Free Thoughts~on One word...

she is irreplaceable
to him, shades of pink
alive and pulsing
wet and pouting
soft and inviting

one color traceable
to him, many memories
entwined together
kissing and coupling
sweating and smiling
At the moment...

I'm more partial to the color black


It is the dark of night
No longer my friend
But a silence that haunts me
Unseen ghosts of memories past

I lay anxious for the sunlight
When at least my shadow
Shall accompany me
Stand by my side, my only friend

I wish I had
The language of dogs, cats
But the only words I hear
Or those within my own mind

Even then I cannot trust
Words spoken, shared with myself
Images, anger, regret
Waiting now for days to pass

Waiting for wounds yet unhealed
Wanting more than anything
To change the past
Wishing it had never happened

Regrets of leaving
Those I still care about
But too lonely to stay
Too quiet the days and nights

Numbered are the days
I can begin to smile now
Looking forward to those once lost
No longer lonely, finally.
Many Feathers said:
I'm more partial to the color black


It is the dark of night
No longer my friend
But a silence that haunts me
Unseen ghosts of memories past

I lay anxious for the sunlight
When at least my shadow
Shall accompany me
Stand by my side, my only friend

I wish I had
The language of dogs, cats
But the only words I hear
Or those within my own mind

Even then I cannot trust
Words spoken, shared with myself
Images, anger, regret
Waiting now for days to pass

Waiting for wounds yet unhealed
Wanting more than anything
To change the past
Wishing it had never happened

Regrets of leaving
Those I still care about
But too lonely to stay
Too quiet the days and nights

Numbered are the days
I can begin to smile now
Looking forward to those once lost
No longer lonely, finally.

reminds me of the 'two wolves' / within ...tale
nice poem!
overcast skies
feeling their sorrow. I see
rings of blackness, feel them
descending, casting out
inky pools of smudge
coating the landscape
and I know this is just
their way.

let the rain fall
thunder roar
cleanse the earth of its murky
depression. their pain
like ours
leaves impressions
falling into puddled
lonesome hearts.
RhymeFairy said:
overcast skies
feeling their sorrow. I see
rings of blackness, feel them
descending, casting out
inky pools of smudge
coating the landscape
and I know this is just
their way.

let the rain fall
thunder roar
cleanse the earth of its murky
depression. their pain
like ours
leaves impressions
falling into puddled
lonesome hearts.

shower me with your words <grin
What the hell...

Going up? I asked when she entered.
How I wanted her so much.
She smiled… her lips were glowing,
Soft as velvet to the touch.

In my arms I held her,
And stroked her softly there.
Caressed her breasts through silken blouse,
And hands twisted in her hair.

Parted then the buttons,
Breasts as pink as dreams.
Thighs together pressing,
Pleasured passion… nearly screams.

Thrusting now inside her,
Pearly liquid…heated place.
Kisses oh so tender,
Covering her face.

Yes I am she answered quickly.
And then turned to face the door.
In seconds I have known you.
And we’ve not gone a single floor.
Many Feathers said:
Going up? I asked when she entered.
How I wanted her so much.
She smiled… her lips were glowing,
Soft as velvet to the touch.

In my arms I held her,
And stroked her softly there.
Caressed her breasts through silken blouse,
And hands twisted in her hair.

Parted then the buttons,
Breasts as pink as dreams.
Thighs together pressing,
Pleasured passion… nearly screams.

Thrusting now inside her,
Pearly liquid…heated place.
Kisses oh so tender,
Covering her face.

Yes I am she answered quickly.
And then turned to face the door.
In seconds I have known you.
And we’ve not gone a single floor.

Ssounds like lightening hit that elevator ...

*fans self. umm where can I find that specific one? ;)

Hot poem you have there my friend ... any one else wanna jump in?

:D :p
my soul is in sad shape.
malnourished for a while now
desperately seeking solace.

dreams yearned for turned reality
now time sits on my door step
urging me on. do it, work it
shape it.

only someone forgot this ceaseless
mind that keeps jerking bootstraps
up, tying me in knots.
Along those lines...

There are spells that torment
the heart, soul and mind
Love is one of them.

Wishing doesn't help
Incense, Incantations, praying
Hating, anger and memories

All tools

None of those work either

Make the ghosts go away
Hire the witch doctor, the Shaman
smoke tobaco, spill blood

Whatever it takes
Kill love, vaporize it

Vaporize me

I'm ready
hip shoot - pink

Definition 2. any of a group of related plants that bear fragrant
flowers; carnation.

Imagining Sunday's Tree Planting

They're bunched together
a group of people dressed
in jeans and carrying shovels
ready to tree plant the dunes.

Soon they'll scatter
like petals falling off pinks
blown across the ground
and settle

in to work, to plant the trees
to stabilise the sand
and shelter the fantails
from the sweeping southerly.
Well damn...

Thought I'd post this so you don't wonder, but finances are such that I'm in a real pickle here. Unfortunately, am having to take some really drastic measures at the moment, one of which is selling my PC. So am going to be off-line for a while. Not sure how long, hopefully I will find something cheap at a yard-sale or something so I can at least get back on-line again.

I have a ton of stories when they post I hope you'll read them and remember Many Feathers.

Take care all...and I guess I'll be back whenever thats possible to do so.

I remain,
Many Feathers said:
Thought I'd post this so you don't wonder, but finances are such that I'm in a real pickle here. Unfortunately, am having to take some really drastic measures at the moment, one of which is selling my PC. So am going to be off-line for a while. Not sure how long, hopefully I will find something cheap at a yard-sale or something so I can at least get back on-line again.

I have a ton of stories when they post I hope you'll read them and remember Many Feathers.

Take care all...and I guess I'll be back whenever thats possible to do so.

I remain,

Sell your PC, is there no other way? :eek:

I am soooo sorry. I am gonna be depressed over this for weeks !!! I understand, I had been going through the same thing, well almost. I just wanted a bigger place. ( got greedy, eh ~ :eek: )

I shall miss you my friend. :(
AND will look for your return, every day !! :D

:rose: :rose:
pet turned phantom in the night.
rippling, mimicking images turned
me inside out. shadow casting out
compressed dreams, into another
time ... another place
words that come
as he comes. strong jet
fueled loins springing forth
guttural shouts
awaking the cold hearted dead
in me. just one more thing
one more thick honeyed
slice of him. spread out before
me. bare skinned on the bear
skin. a soft then ... hard
slow ride to bring the lion out
from his den of
inequity. inexcusable
lust burns inside
only to be relinquished with his
release inside me
on me
all over
me ...

Many Feathers said:
Thought I'd post this so you don't wonder, but finances are such that I'm in a real pickle here. Unfortunately, am having to take some really drastic measures at the moment, one of which is selling my PC. So am going to be off-line for a while. Not sure how long, hopefully I will find something cheap at a yard-sale or something so I can at least get back on-line again.

I have a ton of stories when they post I hope you'll read them and remember Many Feathers.

Take care all...and I guess I'll be back whenever thats possible to do so.

I remain,

Well wow, that is drastic! Can't you sell your bed instead and sleep on the floor for a month? ;)

Take care honey, look after yourself and check in when you can. :rose:

Keep writing! I hear pen and paper are still being used when all else fails. ;)

Many Feathers said:
Thought I'd post this so you don't wonder, but finances are such that I'm in a real pickle here. Unfortunately, am having to take some really drastic measures at the moment, one of which is selling my PC. So am going to be off-line for a while. Not sure how long, hopefully I will find something cheap at a yard-sale or something so I can at least get back on-line again.

I have a ton of stories when they post I hope you'll read them and remember Many Feathers.

Take care all...and I guess I'll be back whenever thats possible to do so.

I remain,

I look forward to reading your stories when they surface and look forward to your return. Hopefully you'll come back with a stack of poems and stories to submit <grin
:rose: ManyFeathers

New word ???


Syllables: or-gy

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation or ji

Inflected Forms orgies

Definition 1. unrestrained eating, drinking, or sexual activity.

Definition 2. a gathering held for such a purpose.

Crossref. Syn. gorge

Definition 3. an unrestrained indulgence in anything.
Example an orgy of destruction.

Related Words fling , carouse , gorge , blast , binge

Need inspiration ... come'n get it ~!!! ;)

RhymeFairy said:
:rose: ManyFeathers

New word ???


Syllables: or-gy

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation or ji

Inflected Forms orgies

Definition 1. unrestrained eating, drinking, or sexual activity.

Definition 2. a gathering held for such a purpose.

Crossref. Syn. gorge

Definition 3. an unrestrained indulgence in anything.
Example an orgy of destruction.

Related Words fling , carouse , gorge , blast , binge

Need inspiration ... come'n get it ~!!! ;)


a new word...

or... gee! (~_~)
strange hands dusted my booty
today. he, a charming fellow
I work with. a smoke break with
all around. time was up
clock was calling to us
he ... this strange fella who has
followed me around, whispering
spanish flirts in my ear
dusted me off, smacked my booty
and says ~ muy bonita senorita ...

:eek: ;)
Good Morn ...

On the general board there is a * What Feeds Your Soul* thread. I go there every now and again to see what others have written and also it tends to inspire me. Kinda makes one dig a lil deeper ~


soul ...

Those quiet moments in life.
When a pin drop can be heard
and time stands still. Motion
of the wind carries my soul
over the mountains
through green willowing woods to
the meadows of play. When all
is at peace and time ... stands still.

RhymeFairy said:
Good Morn ...

On the general board there is a * What Feeds Your Soul* thread. I go there every now and again to see what others have written and also it tends to inspire me. Kinda makes one dig a lil deeper ~


soul ...

Those quiet moments in life.
When a pin drop can be heard
and time stands still. Motion
of the wind carries my soul
over the mountains
through green willowing woods to
the meadows of play. When all
is at peace and time ... stands still.


I Hunt, I Search, I Quest
by My Erotic Tail ©

I Hunt for the things to sustain me.
I Search for the things that'll please me.
I am on a Quest for Enlightenment.

I Hunt for the things that'll nourish me.
I Search for a love to appease me.
I am on a Quest for Truth.

I Hunt for the things that'll warm me.
I Search for a soul to share with me.
I am on a Quest for Life.

I Hunt for the things that'll shelter me.
I Search for a way to smile
I am on a Quest for Honesty.

I Hunt for a way to survive.
I Search for a way to stay alive.
I am on a Quest for Peace.

I Hunt for the things that'll feed me.
I Search for the things that'll clothe me.
I am on a Quest to fill My Soul

I Hunt for the things that'll quinch my thirst.
I Search for things that'll comfort me.
I am on a Quest for Love.

I Hunt for the things that'll soothe me.
I Search for the things that'll ease me.
I am on a Quest for Hope

I Hunt for the things that I need.
I Search for the things I want.
I am on a Quest for Tranquility

I Hunt for the things that'll fill me.
I Search for the things that'll relieve me.
I am on a Quest for Harmony.

I Hunt for the things that'll refresh me.
I Search for a way to loose my blues.
I am on a Quest for Honor.

I Hunt...
I Search...
I Quest...
Carrie Underwood sings a great song ... :rose:

Artist/Band: Underwood Carrie
Lyrics for Song: Inside Your Heaven
Lyrics for Album: Some Hearts

I've been down
Now I'm blessed
I felt a revelation coming around
I guess its right, it's so amazing
Everytime I see you I'm alive
You're all I've got
You lift me up
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes

I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
I wanna be earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven

When we touch, when we love
The stars light up
The wrong becomes undone
Naturally, my soul surrenders
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes

And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
And I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathing in
A soothing wind
I wanna be inside your heaven

When minutes turn to days and years
When mountains fall, I'll still be here
Holdin you until the day I die
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way

I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
I wanna be earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
Oh yes I do
I wanna be inside your heaven


I love the imagery of the words Inside Your Heaven

new word/words my friends

Inside Your Heaven

Wanna write, jump on in here ... :nana:
My muse is a bit sizzled
around the edges from short circuiting,
but I so enjoy a good write ...

:kiss: :D :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:
Carrie Underwood sings a great song ... :rose:

Artist/Band: Underwood Carrie
Lyrics for Song: Inside Your Heaven
Lyrics for Album: Some Hearts

I've been down
Now I'm blessed
I felt a revelation coming around
I guess its right, it's so amazing
Everytime I see you I'm alive
You're all I've got
You lift me up
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes

I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
I wanna be earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven

When we touch, when we love
The stars light up
The wrong becomes undone
Naturally, my soul surrenders
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes

And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
And I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathing in
A soothing wind
I wanna be inside your heaven

When minutes turn to days and years
When mountains fall, I'll still be here
Holdin you until the day I die
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way

I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
I wanna be earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
Oh yes I do
I wanna be inside your heaven


I love the imagery of the words Inside Your Heaven

new word/words my friends

Inside Your Heaven

Wanna write, jump on in here ... :nana:
My muse is a bit sizzled
around the edges from short circuiting,
but I so enjoy a good write ...

:kiss: :D :catroar:

I enjoy 'coming'
inside your heaven
a thread of passion
binds us together
My Erotic Trail said:
bouncing balls <grin

you don't know bounce my friend ... :devil: ;)

For when I bounce with the lights
down low
flames spear through as two
bodies go, at it all night
days too
'tis no matter. I bounce
tight thighs
pinching as twin pin
balls prefilled
shoot faster than bullets
blasting, while frolicking. A firm
toe hold I have on you.
Now bounce with me
I dare ya ...
