

WHarold said,

A gerund is the "ing" form of a verb used as a Noun in the sentence structure -- see Angeline's post for a good example of gerunds in action.

Angeline had said

Thinking of you. Wondering why you are doing this. Is this what you were wanting?

Nice meeting you.

WH, your definition is correct. However, none of the verb forms in Angeline's post are gerunds; they are 'progressive' forms.

Kul att se dig igen, broder - du har varit osynlig den senaste tiden!

Hoppas att du har haft en trevlig jul och ett trevligt nyår.
Gerund: a verb form which functions as a noun, in English ending in -ing (Example: string) :D

"If you can string her along until tomorrow, you will have her in your string."

Engish is simple, if you follow the instructions. ;)

Svenskaflicka said:
Kul att se dig igen, broder - du har varit osynlig den senaste tiden!

Hoppas att du har haft en trevlig jul och ett trevligt nyår.

Dear Svenska,

You tell 'em, girl. I couldn't have said it better myself. How did a gerund thread get on here without my knowing it? Carumba!

Hey, this is hardly fair! Some of us come to these boards for escapism. Its all very well playing with gerunds, but some of us study ancient history. If lit is filled with Latin, I will have literally nowhere to hide. With the exams coming up, my walls are lined with the stuff. AAARGH!


Vedi, Vidi, Pavi (I came, I saw, I quaked with panic/fear
Amo amas amat

Natural Born Eros said:

Vedi, Vidi, Pavi (I came, I saw, I quaked with panic/fear

Dear Eros,

Sic transit gerunda omnis

Faber est suae quisque fortunae.

Everyone makes their own happiness.

Or, in Lit lingo - everyone masturbates.
Hmmm, I thought about this for a moment and this is what I decided upon:

We swing our legs back and forth while on the swing.

Edited to tell Eros that I, too, quaked. School was a fearing place at times for me. lol
Svenskaflicka said:
Faber est suae quisque fortunae.

Everyone makes their own happiness.

Or, in Lit lingo - everyone masturbates.

Oops! Another secret that's out! ;)
Svenskaflicka said:
Kul att se dig igen, broder - du har varit osynlig den senaste tiden!

Hoppas att du har haft en trevlig jul och ett trevligt nyår.
tak og i lige måde, svenskaflicka! godt nytår til dig.
Re: YTEm

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
How did a gerund thread get on here without my knowing it? Carumba!


the first post in this thread was:
08-28-2002 10:25 AM
where you BEEN, sister?!
Sir Winston

Coolville said:
the first post in this thread was:
08-28-2002 10:25 AM
where you BEEN, sister?!

As Churchill said, that's a misery wrapped in an enema.

Gerunda the Quotational
Coolville said:
tak og i lige måde, svenskaflicka! godt nytår til dig.

Har du sett vad dom händer med tävlingen i år? De kör över oss europeer grundligt - och smutskastar den som försöker protestera.

Jag tycker det verkar som om de är lite rädda för konkurrens - eller också är det deras isolation som börjar göra sig gällande.;)
I was making a word joke, sweety! You know, enema, shit...

Oh, never mind. All of you Americans hate me, don't you? Yeah. I thought so. Sob, sob. (No, that's not an insult, it's mock crying. Oj, oj, oj...)

Happy birthday, littleone!:rose:

Svenskaflicka said:
Oj, oj, oj...)

Happy birthday, littleone!:rose:

What the ^&%*^$)(* does "Oj" mean. Here, it means a citrus beverage or a guy who got away with murder.

Gerunda the Inquisitive Who is Now Two Decades Old

Your crying has touched my heart...


I hope your celebrating won't result in great regretting tomorrow morning.


:heart: b
Svens: Experientia docet stultos (Experience teaches fools)

How else do you think I learn things?

The Earl
Sorry, just realised that could be misconstrued. Was replying to the Latin maxims section earlier.

No offence meant.

The Earl