropping of a phone. Just one lil accident, avalanched into ... decisions.

Reaching out or in is a must. Inside the stress has built again. Blood pressure is outta the roof. Work was such a trial today because I could not breath right. I swear I thought I was having some kinda attack or something. It cannot be anxiety, for I am on those meds too. :rolleyes:

I am writing this here because I will probably be leaving Lit again. Here, I am cocooned inside my world of words. Friends bounce around and play, such fun. I learn, and feel as if I have grown quiet a bit in my writing, yet as of this moment I feel again as if I have hit the end of the yellow brick road only to be told it was paved with poo the whole time. I have my rose colored glasses on the whole time and I have not seen clearly for so long now.

I know this is prob. a maze of words for ya'll but it makes sense if you know this. I have a lot of chaos in my life, never know if I am coming or going, lol. Seen that did ya ... ;) I am currently looking for another place to live, working a full time job, and juggling three kids schedules. Been in and outta court so many times, they know me by my car ... make model and tag number, lol. This was due to a really bad divorce that had been in the process for over two years, so now ... it's final and I can move on with my life.

We live in a two bedroom apartment, quiet simply it is not big enough. My preteen daughter sleeps with me, because well two rooms, ya heard that already right ... Anywho, since she gets to sleep with mommy then my two boys wanna sleep with me too. This is a disaster. I never get enough sleep, and they all sleep practically on top of me. Usually one on my hip, shoulder and knees ... no I am not joking ... So this - is my first problem.

Secondly, I jumped in a pool to fish my son out, I had my cell phone on my hip.It is not working, and I do not think it will ever again ~ Needless to say I am not a happy camper about that. Not sons fault, just really really bad timing. So I am gonna cancel my cell phone. No sense in buying a new one. I never talk to anyone much anymore anyway ...

Lastly, if I am gonna save up for a new place I need to cut some bills. No worries, I am not hard up or anything, just need to save ... I am sure ya'll can understand that. :) So in a sense cutting the cell, and the online will help me ... right. I am so indecisive .. uggg

I feel I wanna write, need to write, but it just aint happenin'. So maybe this break will be good for all involved. I know this is really too much info to be puttin out here on Lit, but I feel I owe it to you all my friends to explain why I may not be back around for a while. Maybe after I find us a place, I will get the *hook-up again. ;)

Love ya'll

and always always ... Happy Writing. Do it, it is so important and such a wonderful way to express our daily lives. If your like me, you cannot help but do it ~

:rose: :rose:

(my finger just does not wanna push submit ... :( )

I hope and I'll say that again... I Hope, you'll be back soon. You need anything hollar. Don't pull the plug on lit, take a vacation or time to juggle life but you'll be back to bounce me again, I just know it (~_*)

sorry to hear that your life is full of situations right now, hopefully they will plane out, summer with kids is a busy time so maybe by the end of summer you'll be at a slower pace. I can only hope <grin You know where you can find me <grin
Fingers firmly interlaced in hair
pulled like a cord of a lawn mower
it fired her up. Shredding clothes
weed-eater style, humming
as silent as a yard blower.
Fingers raked along the back
as a piercing spade repeatedly
entered soft soil that trim the bush.
Hard wood hoe handle grasp
on the rubber water hose
as a rainbow of passionate colors
spew from the sprinkler's head
showering panty's wet
that lay like pansies in the garden
My Erotic Trail said:
Fingers firmly interlaced in hair
pulled like a cord of a lawn mower
it fired her up. Shredding clothes
weed-eater style, humming
as silent as a yard blower.
Fingers raked along the back
as a piercing spade repeatedly
entered soft soil that trim the bush.
Hard wood hoe handle grasp
on the rubber water hose
as a rainbow of passionate colors
spew from the sprinkler's head
showering panty's wet
that lay like pansies in the garden

You my friend, can take those magic fingers of yours
and massage my lawn ... anytime~


I like it. Seems a bit forced, but then we are talking of mowing, weed-eating and such. One would have to use a lil force to get through the forest eh ~

:rose: <~~ don't touch the flowers. They, are alllll mine~ :p
RhymeFairy said:
You my friend, can take those magic fingers of yours
and massage my lawn ... anytime~


I like it. Seems a bit forced, but then we are talking of mowing, weed-eating and such. One would have to use a lil force to get through the forest eh ~

:rose: <~~ don't touch the flowers. They, are alllll mine~ :p

grinin' a work in progress...working on it... is that like humping out the words while in the bush :D
My Erotic Trail said:
elusive as a fairy with a ryhme~

OK my friend. You have tempted this fairy outta tha bush. :catroar:

New word? ....


Syllables: e-lu-sive

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation ih lu sihv

Definition 1. hard to perceive, understand, or remember.
Example an elusive concept.

Crossref. Syn. fugitive , complex
Definition 2. hard to define or express.
Example He has an elusive appeal for voters.
Crossref. Syn. subtle , mysterious

Definition 3. hard to find or catch.
Example an elusive prey.
Crossref. Syn. fugitive

Related Words impenetrable , fine , shifty , imperceptible

Derived Forms elusively, adv. ; elusiveness, n.

whatcha gonna do with me now? ;)

:p :nana:
RhymeFairy said:
OK my friend. You have tempted this fairy outta tha bush. :catroar:

New word? ....


That reminds me of a song I haven't heard for years...

Butterfly of Love
by Bob Lind

You might wake up some morning
To the sound of something moving past your window in the wind
And if you're quick enough to rise
You'll catch the fleeting glimpse of someone's fading shadow
Out on the new horizon
You may see the floating motion of a distant pair of wings
And if the sleep has left your ears
You might hear footsteps running through an open meadow

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

You might have heard my footsteps
Echo softly in the distance through the canyons of your mind
I might have even called your name
As I ran searching after something to believe in
You might have seen me runnin'
Through the long abandonned ruins of the dreams you left behind
If you remember something there
That glided past you followed close by heavy breathing

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love
Last edited:

tungtied2u said:
That reminds me of a song I haven't heard for years...

Butterfly of Love
by Bob Lind

You might wake up some morning
To the sound of something moving past your window in the wind
And if you're quick enough to rise
You'll catch the fleeting glimpse of someone's fading shadow
Out on the new horizon
You may see the floating motion of a distant pair of wings
And if the sleep has left your ears
You might hear footsteps running through an open meadow

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

You might have heard my footsteps
Echo softly in the distance through the canyons of your mind
I might have even called your name
As I ran searching after something to believe in
You might have seen me runnin'
Through the long abandonned ruins of the dreams you left behind
If you remember something there
That glided past you followed close by heavy breathing

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

It is that isn't it?
tungtied2u said:
That reminds me of a song I haven't heard for years...

Butterfly of Love
by Bob Lind

You might wake up some morning
To the sound of something moving past your window in the wind
And if you're quick enough to rise
You'll catch the fleeting glimpse of someone's fading shadow
Out on the new horizon
You may see the floating motion of a distant pair of wings
And if the sleep has left your ears
You might hear footsteps running through an open meadow

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

You might have heard my footsteps
Echo softly in the distance through the canyons of your mind
I might have even called your name
As I ran searching after something to believe in
You might have seen me runnin'
Through the long abandonned ruins of the dreams you left behind
If you remember something there
That glided past you followed close by heavy breathing

Don't be concerned, it will not harm you
It's only me pursuing something I'm not sure of
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love

Across my dreams, with nets of wonder
I chase the bright elusive butterfly of love
Across my dreams, with nets of wonder

beautiful ~

Now I hav'ta come up with one eh ~ :D

I will sometime today. Right now, gotta get this day started.
Then I can come back and write. WooHooo

Tracking Wolves

Following tracks left behind
by melting snow, we trekked
across the fading horizon.
Wandering through mazes

of pines thin as pencils, we
found one of your caves;
expecting your shadow to be
painted on its walls. But you

weren't there. There were no
clues in the nest of leaves and
bones you left behind. The melting
sunlight lured us to the mountains,

but all we found were your bones.
Looking at the sky, we saw you
lighting the stars; your howl devouring
our minds as we stood there, breathless
Last edited by a moderator:
elusive - hip shoot

Their wishes were not so elusive

They pass beyond our fingertips, dead
moving on to a new dawn leaving
vivid memories. We remember

the times they played on the stage
a parody of love shared, erotic
sensual displays where limbs tangled

and laughter drove day dreams.
We remember how clear tears
traced mascara trails on cheeks

when they knew there was an end,(change 'an end' to 'a last act')
and we remember how they held
us tight, ignored our chewed nails

and tried to steal our pain.

(not sure if this poem fits the bill, but it's what came to mind. :rose: )
Last edited:
Thanks Chris ... Sweets ~ :rose:

I loved them both. From the soul, a beautiful diet of words spoken, tantalizing the taste buds ... for more. I think you both * shoot from the hip. AND I am loving the shots made ~

:rose: :rose:
It fits...

wildsweetone said:
Their wishes were not so elusive

They pass beyond our fingertips, dead
moving on to a new dawn leaving
vivid memories. We remember

the times they played on the stage
a parody of love shared, erotic
sensual displays where limbs tangled

and laughter drove day dreams.
We remember how clear tears
traced mascara trails on cheeks

when they knew there was an end,
and we remember how they held
us tight, ignored our chewed nails

and tried to steal our pain.

(not sure if this poem fits the bill, but it's what came to mind. :rose: )

Nicely put Sweet. :rose:
New word ...


Follow ~

Syllables: fol-low
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Phrases: follow in someone's footsteps , follow up

Part of Speech transitive verb
Pronunciation fa lo
Inflected Forms followed, following, follows
Definition 1. to come or go after or behind.
Example He followed me down the street.
Crossref. Syn. succeed
Similar Words trail , tail

Definition 2. to move behind in order to catch; pursue.
Example The police followed the suspect for days.
Synonyms pursue , chase
Crossref. Syn. course
Similar Words hunt down {hunt} , shadow , track , dog , trail ,
tail , run down {run (PHR)} , hound , stalk

Definition 3. to move forward on or along.
Example Follow this road until you reach the city.
Similar Words take

Definition 4. to take place after.
Example A reception will follow the wedding.
Similar Words succeed

Definition 5. to comprehend or understand.
Example Do you follow my logic?
Synonyms comprehend , grasp , understand , get , catch

Definition 6. to copy or conform to.
Example Follow my example.
Synonyms observe , copy
Crossref. Syn. emulate
Similar Words imitate , comply with {comply} , mirror , heed ,
emulate , conform to {conform (vi)} , adopt

Definition 7. to pay attention to regularly.
Example He follows the news.
Synonyms watch
Crossref. Syn. keep track of
Similar Words pursue , observe , attend to {attend (vi)}

Definition 8. to take as an authority, guide, or leader.
Crossref. Syn. take
Similar Words submit to {submit (vi)} , defer to {defer} ,
abide by {abide (PHR)} , advocate , obey , adhere to
{adhere (vi)}

Related Words know , round , lag , come , chase , trace ,
execute , pattern , respect , accompany , suit , echo , mind

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to occur in sequential order after something else.
Example soon the night will follow.
Synonyms ensue
Crossref. Syn. succeed
Similar Words supervene , succeed

Definition 2. to happen as the consequence of something else.
Example It follows from his theory that all writers are lazy.
Synonyms ensue
Similar Words proceed , arise , result

Definition 3. to proceed after someone else.
Example You go ahead, and I will follow.
Similar Words trail , tail , tag along {tag}

Definition 4. to act at the direction of a leader.
Crossref. Syn. adhere
Similar Words submit , obey

Related Words stem , know , hold , tag

Phrase follow in someone's footsteps

Phrase follow up

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or instance of following.
Similar Words pursuit , succession , chase

Can ya ... do it? ;)

Happy Writing ~ :catroar:
Thank you Ms Fairy and Mr Feathers, I wasn't sure if it worked, but I think it does. It needs a bit of tweaking, don't they all? ;) Hope all is well with you both. :)

I'll read through 'follow' and see what happens.

RhymeFairy said:
my blog ~ :eek:

The time has come. Decisions to be made, but it's too heavy. This I should not make alone. Yet, that is all I can do. It all started with the dropping of a phone. Just one lil accident, avalanched into ... decisions.

Reaching out or in is a must. Inside the stress has built again. Blood pressure is outta the roof. Work was such a trial today because I could not breath right. I swear I thought I was having some kinda attack or something. It cannot be anxiety, for I am on those meds too. :rolleyes:

I am writing this here because I will probably be leaving Lit again. Here, I am cocooned inside my world of words. Friends bounce around and play, such fun. I learn, and feel as if I have grown quiet a bit in my writing, yet as of this moment I feel again as if I have hit the end of the yellow brick road only to be told it was paved with poo the whole time. I have my rose colored glasses on the whole time and I have not seen clearly for so long now.

I know this is prob. a maze of words for ya'll but it makes sense if you know this. I have a lot of chaos in my life, never know if I am coming or going, lol. Seen that did ya ... ;) I am currently looking for another place to live, working a full time job, and juggling three kids schedules. Been in and outta court so many times, they know me by my car ... make model and tag number, lol. This was due to a really bad divorce that had been in the process for over two years, so now ... it's final and I can move on with my life.

We live in a two bedroom apartment, quiet simply it is not big enough. My preteen daughter sleeps with me, because well two rooms, ya heard that already right ... Anywho, since she gets to sleep with mommy then my two boys wanna sleep with me too. This is a disaster. I never get enough sleep, and they all sleep practically on top of me. Usually one on my hip, shoulder and knees ... no I am not joking ... So this - is my first problem.

Secondly, I jumped in a pool to fish my son out, I had my cell phone on my hip.It is not working, and I do not think it will ever again ~ Needless to say I am not a happy camper about that. Not sons fault, just really really bad timing. So I am gonna cancel my cell phone. No sense in buying a new one. I never talk to anyone much anymore anyway ...

Lastly, if I am gonna save up for a new place I need to cut some bills. No worries, I am not hard up or anything, just need to save ... I am sure ya'll can understand that. :) So in a sense cutting the cell, and the online will help me ... right. I am so indecisive .. uggg

I feel I wanna write, need to write, but it just aint happenin'. So maybe this break will be good for all involved. I know this is really too much info to be puttin out here on Lit, but I feel I owe it to you all my friends to explain why I may not be back around for a while. Maybe after I find us a place, I will get the *hook-up again. ;)

Love ya'll

and always always ... Happy Writing. Do it, it is so important and such a wonderful way to express our daily lives. If your like me, you cannot help but do it ~

:rose: :rose:

(my finger just does not wanna push submit ... :( )

update ~~~

I am staying !!!

I had a great friend send me a phone, and I just cannot give up Lit.
Also, the stress and not breathing due to ... I forgot to take my b/p meds
for ... a while. So now taking, on the road to recovery and workin'
harder ~ ;)

... SUPER BIG Thanks goin out to ALL my friends
for the emails and support ~

Nighty Night ~

RhymeFairy said:
update ~~~

I am staying !!!

I had a great friend send me a phone, and I just cannot give up Lit.
Also, the stress and not breathing due to ... I forgot to take my b/p meds for ... a while. So now taking, on the road to recovery and workin'
harder ~ ;)

... SUPER BIG Thanks goin out to ALL my friends
for the emails and support ~


I'm glad you're doing better!

RhymeFairy said:
update ~~~

I am staying !!!

I had a great friend send me a phone, and I just cannot give up Lit.
Also, the stress and not breathing due to ... I forgot to take my b/p meds
for ... a while. So now taking, on the road to recovery and workin'
harder ~ ;)

... SUPER BIG Thanks goin out to ALL my friends
for the emails and support ~

Nighty Night ~



Turning around, spinning, jumping up and down, BOUNCING...
doing a lil happy dance <grin
Nice to hear RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:
update ~~~

I am staying !!!

I had a great friend send me a phone, and I just cannot give up Lit.
Also, the stress and not breathing due to ... I forgot to take my b/p meds
for ... a while. So now taking, on the road to recovery and workin'
harder ~ ;)

... SUPER BIG Thanks goin out to ALL my friends
for the emails and support ~

Nighty Night ~


Nice to have friends that actually are...
Pink ~

Syllables: pink
Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation pIngk

Definition 1. a pale reddish color; the color that results when white
and red paint are mixed.
Crossref. Syn. blush

Definition 2. any of a group of related plants that bear fragrant
flowers; carnation.

Definition 3. the highest degree.
Example the pink of health.

Related Words prime

Part of Speech adjective

Inflected Forms pinker, pinkest

Definition 1. of or pertaining to the color pink.

Definition 2. (derogatory slang) leaning toward leftist or communist

Derived Forms pinkish, adj. ; pinkness, n.

~~~~~~~~~ 10 Qoutoes for inspiration ~~~


What is pink? A rose is pink
By the fountain's brink.
[Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894), British poet. What Is Pink? (Sing-Song) (l. 1-2). . . The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti. Vol. 2. R. W. Crump, ed. (1986) Louisiana State University É Press.]


I am the very pink of courtesy.
[William Shakespeare (1564-1616), British dramatist, poet. Mercutio, in Romeo and Juliet, act 2, sc. 4, l. 57. "Pink" means embodiment or perfection.]


Caesar's double-bed is warm
As an unimportant clerk
Writes i do not like my work
On a pink official form.
[W.H. (Wystan Hugh) Auden (1907-1973), Anglo-American poet, essayist. The Fall of Rome (l. 17-20). . . Juvenilia; Poems, 1922-1928 [W. H. Auden]. Katherine Bucknell, ed. (1994) Princeton University Press.]


Among the pink and blue
Of the sky and the almond flowers
A sparrow flutters.
MWe have come through.
[D.H. (David Herbert) Lawrence (1885-1930), British poet. Spring Morning (l. 5-8). . . The Complete Poems [D. H. Lawrence]. Vivian de Sola Pinto and Warren Roberts, eds. (1993) Penguin Books.]


Once they came on a maple in a glade,
Standing alone with smooth arms lifted up,
And every leaf of foliage she'd worn
Laid scarlet and pale pink about her feet.
[Robert Frost (1874-1963), U.S. poet. "Maple."]

Read more quotations about / on: pink, alone
More quotations from: Robert Frost


of the satanic thistle that raises its horned symmetry
flowering above sister grass-daisies' pink tiny
bloomlets angelic as lightbulbs—
[Allen Ginsberg (b. 1926), U.S. poet. Wales Visitation (l. 14-16). . . Allen Ginsberg: Collected Poems 1947-1980 (1984) Harper and Row.]


Am a pure acetylene
Attended by roses,
By kisses, by cherubim,
By whatever these pink things mean.
[Sylvia Plath (1932-1963), U.S. poet. Fever 103 (l. 45-50). . . The Collected Poems [Sylvia Plath]. Ted Hughes, ed. (1981) HarperCollins.]


All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen:
A far sea moves in my ear.
[Sylvia Plath (1932-1963), U.S. poet. Morning Song (l. 10-12). . . The Collected Poems [Sylvia Plath]. Ted Hughes, ed. (1981) HarperCollins.]


In the pink light
the small red sun goes rolling, rolling,
round and round and round at the same height
in perpetual sunset,
[Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), U.S. poet. Large Bad Picture (l. 25-28). . . The Complete Poems, 1927-1979 [Elizabeth Bishop]. (1983) Farrar, Straus and Giroux.]


And I threw a little earth
on the pink coffin
covered by the fake plastic grass
and said O.K., God,
if it's the end of the world,
it must be necessary.
[Anne Sexton (1928-1974), U.S. poet. "The Sea Corpse."]

~~~~ and 1 Song ++ Yummy ;) ~~~~~~~~~~

Pink - Nine Lives

Pink - it's my new obsession
Pink - it's not even a question,
Pink - on the lips of your lover
'Cause Pink is the love you discover

Pink - as the bing on your cherry
Pink - 'cause you are so very
Pink - it's the color of passion
Ah, 'cause today it just goes with the fashion

Pink - it was love at first sight
Yeah, Pink - when I turn out the light
And Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight

You could be my flamingo
'Cause pink - it's the new kinda of lingo
Pink - like a deco umbrella
It's kink that you don't ever tell her

Pink - it was love at first sight
And Pink when I turn out the light
Pink gets me high as a kite
And I think everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight


I want to be your lover
I, I wanna wrap you in rubber
And it's pink as the sheets that we lay on
'Cause Pink - it's my favorite crayon


Pink - it was love at first sight
Pink - when I turn out the light
Pink - it's like red but not quite
And I think, everything is going to be all right
No matter what we do tonight


Love love love this word.
Don'y you ...

Happy Writing. I shall see if I am over this writers block yet,
if not continue on and maybe I will bounce ya ~
