
Re: oj

MathGirl said:
You mean like "Aww Fuck!"?

Gerundette the Obscene

According to tonight's episode of "Gilmore Girls", you DO have the expression "oj" in America. They even extended it to an:

"oj with poodles already".

No s***?

Svenskaflicka said:
According to tonight's episode of "Gilmore Girls", you DO have the expression "oj" in America. They even extended it to an:

"oj with poodles already".


Hi, Svenska, you .......... cutie. I don't know what the 'Gilmore Girls' are. Probably a TV thing. I don't do TV, and I detest poodles. It's about 63 degrees (F) here today. How is it where you are?

Please post something in Swedish. That always makes me WET.

Gerundina the Easily Aroused
Still abroad, eh?

Over here, on the other side of the earth, it's winter. It's approximately -15 degrees centrigrade, which I think is around 2 degress Fahrenheit or something.

Gilmore Girls is an American TV Show, that runs every Sunday night on Channel 5, or, as me and myf riends call it, Channel USA. (Where 23 out of 26 shows are American sit-coms.) It's about this crazy woman who had a daughter when she was 16, and now the daughter is also 16, and mother and daughter get along great, and have crazy, funny, sarcastic conversations with each other and everyone else in the sleepy little town where they live, Stars Hollow.
Watching Gilmore Girls on Sunday night is part of my religion.

Lilla gumman, vad är det för vits med att skriva något på svenska åt dig när du ändå inte förstår det? Jag skulle lika gärna kunna lura dig och skriva något på danska, och bara Coolville skulle märka skillnaden!

Eager to please

Svenskaflicka said:

Lilla gumman, vad är det för vits med att skriva något på svenska åt dig när du ändå inte förstår det? Jag skulle lika gärna kunna lura dig och skriva något på danska, och bara Coolville skulle märka skillnaden!

Eager to please

Dear Svenska,

Ohhhhh, God! You make me so HOT!

Gerunda the Moist

Svenskaflicka said:
Die Schmetterlinge sind sehr schönen heute!:p

Dear Svenska,

Oh, please stop. I can't STAND anymore.

Gerunditina the Satiated
Da jeg råbde,
vid Kristus på korset,
"Hvi har du forladt meg?"
sa du: "Jeg tror ikke riktig vi passer sammen..."

Svenskaflicka said:
Da jeg råbde,
vid Kristus på korset,
"Hvi har du forladt meg?"
sa du: "Jeg tror ikke riktig vi passer sammen..."

Oh, my God! Every time you write "vi passer sammen" I just MELT. That means, "Please pass the salmon," doesn't it.

Gerundette the Nonlinguistic
Re: Gush

MathGirl said:
Oh, my God! Every time you write "vi passer sammen" I just MELT. That means, "Please pass the salmon," doesn't it.

Gerundette the Nonlinguistic

LOL - close, but no cigar. It means "We belong together"...

OK, THIS is a kinky one, but I think you can handle it:

Hakka Pällä, Suomen poika,
etti Ruotsi suo voita.
Suomi! Suomi! Suomi!
Land of Sebelius

Svenskaflicka said:
Hakka Pällä, Suomen poika,
etti Ruotsi suo voita.
Suomi! Suomi! Suomi!

Hey, I know "Finland" when I see it.

Gerunda the Well Informed
Goooooooood doggie! Here you go! *throwing MG a biscuit*

Now, since you know that, can you guess what "suomen poika" means, too?

No, it has nothing to do with polka.:rolleyes:

Svenskaflicka said:
Goooooooood doggie! Here you go! *throwing MG a biscuit*

Now, since you know that, can you guess what "suomen poika" means, too?

No, it has nothing to do with polka.:rolleyes:

Oh, I think I can guess that one. It means "Please pass the salmon, Ole."

Gerundettatina the Scandanvaiophile
Soumi = Finland.
suomen = Finnish.
Poika, with poi sounding like boy = boy.

Ergo; suomen poika = Finnish boy!

Svenska the Suave:cool:
P the S

Svenskaflicka said:
Ole is a Norwegian name! In Finnish, it would be Oulouia...

The "Pass the salmon" part was correct, though. Right? Right?

I like your new avathingie, Cutie.

Are you left handed?
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Re: P the S

MathGirl said:
The "Pass the salmon" part was correct, though. Right? Right?

I like your new avathingie, Cutie.

Are you left handed?

Oj with the poodles already!:eek:

Thank you for liking me. No, I'm not left-handed. I only wear my watch on the right hand to be different than everybody else.

Svenskaflicka said:
Oj with the poodles already!:eek:

Thank you for liking me. No, I'm not left-handed. I only wear my watch on the right hand to be different than everybody else.

You're plenty different from everyone without the watch thing, Svenska.

By the way, how do you say, "Please pass the salmon." in Swedish? I may need to know that someday.
Please pass the salmon = skicka laxen, är du snäll.

Please send me a recording of you saying that - I love to hear foreigners pronounce Swedish words! It's always such a challenge to try to guess what it's supposed to be...;)

Svenskaflicka the Language Teacher

Svenskaflicka said:
Hakka Pällä, Suomen poika,
etti Ruotsi suo voita.
Suomi! Suomi! Suomi!

Dear Svenska,

I'm concerned about something in the Swedish writing. It's those little dots over some vowels. Don't they tend to roll off after a while and cause unexpected punctuation?
I'm concerned about something in the Swedish writing. It's those little dots over some vowels. Don't they tend to roll off after a while and cause unexpected punctuation?

Why do you think they call the Swedish language the most difficult language an immigrant can learn?
Svenskaflicka said:
Why do you think they call the Swedish language the most difficult language an immigrant can learn?
Get serious!! Swedish is a piece of piss to learn! Many immigrants to Denmark go over the bridge to Malmø to learn Swedish because Danish is too hard. Then they come back and learn Danish after they can speak Swedish.

Swedish is so easy, even MathChick could learn it!

Stik mig laksen, du!
(Pass the salmon in Danish)

Jeg ved ikke hvordan du ser ud, men jeg vil alligevel gerne slikke dig til du skriger. :)

El Grande Gerundo and his happy band of Gerundys.
Danish is very easy to learn how to read, but very difficult to learn how to understand when you hear it spoken.

Think Muppet Show.
Think Swedish Chef. (Which wasn't Swedish, no Swede sounds like that!!!:mad: )
Think that Chef trying to speak after someone has stapled his lips together, with a jawbreaker inside his mouth.

Now you're talking Danish.