Free Thoughts~on One word...

I give unto you, my hand to hold.
To help lead when my load is too heavy
to carry. When fingers tremble from fear
and grief. In good times also.
When tears streak from happy eyes
too full of emotion, to behold another
sun setting on our lives together
as one. At peace, in love, forevermore.
I give unto you ...

New word ...

Slumber :

verb (used without object)

1. to sleep, esp. lightly; doze; drowse.
2. to be in a state of inactivity, negligence, quiescence,
or calm: Vesuvius is slumbering.

–verb (used with object)

3. to spend or pass (time) in slumbering (often fol. by
away, out, or through): to slumber the afternoon away.

4. to dispel or forget by slumbering (often fol. by away):
to slumber cares away.


5. Sometimes, slumbers. sleep, esp. light sleep.

6. a period of sleep, esp. light sleep.

7. a state of inactivity, quiescence, etc.

[Origin: 1175–1225;
(v.) ME slumeren, freq. of slumen to doze, deriv. of OE slūma
sleep (see -er6); cf. G schlummern; (n.) ME slomur, slomber,
deriv. of the v.]

—Related forms

slum‧ber‧er, noun
slum‧ber‧less, adjective

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: sleep

Synonyms: coma, dormancy, doze, drowse, forty winks*,
inactivity, languor, lethargy, nap, repose, rest, sack time*,
shut-eye*, snooze, stupor, torpor

Antonyms: awakeness

Notes: to sloom is to sleep heavily and soundly; to slumber
is to sleep lightly

Happy Writing on this cold morning. ;)

brought over from the Passion Thread ~


I would never dare
to compare a love so grand.
Never give up, never round the bend
of polishing amour, to touch
the shine that sustains the brush
of lifting fingers of touch
to stand the test. Test the stand
from upon the mountains of time ...

RhymeFairy said:

I would never dare
to compare a love so grand.
Never give up, never round the bend
of polishing amour, to touch
the shine that sustains the brush
of lifting fingers of touch
to stand the test. Test the stand
from upon the mountains of time ...


wow, that's good!

under the stars
I slumber not

my shield
an umbrella to the rain
of arrows that fall
all day

and in every blink
from reality
to an inner vision
of my love that waits

I slumber not
in constant thought
of being with her

and to her
is through an army of men
that tomorrow
I shall walk through
to get to you
my love

my shield
is my blanket
but I slumber not!
My Erotic Trail said:
wow, that's good!

under the stars
I slumber not

my shield
an umbrella to the rain
of arrows that fall
all day

and in every blink
from reality
to an inner vision
of my love that waits

I slumber not
in constant thought
of being with her

and to her
is through an army of men
that tomorrow
I shall walk through
to get to you
my love

my shield
is my blanket
but I slumber not!

Sure, go ahead and show me up cowboy ~!!
I get better after dark ya know :p

I loved it. :heart:
I almost cannot believe you wrote that, :eek:
very sentimental and ro-man-ticoo ...

my love lay inside hibernating
waiting for the moment
to be wakened from it's slumber

huddled in the cold
patiently preparing
for the warmth to take

hold, arouse me
with fragrances of scents
signaling romance's rebirth

the dusting of pollen
like fairy glitter, magic
promising metamorphosis

instead it was just a heatwave
a momentary rising
from an early grave

the cold returned. I learned
a lesson. turned
returned to my cave

resigned to a long sleep
waiting for the moment
to be wakened from my slumber
I use words
to intermix and twine
around my body
of poetry. Sculpting
imagery into shapes
to add the illusion
that cold is really hot
night is day
and lost love
has been reborn
into a butterfly
flying free from clasped
closed, childlike fingers
that turn greedy
after dark. Slumber


all, is well.

Keep writing...

RhymeFairy said:
I use words
to intermix and twine
around my body
of poetry. Sculpting
imagery into shapes
to add the illusion
that cold is really hot
night is day
and lost love
has been reborn
into a butterfly
flying free from clasped
closed, childlike fingers
that turn greedy
after dark. Slumber


all, is well.


My dear sweet fairy friend. Though tears fill my eyes at this time with loss, memories of loss, and a very,,,very uncertain future now. I live and even smile at your outlook on life, remembering when I saw life in much the same way.

And thank you for your words on my thread...still not in a good place at the moment, and may be a while (if ever) that I am again. But I think of you, and appreciate your sentiments and thoughts. Your wild little Indian friend...

:kiss: :rose:

Many Feathers said:
My dear sweet fairy friend. Though tears fill my eyes at this time with loss, memories of loss, and a very,,,very uncertain future now. I live and even smile at your outlook on life, remembering when I saw life in much the same way.

And thank you for your words on my thread...still not in a good place at the moment, and may be a while (if ever) that I am again. But I think of you, and appreciate your sentiments and thoughts. Your wild little Indian friend...

:kiss: :rose:


a moth drawn to fire
catches wind of the light
wishing to beam away and shower
in the luxury of what could be.

~~tis us my friend.

Are we not all moths, drawn to the unthinkable
wishing for that one shot. Take it, be free and enjoy
what life gives. Although not free, life would not be
so fickle as to let it be free. It requires dedication.
A commitment beyond anything and love, the kind only
poets and singers preach in a drunken slumber
while the lights hang low, announcing to all
... I once knew a love

once ...


I wish you joy and so much love you can't carry it all.
Rent a u-haul and be happy ;)

Am trying kiddo..

RhymeFairy said:
a moth drawn to fire
catches wind of the light
wishing to beam away and shower
in the luxury of what could be.

~~tis us my friend.

Are we not all moths, drawn to the unthinkable
wishing for that one shot. Take it, be free and enjoy
what life gives. Although not free, life would not be
so fickle as to let it be free. It requires dedication.
A commitment beyond anything and love, the kind only
poets and singers preach in a drunken slumber
while the lights hang low, announcing to all
... I once knew a love

once ...


I wish you joy and so much love you can't carry it all.
Rent a u-haul and be happy ;)


Unfortunately, I think I've already had my one shot. I now pray for a peace that seems just beyond my fingertips, hoping now for a miracle of sorts.

Like you, I once knew a, and peace. Will I again?

Perhaps in sleep...
Many Feathers said:
Unfortunately, I think I've already had my one shot. I now pray for a peace that seems just beyond my fingertips, hoping now for a miracle of sorts.

Like you, I once knew a, and peace. Will I again?

Perhaps in sleep...

Peace to you then, my friend.
Let the your heart smile
remembering the good times.

When a walk down memory lane
still aches, tearing the heart
to shreds. Whispering
as the cool breath
of frozen dreams whisk away
small visions of what it was like.

Taking that shot
should've mattered more.
Should've meant life
was better. Now and forever.

Only a stumble
over a peddle in the road
landed you face down
broken and bereaved.

For we knew. We just chose
not to see the rain cloud
on the horizon ...


I'm sorry. I got all ... well you know. :rolleyes:

My heart really is with you and yours.

:rose: :rose:
I know...

RhymeFairy said:
Peace to you then, my friend.
Let the your heart smile
remembering the good times.

When a walk down memory lane
still aches, tearing the heart
to shreds. Whispering
as the cool breath
of frozen dreams whisk away
small visions of what it was like.

Taking that shot
should've mattered more.
Should've meant life
was better. Now and forever.

Only a stumble
over a peddle in the road
landed you face down
broken and bereaved.

For we knew. We just chose
not to see the rain cloud
on the horizon ...


I'm sorry. I got all ... well you know. :rolleyes:

My heart really is with you and yours.

:rose: :rose:

Thank you...

Broken I may be,
a heart wounded still.

A season of memories past
wishing for the healing that won't come.

Praying for a sleep now
to blanket me in peace.

Many Feathers said:
Thank you...

Broken I may be,
a heart wounded still.

A season of memories past
wishing for the healing that won't come.

Praying for a sleep now
to blanket me in peace.


The Magic in the Moment
by Karuna Bai

Now is all we have,
dear Friend.

How many precious secrets
slip past
because I have not
been listening?

How much delicate time
melts away
because I am
lost in my brain?

How much tender love
hides in fear
in the face of
my demand?

NOW is the moment of conception.

There has never been any other time.

BREATHE into this and live.
tungtied2u said:
The Magic in the Moment
by Karuna Bai

Now is all we have,
dear Friend.

How many precious secrets
slip past
because I have not
been listening?

How much delicate time
melts away
because I am
lost in my brain?

How much tender love
hides in fear
in the face of
my demand?

NOW is the moment of conception.

There has never been any other time.

BREATHE into this and live.

What I am always having to do,

stop, focus and breathe ...

Thank You TT2U ~~

He begs a chance. I sit and stew.
Working my way through another night,
another day. Work and no play while all he does

is work. Day after day. The grindmill chokes
his emotions down, keeping them in check.
The odd night out, a glass of wine
a feeling fine man, who wishes rainbows

shot stars out their ass to catch
my attention. To count beam after beam
of happily ever after ...

RhymeFairy said:
He begs a chance. I sit and stew.
Working my way through another night,
another day. Work and no play while all he does

is work. Day after day. The grindmill chokes
his emotions down, keeping them in check.
The odd night out, a glass of wine
a feeling fine man, who wishes rainbows

shot stars out their ass to catch
my attention. To count beam after beam
of happily ever after ...


stars out their ass? :eek:

too much sipping of the blue cup me thinks ~
Pump :


1. an apparatus or machine for raising, driving, exhausting, or
compressing fluids or gases by means of a piston, plunger, or set
of rotating vanes.

2. Engineering, Building Trades. a shore having a jackscrew in its
foot for adjusting the length or for bearing more firmly against
the structure to be sustained.

3. Biology. an animal organ that propels fluid through the body; heart.

4. Cell Biology. a system that supplies energy for transport against
a chemical gradient, as the sodium pump for the transfer of sodium
and potassium ions across a cell membrane.

–verb (used with object)

5. to raise, drive, etc., with a pump.

6. to free from water or other liquid by means of a pump.

7. to inflate by pumping (often fol. by up): to pump a tire up.

8. to operate or move by an up-and-down or back-and-forth action.

9. to supply with air, as an organ, by means of a pumplike device.

10. to drive, force, etc., as if from a pump: He rapidly pumped a
dozen shots into the bull's-eye.

11. to supply or inject as if by using a pump: to pump money into
a failing business.

12. to question artfully or persistently to elicit information: to pump
someone for confidential information.

13. to elicit (information) by questioning.

–verb (used without object)

14. to work a pump; raise or move water, oil, etc., with a pump.

15. to operate as a pump does.

16. to move up and down like a pump handle.

17. to exert oneself in a manner likened to pumping: He pumped
away at his homework all evening.

18. to seek to elicit information from a person.

19. to come out in spurts.

—Verb phrase

20. pump up, a. to inflate.

b. to increase, heighten, or strengthen; put more effort into or
emphasis on; intensify: The store has decided to pump up its

c. to infuse with enthusiasm, competitive spirit, energy, etc.:
The contestants were all backstage pumping themselves up for
their big moment.


21. prime the pump, a. to increase government expenditure in
an effort to stimulate the economy.

b. to support or promote the operation or improvement of

22. pump iron. iron (def. 29).

[Origin: 1400–50; late ME pumpe (n.); c. G Pumpe, D pomp]

—Related forms

pump‧a‧ble, adjective
pumpless, adjective
pumplike, adjective

New word before I go to bed for the evening.
A present from the Chasing Chickens thread
and Art's passion for his * horse * ;)

(sorry Art, I could not resist. :p )

Happy Writing ~

:D :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Pump :


1. an apparatus or machine for raising, driving, exhausting, or
compressing fluids or gases by means of a piston, plunger, or set
of rotating vanes.

2. Engineering, Building Trades. a shore having a jackscrew in its
foot for adjusting the length or for bearing more firmly against
the structure to be sustained.

3. Biology. an animal organ that propels fluid through the body; heart.

4. Cell Biology. a system that supplies energy for transport against
a chemical gradient, as the sodium pump for the transfer of sodium
and potassium ions across a cell membrane.

–verb (used with object)

5. to raise, drive, etc., with a pump.

6. to free from water or other liquid by means of a pump.

7. to inflate by pumping (often fol. by up): to pump a tire up.

8. to operate or move by an up-and-down or back-and-forth action.

9. to supply with air, as an organ, by means of a pumplike device.

10. to drive, force, etc., as if from a pump: He rapidly pumped a
dozen shots into the bull's-eye.

11. to supply or inject as if by using a pump: to pump money into
a failing business.

12. to question artfully or persistently to elicit information: to pump
someone for confidential information.

13. to elicit (information) by questioning.

–verb (used without object)

14. to work a pump; raise or move water, oil, etc., with a pump.

15. to operate as a pump does.

16. to move up and down like a pump handle.

17. to exert oneself in a manner likened to pumping: He pumped
away at his homework all evening.

18. to seek to elicit information from a person.

19. to come out in spurts.

—Verb phrase

20. pump up, a. to inflate.

b. to increase, heighten, or strengthen; put more effort into or
emphasis on; intensify: The store has decided to pump up its

c. to infuse with enthusiasm, competitive spirit, energy, etc.:
The contestants were all backstage pumping themselves up for
their big moment.


21. prime the pump, a. to increase government expenditure in
an effort to stimulate the economy.

b. to support or promote the operation or improvement of

22. pump iron. iron (def. 29).

[Origin: 1400–50; late ME pumpe (n.); c. G Pumpe, D pomp]

—Related forms

pump‧a‧ble, adjective
pumpless, adjective
pumplike, adjective

New word before I go to bed for the evening.
A present from the Chasing Chickens thread
and Art's passion for his * horse * ;)

(sorry Art, I could not resist. :p )

Happy Writing ~

:D :rose:

the pump broke
sitting in a field
being operated
on by the farmer's
daughter. Head
to toe, greased
hot and swetty
fingering holes
and pulling rods
she chased swet
trails down her
shirt and decided
to take a break
curling up in the
shade of a scare
crow, playing with
his cock-a-doodle do
wishing his pump
He arrived, jacket in hand
a charming smile, with twinkling
green eyes. Can I be of help,
what can I do?

Three lil ones sick, I'm sniffling too
what is a gurl to do? Stashing his coat
making a cuppa tea. He sets out
preparing a Thanksgiving meal
for me.

Evil fairy child I am. I ask him first
to wash his hands. The turkey
was next, he knew not a thing.
I laughed out loud, as the turkey
he did fling.

Into the sink, gizzards, neck and all
for this was one fat Butterball.
Shocked eyes narrowed, when I requested
his palm up. Real butter you pat

One hole to another, he rubbed,
ran, pumped
butter from end to end.
I laughed till I cried
watching this so serious guy
"fill my turkey up" ...

~~I know, this one is way off base, but I had to share. :devil:
What a night and what a menace I am .... ~~~

My Erotic Trail said:
Happt Birthday~~~~ (~_~)

Thank You Art ... :eek:

Friends amazing and unique.
All gather to show support
love and critique ...


Had a great day filled with sooooo many friends and realitives.
What more could a gurl want eh ~

RhymeFairy said:
Thank You Art ... :eek:

Friends amazing and unique.
All gather to show support
love and critique ...


Had a great day filled with sooooo many friends and realitives.
What more could a gurl want eh ~


family and friends = jewels of the soul


glad your day was wonderful!!!!!

did you wear your birthday suit?
a lil poetry across the threads last week ~

Rusted by time, pressure rises as molecular
atoms spin out. Withstanding nothing
but time and memories. A thriving beehive
beheaded at its moment in the sun.
When men wrapped jackets into sleeves
and jigsawed through, to a New America.


I live to see
that brilliant blaze of glory.
Rising to shine, a place setting
of heavenly creations
before our eyes.

There is something in the rising sun and moon
that pulls at my inner being. Saying
come sit, gaze and ponder. Be one with me
as I cast a new life from shore to shore.
Such an even, fills one with awe, like
a soul cleansing from outside ... in.

Peace ~


They tried planting a new tree
to replace my sturdy oak.
I fell for the ruse, for a moment
or two.

He has not the arms
to hold me tight,
like my tree. With a rolling
of eyes he makes me feel
a stupid sapling.

He waters and nurtures
the new ones. Sees
to their needs, helps
when the rain falls, but

his heart is wrapped too tight
around my roots. He shelters
and smothers. When the sun
is bright, all I want

is a breath of fresh air,
and a long lingering look
at my oak. All I see
is a new tree. I am not


I keep a decoy sitting by
red hearts embalmed all across the cup
of coffee. I sit, write and dream of the past,
while really drinking from the blue cup.
The one hidden, like I keep my heart
as I smile through the day, coffee in hand
drinking away my blues for one man.
The one who really holds my heart
in his left hand, where a ring still circles
from his ex, I suppose. Although
I'm not supposed to know that ...


A lone man, bridled in passion.
As five pink toes kick, heaving
sides. Prancingly he jumps, stirrups
get two stepped
for red dragon nails breath fire
into loins
that passed the finish line
two seconds ago ...

:catroar: :rose:
New Word ...

Pimp :


1. a person, esp. a man, who solicits customers for a prostitute
or a brothel, usually in return for a share of the earnings; pander;

2. a despicable person.

3. Australia and New Zealand. an informer; stool pigeon.

–verb (used without object)

4. to act as a pimp.

–verb (used with object)

5. to act as a pimp for.

6. to exploit.

[Origin: 1630–40; orig. uncert.]


pimped, pimp·ing, pimps

To serve as a procurer of prostitutes.


fancy man, pandar, pander, panderer, ponce, procurer

More general:

cater, offender, ply, provide, supply, wrongdoer

More specific:

procuress, whoremaster, whoremonger

I know this will stump a few of ya :p
I am sooo in on this one.

Happy Writing ~~ :devil: