Free Thoughts~on One word...

Pimp of pleasure

I'm a stool rats snitch.
Come hither let'me teach you.
Sing a canary tune
deep 'n low. Squeak
and tweet, make you
tattle on fiendish thoughts
that carry you over the edge.

Betray those hidden secrets
then blab to this pirate
of treasure, what floats
your boat on those eerie
darkened nights. When all
is calm, but the pounding

seizures inside your gut.
Those freakish feelings
that wanna prostitute you out
and beg for more ...

RhymeFairy said:
Pimp of pleasure

I'm a stool rats snitch.
Come hither let'me teach you.
Sing a canary tune
deep 'n low. Squeak
and tweet, make you
tattle on fiendish thoughts
that carry you over the edge.

Betray those hidden secrets
then blab to this pirate
of treasure, what floats
your boat on those eerie
darkened nights. When all
is calm, but the pounding

seizures inside your gut.
Those freakish feelings
that wanna prostitute you out
and beg for more ...


you out
and beg for more


that wanna prostitute you out
and pay for more


Just thinkinking. Which would be better for the poem.
To beg a prostitue or pay? Silly but I kinda like this poem
and am wondering which line goes better?

RhymeFairy said:
you out
and beg for more


that wanna prostitute you out
and pay for more


Just thinkinking. Which would be better for the poem.
To beg a prostitue or pay? Silly but I kinda like this poem
and am wondering which line goes better?



pay may go hand in hand with prostitute
but beg stirs the imagination <grin
Again, I am working on

Patience :


1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation,
annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper,
irritation, or the like.

2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance
when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.

3. quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to
work with patience.

4. Cards (chiefly British) solitaire (def. 1).

5. Also called patience dock. a European dock, Rumex patientia,
of the buckwheat family, whose leaves are often used as a

6. Obsolete. leave; permission; sufference.

[Origin: 1175–1225; ME pacience < OF < L patientia. ]


backbone*, bearing, calmness, composure, constancy, cool*, diligence,
endurance, equanimity, even temper, forbearance, fortitude, grit*,
guts*, gutsiness, heart, humility, imperturbability, intestinal fortitude*,
legs*, leniency, long-suffering, longanimity, moderation, moxie*,
nonresistance, passiveness, passivity, perseverance, persistence,
poise, resignation, restraint, self-control, serenity, starch*, staying
power*, stoicism, submission, sufferance, tolerance, toleration,

Antonyms: impatience

What say you?

Happy Writing ~

I work in moderation
as modern technology teaches
us to tempt fate and become
a multi tasker.

Supple muscles sing out
as nimble fingers lightly dance
down. Stalking hipbone to pelvis
peering lower. Relaxation takes over
when moans mumble, flow
from high notes into guttural groans
sinking from bones, tendons
continue to contract
while rubber band strands
pierce the night air ...
cum still drips
as I speak, telling you
about my hidden secret
places. I took the shot
a liquid lightening drink
of courage
get off on feelings of lust
love. passion pounded me over
over again. I slipped
tasted a sliver of a vibrating toy
meant to be you
meant to share in this moment
of carnal knowledge, meant for you.
yes, I slipped
over and over till I peaked
on pistons of clitoris tickling
shivers of delight attacked me
as I drowned out
semi conscious from the power
your patient permission to pass this gate
and get a slice
of all american pie ...

thinking of submitting ....
RhymeFairy said:
cum still drips
as I speak, telling you
about my hidden secret
places. I took the shot
a liquid lightening drink
of courage
get off on feelings of lust
love. passion pounded me over
over again. I slipped
tasted a sliver of a vibrating toy
meant to be you
meant to share in this moment
of carnal knowledge, meant for you.
yes, I slipped
over and over till I peaked
on pistons of clitoris tickling
shivers of delight attacked me
as I drowned out
semi conscious from the power
your patient permission to pass this gate
and get a slice
of all american pie ...

thinking of submitting ....

edited to submit~

All American Pie

Cum still drips
as I speak. Telling you
about my hidden secret

I took the shot of liquid
lightening. A drink
of courage, to get off .
On feelings of lust

Passion pounded me over
over again. I slipped
and tasted a sliver
of a vibrating toy

to be you. Meant
to share in this moment
of carnal knowledge. Meant
for you.

Yes, I slipped
over and over till I peaked
on pistons of clitoris tickling
clicking. Shivers of delight
attacked me.

As I drowned out
semi conscious from the power.
I lie still, in wait
for your patient permission.
To pass this gate
and get another slice
of all American pie ...

I try ..

No music for inspiration. Words
do not float around, tempting me
to test drive and perhaps
buy the new state of the art

I sit in darkness
wishing to wet the appetite.
For brain food to gobble down
devour what lil matter I still hold

inside, where everything stems
with purple roots, carried
in grocery bags. For, to unpack
and settle in
is where I always
make the mistake

that all is right. Maybe this time
it is. To try, is all I can do. But
should I ...

One wonders...

RhymeFairy said:
I try ..

No music for inspiration. Words
do not float around, tempting me
to test drive and perhaps
buy the new state of the art

I sit in darkness
wishing to wet the appetite.
For brain food to gobble down
devour what lil matter I still hold

inside, where everything stems
with purple roots, carried
in grocery bags. For, to unpack
and settle in
is where I always
make the mistake

that all is right. Maybe this time
it is. To try, is all I can do. But
should I ...


Lights turned low
memories drifting on the words of song

Like a silent movie
playing inside my head

Though the tears are real enough
emotions still lingering

Days I will never see again
moments that will never happen

Memories that I wish I'd forget
praying for senility

Then I could say what I want
no one would listen

Taking pleasure in my secrets
where I keep them hidden

Knowing one day they will mean something
when it no longer matters

Will I find pleasure in that
Probably not

Not that it will matter anyway
my ashes blanketing the ground

The meadow singing songs
the Hawk listening, remembering

But it won't matter
the wind will carry away what was.
Many Feathers said:
Lights turned low
memories drifting on the words of song

Like a silent movie
playing inside my head

Though the tears are real enough
emotions still lingering

Days I will never see again
moments that will never happen

Memories that I wish I'd forget
praying for senility

Then I could say what I want
no one would listen

Taking pleasure in my secrets
where I keep them hidden

Knowing one day they will mean something
when it no longer matters

Will I find pleasure in that
Probably not

Not that it will matter anyway
my ashes blanketing the ground

The meadow singing songs
the Hawk listening, remembering

But it won't matter
the wind will carry away what was.

Many Feathers...
I like this write (~_~)
Many Feathers said:
Lights turned low
memories drifting on the words of song

Like a silent movie
playing inside my head

Though the tears are real enough
emotions still lingering

Days I will never see again
moments that will never happen

Memories that I wish I'd forget
praying for senility

Then I could say what I want
no one would listen

Taking pleasure in my secrets
where I keep them hidden

Knowing one day they will mean something
when it no longer matters

Will I find pleasure in that
Probably not

Not that it will matter anyway
my ashes blanketing the ground

The meadow singing songs
the Hawk listening, remembering

But it won't matter
the wind will carry away what was.

Touching and veryyy heartfelt. ~



To count the stars above

I listen to past memories
as nightfalls, bringing sorrow
fast on his heals.

They dance arms wide, sweeping the skies
with toes turned up, saying what a pleasure.
This pure bliss to be passionately kissed
like plucking petals pout, whispering
feel my softness, inhale my essence
and taste my offerings, with a tongue
in cheek casualness as two heavenly bodies
blindly bend then blend into one ...

Tears shall drench these cheeks
but I still have my memories.
My escape, into time ...

Does anyone have a lil ...

Steam :

Pronunciation stim

Definition 1. water vapor, esp. that formed by boiling.

Definition 2. the white mist formed in the air when water
vapor condenses, esp. by cooling.

Definition 3. any visible mist, as from a smokestack.

Definition 4. (informal) ability to do work; power.
Example Do you have the steam to climb the hill?

Crossref. Syn. energy , power

Related Words fog , cloud , vapor

Phrase blow off [or] let off steam

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms steamed, steaming, steams

Definition 1. to release or produce steam.
Definition 2. to come to have a coating of condensed vapor
(often fol. by up).
Example The windows steam up in cold, humid weather.

Definition 3. to be in motion using or as if using steam power.
Example The train steamed up the mountain.

Definition 4. (informal) to feel or express anger.

Crossref. Syn. broil , fume , anger

Related Words evaporate , boil , sail , vapor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to apply steam to, esp. to cook or clean.
Example He steamed the fish for five minutes.

Related Words boil

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of, concerning, or driven by steam.
Example a steam locomotive.

Definition 2. conveying or containing steam.
Example a steam pipe.

Happy Writing ...

:p :devil: :rose:
men sing songs in steam baths
such air and flow hustles sweet
my crowded streets
I want to be loved as
that trouble free room.....
Steam rose high from the whirlpool.
Deep green trees stared back, almost
daring me to disrobe. I listened
as water slowly trickled down
those cold cold mountains.

Seeing more smoke rise. From earth
to sky as far as the eye could see,
mist. Swirling waves then bubbles
being blown caught my attention.

~~~work in progress, lol
RhymeFairy said:
Steam rose high from the whirlpool.
Deep green trees stared back, almost
daring me to disrobe. I listened
as water slowly trickled down
those cold cold mountains.

Seeing more smoke rise. From earth
to sky as far as the eye could see,
mist. Swirling waves then bubbles
being blown caught my attention.

~~~work in progress, lol

Steam rose high from the whirlpool.
Deep green trees stared back, almost
daring me to disrobe. I listened
as water slowly trickled down
those cold cold mountains.

Seeing more smoke rise. From earth
to sky as far as the eye could behold,
mist. Swirling waves below, then bubbles
being blown caught my attention.

A flash of skin came within view.
Bare shoulders came next. His green
eyes glowing through the vapors
snagged my smile.

Hips shimming a bit, my zipper descends.
Blue lace slithers down, as I wink
and bare witness to his instant

Humping waves he growls
out a whisper, get in. Lost
in aquamarine. I peel off my shirt
and fall into heaven ...


OK. I give up on this one for now. :rolleyes:
I ended it very abruptly, but I know you get the pic ~ ;)

RhymeFairy said:
Steam rose high from the whirlpool.
Deep green trees stared back, almost
daring me to disrobe. I listened
as water slowly trickled down
those cold cold mountains.

Seeing more smoke rise. From earth
to sky as far as the eye could behold,
mist. Swirling waves below, then bubbles
being blown caught my attention.

A flash of skin came within view.
Bare shoulders came next. His green
eyes glowing through the vapors
snagged my smile.

Hips shimming a bit, my zipper descends.
Blue lace slithers down, as I wink
and bare witness to his instant

Humping waves he growls
out a whisper, get in. Lost
in aquamarine. I peel off my shirt
and fall into heaven ...


OK. I give up on this one for now. :rolleyes:
I ended it very abruptly, but I know you get the pic ~ ;)


Have no clue why I keep playing with this one, Grrr


Steam ...

Steam rises high
from the whirlpool.
Deep green trees stare
back, almost daring me

to disrobe. I listen
as water slowly trickles
down these cold
cold mountains.

More smoke rises.
From earth to sky
as far as the eye
can behold, mist.

Swirling waves below
then bubbles being blown
catch my attention.

A flash of skin comes
into view. Bare shoulders
come next. His green
eyes glowing through
the vapors, snag
my smile.

Hips shimming a bit,
my zipper descends.
Blue lace slithers

down, as I wink
and bare witness
to his instant

Humping waves
he growls out
a whisper, get in.
Lost in aquamarine.
I peel off my shirt
and fall into heaven ...

Had to work on formatting, present/past tense ~ :rolleyes:
Still not happy ( way not happy ) but I'm off to bed.
Maybe tomorrow I can/will work up a bit more
or a whole new batch of ... steam~ ;)


Last edited:
Let us write. Tell the world.

Of every touch
that transpired. Somehow
get that feeling through,
to you. A magical
feeling. A perfect, pure passion. One
so wild ... my fingers,

they stumble.
Caressing the words, not wanting
to let go. To share
in the moment that was so
special, tender
as it developed
from a gritty images into reality
within seconds, upon
the pens tip.

I shall hide it deep inside, for times
are tough, only getting tougher.
Let me save it, for another rough day
when the night closes in
and I need a pick-me-up,
a token

of pleasure, shared from one human
to another. It's mine, I think
I shall keep it ....


ya ever seen steam rise
between your thighs?
when your lolli-pop was licked
and hot breath kisses
spewed steam
like a cup of warm coffee
poured in your lap
Imagery ...

Brought over from Spanking The Muse Thread ~~ Thinking I gave him a good wholloppping. :eek:


I want you and you know it. That's why
you feel my breath in the morning, sinking in
down your spine, softly blowing
blending bodies into motion while minds
digress replaying olden times.

I share this twin pain to ever after, till
the end. Let me feel, hope and even dream
that it is you, there beside me
in the dark. When loneliness turns its head and winks
out worry for my day has been completed. My time
is here and now,

with you
my love, my life. I share everything
every moment, but is it now we want
or what used to be? Is love this burning desire to
shake you down and have my wicked wicked way
or is lust paying his weekly visit. Tell me
are you in love with that image

of what was, or what is
before your eyes, in the light of day
in all her glory, wrinkles, gray hairs, curlers
and houseshoes. Or this magical,
mythical vamp
that visits only in darkness
to stake claim to brazen skin
and all that's within ...

RhymeFairy said:
Brought over from Spanking The Muse Thread ~~ Thinking I gave him a good wholloppping. :eek:


I want you and you know it. That's why
you feel my breath in the morning, sinking in
down your spine, softly blowing
blending bodies into motion while minds
digress replaying olden times.

I share this twin pain to ever after, till
the end. Let me feel, hope and even dream
that it is you, there beside me
in the dark. When loneliness turns its head and winks
out worry for my day has been completed. My time
is here and now,

with you
my love, my life. I share everything
every moment, but is it now we want
or what used to be? Is love this burning desire to
shake you down and have my wicked wicked way
or is lust paying his weekly visit. Tell me
are you in love with that image

of what was, or what is
before your eyes, in the light of day
in all her glory, wrinkles, gray hairs, curlers
and houseshoes. Or this magical,
mythical vamp
that visits only in darkness
to stake claim to brazen skin
and all that's within ...


I am glad you brought it over...
I might have missed this

you have definetly been wrapped in...
erotic writing as of late

"....wicked wicked way"......<bigrin (~_*)
My Erotic Trail said:
I am glad you brought it over...
I might have missed this

you have definetly been wrapped in...
erotic writing as of late

"....wicked wicked way"......<bigrin (~_*)

Thank you Art for the encouragement. It's been a struggle as of late and I am fighting it tooth and nail ... all the way, lol ~~ ;)

i heard a song ....


He is the match to my flame, making me tick
tock shimmy down my woodstock, shake
and caress every nerve cell concealed
in his body.

His body, ignites my passion with purple
shadows that pole dive down and dirty
style to get a small slick, wet lick
of those hips that do a slow dance sway
long after midnight.

I pull him close only to see emptiness
in my grasp. His scent still stands
long after. Leaving me afraid
to face another day, another week
without his touch, his love
his fire ...
