Free Thoughts~on One word...

wrote this on the passion thread
but actually bounced it right here from Arts commentary
(see above, lol )

Down ...

strawberries and cream combined
with witty words as I go down
down for the last lick.
a day I shall never forget.
rain poured, your shirt drenched
a glove fit, outlining your smile
penciled in from a moist mouth
going down
down with those tight fitting levi's
as twin seats dimpled from overexposure
and whirlpool visions swirl
taking me down
to cotton fields spread wide
before the eyes
awaiting the masters hand
mouth and, tongue to partake
forsake, give it all
to go down
RhymeFairy said:
wrote this on the passion thread
but actually bounced it right here from Arts commentary
(see above, lol )

Down ...

strawberries and cream combined
with witty words as I go down
down for the last lick.
a day I shall never forget.
rain poured, your shirt drenched
a glove fit, outlining your smile
penciled in from a moist mouth
going down
down with those tight fitting levi's
as twin seats dimpled from overexposure
and whirlpool visions swirl
taking me down
to cotton fields spread wide
before the eyes
awaiting the masters hand
mouth and, tongue to partake
forsake, give it all
to go down

........Down...with it Girl...!!!

I liked this one <bigrin

'exquiste' (~_*)

<looks at Champ <grinin'

Champagne1982 said:
Art, like the humour of Carrol O'Connor of All in the Family fame, your malapropisms and spelling simply slays me at times. ...

Orgasm, coming at the finish of sexual indulgence, could, indeed be an end-ulgence.

Thank you (~_~) Bows Humble
My Erotic Trail said:
........Down...with it Girl...!!!

I liked this one <bigrin

'exquiste' (~_*)

<looks at Champ <grinin'

Thank you (~_~) Bows Humble

be still my beating heart ... He spoke, lol ~

Thank you Art .... I submitted it, lol. Just had a feeling about that one. :heart:

Please do not tell me all that's wrong with it now, I already hit submit ....

another love letter ....

my dearest,

i've met a new love. we are jetting off
to vegas on new years eve. he ask
I accepted.


my feeling for you shall never change
when the alien life force
wraps our hands and zaps us into one
in ... this universe,
i shall think of you.


i shall wear white, knowing it's wrong
i do this to protect you, to show the world
my devotion ... to you. only, he thinks
well, you know what he thinks.

he feels we (he and i )
were brought together that day
(you know when the lights went out
he was the only one in the co-op
with a lighter. ) by cosmic forces
that aligned in the outer rings of iWannaDoYou
and granted his one wish in the world,



i promise to never tell him
it was us that popped the breaker
while doing it in the john
on your lunch break.


know my love for you will last
through eternity and beyond.
he promised that once we're married
he will show me the ancient ceremony
on how to live forever
and once this happens

I will find you, so's we can be
as one
all three of us ...

all my love,



That e-mail was really cool ... thanks

I liked this part too... <grinin'

1. On a woman: 1. rub her clitoris, preferably in a circular motion. not up and down too much. that hurts. HARDER IS NOT BETTER.
2. Eat out (first definition of this term is perfect)
*Women tend to moan, gasp, and/or scream during an orgasm.

For men:
1. Blowjob. Harder can be good, though it is best to alternate speeds and deepthroat -it
2. Sex. (Harder is usually better)
*Men tend to be more silent than women during an orgasm, with an occasional muttering. (selfish fuckers)
My Erotic Trail said:

That e-mail was really cool ... thanks

I liked this part too... <grinin'

1. On a woman: 1. rub her clitoris, preferably in a circular motion. not up and down too much. that hurts. HARDER IS NOT BETTER.
2. Eat out (first definition of this term is perfect)
*Women tend to moan, gasp, and/or scream during an orgasm.

For men:
1. Blowjob. Harder can be good, though it is best to alternate speeds and deepthroat -it
2. Sex. (Harder is usually better)
*Men tend to be more silent than women during an orgasm, with an occasional muttering. (selfish fuckers)

That was suppose to be a secret ...

:p ;) :D

Gotcha ~!! Now, write it out and see whatcha come up with ~

soap sud scum
making round after round,
circling the green heart.
once bubbles pulsated
plastering two naked nymphs,

together in unison
riding wave after wave.
shaking pool side
ride from zero to ninety
in fifty seconds flat.

flat from ware, tare
upon rubber ducky slides
and snaking out sections
fifty yards wide.

wide swipes taken
back yard line, lean.
leggings of crabs
scurried up the sides.
prompting heat, infusing
diffusing, bare ass up
the wall.

wall wilted, will jilted
left to ringing in ears
with spotty wide eyes,
while dead bubble burst
high and dry ...

night light covered
braille the darkness.
softly folded fingers, fidget
forming words through actions
touch, emotion ringing
singing alto in whispered
as curves bend
broadcasting possession
in the ultimate form
of a mating call.
echoing down spine, hips, deep
into hidden sanctuaries
as suctioning thumbs
tremble along, casting letters
in circles forming vowels
into moans.

RhymeFairy said:
soap sud scum
making round after round,
circling the green heart.
once bubbles pulsated
plastering two naked nymphs,

together in unison
riding wave after wave.
shaking pool side
ride from zero to ninety
in fifty seconds flat.

flat from ware, tare
upon rubber ducky slides
and snaking out sections
fifty yards wide.

wide swipes taken
back yard line, lean.
leggings of crabs
scurried up the sides.
prompting heat, infusing
diffusing, bare ass up
the wall.

wall wilted, will jilted
left to ringing in ears
with spotty wide eyes,
while dead bubble burst
high and dry ...


is there a name for this style of poetry ; where the first word of each stanza is drawn from the last word of the previous stanza?

nice poem ... by the way <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
is there a name for this style of poetry ; where the first word of each stanza is drawn from the last word of the previous stanza?

nice poem ... by the way <grin

I mimicked another's form :eek:

... we shall have to ask TT2U, he did it a while back.

I awake,
feel as if something important
is missing. Soft covers surround
comforting a lost soul, bringing a small
bit of peace to a tangled heart.


I miss my friend. He always around
to do, fix something.


It started out an annoyance, always knocking
wanting a chat. Flowers on the step, a drive
to work. He seemed to have a ready smile
a helping hand and a roving eye, that zeroed in
on me.

The more I pushed him away, the more
he seemed to stay. Our children playing
while supper cooked as we shared our daily

He lost his job, I was there to get him
another. Then, my partner at work,
around every corner he lurks.

We spoke of everything from weather
to dreams, desires. What is important
what was not.

An easy fun loving friendship sprouted
despite the ready steady flow of
I need some space, go away !

As always I would need something fixed
the boys door, the Playstation chords,
which went where and I cannot figure
this out.

Running he came, his son in hand
let the kids play while I fix this.
Won't take a minute. Talking
while working he eased himself back in
to my life, my heart and some dead
cold space deep inside.

her loss is felt
from county to friend, young
and old. a dear sweet one taken,
before her angel wings were set free
upon this tiresome earth.

now up above, we mourn
we call out, he hate.
we are simply sick
at heart and mind to think
she was taken in such a deceitful

shock waves erupted, as children
screamed, mourned her passing
in the only way they could.

disbelief has touched every soul
as hearts cried out, no
how could this be.

shattered dreams are dismembered
as broken, wore out heartstrings
play sharp
for the death
of an innocent child ...

Your poem brought back a saddened memory
I wrote this... then!

Shaking my fist at the Heavens...
...kicking dirt into Hell~

My heart thundered and cracked
like the seals of Armageddon
I went off half cocked and storming
after laying the telephone down

I was Paramount at Mt. Olympia
throwing stones at Zeus
taunting him to throw his thunder bolts
for life had already given me a jolt.

In the valley of the shadow of death
I rang the bell to Hell
come out you devil if you dare
I'll put your fire out...
with my cold heart's blank stare

I marched up the steps of the stairway to heaven
beat my fist bloody at the pearly gates
challenged Michael, God's warrior Angel
to do battle with me today
for I'm frustrated in the worst way

I have a few stripes on a belt of black
but today I lost my passive way
looking for vengeance not justice
my mind was a swirling bliss

I pulled the tail of the tiger
and at the dragon I hissed
for I've never been a man of fear
but today, they lost someone
that I will never hear

I tossed a bible at Buddha
with his one finger raised up high
I gave him the finger in return
as I started to cry

Ala and I
don't see eye to eye
in fact he needs to clean up his act
or on his back he needs to strap
some bombs and be blown away

Shaking my fist at the Heavens
while kicking dirt into hell
I challenged who ever
rules this worldly sphere
as down my cheek ran a tear

my anger raged and emotions high
for my heart was heavy and torn
wanting to know who gave the order
for the Grim take a New Born
My Erotic Trail said:
Your poem brought back a saddened memory
I wrote this... then!

Shaking my fist at the Heavens...
...kicking dirt into Hell~

My heart thundered and cracked
like the seals of Armageddon
I went off half cocked and storming
after laying the telephone down

I was Paramount at Mt. Olympia
throwing stones at Zeus
taunting him to throw his thunder bolts
for life had already given me a jolt.

In the valley of the shadow of death
I rang the bell to Hell
come out you devil if you dare
I'll put your fire out...
with my cold heart's blank stare

I marched up the steps of the stairway to heaven
beat my fist bloody at the pearly gates
challenged Michael, God's warrior Angel
to do battle with me today
for I'm frustrated in the worst way

I have a few stripes on a belt of black
but today I lost my passive way
looking for vengeance not justice
my mind was a swirling bliss

I pulled the tail of the tiger
and at the dragon I hissed
for I've never been a man of fear
but today, they lost someone
that I will never hear

I tossed a bible at Buddha
with his one finger raised up high
I gave him the finger in return
as I started to cry

Ala and I
don't see eye to eye
in fact he needs to clean up his act
or on his back he needs to strap
some bombs and be blown away

Shaking my fist at the Heavens
while kicking dirt into hell
I challenged who ever
rules this worldly sphere
as down my cheek ran a tear

my anger raged and emotions high
for my heart was heavy and torn
wanting to know who gave the order
for the Grim take a New Born

Thank you Art .... :rose:
Your words strike true ...

RhymeFairy said:
she was ask to watch lil sister.

bike riding, laughing having the time
of their innocent lives. chain slipped, lil one
hollers, sister ... come help.
bike slides, as big sister chats along
with neighboring boys. speeding truck
left scalding skid marks as lil sister slipped
under the wheels ...

~~A shock to the whole county. One of my daughters school mates is big sister. She now has a week off of school. Lil one, has gone to visit all the angels in heaven ... I swear I have never cried so much in my life. As a mother of a daughter and two lil ones, this has broken my heart to pieces ...


:rose: :rose: :rose:

This happened two days ago and will not leave my mind. I did not know her personally but I do grieve for her and the family. As a mother, it just touched me, put a scare in me and left me numb ... Thank You to everyone for your concern and emails. I am fine now. Just very very shocked. Put it down to being a Mom who Thanks the good lord for all her blessings ...


My daughter is dealing with this and a brand new sprained ankle as of yesterday. She was doing roundoffs in the yard and landed it wrong. Can you say drama queen ... :rolleyes: ;)

I am so sorry...

RhymeFairy said:
Thank you Art .... :rose:
Your words strike true ...

This happened two days ago and will not leave my mind. I did not know her personally but I do grieve for her and the family. As a mother, it just touched me, put a scare in me and left me numb ... Thank You to everyone for your concern and emails. I am fine now. Just very very shocked. Put it down to being a Mom who Thanks the good lord for all her blessings ...


My daughter is dealing with this and a brand new sprained ankle as of yesterday. She was doing roundoffs in the yard and landed it wrong. Can you say drama queen ... :rolleyes: ;)


Such sad news RF, my heart goes out to you. It seems that when tragedy strikes around the holidays, it makes it even worse. Am not looking forward to Thanksgiving at all, a reminder even now of losing someone the day after, that loss even now on my mind. Have many things I am now dealing with in fact, and wishing that the healing will in time come.
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Many Feathers said:
Such sad news RF, my heart goes out to you. It seems that when tragedy strikes around the holidays, it makes it even worse. Am not looking forward to Thanksgiving at all, a reminder even now of losing someone the day after, that loss even now on my mind. Have many things I am now dealing with in fact, and wishing that the healing will in time come.

bows (~_~) humble
...another for the moment...

MLP~ Looking down on Heaven
by My Erotic Tale ©

MLP~ looking down on heaven

as I view you
a thought or two

I might have let you down
I don't really know
but I know
I left you low

There I was high again
looking down on Heaven

the Hawk had the wind
to help him in his lift
I had you
get my drift?

as I view you
I knew
it was you
that lifted me to this height

looking down on Heaven

you have always
looked up to me
yet it was I
beneath thee

your at the pearly gates
still looking up to me
with passion

I am still here
where you placed me
looking down on heaven

My Erotic Trail said:
bows (~_~) humble
...another for the moment...

MLP~ Looking down on Heaven
by My Erotic Tale ©

MLP~ looking down on heaven

as I view you
a thought or two

I might have let you down
I don't really know
but I know
I left you low

There I was high again
looking down on Heaven

the Hawk had the wind
to help him in his lift
I had you
get my drift?

as I view you
I knew
it was you
that lifted me to this height

looking down on Heaven

you have always
looked up to me
yet it was I
beneath thee

your at the pearly gates
still looking up to me
with passion

I am still here
where you placed me
looking down on heaven

Last edited:
Welcoming the weekend ... :rose:

Been a long, crazy week. :rolleyes:
Sorry to be hit or miss here. I have missed more than I hit
it seemed, lol. New word .... in honor of Thanksgiving.

Give :

Syllables: give

Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Phrases: give away

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation gIv

Inflected Forms gave, given, giving, gives

Definition 1. to bestow or present.
Synonyms bestow , present
Crossref. Syn. pay , offer , award , accord , deal , gift , impart ,
tender , render
Similar Words pay , offer , donate , confer , award , accord ,
vouchsafe , grant , render

Definition 2. to deliver in exchange for something.
Example I gave a dollar for the ticket.
Synonyms exchange
Crossref. Syn. exchange
Similar Words dish out {dish (PHR)} , compensate , pay , swap ,
trade , render

Definition 3. to put into the hands of.
Example Give him the butter.
Synonyms hand
Crossref. Syn. pass
Similar Words pass , proffer , furnish with {furnish} , fork over
{fork (PHR)} , convey , tender , deliver , present

Definition 4. to provide or donate.
Example We gave medical aid to her.
Synonyms provide , render , contribute
Crossref. Syn. furnish
Similar Words bestow , endow , donate , present , dispense ,
leave , distribute , consign , bequeath

Definition 5. to convey or impart.
Example Give her my regards.
Synonyms convey , communicate , impart
Crossref. Syn. deliver
Similar Words send , transfer , transmit

Definition 6. to produce.
Example Chickens give eggs.
Synonyms produce , yield
Similar Words provide , bear , furnish , supply

Definition 7. to perform in public.
Example She gave a piano recital.
Synonyms perform
Similar Words produce , present

Definition 8. to do by movement, act, or sound.
Example Give a push to my car ; He gave a cry.
Similar Words execute , direct , deal , administer

Definition 9. to propose or show.
Example Give me a reason for doing this.
Synonyms propose
Similar Words show , provide , present , furnish

Related Words serve , cast , consecrate , barter , afford , put ,
spend , find , volunteer , issue , marry , lend , assign , dedicate ,
concede , spare

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to present something as a gift.
Synonyms donate , contribute
Similar Words pitch in {pitch (PHR)} , provide , help , chip in
{chip (PHR)}

Definition 2. to yield or collapse under pressure.
Synonyms collapse , yield , break
Crossref. Syn. fold
Similar Words buckle , weaken , fail , cave in {cave (PHR)} ,
crumple , bend

Definition 3. (informal) to occur; happen.
Example What gives?
Synonyms pass , occur , happen
Similar Words befall , betide , come to pass {pass (PHR)}

Related Words spring , quit , capitulate , yield , go

Phrase give away

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. ability to yield; elasticity; flexibility.
Example The bed doesn't have much give.
Synonyms flexibility {flexible }
Crossref. Syn. spring , stretch , play
Similar Words springiness {springy} , elasticity , resilience

Related Words bounce

Derived Forms giver, n.

Come on, give it your best shot, see what ya come up with ...

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Welcoming the weekend ... :rose:

Been a long, crazy week. :rolleyes:
Sorry to be hit or miss here. I have missed more than I hit
it seemed, lol. New word .... in honor of Thanksgiving.

Give :

Syllables: give

Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Phrases: give away

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation gIv

Inflected Forms gave, given, giving, gives

Definition 1. to bestow or present.
Synonyms bestow , present
Crossref. Syn. pay , offer , award , accord , deal , gift , impart ,
tender , render
Similar Words pay , offer , donate , confer , award , accord ,
vouchsafe , grant , render

Definition 2. to deliver in exchange for something.
Example I gave a dollar for the ticket.
Synonyms exchange
Crossref. Syn. exchange
Similar Words dish out {dish (PHR)} , compensate , pay , swap ,
trade , render

Definition 3. to put into the hands of.
Example Give him the butter.
Synonyms hand
Crossref. Syn. pass
Similar Words pass , proffer , furnish with {furnish} , fork over
{fork (PHR)} , convey , tender , deliver , present

Definition 4. to provide or donate.
Example We gave medical aid to her.
Synonyms provide , render , contribute
Crossref. Syn. furnish
Similar Words bestow , endow , donate , present , dispense ,
leave , distribute , consign , bequeath

Definition 5. to convey or impart.
Example Give her my regards.
Synonyms convey , communicate , impart
Crossref. Syn. deliver
Similar Words send , transfer , transmit

Definition 6. to produce.
Example Chickens give eggs.
Synonyms produce , yield
Similar Words provide , bear , furnish , supply

Definition 7. to perform in public.
Example She gave a piano recital.
Synonyms perform
Similar Words produce , present

Definition 8. to do by movement, act, or sound.
Example Give a push to my car ; He gave a cry.
Similar Words execute , direct , deal , administer

Definition 9. to propose or show.
Example Give me a reason for doing this.
Synonyms propose
Similar Words show , provide , present , furnish

Related Words serve , cast , consecrate , barter , afford , put ,
spend , find , volunteer , issue , marry , lend , assign , dedicate ,
concede , spare

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to present something as a gift.
Synonyms donate , contribute
Similar Words pitch in {pitch (PHR)} , provide , help , chip in
{chip (PHR)}

Definition 2. to yield or collapse under pressure.
Synonyms collapse , yield , break
Crossref. Syn. fold
Similar Words buckle , weaken , fail , cave in {cave (PHR)} ,
crumple , bend

Definition 3. (informal) to occur; happen.
Example What gives?
Synonyms pass , occur , happen
Similar Words befall , betide , come to pass {pass (PHR)}

Related Words spring , quit , capitulate , yield , go

Phrase give away

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. ability to yield; elasticity; flexibility.
Example The bed doesn't have much give.
Synonyms flexibility {flexible }
Crossref. Syn. spring , stretch , play
Similar Words springiness {springy} , elasticity , resilience

Related Words bounce

Derived Forms giver, n.

Come on, give it your best shot, see what ya come up with ...

Happy Writing ~~ :rose:

ya know I don't give a damn
so give me a minute
and I'll give ya a write
may be more than a minute
does gave count?
cause I just gave ya
something in the give department
now, whatch's gonna give me...
it is your turn to...
given the situation
I gave at the office
like giving blood
the gift of giving one's self
to others

give me words
give me a part of yourself
give me poetry
My Erotic Trail said:
give me words
give me a part of yourself
give me poetry

Awesome ...~!!!

I shall return the favor,
give me a few hours
and yea shall see
a special gift,
from me to thee


Finally a day off and I am soooo taking advantage of it.
Have to catch up on all the going's on and write a bit.
Getting the kids off to school and coming back, to play ...

My Erotic Trail said:
unbridalded passion submitted her first poem so do me a favor and give it a read (~_~)

She had commented on one of mine. I was very touched. Thanks Art for the heads up ... will do~
