Free Thoughts~on One word...

New word ....


Syllables: sen-si-tive

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation sehn sE tihv

Definition 1. having the ability to sense.
Synonyms sentient , feeling , sensible
Similar Words aware , perceptive , keen , conscious

Definition 2. very responsive to and affected by sense impressions.
Crossref. Syn. feeling , delicate , perceptive , irritable , acute , tender
Similar Words responsive , reactive , feeling , perceptive , painful ,
tender , sore

Definition 3. acutely responsive mentally or emotionally.
Synonyms susceptible , feeling
Crossref. Syn. touchy , delicate , perceptive , tender-hearted , emotional
Similar Words reactive , impressionable , hypersensitive , touchy ,
temperamental , responsive , huffy , excitable , receptive , thin-skinned ,

Definition 4. very responsive to certain stimuli such as chemicals or
other environmental agents.
Synonyms susceptible , susceptive
Crossref. Syn. irritable
Similar Words responsive , allergic , reactive , hypersensitive

Definition 5. involving something that is secret or needs care in handling.
Example Abortion is a sensitive subject.
Synonyms touchy , delicate , ticklish

Definition 6. of certain instruments, responsive to extremely small
changes in heat, light, or the like.
Similar Words discriminating , fine , accurate , responsive , fine-tuned
{fine-tune} , subtle , delicate , receptive , precise

Related Words sensible , considerate , queasy , irritable , artistic ,
waspish , ticklish , fastidious , emotional , nervous , discreet , vulnerable

Derived Forms sensitively, adv. ; sensitiveness, n.

Been thinking on this one all day. Have no clue why, just sticks
to the heart and wishes to be expressed I reckon ~

Happy Writing ~~

Good one...

Thought I'd try and post on this one while I can here. Things are apt to be a bit difficult for me here before too long. So...


Was I really sensitive when I fell in love with you?
Looking back, wishing now I'd never said those words.
Letting you go when I did determined then.
Letting you come back, insensitive where you for trying.

Perhaps one day we'd have been friends again,
letting the past eventually heal us both.
But coming back, after so much intensity, longing and hope,
having that destroyed, destroyed all hope. Destroying...
even the hope of friendship.

I loved you beyond loving anyone...ever.
Your memory still with me even now.
But you are now where you are.
And I am now here. Living two separate lives,
lives never again coming together, loving.

Not as lovers, not as friends
not as anything ever again.

Sensitive to that I remain now,
though it tears me apart nearly every day.
Insensitive to the hurt and pain you left me with
uncaring though I thought you once did.

Time passes, sometimes too quickly,
sometimes not nearly fast enough.
Seasons change, some never will come again.
The snows will melt, the tears will dry.
Sunshine will again bathe my face.

I can only wonder when the warmth of healing
will indeed caress me.
On a mountain top listening to the winds,
or amongst the clouds as I drift past looking down on what was.

I know only I was sensitive to my heart,
allowing myself to feel again, love again.
Insensitive that you let me, only to fool me.
Now I am sensitive to the truth,
and it still haunts me. Always will.
she acts like a tough egg
but her shell is fragile
you would think
after all the heat
she'd be hard-boiled
but her center remains soft
Unbridled_Passion said:
OK, RF, I will try this one. I have wanted to try one of these challenges, so why not?

WoooHooooo :rose: :rose: :nana:

I'm so happy to see ya visiting my thread, lol. :D

Been a long day. I intend doing this one myself and attempting to have another go around on the 30/30 challenge. Will be back in a few if Mr. Sandman does not pay a visit first ...

I am pretty tired as well. Maybe I will play with this a little bit tonight, and tomorrow it may be ready. Have a great nite-nite.(sorry, I have a 3 yr old)
RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: sen-si-tive

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation sehn sE tihv

Definition 1. having the ability to sense.
Synonyms sentient , feeling , sensible
Similar Words aware , perceptive , keen , conscious

Definition 2. very responsive to and affected by sense impressions.
Crossref. Syn. feeling , delicate , perceptive , irritable , acute , tender
Similar Words responsive , reactive , feeling , perceptive , painful ,
tender , sore

Definition 3. acutely responsive mentally or emotionally.
Synonyms susceptible , feeling
Crossref. Syn. touchy , delicate , perceptive , tender-hearted , emotional
Similar Words reactive , impressionable , hypersensitive , touchy ,
temperamental , responsive , huffy , excitable , receptive , thin-skinned ,

Definition 4. very responsive to certain stimuli such as chemicals or
other environmental agents.
Synonyms susceptible , susceptive
Crossref. Syn. irritable
Similar Words responsive , allergic , reactive , hypersensitive

Definition 5. involving something that is secret or needs care in handling.
Example Abortion is a sensitive subject.
Synonyms touchy , delicate , ticklish

Definition 6. of certain instruments, responsive to extremely small
changes in heat, light, or the like.
Similar Words discriminating , fine , accurate , responsive , fine-tuned
{fine-tune} , subtle , delicate , receptive , precise

Related Words sensible , considerate , queasy , irritable , artistic ,
waspish , ticklish , fastidious , emotional , nervous , discreet , vulnerable

Derived Forms sensitively, adv. ; sensitiveness, n.

Been thinking on this one all day. Have no clue why, just sticks
to the heart and wishes to be expressed I reckon ~

Happy Writing ~~


Definition 3. acutely responsive mentally or emotionally.
Synonyms susceptible , feeling
Crossref. Syn. touchy , delicate , perceptive , tender-hearted , emotional
Similar Words reactive , impressionable , hypersensitive , touchy ,
temperamental , responsive , huffy , excitable , receptive , thin-skinned ,

This artistic nature
of touchy-feely
leaves me
in an emotional huff.

Kicking shoes off
to get down to the nitty
gritty. I preceive emotions
in words.

Knock on door,
needing ways to see out
the window that seems
to be forever smudged.

To say I am sensitive
to language, not true.
I feel the pen
being dipped, spotted
and put to tree.

Trespass, gander
give a look-see.
What appears before the eye
cannot negate
the needle ...

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i would love to write of ...

steam and passion
tongues licking, every orifice
opting in, out
forgetting not one tiny speck
of speakable flesh, mouthed down
from running hands
as hibernating feelings escape
into the wild
wilderness of the moment. the long lost

love that catches up in the dark,
drains us dry with face sitting, sucking
screaming into openings as crest after crest
erupts bringing bare ass aspects into view.
catch'm quick, calmly clamp down, nip
bite, smack
spasms spurt volcanically
volleying back, forth. bring it
bring it
from batting eyes
splurging feelings
reeling us in, over
again ...

but i don't think
I have it in me tonight ... :rolleyes:


just a thought ~
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his sensitive fingers
trail over my willing flesh
as his tongue
explores other avenues

my body feverish
and mind whirling
ecstasy is on
the horizon
Spur :

Syllables: spur

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Phrases: on the spur of the moment

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation spuhr

Definition 1. a device attached to a rider's boot heel that has a spike
or toothed wheel and is used to urge the horse forward.

Definition 2. anything that prods or incites to action or to greater effort
or speed.
Synonyms prod , goad , cue , impetus , prompt

Definition 3. a pointed or projecting growth or formation, as on the legs
of some birds such as roosters, or on human bone as a result of injury.

Definition 4. a short section of railroad track that joins a main line.

Related Words inspiration , incentive , dynamic , limb , prompt , prod

Phrase on the spur of the moment

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms spurred, spurring, spurs

Definition 1. to urge (a horse) to start or go faster by using spurs.
Synonyms rowel
Similar Words drive , speed , race , press

Definition 2. to urge or incite to act, to make a greater effort, or
to go faster (often fol. by on).
Example Her enthusiasm spurred me on. ;) :p

Synonyms prod , goad , egg , prick
Crossref. Syn. actuate , rouse , prompt
Similar Words provoke , stimulate , prompt , lash , needle , drive , whip
up {whip (PHR)} , incite , press

Related Words defy , abet , stir , rush , launch , kindle , prod , urge ,
motivate , accelerate , arouse , whip , propel

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to use spurs to urge a horse to start or go faster.

Related Words stimulate

Things seem a bit slow here online. :cool:

Let's get'm up and move'm on~.
Bring on the poetry my friends ... :p

Happy Writing ~

naughty self
let out to prowl
on words. bite hard
snap'm in two. crunch
meaty vowels
with orgasmic

my constants, urging
on a climatic arousal
to spur on this moment
of taste testing bliss ...


just playing with words, lol :rolleyes:
I am a cowgirl at heart
loving my daily rides
sporting a cowboy hat
and silver spurs

Horses are not what
I like to ride
but cowboys
are mighty fine
Unbridled_Passion said:
I am a cowgirl at heart
loving my daily rides
sporting a cowboy hat
and silver spurs

Horses are not what
I like to ride
but cowboys
are mighty fine

(O_O) oh!!!! <bigrin'

for the challenge....

What spurred this
a spur of the moment word?
Shall I write naked
with nothing on
but my boots and spurs?

Just my luck
I'll sit on a sticker-bur
or prick my ass with a spur

how? you might ask?

She has a cowboy hat
wearing spurs.

RhymeFairy said:
naughty self
let out to prowl
on words. bite hard
snap'm in two. crunch
meaty vowels
with orgasmic

my constants, urging
on a climatic arousal
to spur on this moment
of taste testing bliss ...


just playing with words, lol :rolleyes:

oh, I get it...
kinda like my cats
prowling for a couple days
then come back dead tired
and crash for two days... (~_*)
New word ~


Syllables: res-o-nate

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation reh zE net

Inflected Forms resonated, resonating, resonates

Definition 1. to produce resonance.
Crossref. Syn. ring , vibrate , echo

Definition 2. to resound; echo.
Crossref. Syn. ring , resound , echo

Related Words pulsate , boom , roll , sound

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause (something) to produce resonance or resound.
Crossref. Syn. vibrate , echo

Related Words resound , reflect , sound

Derived Forms resonation, n.

In honor of Liar going out on a limb and letting it all hang out.
Catch that star and ride it till the end my friend ~

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: res-o-nate

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation reh zE net

Inflected Forms resonated, resonating, resonates

Definition 1. to produce resonance.
Crossref. Syn. ring , vibrate , echo

Definition 2. to resound; echo.
Crossref. Syn. ring , resound , echo

Related Words pulsate , boom , roll , sound

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause (something) to produce resonance or resound.
Crossref. Syn. vibrate , echo

Related Words resound , reflect , sound

Derived Forms resonation, n.

In honor of Liar going out on a limb and letting it all hang out.
Catch that star and ride it till the end my friend ~

Happy Writing ~


so... minor monster resonates? <bigrin (~_~)
I feel this fever
resonating throughout.
Responding organs ring true
sounding out each breath
to play catch up. Revibing,
reviving a stale mimic
of what once was a true heart,
sound mind and pliable body ...


a free shot ~ :p
RhymeFairy said:
I feel this fever
resonating throughout.
Responding organs ring true
sounding out each breath
to play catch up. Revibing,
reviving a stale mimic
of what once was a true heart,
sound mind and pliable body ...


a free shot ~ :p

glad to see ya back from your ...prowling? Nappng? ...fever?

Thanks for the comment on my new poem btw. Glad it was thought provoking, something that I think we all need to think about. I certainly will be.
I know this story.

the one where the prince is far off
dreaming of his fair lady love.
little does he know, she awaits

the day, even if
decades pass before their reunion.
when the dragon is slain
and finally they can live
happily ever after. only

after years, she changes
becoming a housewoman,
the perfect parent
to all the castles children
and withdrawn into a shell
his sword could never crack.
but then, she has no idea

that he is a tired weather-beaten,
saddle sore man
from miles crossed
in heart and soul, to show up
at the draw bridge
dragging boots, wrinkled brows
too torn to even try
too broken down, to lift
the sword.

~~ err thought I knew the story ~~ :rolleyes:

Free thoughts my friends. Been a while since I have written as ya'll know.
Just trying to stay in the game and keep my words sharp ...

:eek: givin' up now~
RhymeFairy said:
I know this story.

the one where the prince is far off
dreaming of his fair lady love.
little does he know, she awaits

the day, even if
decades pass before their reunion.
when the dragon is slain
and finally they can live
happily ever after. only

after years, she changes
becoming a housewoman,
the perfect parent
to all the castles children
and withdrawn into a shell
his sword could never crack.
but then, she has no idea

that he is a tired weather-beaten,
saddle sore man
from miles crossed
in heart and soul, to show up
at the draw bridge
dragging boots, wrinkled brows
too torn to even try
too broken down, to lift
the sword.

~~ err thought I knew the story ~~ :rolleyes:

Free thoughts my friends. Been a while since I have written as ya'll know.
Just trying to stay in the game and keep my words sharp ...

:eek: givin' up now~

sharpening words
with a pencil grinder,
honeing stone
and concrete
razor wit revealed
when words are whieled
is it reasonable to resonate with such anger,
let it radiate, the heart seized in sudden craze
rankled over poorly chosen deeds or a nasty phrase…
perhaps better to release the rage,
not let it percolate into a prize claimed by another,
grown into a death years from now,
become cause for other’s grief.

...upon reading nasty posts... is this still the word du jour?
passion thread ~ transpotting, lol ~

you do not want my words, for they
are to volatile to express outloud.
for the world
to hear
actually grasp
that I want you. just you.
to awaken with every morning
to help carry your load when all
seems lost. to love you
appreciate every lil smile
word, whisper that escapes those
thin lil lips
those two curves of half moons
that show and share with me the light
that shines from every flower, tree
and brook that streams down
icy mountains gaze
upon adam and eve
as they truly were meant to be.
no leaves, just hot spring water
pouring, caressing every curve. splashing
across his tiny nipples as she leans in
to partake of his earthy offering.
taking and giving
sharing and loving
respecting all this world has to offer
I am not allowed to say it.
I cannot honestly even think it.
long in the dark
I have stayed, wishing
knowing it is all for naught.
stupid snake ...
Thank You Art and HotKittySpank

I appreciate the word play here from you both.
With this much emotion we could certainly blow a few gaskets. :cool:

:rose: :D
