Free Thoughts~on One word...

I've given all I can give. Taken
more than I should have. The time
has come
to crash and burn. Lay in wait,
and watch as love goes up
in flames.
RhymeFairy said:
I've given all I can give. Taken
more than I should have. The time
has come
to crash and burn. Lay in wait,
and watch as love goes up
in flames.

watchers wait
like a sniper cat
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bluerains said:
watchers wait
like a sniper cat

I can just see Puss In Boots with an oooozie. lmao~

Bad bad Blue ... badest gurl in da whole damn town. :D

My Desire ... from 30/30 thread


He ask, my desires. What makes me
tick. When alone, all is matter of fact.
Until I get that feeling. You know the one
where goosebumps turn up the heat
and fry your chicken crispy,
creamy even.


Desire to me is that want. The feeling
that shocks the spine into a rigid state.
A fever induced, sweltering
eruptive wave that comes cresting,
crashing down deep. A hot/cold
swimming till fingers are numb
and lips turn purple from overuse
magnified by twenty. Till taunt regions
snap, snagging his fish in a choke hold
of tongue and fins flopping around
on cotton fields sapped
by the deathly desert sun.

Edited a bit ~ Thinking I played with it too much. Always the case. :rolleyes: I try to get away from same word usage and this happens.

:eek: one to put away for another day me thinks ~

RhymeFairy said:

He ask, my desires. What makes me
tick. When alone, all is matter of fact.
Until I get that feeling. You know the one
where goosebumps turn up the heat
and fry your chicken crispy,
creamy even.


Desire to me is that want. The feeling
that shocks the spine into a rigid state.
A fever induced, sweltering
eruptive wave that comes cresting,
crashing down deep. A hot/cold
swimming till fingers are numb
and lips turn purple from overuse
magnified by twenty. Till taunt regions
snap, snagging his fish in a choke hold
of tongue and fins flopping around
on cotton fields sapped
by the deathly desert sun.

Edited a bit ~ Thinking I played with it too much. Always the case. :rolleyes: I try to get away from same word usage and this happens.

:eek: one to put away for another day me thinks ~


your muse has been inspirational lately
maybe I need to tie her up and..... <grin
...take advantage of ... the timing <grinin'

nice writes RF... keep up the wonderful writes
cause I like to read... them!
My Erotic Trail said:
your muse has been inspirational lately
maybe I need to tie her up and..... <grin
...take advantage of ... the timing <grinin'

nice writes RF... keep up the wonderful writes
cause I like to read... them!

Find your own muse. :p

Anyways ... I have him hid
and only let'm out
when no one is looking. :devil:

:catroar: :D
it's time for a long drive
somewhere way off, to gather
my wandering thoughts
and possibly put chill
to the rising heat that subsides
between steamy thighs, just wishing
to lock jaw buckle a passing pedestrian
who flies by me in a rush
to get to that blow up doll convention ...

Work dwindled down to
nothing. Three hours
lunch break and go on home.

I want to matter in this world. I want
to live for now, is the time
to speak up,
for ghostly depressive thoughts
have me cornered
and all I think of
is you.

Children running carefree
as momma coughs out another poem
another eulogy to a lost love.

One day, I shall be free.
Then all that shall be left is a shovel
and some dirt. Bury me deep,
for if ya don't, I swear
I shall come back
for him.

I shall seek redemption
for past wrongs that shackled me down
to the cold stone called reality,
when all it took was a willing soul
a loving heart
to make all dreams possible ...
Heads up ... I eat beans and bones
with cornbread on the side. Pass
the butter, add some salt,
a lil pepper to spice
up those meaty knuckled bones ...


sorry, just an image that struck me as funny.
Supper this evening is most def. beans'n bones. :D

RhymeFairy said:
Heads up ... I eat beans and bones
with cornbread on the side. Pass
the butter, add some salt,
a lil pepper to spice
up those meaty knuckled bones ...


sorry, just an image that struck me as funny.
Supper this evening is most def. beans'n bones. :D


I like this...but

I am hungry...
for more <grin
I know it's late in the day

but may I suggest:


dote  /doʊt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[doht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, dot‧ed, dot‧ing, noun
–verb (used without object) Also, doat.
1. to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually fol. by on or upon): They dote on their youngest daughter.
2. to show a decline of mental faculties, esp. associated with old age.
3. decay of wood.

I saw what you wrote
about how you dote
how you pine
the time you spend weeping
tears like sap seeping
from freshly cut bark
your heart in decay

the sinews of your soul
striated, as you wait
for healing from within
without, your blossom fades
limbs weigh heavy, droop
your crown bows , broken

Wood, that I coud be
your arborist, renew the roots
of your existence, place a poultice
wrap your wound, stop the flow
make the pain go away
I saw what you wrote
let me be your antidote
My Erotic Trail said:
I like this...but

I am hungry...
for more <grin

Thinkin' you my friend have never had beans and bones. It started out simple enough, till the kids eat all the pork chops and I was left with ... you got it :rolleyes: Really it is a meal I cook often. I am somehow addicted to it, thinking it's a comfort food for me, it being pork, that's not a good thing eh ~

Your still a sweetie pie for thinking my beans 'n bones were ... likable ;)


Still have this horrible cold/flu/bronchitis most likely
... back to bed for me ~
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tungtied2u said:
I know it's late in the day

but may I suggest:


dote  /doʊt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[doht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, dot‧ed, dot‧ing, noun
–verb (used without object) Also, doat.
1. to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually fol. by on or upon): They dote on their youngest daughter.
2. to show a decline of mental faculties, esp. associated with old age.
3. decay of wood.

I saw what you wrote
about how you dote
how you pine
the time you spend weeping
tears like sap seeping
from freshly cut bark
your heart in decay

the sinews of your soul
striated, as you wait
for healing from within
without, your blossom fades
limbs weigh heavy, droop
your crown bows , broken

Wood, that I coud be
your arborist, renew the roots
of your existence, place a poultice
wrap your wound, stop the flow
make the pain go away
I saw what you wrote
let me be your antidote

do dribble in dote
and float
on love's magic carpet ride
tungtied2u said:
I know it's late in the day

but may I suggest:


dote  /doʊt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[doht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, dot‧ed, dot‧ing, noun
–verb (used without object) Also, doat.
1. to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually (usually fol. by on or upon): They dote on their youngest daughter.
2. to show a decline of mental faculties, esp. associated with old age.
3. decay of wood.

I saw what you wrote
about how you dote
how you pine
the time you spend weeping
tears like sap seeping
from freshly cut bark
your heart in decay

the sinews of your soul
striated, as you wait
for healing from within
without, your blossom fades
limbs weigh heavy, droop
your crown bows , broken

Wood, that I coud be
your arborist, renew the roots
of your existence, place a poultice
wrap your wound, stop the flow
make the pain go away
I saw what you wrote
let me be your antidote

I'm a doting dope
who watches the seasons sail on by.
Sacrificing sizzle, for stay at home mom.
Whispering, rocking
reading a bed time story
of how the princess popped the question.
A kiss please, to turn this daytime drama
into a lifetime of lazy leisure.

:eek: :D :p

Feeling a bit better today.Thank goodness for cough syrup and tylenol eh ~
Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes and hugs. Lovin' ya'll


Big Thank You going out to TT2U for picking up my slack. Been a rough busy couple of days. I swear I have been delirious or something .. from this head cold. :D ~ Thinking ya'll know what a head cold (cold head?) does to a person .. scratch that .. see what I'm saying .. Better go back to bed for a few .. :rolleyes:

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A cozy floppy hat, (red)
with ears hanging real low
wraps me up, snug and warm
to hold off the cold.

I watch, in wonderment
the soft snow falling
from heavenly blue skies.

This, my wish
to nestle up close
marshmallows delight
singing christmas carols galore
all through the night ...

~~ getting into the season yet anyone?~~

:rose: :D
jingle balls
by My Erotic Tail ©

jingled the bell
with a naughty grin
all the pretty girls
came running
mistletoe hung
off the brim of my hat
I kissed as many
as my lips would smack

layed on a bed
of candy cane red
swirls of caressing
fingers tread
wet warm lips
at the north pole
flushed cheeks
smile a glow

eyes open
ceiling fan showed
dreaming of christmas
I suppose
I can't help but smile
whispers between my ears
'jingled your balls'
merry christmas dear~
Let's turn up the

Heat :

Syllables: heat

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation hit

Definition 1. the state of being very warm; hotness.
Synonyms hotness {hot }
Crossref. Syn. burning , warmth
Similar Words white heat , caloricity {caloric} , warmth , fervor

Definition 2. the degree or sensation of hotness of warmth.
Synonyms hotness {hot }
Crossref. Syn. throb
Similar Words fever , warmth , fervor

Definition 3. intensity of emotion; anger; passion; enthusiasm.
Synonyms passion , ardor ,intensity ,vehemence {vehement },fervor
Crossref. Syn. flame , fire
Similar Words enthusiasm , white heat , fieriness {fiery} , excitement ,
fever , zeal , warmth , hotness {hot (adj)}

Definition 4. hot weather.
Synonyms heat wave
Similar Words sultriness {sultry} , swelter , summer , dog days
Definition 5. the state of being prepared for sexual activity, as with
female animals.
Similar Words rut

Definition 6. in sports, a race that ones runs to qualify for the main
Similar Words race , preliminary

Definition 7. in physics, a form of energy transfer measured by
temperature differences between one system, object, or medium,
and another.

Definition 8. (slang) coercion, or other sorts of pressure.
Synonyms force , coercion , pressure
Similar Words compulsion , intimidation {intimidate} , duress

Related Words fire

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms heated, heating, heats

Definition 1. to cause to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm
Similar Words chafe , reheat

Definition 2. to cause to become emotionally excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , excite , arouse , inflame , ignite
Similar Words flush , enthuse , rouse , kindle , stimulate , fever ,
stir , quicken , intensify

Related Words fire , toast

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm

Definition 2. to become emotional excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , inflame
Similar Words warm , kindle

Definition 3. (informal) of a situation, to become more intense
(usu. fol. by up).
Example The debate was heating up ; The economy is heating up.
Synonyms intensify
Similar Words quicken

Related Words toast

Free think, story, poem, whatever comes to mind.
Erotic or non, no worries. Just write ~!!! :p

Happy Writing ~ :rose: :rose:
you can only leave
the heat turned up so high
so long, without attention

otherwise. the ingredients
run dry, scorch and smell nasty
not even fit for comsumption
tungtied2u said:
you can only leave
the heat turned up so high
so long, without attention

otherwise. the ingredients
run dry, scorch and smell nasty
not even fit for comsumption


Aint it tha truth ... :rose: :D

Now my turn ... :p

I awoke with you
permeating in my vocal chords, ringing
in my ears. Chastising you,
as always, trying to make the mark
murk deeper.

I felt you
on my skin, in lil beads of perspiration.
Petting my hairs, with running wet
wheat stalks. Imbedding your scent
to invade, infuse ... wild, hot heat.

You surround me.
Saturating an acceptance
from this wanting body of sin
bathed ... in love.
RhymeFairy said:
Let's turn up the

Heat :

Syllables: heat

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation hit

Definition 1. the state of being very warm; hotness.
Synonyms hotness {hot }
Crossref. Syn. burning , warmth
Similar Words white heat , caloricity {caloric} , warmth , fervor

Definition 2. the degree or sensation of hotness of warmth.
Synonyms hotness {hot }
Crossref. Syn. throb
Similar Words fever , warmth , fervor

Definition 3. intensity of emotion; anger; passion; enthusiasm.
Synonyms passion , ardor ,intensity ,vehemence {vehement },fervor
Crossref. Syn. flame , fire
Similar Words enthusiasm , white heat , fieriness {fiery} , excitement ,
fever , zeal , warmth , hotness {hot (adj)}

Definition 4. hot weather.
Synonyms heat wave
Similar Words sultriness {sultry} , swelter , summer , dog days
Definition 5. the state of being prepared for sexual activity, as with
female animals.
Similar Words rut

Definition 6. in sports, a race that ones runs to qualify for the main
Similar Words race , preliminary

Definition 7. in physics, a form of energy transfer measured by
temperature differences between one system, object, or medium,
and another.

Definition 8. (slang) coercion, or other sorts of pressure.
Synonyms force , coercion , pressure
Similar Words compulsion , intimidation {intimidate} , duress

Related Words fire

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms heated, heating, heats

Definition 1. to cause to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm
Similar Words chafe , reheat

Definition 2. to cause to become emotionally excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , excite , arouse , inflame , ignite
Similar Words flush , enthuse , rouse , kindle , stimulate , fever ,
stir , quicken , intensify

Related Words fire , toast

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm

Definition 2. to become emotional excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , inflame
Similar Words warm , kindle

Definition 3. (informal) of a situation, to become more intense
(usu. fol. by up).
Example The debate was heating up ; The economy is heating up.
Synonyms intensify
Similar Words quicken

Related Words toast

Free think, story, poem, whatever comes to mind.
Erotic or non, no worries. Just write ~!!! :p

Happy Writing ~ :rose: :rose:

oh how I long for warmth
from winter's nipping teeth
and anticipate the sun going down
when there's heat under the sheets (~_*)
My Erotic Trail said:
oh how I long for warmth
from winter's nipping teeth (esp. like this)
and anticipate the sun going down
when there's heat under the sheets (~_*)


Really like this lil diddie Art.
Not forced, smooth imagery with a dash of steam.

seared, the skin-thin curls
of papery, white, browns,
smoke escapes from crevices
widening from the steam
of boiled sap

the birch log is consumed
champagne1982 said:
seared, the skin-thin curls
of papery, white, browns,
smoke escapes from crevices
widening from the steam
of boiled sap

the birch log is consumed

Mmmm, very sensual.
May not seem that way to others, just me ... maybe :eek:
Very nice write here Carrie.

Thank You ~ :rose: