Free Thoughts~on One word...


RhymeFairy said:
Only you, have the cream
for this rash. Dollopped out
in spoonfuls to heal this broken mare,
to catch fire down below,
sink, swim baby ... come up for air.
The finish line is fast in coming,
no winners, only you and I
... galloping ~

~~~ I see your roll and raise ya a lil butter honey :p

Dollops of cream, tasty and sweet
placed here and there...all ready to eat.
Splashes of gooey...rivers of white,
bouncing and laughing...on the big bed all night.

Oh honey I see it...can you fantasize too?
The naughty, the wicked...what I'd do to you.
Unbridled the passion, uninhibted we'd play.
With stockings and garters and things that we'd say.

What a night into fantasy
can I imagine with you.
Such succulent, decandant
things we would do....

RhymeFairy said:
A lil note here .... :eek:

most here have no clue but once upon a time I was in dire need of inspiration and help on a poem. I searched my yahoo and ran across TT2U ... He told me, write a word and go with it. Whatever comes to mind. That's my advice.

I shall never forget that. His word suggestion that night over two yrs ago ...

glitter ... dazzle ~

Thank you TT2U for all you have inspired and taught me. Also, for still being a friend we can all count on


Truly high praises then for TT2U for giving RF this inspiration, and this fun naughty little ole thread. :D
My Erotic Trail said:
what's the word? <grinin' (~_*)

pulling yon flower from amidst brunette
goslings, pick'th the best of the litter
no need to heed the hexing goat, whose bite
is worse than his neh ....

~~ new word coming up ~~

I posted it on the wrong thread *blushes* ~


a quiet place to sit and visit
with myself.

It's not oft that I get the chance
to relax and count words like spices in a rack
awaiting the shaking, a lil sprinkle
to make a full blown gourmet meal
outta garlic and lemon ...

~~~~ Free thought it out my friends. My lil plant for today ~~~

RhymeFairy said:
words spoken, recalled. only this time
voice trembles, catch and torment
as heart strings play out the same tune
like so many times before.

your voice calls out to me, come.
I hesitate only, to feel a fool
for reasons beyond anything I can control
hold me hostage.

your smile, I see. In daydreams, it carries me through
trespassing on hidden desires to smile back,
follow my heart and catch that rainbow
at the suns end.

your love, is the eternal flame I hold out
for. I feel it, taste it, and know it, beyond anything
in this world.

uncertainty for the future, daily lives
and personal pastlife issues tie me down.
trying to teach a lesson that's coated in arsenic syrup.
freezing the heart, a doe in headlights fear
of what's to become of us.

so, I must pass
continue on in this life of drudgery
that taunts my heart with peak-a-boo glimpses
of what could be ...

all my love ...

A friend said I needed to "tweak" this poem ...


Words spoken
recalled. Only this time
voice trembles, catch and torment
as heart strings play out the same tune
like so many times before.

Your voice
calls out to me, come.
I hesitate only, to feel a fool
for reasons outside my control
hold me hostage.

Your smile
I see in daydreams. It carries me through
trespassing on hidden desires to smile back,
follow my heart and catch that rainbow
at the suns end.

Your love
is the eternal flame I hold out for.
I feel it, taste it, and know it
beyond anything in this world.

Uncertainty for the future
daily lives and personal pastlife issues
tie me down. Trying to teach a lesson
that's coated in arsenic syrup.
Freezing the heart, a doe in headlights fear
of what's to become of us.

I must pass
continue on in this life of drudgery
that taunts my heart with peak-a-boo glimpses
of what could be ...

All my love,

RhymeFairy said:

a quiet place to sit and visit
with myself.

It's not oft that I get the chance
to relax and count words like spices in a rack
awaiting the shaking, a lil sprinkle
to make a full blown gourmet meal
outta garlic and lemon ...

~~~~ Free thought it out my friends. My lil plant for today ~~~


I like this verse but I really like your AV (~_*)
Damn honey...

RhymeFairy said:
A friend said I needed to "tweak" this poem ...


Words spoken
recalled. Only this time
voice trembles, catch and torment
as heart strings play out the same tune
like so many times before.

Your voice
calls out to me, come.
I hesitate only, to feel a fool
for reasons outside my control
hold me hostage.

Your smile
I see in daydreams. It carries me through
trespassing on hidden desires to smile back,
follow my heart and catch that rainbow
at the suns end.

Your love
is the eternal flame I hold out for.
I feel it, taste it, and know it
beyond anything in this world.

Uncertainty for the future
daily lives and personal pastlife issues
tie me down. Trying to teach a lesson
that's coated in arsenic syrup.
Freezing the heart, a doe in headlights fear
of what's to become of us.

I must pass
continue on in this life of drudgery
that taunts my heart with peak-a-boo glimpses
of what could be ...

All my love,


Once again, your words are my own.

I (still) live daily with thoughts I shouldn't harbor, feelings that I wish would die and dissolve. Talk about hidden desires...feelings. Many of which I will no doubt take to my grave. And in many ways, I know I must carry the resolve to feel this way the rest of my life, accept what cannot be, and yet feel it day in and day out and simply learn to bear the burden of those thoughts and emotions. Not what I wanted, hoped for...but what is, is...and there is nothing now that will ever change that.

My heart too remembers, peeks at glimpses of what was...what could have (should have?) been...and now never will be.

*You padding around inside my heart RF? You must be!*
brought over from another thread ....

A rustle in the leaves
as these two fight. Hair askew
with whiskering white, wide eye horror.

Asking the premeditated question,
do you give up, no not I ... Never.
Fight till the death!

Rambunctious swipes
capturing preys. Tie'm up,
as red eyes glaze. Over
they tumble, fumble and tare
clothes fall off frolicingly bare.

lost train of thought, my bad ~


do you see the leaf fight here?

:rolleyes: ;)
Last edited:
New word ...

Roast ...

–verb (used with object)

1. to bake (meat or other food) uncovered, esp. in an oven.

2. to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat,
as on a spit.

3. to brown, dry, or parch by exposure to heat, as coffee beans.

4. to cook or heat by embedding in hot coals, embers, etc.:
to roast chestnuts.

5. to heat excessively: The summer sun has been roasting
the entire countryside.

6. Metallurgy. to heat (ore or the like) in air in order to oxidize it.

7. to warm at a hot fire: She roasted her hands over the fire.

8. Informal. to ridicule or criticize severely or mercilessly.

9. to honor with or subject to a roast: Friends roasted the star
at a charity dinner.

–verb (used without object)

10. to roast meat or other food.

11. to undergo the process of becoming roasted.


12. roasted meat or a piece of roasted meat, as a piece of beef or
veal of a quantity and shape for slicing into more than one portion.

13. a piece of meat for roasting.

14. something that is roasted.

15. the act or process of roasting.

16. Informal. severe criticism.

17. a facetious ceremonial tribute, usually concluding a banquet,
in which the guest of honor is both praised and good-naturedly insulted
in a succession of speeches by friends and acquaintances.

18. an outdoor get-together, as a picnic or barbecue, at which food
is roasted and eaten: a weenie roast.


19. roasted: roast beef.


[Origin: 1250–1300; ME rosten (v.) < OF rostir < Gmc; cf. D roosten,
G rösten]

—Related forms

roast‧a‧ble, adjective


buzz*, canvass, catechize, challenge, cross-examine, demand, direct, enjoin, examine, go over, grill*, hit*, hunt for*, inquire, interrogate, investigate, needle*, pry into, pump, query, quiz, request, roast*, strike, sweat*

Antonyms: answer, reply, respond, tell


Happy writing :rose:

... this makes for a meaty poem eh ...

RhymeFairy said:
Roast ...

–verb (used with object)

1. to bake (meat or other food) uncovered, esp. in an oven.

2. to cook (meat or other food) by direct exposure to dry heat,
as on a spit.

3. to brown, dry, or parch by exposure to heat, as coffee beans.

4. to cook or heat by embedding in hot coals, embers, etc.:
to roast chestnuts.

5. to heat excessively: The summer sun has been roasting
the entire countryside.

6. Metallurgy. to heat (ore or the like) in air in order to oxidize it.

7. to warm at a hot fire: She roasted her hands over the fire.

8. Informal. to ridicule or criticize severely or mercilessly.

9. to honor with or subject to a roast: Friends roasted the star
at a charity dinner.

–verb (used without object)

10. to roast meat or other food.

11. to undergo the process of becoming roasted.


12. roasted meat or a piece of roasted meat, as a piece of beef or
veal of a quantity and shape for slicing into more than one portion.

13. a piece of meat for roasting.

14. something that is roasted.

15. the act or process of roasting.

16. Informal. severe criticism.

17. a facetious ceremonial tribute, usually concluding a banquet,
in which the guest of honor is both praised and good-naturedly insulted
in a succession of speeches by friends and acquaintances.

18. an outdoor get-together, as a picnic or barbecue, at which food
is roasted and eaten: a weenie roast.


19. roasted: roast beef.


[Origin: 1250–1300; ME rosten (v.) < OF rostir < Gmc; cf. D roosten,
G rösten]

—Related forms

roast‧a‧ble, adjective


buzz*, canvass, catechize, challenge, cross-examine, demand, direct, enjoin, examine, go over, grill*, hit*, hunt for*, inquire, interrogate, investigate, needle*, pry into, pump, query, quiz, request, roast*, strike, sweat*

Antonyms: answer, reply, respond, tell


Happy writing :rose:

... this makes for a meaty poem eh ...


she roasted my nuts
on her chest
does that make them "chest-nuts?"

I like my coffee roasted
drinking from the cup
of her bra

We were camping
roasting in the sun
within the tent

I am not one to boast
but I like a tender
rump roast
bluerains said:
always trying to please your sweetness.... ;)

someone's been telling tall tales. I'm not sweet. :p
Did you not see the horns, ratty long nails, fangs dripping blood
... or the poisoned darts ?


Back to the drawing board.
Me thinks I have'ta come up with a spin on roast ...

RhymeFairy said:
someone's been telling tall tales. I'm not sweet. :p
Did you not see the horns, ratty long nails, fangs dripping blood
... or the poisoned darts ?


Back to the drawing board.
Me thinks I have'ta come up with a spin on roast ...


a rose is rose...blood to way but up... up up up...
18. an outdoor get-together, as a picnic or barbecue, at which food
is roasted and eaten: a weenie roast.

roasted weenie with nuts ablaze, cherished
while dipped inside out. slathered with tongue
as red blister bumps engorge the sizzle, tangy
mustard seeds split, making a rippling along
your seamless dog.

RhymeFairy said:
18. an outdoor get-together, as a picnic or barbecue, at which food
is roasted and eaten: a weenie roast.

roasted weenie with nuts ablaze, cherished
while dipped inside out. slathered with tongue
as red blister bumps engorge the sizzle, tangy
mustard seeds split, making a rippling along
your seamless dog.


Care for a nibble?
Toasted buns close tight
inviting a bite
of the slow raosted meat
resting between

sweet and dripping
your teeth ripping
flesh, piece by piece
discerning the fat from the lean

gorge yourself, why deny
the yearning you have inside
such a feast as this
would be a crime to resist

savor then swallow
there's more to follow
tkae you time
and wallow in the pleasure
oft times I feel the pull of flying high
in your arms across the sky, sighing
for I know that time has passed.

we speak of friendship, always there.
then, helping hands turn to bruised feelings
grab it before it's taken away.

given then taken away ...
the story of my life. I have
so much to offer, yet it's never

depressing thoughts tinker away
with each word written. whitewash
cover the past with a new beginning.

mixed up, making biscuits
without flour or milk
each swipe in the bowl
leaving nothing but air.

fly high
spread your wings
and take flight
I'll supply the air
free of charge ...


silly free thought. have no clue what to do with it, playing with words, phrasing. just getting over the hump of writers block again me thinks
... heck at least i am trying right ... :rolleyes:

my daddy says, he's too old.
my momma says, just wait
happiness is but a heartbeat away.

i say, no I am a loner.
i am happiest when sitting still
under an oak. watching the leaves fall
permeating my heart with the stillness
of here and now.

peace within is hard to achieve
aching desires come knocking.
then, the I wanna be alone
shows up
begging a chance to achieve

they all want me settled, i am
only their rose colored glasses
see a partner on the horizon
while I sit,
soul-searching with happiness
under my tree.


in a hurry. will edit and reshape later, gotta go to work ...

RhymeFairy said:

... heck at least i am trying right ...


that is the secret ingredient <grin
just remember the whole worlds a critic but the most important one to listen to is yourself (*_~)

lord knows I try
but the difference may be that
of a scribbling dust devil in training <grin
one day
one day

I'll be a literary tornado

WE... have question
lou lou and I have been struggling to find a better word to describe an orgasim <grin

the ultimate feeling
extreme endulgence

etc etc etc
My Erotic Trail said:
WE... have question
lou lou and I have been struggling to find a better word to describe an orgasim <grin

the ultimate feeling
extreme endulgence

etc etc etc
Art, like the humour of Carrol O'Connor of All in the Family fame, your malapropisms and spelling simply slays me at times. ...

Orgasm, coming at the finish of sexual indulgence, could, indeed be an end-ulgence.
My Erotic Trail said:
WE... have question
lou lou and I have been struggling to find a better word to describe an orgasim <grin

the ultimate feeling
extreme endulgence

etc etc etc

better than a Blondie at Applebees

(That would be a dessert Art. Blondie brownie, smothered in hot carmel, whip cream ~ with vanilla ice cream on the side ... yes, I am thinking a cherrry comes with it too.) ;)

my Fav. dessert ... umm well, one of them. :eek:
