Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:
you don't know bounce my friend ... :devil: ;)

For when I bounce with the lights
down low
flames spear through as two
bodies go, at it all night
days too
'tis no matter. I bounce
tight thighs
pinching as twin pin
balls prefilled
shoot faster than bullets
blasting, while frolicking. A firm
toe hold I have on you.
Now bounce with me
I dare ya ...


how about bouncing with Paul Simon...

There is a girl in New York City
Who calls herself the human trampoline
And sometimes when I'm falling, flying
Or tumbling in turmoil I say
Woah, so this is what she means
She means we're bouncing into Graceland

bouncing a muse
like a super-ball
higher and higher
each touch to the ground
till it never falls again
perhaps an oval rubber
flying through space
It'll bounce no more
I could drink away
your memory. swallow
my pride and admit

tremble from the empty
ache still left
inside as stomach convulsions
swindle and wrap
tighten every muscle all
the way down.

weak knees will have me
kneeling in prayer, for one
grain of you still remains.
one piece
of you imbedded deep
still beats ...
catch me in the dark, cuddle close
for nightly demons posses
me, drag me down a dark alley
to nip, tongue trails
slow song sung
down with a mumbling
blown air, soft and secluded.
whisper to me
all is well, while holding
me close. long wet
kisses drown out memories. night
visions try
pulling, grabbing ankles to chain
me in. burn
inside my dark
passage of slumbering
cationic muscles. pulsing outside
in. put fire to this body
of want. ignite
flames that have slowly embered
down. show me
help me
feel again ...
Had to comment...

RhymeFairy said:
I could drink away
your memory. swallow
my pride and admit

tremble from the empty
ache still left
inside as stomach convulsions
swindle and wrap
tighten every muscle all
the way down.

weak knees will have me
kneeling in prayer, for one
grain of you still remains.
one piece
of you imbedded deep
still beats ...

Once again I am so in tune to your words.

But in my case, that single remaining grain will soon be gone.
I hope RF...that in time, yours will be as well.
Many Feathers said:
Once again I am so in tune to your words.

But in my case, that single remaining grain will soon be gone.
I hope RF...that in time, yours will be as well.

Oh how I missed you my friend.
I had thought you were gone. Sooooo glad to see you.
So many have been leaving and it is getting slower here by the day. I roam around and no words come. I am the kinda writer that has to be inspired or it is no good. Maybe most are that way eh ~

I think it was George that said to me once

... is it important? Does it have to be said? If not, then it is no good ....

good advice eh ~

So fill us in if you please. Are you around to stay? Hoping so ~!!

Thank you for the commentary. Just one of those that wrote itself. I think I kinda lost it in the last stanza, but then again that may be the strongest stanza ... ya never know till ya walk away and look back. BUT then again, I have oft been told ... never look back ~

:rose: :rose:
waxing southern comfort
comes as easily as hypnotically
swaying in weeping willow arms
like a baby. hush
a-bye. words dropping
down to calm the climatic soul.
comforting whispers place a downy
blanket upon that same soul. careful
as not to disturb the wounded chambers
within your sleeping heart. hush
a-bye, sweet baby boy
a-bye. I am here always holding
sharing my sheet of grass beneath
the mosaic moons of ever after.
shhh. hush
hush a-bye ...


liquefied lightening . mapped
out every spot
ever touched
breathed upon
hot greedy mouth suckles
like a piglet let
outta the shoot. engorged
within muck and mayhem
is this feeling
this liquor
I have tasted every day
night. you
your touch has consumed
and made this woman into a muse
who like a vampire out for a blood
begs, pleads
for more ...
sorry to ask this...

Is there a word that is offered to the group and then they work from that -or- do you pick your own word and run with it?

many thanks and sorry for the interruption.

RhymeFairy said:
Oh how I missed you my friend.
I had thought you were gone. Sooooo glad to see you.
So many have been leaving and it is getting slower here by the day. I roam around and no words come. I am the kinda writer that has to be inspired or it is no good. Maybe most are that way eh ~

I think it was George that said to me once

... is it important? Does it have to be said? If not, then it is no good ....

good advice eh ~

So fill us in if you please. Are you around to stay? Hoping so ~!!

Thank you for the commentary. Just one of those that wrote itself. I think I kinda lost it in the last stanza, but then again that may be the strongest stanza ... ya never know till ya walk away and look back. BUT then again, I have oft been told ... never look back ~

:rose: :rose:

Not really back, don;t get on much any more. Have a lot I am going through and dealing with. Am making some important preparations, and its been taking up most of my time. Having to sell a few things, one of which is this PC. Should get the money for it next week, then after that, I will be gone...and hate to say it, but all things considered, I probably won't be back this time. But I wanted you to know, I do think about your doing, and as I've said before, so often the words and feelings you speak of, are my own.

I thank you for that, because there IS someone who does understand.

Take care my dear sweet friend...take care.

And thank you
HotKittySpank said:
sorry to ask this...

Is there a word that is offered to the group and then they work from that -or- do you pick your own word and run with it?

many thanks and sorry for the interruption.

Hi ya Hot Kitty ~ :rose:

Generally we bounce here. Sometimes I or others post a word ... a lotta times we read and go with whatever comes to mind. No worries either way.
I started this thread as free thoughts ... so go for it my friend.

AND if you have a word ... phrase you wanna toss out be my guest.

Welcome and have fun.
Really glad to see you and ...

Happy Writing ~

What is it in us that makes us want ... more. I have written quiet a bit about more as of late. I always want more. Sometimes those around us cannot live up to our high standards and we feel as if we ourselves have fallen. I personally always aim too high. I know this. It is built inside me and it aint coming down anytime soon. So tell me friends ... why do we always want more when life has gives us so much. Why do we always strive for the best in life?

I know, I am a greedy piglet that wants it all my way
and I won't give in till I have it all. You feel the same?

As an afterthought.

I do know there are a lotta peeps here who are happily married and satisfied with everything they have in life, but me ... I want the moon and I want it served on a silver platter with a man who says ... how may I serve you. For those of you whom already have this in a partner, I envy you more than I could ever say ...

Too much to drink or does it make some sorta sense?

Oooohhh ~ I do not mind working for it all,
just would enjoy having a partner who feels the same as myself.

~~~~ bounce it, think on it ...
just glad to have gotten that off'a my chest ~

:rose: :rose:
he used to touch me
with the most gentle
touch ever known
to man. now
he roams life and sets
his sights for fresher

I could tell you
of stolen moments in time
mountains that have tasted
snow, felt the cold inside out
while fishing in deep water
ponds with bait as big
as his prick.

Oh what a deep story that is, one
which cast spells and lures in
the blind.

My heart has been broken
forsaken, as pieces drop and shatter
for he is
... was i guess I have to say now,
my one true love.

the man who spoke to my heart
with love, blinders off, no rose
could cover the spell
binding feeling
of such love that still, I melt
with a thought
of him.

yes, he touched me
deeper than any other
deeper than any sea could ever
of being. he is and shall remain
my one true love

my one ...
poems written last night all over Lit, lol


blue thoughts try and tie
me down
only I have red
in mind
a silk slip of nothing
sliding over nipples
staking claim to my hills
and valleys of wet moistness
melt, make milky cum come
betwixt two pink lips
that just beg to be kissed ...


i am wondering
if I am drunk enough now
to sleep, without his memory
interposing, swaying life
into seconds spent
together. so many thoughts come
and go. still gingerbread
houses catch my breath
as dreams of hot misty
dew sprinkles across my mind
reminding me of the water, so hot
hot as the two bodies splashing
and merging into one.


lip to lip
he taught me how
to drink, suckle from loves
never ending

clothes worn, torn
as two heated
bodies pressed.
tangled thoughts wanted
so much more. spending
a second spare feeling
to overdrive sunlight.

cum bathed lovers
greedy seconds
to section out
ties of shoes
zippers without brains
who knew not
what urgency really felt like
till now.

bodies carrouseled a merry go round
as they went spinning
outta control. while fingers
fidgeted, hairs rubbed
feeling the burn
tasting ever after.

lip to lip
bum to bum
no terrain was left
unwalked by feelings
of lust. love gobbled
every morsel and beseeched
besieged a partaking
of more ...


fresh meat, rushed to curb side.
service is not an option
as peak a boo negligee
sees and presses deep
feeling his burning cock, ironed smooth
hanging out
to meet after hours with feelings
reeling, as black speedo's drop
draping his ankles to showcase
silhouettes of hot melted
steel. take the burn
feel that rub
school girls dreams cry
out, sweet torture to see
smooth rum, rush as knees
give out, pray baby
pray for forgiveness
meek, wild, slutty coming
shown afterwords in the moonlight
another case
another religion went mad ...

he wants pink cuffs

bind him
to do my pleasing
of pleasure.

slow slanted
talk of sex. hot erotic
words of sexually persuasive
acts I shall perform
on his willing body.

I shall make him beg
with a feather
flick to his nips. his six pack
abs I shall suckle down
trace with

my tongue
straight into his black curls
to the garden
that grows his fiery
prick. a stick I ride
upon like a rodeo cowgirl
taking the red flag.

bump, grind take him
down. roll, tie and smack
his sweet lil tight ass
show him what a woman really
hungers for
and delights in

next time ... his turn
maybe ~


What is it in some
To make another cry?

Am I too sensitive?
I can't get them dry,
Feeling felled by her
perhaps she
spoke too quickly.

Should I protest,
Should I rest,
Should I?

It fell here among the thoughts
lost in some other spot
rolling away
it washed
and I lost,

it fell among the stains
there, so many pains
washing away
it lost
and I
HotKittySpank said:

It fell here among the thoughts
lost in some other spot
rolling away
it washed
and I lost,

it fell among the stains
there, so many pains
washing away
it lost
and I

I liked this one HotKitty ~ I can see some womanly form, lost in thought, hazed and morphing in and out of view. Excellent imagery if ya ask me ~!!

HotKittySpank said:

It fell here among the thoughts
lost in some other spot
rolling away
it washed
and I lost,

it fell among the stains
there, so many pains
washing away
it lost
and I

I agree with RF, the flow of the poem is captivating as is the point (~_~)
a dark, morbid day has made camp
outside my step. wanting nothing more
than to sell a piece of time.
silver passes over, palms out
as pale, unearthly fingers fidget to make
the drop. the dye was cast, catering
to needs of the damned. dare I
open the door, dooming this dormouse
to a fate of black gowns at tea time ...


love playing with words ... don't you ~

;) :rose:
craving ...

sleep. one word.

a night of endless
winks to carry me away to a new
plateau of dreaming. knights in shiny
armor, ice cream sundaes, pure
unadulterated sleep
of the innocent, I cannot be so bold
as to ask. But ... one night
one dream to have, hold till night closes in

Nighty night peeps, goin back to bed.
Hoping to get a bitta sleep.
Ever been so tired ya can't sleep?

RhymeFairy said:
a dark, morbid day has made camp
outside my step. wanting nothing more
than to sell a piece of time.
silver passes over, palms out
as pale, unearthly fingers fidget to make
the drop. the dye was cast, catering
to needs of the damned. dare I
open the door, dooming this dormouse
to a fate of black gowns at tea time ...


love playing with words ... don't you ~

;) :rose:

I like this one <grin (~_~)
My Erotic Trail said:
I like this one <grin (~_~)

Thank You my friend ~


Was one'a those dark dreary moods. Hit and run kinda thing. Hope
you are well. Sightings of you are few and far between ~

wanna sweat a lil?

I wanted to tuck him
between my thighs
and ride to that all natural

Scream for mercy only
never let up. Break down
shot gun shooter
as his bullets of passion
hit time after time.

Crawl to the brink
grinding all the way
as hips push
pulling back, over
up the wall and repeat.

Taste his mighty sword
to the hilt
as gag reflexes pass and full
throttle mutation flares again.

Have him, break him.
Take him, until one drops
and passes out from
utter release ...

:catroar: :devil:
love ... whatever

time went by
eyes looked and captured
another. years spent
in love
only true colors blinded me
painted a picture
of what life
would have been like ...


true colors pasted
glued to real life pictures
as words spoken, typed
presented the real

ask me no questions
brings forth a whole
new meaning ...