Grammar/Spelling/English *in posts*

ok... here is a key to Reo shorthand:
(I'm laughing so hard I can barely type)

HEHEHEHE: is laughing even if it is lower case :)

OMG: means OH MY GOSHNESS (cause I don't say OH MY GOD)

ROFL: means Rolling on the furniture laughing (cause the kids leave their toys all over the floor so how much fun do you think that would be???)

nm: nevermind... I wanted to say something, still do, but feel it might be pointless, futile and a waste of my poor finger muscles...
(or I just realized how stupid I sound... doesn't happen often enough sorry)

ok, gonna be good now sorry
Chicklet said:
Do you expect to see perfect sentence structure and grammar, perfect spelling, capitals, no mistakes, in the posts on lit? Do you feel disgusted when you see mistakes, or run-on sentences? Personally, it doesn't frustrate me, but sometimes I see people making fun of others who spell badly, or who don't use good grammar, etc. When I write posts I don't expect myself to do perfectly, I expect mistakes. I get flustered when I think people might say to themselves "That Chicklet bitch spelled *** wrong" or "God, could Chicklet have run that sentence any longer?"

What do you think?

I agree that we aren't aiming for perfection on Lit. We need to be spontaneous in our posts. However, it can't hurt to learn from our mistakes.

Can you suggest how we can help each other improve our spelling without making each other feel flustered?

violent intimacy said:
I believe it is mere courtesy to at least give your posts a brief review before hitting the submit button. I also believe that what you choose to post here - and the way you word it - can be a reflection of you (though not necessarily of your writing ability).

While I don't go over my posts with a fine toothed comb to find even the tiniest mistakes, I do take some care in my typing, wording, and (especially) spelling. As informal as everyone is here, it's also my way of saying, "You're important to me and I want you to see me as thoughtful and literate." Maybe I'm the only one who cares, but that's reason enough for me.

Almost exactly how I feel. :) Unfortunately, on the GB, they tend to be look down on you for caring about language skills. :rolleyes:
Chicklet said:
Do you expect to see perfect sentence structure and grammar, perfect spelling, capitals, no mistakes, in the posts on lit?

Nope. The only time it bothers me is when someone is busy trying to plead their case of being an intellectual powerhouse - only to subsequently use the wrong form of "their" in a sentence. :)
Re: Re: Grammar/Spelling/English *in posts*

RoryN said:
Nope. The only time it bothers me is when someone is busy trying to plead their case of being an intellectual powerhouse - only to subsequently use the wrong form of "their" in a sentence. :)
Yes. That's when their really showing they're true colors, I think.
That is totally out of line. I'd never get a word like their wrong. It's all slanderous rumours. Their all out to get me!

The (master of the obvious jokes) Earl
Re: Re: Grammar/Spelling/English *in posts*

RoryN said:
Nope. The only time it bothers me is when someone is busy trying to plead their case of being an intellectual powerhouse - only to subsequently use the wrong form of "their" in a sentence. :)

As a brillient righter I think its just terible... terrabel... wrong too see a post were someone (and I not naming names) uses an incorect or mispelled word. There obviouslly not as smart as I.

My my there's a lot of virgins about tonight.

I really dislike (can't say there are many things I hate about anything) when people post on boards as UN-REGISTERED. I need to know who you are.

It takes me ages to post replies (even in instant messaging) as I always check my spelling/construction before hitting return, I think this is because I formally learned touch typing and these things count in exams.

As for txtmssgng, it seems to me to be a very difficult way of going around a keyboard. (They probably have a micro operating on their keypads)



now I am scared though...
I don't write in complete sentences,
I mix up words like write and right and there and their,
my spelling has been referred to as atrocious (and no I didn't dare be too sarcastic with a "what's atrocious?" *smiles innocently)
and if the stars are aligned in just the right order I might get my tense right without 800 edits.

*hides in a corner
hiddenself said:
Um. "Un-registered" is a person (as far as I know) -- just another username

Right. The unregistered posts have been disabled for a long time now. I guess that person uses Un-registered to keep the "trend" up?
hiddenself said:
Um. "Un-registered" is a person (as far as I know) -- just another username:
Quite so.

I was a normal registered member with a real nom-de-plume once, but harassment forced me off the board with all the stories I had posted. Then I sneaked back on and Un-Registered seemed an appropriate name.

As far as I know the person who harassed me off has now left, after changing her(his) name a number of times, so perhaps it is safe to confess that I used to be CharmBrights, and still am everywhere else on the Internet.
a stickler for grammar etc

I am a bit of a stickler for grammar and for spelling and I do take care to ensure my posts are correct in this regard.

If only the contents weren't utter drivel!

Bearer of the Silver Rose
Un-registered said:
Then I sneaked back on and Un-Registered seemed an appropriate name.

I think "Unregistered" is a cool name. After all, he's registered as "Unregistered." A certain symmetry in that. Or something.
Un-registered said:
I used to be CharmBrights, and still am everywhere else on the Internet.




but of course some of us knew that = ) can't hide your cool half-sarcastic half-genuis nature from everyone, dude.
Chicklet said:
can't hide your cool half-sarcastic half-genuis nature from everyone, dude.
That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me for the last half hour.