Guidance (closed for ericrodman101) [M/M]

Toby smiled despite his teary eyes, his lips wet and reddened from his efforts. He wrapped his arms around Gerry and leaned in, kissing and nuzzling him.

"Don't you worry either," he soothed. "I'm new at this, that's all. I wanna be great at it, but I guess it takes practice. I wanted to do it, even if my jaw is kinda sore."

He settled next to Gerry and returned to his buttons, wanting to get the man's shirt off. Sure, he'd already crossed the line of sucking cock, but somehow it seemed particularly naughty to take clothes off.

"I like your idea," he whispered. "I guess my mouth needs a break for now."

He smiled as he finished opening the buttons. Smiling was another thing he was unaccustomed to, and his cheeks were beginning to ache from the workout. He pushed back the two sides of the open shirt and gazed at the older man's chest hair and soft, comfortable belly. He liked Gerry's body - it was inviting and real.

Sitting back, he raised his eyes to Gerry's and slowly lifted his arms, tacitly inviting the man to remove his t-shirt. His heart thumped with nervousness. He had scars, and his ribs stuck out. He didn't have muscles or chest hair, and he didn't feel exactly sexy.
Toby lifted his arms and Gerry removed his Tshirt. He was surprised how slightly built the kid was. Just skin and bone. Somehow Gerry had expected a teenager to be a little more muscled, but he guessed that was just his being unfamiliar with teen male bodies. And maybe watching too much porn where the guys worked out and the bigger they looked in relation to the girls they fucked, the better.

And then Gerry saw the scars. "Jesus, Toby, who did this to you?" He reached out and traced the red lines softly, waiting for Toby to wince or recoil.
Toby twitched very slightly but did not pull away. He reached up to gently caress Gerry's hand to show that he was okay with the touch, but he found that his own hands were shaking. He'd never felt so vulnerable, especially with Gerry paying such close attention to his imperfections.

"Oh... I dunno," he mumbled. "Different people, different times. Don't remember all of 'em. Thugs at school, or around my neighborhood. I've got jumped a few times, and sometimes I just picked fights or did dumb things and hurt myself."

He looked down at his pale, flat stomach and gestured to a strange spiderweb of scars that looked like it had once been a horrific injury but had long ago faded to white lines.

"This was from when I was really little - I was trying to balance on the top of the couch, and fell down - there was broken glass back there. I vaguely remember being in the hospital. There were social workers. I think was shortly after that I was pulled out and sent to stay with my grandparents for a while."

He next touched a straight pink scar along his side: "This was some crackhead who mugged me with a steak knife. He just cut me up because he was mad I didn't have even a nickel on me or a cell phone or anything."

He turned his hand over to show the fresh-looking cigarette burn on his wrist. "This was from that asshole who was hanging out with my mom. I'm not even sure if he did it on purpose or accident."

He finally dared to look up at Gerry's eyes and melted a bit at his tender expression.

"I know you'd never hurt me, would you?" he whispered shakily.
"Never..." Gerry whispered, the word catching in his throat. He forgot about his erection and overcome with emotion, reached out, pulling Toby close until the teenager was pinned between Gerry's outstretched legs. Then, gently and deliberately, he turned the kid to one side until the straight pink scar was in front of his face. Pulling Toby even closer, Gerry let his mouth fall on the scar. He stuck out his tongue just a little way, and licked the scar, then kissed it, sensing the angry raised skin with his lips.

Gerry did the same with the web of scars on Toby's stomach, drawing the boy close again and kissing the spot. Finally, he raised the 18 year old's wrist up to his mouth and kissed the burn scar.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you," he said, looking up into Toby's soft grey eyes. "So sorry." He coughed, his mouth dry, the words hesitating in his head. "No one is going to hurt you from now on."

As soon as he said it, Gerry knew what an unreal thing it was to say. No one? No hurt? Ever? Gerry was 53 and the hurt just kept coming, no matter how used to it he was, and how much he could just turn the other cheek. Toby was 18, for fuck's sake. The real hurt was only just starting. Cuts and burns were one thing. But soon he would be feeling heartbreak and dejection and all kinds of loss. If only he could do something to shield Toby from all that. Anything.

'You're getting in deep,' he heard the other voice say in his head. 'Not hurt? A moment ago the kid was gagging on your cock. And the damn thing will be up his ass tonight or tomorrow. You think that's not going to hurt, you self serving fuckwit? You're a monster Gerry. A weak, selfish, kid-fucking monster.'

The older man realised he was smiling at Toby, for no obvious reason unless you could hear the voice. He was still holding Toby's wrist which he drew down to his cock. In the shock of the scars his erection had subsided. The flaccid organ lay forlornly on the cushions between his legs. He placed Toby's palm over the knob end, feeling warm skin on his own and willed the boy to get the message 'jack me off' without having to say it out loud.
Toby moaned at the thrilling sensation of Gerry's mouth on his naked flesh, finding every place where he'd been hurt and kissing it better. Was Gerry just a good-hearted man who desperately wanted to help him heal? Or was he something like a vampire, who fed off of pain? Was he hungry for Toby's scars, inside and out? Was this beautiful or was it twisted?

Maybe both, but Toby knew immediately he was fine with either. If Gerry just got off on how fucked up he was in some weird way, Toby was completely okay with that.

You can have me. Take me and keep me and suck me dry.

"No one is going to hurt you from now on."

"Oh god," Toby groaned, shuddering with pleasure. He had such a warm, radiating feeling inside his chest, responding powerfully to the words, but he also remained persistently aroused. He loved even the fact that Gerry would say such an absurd thing, making a promise he couldn't possibly keep. He loved that he could drive this man to a spectacular nonsense of infatuation. He accepted the sentiment behind the words and was all the more turned on by its extravagance.

Considering the stiffness of his own cock, he was surprised to find that Gerry's had softened. He supposed it was as he'd suspected, and his body was rather unsexy, despite all of Gerry's kisses. But damned if he wouldn't give it all he had to get Gerry off, craving insatiably to give the man more pleasure than anyone ever had - he would make Gerry regret ever marrying that bitch Andrea.

He straddled Gerry's lap and made himself comfortable. In this posture he could easily reach between them and masturbate the older man just as he might himself. He found it quickly thickening in his hand and was pleased, hungrily going in for another ravenous kiss, lips and tongues clashing almost violently as he sucked up every drop of Gerry's saliva he could get.
Gerry felt his cock harden again in Toby's hand. It felt good. No, better than good. It felt right. Right....fucking an 18 year old student felt right. You're a monster, Gerry told himself.

They kissed as Toby masturbated him. Masturbated. So much better a term than jerked off or wanked or whatever. Masturbated. It sounded so precise, so technically filthy. The sort of word he used to find in dictionaries as a kid to get off. The sort of word they focused on in European porn films. The ones he liked where the pretend doctor diagnosed the female's problem. 'Do you masturbate?' he'd ask in a German accent. And the poor young thing, usually lying naked on a bed before him, would shake her head sadly. 'Then perhaps I can help,' he would say, putting down his clipboard and placing his hands between her legs....Only now Gerry was wondering if there were any gay porn equivalents...'Do you masturbate, son?...No sir...then perhaps I can help...'

He let Toby suck his lips and tongue, almost passive now in the sway of the younger man. Gerry just went with it, luxuriating in the tactility and sheer abandon of what they were doing. How many times had he dreamed of being properly masturbated? Not the way Andrea did it with a minimum of contact and fuss. More than once he'd imagined her thinking 'let's get this over with' as if sex with Gerry was a chore to be completed perfunctorily. Yet last time he saw her, she was sandwiched between two younger guys, giving her all to being fucked and their mutual pleasure. It must be me, Gerry thought. Just not good enough. He hoped he was good enough for Toby.
The harder Gerry grew, the more excited Toby became. He fucked Gerry's mouth with his tongue, and opened up for Gerry to do the same to him. Gerry seemed to be just relaxing and letting all this happen, but Toby growled in tacit encouragement until he felt Gerry get a bit more aggressive with his big, meaty tongue, practically pushing down his throat, and Toby reflexively bucked his hips.

Having already nearly worn himself out trying to perform oral sex on the older man, Toby's mouth grew fatigued long before his mouth and wrist did. He often had long periods of time alone at his old apartment, and sometimes there wasn't much else to do but masturbate over and over - it was a pleasant distraction. Now, it was so much more. It was something he could do for someone special - a gift for a man he practically worshipped, and an experience they could share together.

It was also totally filthy and wrong, deliciously sinful.

He broke the kiss, panting, needing to give his mouth a break as he kept up moving the tight grip of his fist up and down Gerry's erection, ending with a deft twist with each stroke. He could now stare straight into Gerry's eyes and watch him react.

"Tell me how it feels," he panted. "Tell me how you like a teenage boy getting you off. Tell me what else you want. Tell me your most fucked-up fantasies."
Gerry could feel Toby getting more excited, even as he just relaxed and let it all happen. The kid was throwing himself into everything, writhing and panting, bucking his hips. Gerry found it hard to believe that a fit young 18 year old with the world in front of him and his pick of virile partners could be aroused by a 53 year old man, and especially one he'd met for guidance counselling.

Maybe this was all just as wrong and sinful for Toby as it was for himself. That made sense. Age difference in straight porn was everywhere. Gerry guessed gay porn would be the same. He resolved to check it out. With Toby.

Gerry could feel Toby's hand gripping his cock, grinding up and down the shaft and then twisting at the end of each stroke. It was driving him wild and he doubted he could hold off cumming for much longer. He focussed hard on Toby's face The kid stared back.

"Tell me how it feels," Toby said...."Tell me your most fucked-up fantasies."

Fuck! Here I am trying to delay orgasm and you talk like that! An 18 year old boy with who knew what sexual experience, talking like some rent boy. A teenage boy jacking off an older guy. How fucked-up is that?

Gerry tried to speak, but just groaned and coughed. He could see by the look on Toby's face how much the teen was enjoying what they were doing. Every second, every realisation, every affirmation just made Gerry harder and brought him closer to climaxing.

"Can't you tell, little Toby?" he finally managed to blurt out. "Can't you see what you're fucking doing to me?" He gasped at every twist Toby gave to his cock. "This, Toby, having you do this to me. This is....fucked-up. Fuck it, Toby, make me cum....make Uncle Gerry cum...."
Little Toby. Make Uncle Gerry cum, little Toby.

Fuck. Why was that such a massive turn-on? They were both clearly fucked up beyond redemption, and they were all in. Toby didn't know whether this would last beyond tonight, but of course he wanted to make 'Uncle Gerry' cum - he wanted to be this older man's perfect, filthy, boy-fucking fantasy. The more Gerry let himself loose, the more Toby wanted this. It was reckless hedonism, like when he finally had a few dollars in his pocket and just ate cookies until he'd made himself sick. It didn't matter - tomorrow didn't matter, and consequences didn't exist. An opportunity existed right now that might be stolen away at any moment, and he threw himself into it wholly.

"Yes, Uncle Gerry," he purred, jerking harder, faster. Precum dripped down his knuckles. He wanted to feel the full flood, all over his hand. Maybe Gerry would cum hard enough that he'd get to feel it all over his bare chest and stomach. His face? Did he dare hope? Would Gerry love how little Toby looked with cum on his face, a happy little boy slut just for him?

"Yes, cum for me!" he panted, anxiously rocking his hips as if fucking when really, it was his hand and arm doing all the work. "Be a bad, bad man. Oh, you pervy fuck! You're gonna cum on me, aren't you? You're gonna let it all go, aren't you? You're so ready to get off. Get off like you never have before. Because no one turns you on like this fucked up boy fantasy, do they, Uncle Gerry? Quit behaving yourself already and cum!"
Gerry could feel Toby jerking him harder. The kid called him 'Uncle Gerry' back. Funny, he thought, how I didn't find the uncle or daddy stuff a turn-on at first, but now, in the heat of the moment, on the edge of cumming, a cute kid with his fingers tight around my shaft calling me Uncle Gerry is the turn-on of all turn-ons.

"Cum for me," Toby was cooing, rocking his hips, twisting Gerry's cock. "Be a bad man....cum!"

Gerry was ready to cum. He wanted to cum. He craved cumming, discharging his load into Toby's hand, into his mouth, across his face, up his ass. He wanted to mark Toby, paint him, own him. Jesus. He so wanted to own the hot kid. And to think how many seniors Gerry could have fucked in all those years offering guidance, and he never had. Not once. Jerked off to them, for sure. Looked for their likenesses, well the girls, in porn. But not once exposed himself, put his hand on his cock while they were in the room with him, let himself say what he might have if he hadn't been such a stitched-up, conservative, professional, do-gooding, frigid fuck!

"I'm gonna cum in your hand, you crazy little fucktoy," he said, pushing his face into the teen's so that their mouths touched as he spoke. "And then you're gonna suck it up like the cute little cum-loving slut you are. Yeah? Say yeah, Toby. Say yeah to Uncle Gerry. Say yeah......."
Toby inhaled the other man's breath like a drug, keeping his lips against Gerry's and their foreheads together.

"Yeah," Toby groaned, sounding as if he and not Gerry were the one about to climax. It drove him wild to see the straight-laced, professional guidance counsellor completely losing his mind with lust.

"Yeah, Uncle Gerry!" he growled, jerking madly. "Fuck yeah! You want a cumslut? You want a fucktoy? Make little Toby everything you want!"

He gasped as he felt the cock in his hand surge and throb, seeming to become even bigger. And then it was happening - Gerry's body was seizing up, preparing its unstoppable procreative instinct. The first blast was powerful. Toby felt the heat of it splatter against his chin, and he finally tore his face away from Gerry's so he could watch the flood. He aimed the older man's cock toward himself and groaned as the next few spurts splattered liberally across his front, and the remainder oozed thickly over his still closed fist.

Despite all his big talk, Toby looked startled, almost lost, staring in awe at the massive mess all over him. This was obviously nothing he'd ever experienced before.
"Make little Toby everything you want."

Gerry exploded into Toby's hand. After a day of getting hard in response to the kid's rubbing and groping, after a week of the 18 year old's flirting, after thirty years of suppressing his natural instincts, Gerry just let himself go. The sweet release overwhelmed him, the feeling of lust and desire, of wanting to mark Toby, to show him a manly discharge in all its sticky glory. He felt the spasm, the intake of breath, the edge and then the plunge. Gerry groaned, deeply, gutturally, as if not just his seed, but his whole being would envelope Toby, would drown him. He held on, their faces together, Toby's hand tight on his throbbing shaft as pulse after pulse of semen sprayed into the air. And when he looked down through a fog of intense relief, Gerry realised the the teen had not caught the discharge in his palm, but had directed Gerry's cock up at his body. Gerry's semen coated Toby's chest, long ropes of white goo adorning the kid's pale pecs and faint pink nipples, even droplets on Toby's chin.

"You look as sexy as fuck," Gerry managed to whisper, amazed at what he'd done. He'd never cum on Andrea. She never allowed it. She permitted Gerry to fuck her missionary style, and discharge his load in her cunt, never outside and preferably in a condom which he could then remove and dispose of while she looked the other way.

"As sexy as fuck." Gerry opened his mouth and kissed Toby, letting his lips slip down to the kid's chin. He scooped up his own cum with his tongue and then rose up, depositing it into Toby's mouth, slowly and deliberately, savouring the semen on Toby's tongue, then running it around Toby's mouth.

"Do you like the taste of Uncle Gerry's cum? Yeah?" Gerry looked deep into Toby's eyes. "You like that?"

He pushed Toby down beside him, the kid's back on the cushions. Then lowering himself and maintaining as much eye contact as possible, Gerry licked the ropes of cum from Toby' chest in long, smooth strokes. And when his mouth was sufficiently full, Gerry pulled himself up until he was over Toby's face, and let the cum drizzle out and onto Toby's lips. He did this three or four times until the boy's chest was clean and his face coated in slime.

"Show me how much you like the taste of Uncle Gerry's cum, little Toby. Suck it all into your mouth like a good boy. Suck up every last fucking drop."

And just to show he meant business, Gerry used his fingers to gather the cum on Toby's face and push it towards his mouth. By the look of awe in Toby's eyes, Gerry almost hoped the teen would resist so he could prise open the sweet mouth and scoop the cum inside. It started to surprise Gerry just how aggressive and controlling cumming on Toby made him feel, but it felt so empowering he wanted to enjoy every sweet second.

"Every last fucking drop...."
As sexy as fuck.

Toby's head was spinning. He felt sexy as fuck, splattered and slathered in cum. Not just anyone's cum, but Gerry Metzler's cum. Gerry Metzler the guidance counsellor, who was married and old enough to be his dad or maybe his grandpa. Gerry Metzler, who had never cheated on his wife but, tonight, had been driven to uncontrollable lust by a teenage boy. This was exactly whose cum Toby wanted to be covered in.

He felt almost high as Gerry used his tongue to clean him, and then feed him all of the mess - he sagged back like a ragdoll, just letting it happen. His mouth fell open and he took it all - the cum, the saliva, Gerry's tongue, Gerry's cum-covered fingers.

"Every last fucking drop," he echoed dreamily. "I want it. I love it."

He closed his lips around the fingers that next entered his mouth and sucked. Meanwhile, obviously still immensely aroused, and getting uncomfortable still trapped beneath clothing, Toby ran his fingers down his smooth body and toyed with the button on his jeans - not opening it, but hinting. His eyes were wide, fixed on Gerry's, and darkened, as his pupils dilated.
Gerry loved how Toby was responding. The kid's earlier aggression and flirting had subsided into a much more passive approach. The 18 year old seemed to bend and twist according to how Gerry held or pushed him. Andrea was often passive, but never bent to his will. She would lie there, ramrod straight, allow him to fuck her and then wait for him to roll off. It felt like fucking a log. But Toby....Jesus! Did the boy know what he was doing? This was like playing with a soft, warm, bendy toy, programmed to anticipate your every wish. And it kept Gerry hard as fuck.

Gerry had watched plenty of straight porn. Indeed, he watched it most nights, especially when Andrea was away. He enjoyed watching girls with a bit of drive and energy. Fucking a group of guys, which was Gerry's preferred porn style, meant doing whatever they wanted, but also staying your ground, serving yourself up to them for sure, but also being the centre of attention, the focus of the fuck. He fantasised about being one of these men, standing in line, stroking his cock, watching the alpha guys fuck her first and then when it was his turn, having her turn to him and smile, then invite him forward for the sloppy seconds.

But he'd never watched gay porn. Somehow he imagined that when guys fucked they were equals, discovering what each of them wanted and then fucking as if there was some sort of contract. It wasn't like this with Toby. The kid had felt like the seducer a lot of the time, which allowed Gerry to convince himself that he was the one being led, being toyed with, being taken somewhere. Now that he'd let Toby stroke him to orgasm, however, the 18 year old was deferring to the older man, giving signals that said 'I'm yours to do what you want with me'.

Gerry wished he knew more about how to fuck a man. He'd watched so many girls fucked in the mouth and the ass that logically, it had to be the same. But he'd never actually done it, except with his Korean friend Dowoon, thirty years ago, and that had only been fumbling oral and ass play. Until a hand job from Toby. Cute little Toby, who was sagging like a ragdoll and looking up with those alluring doe eyes, saying unmistakably he was Gerry's to be used however the older guy wanted.

Gerry leaned down to where Toby lay on his back, his face slick and shiny with Gerry's cum, and his fingers fiddling with the button on his jeans. He felt protective and anxious for the kid, and at the same time wanted to fuck him into oblivion. The voices in Gerry's head were saying go for it, he wants it, the kid is yours for taking...

The older man bent his head until his mouth touched the boy's soft lips. Toby opened them and let Gerry explore inside again with his tongue. He listened for Toby to stop holding his breath and inhale, and when he heard the hiss of air into the boy's lungs, he pulled back, staring into the deep shadow between their faces. Outside the rain was falling again, tapping against the windows like an impatient spectator. Gerry imagined everyone he knew, Andrea, Charlotte, his family and friends, his colleagues, all those preppy senior students who'd bored him witless while they related their secrets and transgressions, especially about the sex they were getting while he just sat there frigid. He imagined them all standing at the window with the rain on their heads watching Gerry and Toby. What would they think? Two hot guys going for it? An old guy taking advantage of his position and his power? A teen leading sad old Gerry astray?

"What the fuck!" he said aloud, sliding a hand down to where Toby still played with the buttons. "Let's get these trousers off you, little Toby. I want your cock in my mouth."
The warmth of Gerry's kiss lingered on his lips, along with the taste of his cum. Toby held onto this, hoping for it to soothe him as Gerry's attention turned to getting him fully naked. But his heart was racing now for more reasons than only excitement.

He wanted this. He knew he wanted it. Yet there was a part of him that wanted to panic and stop all of this immediately, to push the man away and run, or fight like a badger the way he'd had to far too many times when someone violated his boundaries. There had never been any shortage of such people. Earlier in the week with that asshole who had groped him was certainly not the first time there had been handsy strangers in the apartment when his mom wasn't there. There were bad strangers everywhere - stairwells, alleys, the bus. Even school.

Boys at school could be the worst, because everything was a joke to them. How many times had he been picked on in locker rooms, humiliated, had towels stolen from him, had attention he never wanted drawn to his pathetic naked body? His formative experiences with his body had been needing to protect it, and generally being embarrassed by it. His penis wasn't necessarily the smallest in any locker room, but it certainly wasn't big, and something about him just made him a natural target all the time. Maybe it was the way he slunk around trying to go unnoticed, trying to change without getting fully naked, radiating raw fear and insecurity whenever clothes had to come off. He was the weak member of the herd who would be perpetually picked on.

It was hitting him now, that fear, even though he knew this was okay, that he was safe with Gerry - he found himself shaking as he felt the button of his jeans pulled open and the denim drawn down. He covered his face with his trembling hands and just barely peeked between his fingers to see a bit of Gerry's face.

Oh god - Toby realized he was wearing the underwear he'd gotten for free at the nurse's office. How embarrassing. The most generic of grey briefs - he didn't even have boxers. Would they have improved anything? Would he magically look good if he had the budget for those really slick, expensive ones with comfy pouches that cradled and emphasized your junk? Or would he just look like a scrawny kid who could barely fill out his own underpants?

He remained steel hard, somehow, despite his anxiety, and he could feel the mess of precum that had built up inside his briefs, no doubt leaving dark spots all over the thin grey cotton.

Would Gerry still want him? What if this was the crucial moment, the one when the man might realize that he was not a fucking faggot - it was one thing to accept a blowjob or handjob from someone willing, but actually put another guy's dick in his mouth? What if, seeing it, he was completely turned off? What if Gerry found him gross? Pathetic? What if, what if, what if....

"You don't have to if you don't really want to!" he blurted out from behind his hands, only now noticing by the tremor in his voice that he was near tears again. "You don't need to just because I did. You really don't have to if you don't like it, okay?"
Gerry pushed Toby's hands aside and undid the buttons on the kid's jeans. He smiled, worried that Toby suddenly looked so grim. He needed to understand that this situation would be as troubling as it was exhilarating, not just for a 53 year old man, but even more so for an 18 year old. Gerry knew enough about Toby's background to realise human touch and love and concern might be difficult to accept. Fuck! It was hard enough for Gerry to accept it, and he'd led a charmed life essentially. Sexually deprived and unfulfilling for sure, but who hadn't led that life?

He undid the buttons, let down the zipper, and with his hands inside the waist of the jeans, slid them down to expose Toby's thighs. Toby was wearing tired grey briefs, a large damp spot of precum marking the unmistakable head of the 18 year old's erect cock.

"Let's get these jeans off you first, yeah?" Gerry said, sliding down the daybed and pulling them from the end of the legs. Toby was beautiful underneath. His legs were thin and scrawny, covered in the faintest black down. Gerry ran his hands back along Toby's legs, up the calves and across the knees, until he was holding onto the thighs, warm and soft beneath his palms. He was so lost in feeling the kid's flesh under his own that it took time to realise Toby was crying.

"You don't have to...," he was saying. "You don't need to...."

"Oh, but little Toby," Gerry said, pulling himself away from the thighs and looking down into Toby's eyes. "I oh so want to do this. I have dreamed of doing this. With someone like you. For thirty years. Yes," he nodded. "Since I did this with someone a long time ago, one beautiful weekend, but never had the chance again. Because...because I didn't understand what I wanted or accept who I was. And we were neither of us experienced or knew enough to just do what our bodies and our hearts told us to do."

Gerry was tearing up now.

"Can you believe that? Rejecting what you knew was right because...other people had taught you it was wrong?"

He lifted a hand to wipe a tear from his face.

"Well this time, kiddo, I am going to do what I want. Do what you want. Pretend I'm 19 all over again. Don't ever think this isn't what I want. Ever. Understand?"
Toby slid his hands down, away from his eyes, to make eye contact with Gerry. He was amazed to see the emotion in the other man's face. The way he spoke of right and wrong was strangely beautiful in a way that made Toby's heart ache. Funny how wrong this would look to anyone on the outside, but for the two of them, here and now, it was the rightest thing in the world.

Of course Gerry wouldn't ever laugh at him or make him feel stupid or pathetic. The way Gerry touched him was perhaps the closest thing to real love Toby had ever experienced, and even though every little bit of good in his life had been ultimately taken from him, he still had to believe in something. He had to believe in this. He believed it now because the longer he stared at Gerry, the more sure he was that the man really meant what he said - that this was exactly what he wanted, what he had been wanting for decades.

"Okay," he said in a shaky little whisper, nodding minutely. "Yes. Thank you. Thank you for... wanting me."

He slid his hands down his bare front and teased at the waistband of his underwear.

"Is it okay if I don't pretend anything?" he whispered, an almost devilish little smirk appearing on his wet lips. "I don't want to see you as 19. I want to see you exactly as you are. You naughty old perv."
"Fuck! You make me feel good. I want to be your naughty old perv, little guy. I can pretend I'm 19, but I'm only fooling myself. No one else."

Gerry loved the way Toby sounded all pensive and unsure while the smirk on his face hinted at something else entirely. He placed his hands where Toby was playing with the waistband of his grey trunks, then leaned in and kissed him.

"Your naughty old perv, yeah?" he said, at the same time slipping the underwear down. Freed of the constricting clothing Toby's cock sprang to the vertical. "And that's what I want to perv at."

Gerry flicked Toby's cock with a finger. It wobbled to and fro before regaining its upright equilibrium where he could admire the smooth, red shaft and the inviting uncut head. He flicked it again, feeling playful.

"I was going to ask you to pretend to be a student held captive by a pervy old guidance counsellor who was going to spend all night fucking you until you begged him to stop....but then, you don't have to pretend. Do you?"
Toby gasped at the gentle flicking. His toes curled. He squirmed slowly beneath the older man, still managing to look shy, impish, nervous, and lustful all at the same time.

"No, I wouldn't have to pretend much," he giggled, giving his hips a little shake to amuse Gerry by making his erection bob back and forth.

"I am a student, and you are a pervy old guidance counsellor... but I'm not captive. I'm exactly where I want to be."

He bit his lip and watched Gerry's expression, enjoying the shine in his eyes that was something near glee when the man looked down at his hard cock. He wanted to make Gerry happy any way he could, and doing so with his body was proving delightful so far. But would he be able to follow through?

The smile at his lips gradually faded.

"Are you really going to fuck me?" he whispered. "I know you said I could say no to anything. I'm not... not saying no. I just... I don't know how it will be, or... if I can... handle it."
Gerry watched the smile fade from Toby's lips. It's all that talk of fucking him until he begged to stop, Gerry thought. Going too hard. Again. What's wrong with me? Jesus!

"Are you really going to fuck me....?" Gerry heard the plaintive note in Toby's voice. It made his heart swell. And his cock. The kid's on an emotional rollercoaster, he thought, and so am I.

And then Toby said it. Out loud. Could he handle being fucked. Gerry wanted to cry. Not for himself, but for Toby, the 18 year old who'd seen everything foul the world had to offer, and was now lying on the daybed in Gerry and Andrea's sunroom, covered in Gerry's cum, his underpants round his thighs, his cock pointing at the ceiling, betraying the words on his lips with the sad look in his eyes.

For Gerry though, lying here with this young guy was the culmination of thirty years of waiting, thirty years of bottling up his feelings, suppressing his urges, urges he didn't even know he had at the front of his mind, and living one long sad, suburban lie. Lying to Andrea, lying to Charlotte, lying to everyone he knew, and lying to himself. Thirty years ago he'd lain on a couch just like this with Dowoon and looked into the young Korean's beautiful dark eyes, expressed his love verbally and orally, encouraged his friend to explore his body and reciprocated. And he remembered thinking 'this is who I really am'. Gay. Proud to be gay. Elated to find out what I really want in life. And then, after that wonderful weekend, losing his way or his nerve, going back into his shell and being the good guy everyone else wanted.

But a good guy doesn't push too hard. He goes slow, he paces himself, he finds out what his partner wants and complies.

And Gerry knew he was no experienced gay fucker, no player. He'd get to fuck Toby, for sure. This weekend if the kid consented, or another. Gerry knew he'd crossed the rubicon. It would happen. Be patient, Gerry....gentle and patient.

"Toby," he said, then ran his hands along the kid's flanks down to his waist, until gripping firmly, he could lean down and connect his lips with the bobbing cock. Just for a moment. It tasted of sweat and warmth and cheap underwear and....promise. "Toby, we are only going to do what you can handle. I promise. And you know I'm a gay virgin. I've got lots to learn, just like you. So let's work out how to learn later. But for now I'm going to settle for this."

Gerry smiled briefly before opening his lips and lowering his mouth onto Toby's cock.
Toby tried to hold his breath as Gerry's mouth connected with his cock, wanting to focus entirely on the slick, warm, intimate sensation, but he quickly exhaled with a long moan of satisfaction as he scrunched the bed covers in his tense fists.

"That's... so... nice," he panted.

He watched in awe as Gerry's lips wrapped around him, taking more and more into his mouth. He couldn't believe the intensity of the sensation. There were plenty of drugs he'd tried, sometimes by accident, sometimes out of boredom or just because they were there, sometimes to stupidly prove he was a bad kid, but most often to just feel something, to feel good, to take himself on a journey far away from his grim existence. None of it held a candle to what he was experiencing right now.

The noises the boy made descended into whimpers. It was too much to bear - Gerry had barely started sucking him and he was just about ready to blow. He wasn't sure if he should be embarrassed or if Gerry would enjoy that he was so eager to cum.

"Oh fuck, I'm so close!" he groaned.
Gerry tried to maintain eye contact at first as he sucked and licked on Toby's cock. It was difficult to do, both at the angle he was lying, and given the effort he was making to pleasure the kid. He could hear the 18 year old panting with ecstasy while he enjoyed the feel of the swollen organ in his mouth, the rough veined shaft between his lips, the firm curve of the head under the foreskin, the gooey precum on his tongue.

He could tell the kid wasn't going to last long. Funny how he always imagined the students he counselled were all fucking like rabbits, getting way more sex than he was and yet here was Toby, cock in Gerry's mouth, head back, panting and groaning like it was his first time. Or maybe Gerry was just better at cock sucking than he imagined. Well, he had watched all those porn girls sucking cock and was doing his best to emulate them.

He heard Toby announce he was close, and wanted to say 'I want to suck you forever', but his mouth was full. So he let Toby know how he felt by sucking and licking all the harder, running his lips all the way down the shaft to Toby's balls and his gently ticklish pubic hair, then back to the head where he could latch onto the foreskin and work it down with his tongue until, holding his breath and with spit running liberally, he could feel the tip contact the back of his mouth.

With his face firmly planted against Toby's torso Gerry tried to look up, straining to see Toby's face and willing himself not to gag, anxious to hold the kid in a place so that when he came, the semen would shoot straight into the back of his throat. It was how Gerry liked to watch cum shots. Not on the face, but deep inside the mouth so that when the cocksucker disengaged, they could open wide and reveal their sticky prize to their fucker and the viewers.

Toby was oh so close. Gerry knew there was nothing he could do now to change the inevitable, but merely prepare for the oral dousing cumming his way.
Toby was panting frantically now, seeming almost in a panic, groaning, whimpering, and squirming in response to the unbelievable sensations. When his climax approached, his body went rigid, and his mouth locked open in a silent scream.

He'd never experienced an orgasm like this - it seemed to come from so much deeper inside, drawing on parts of him he never knew existed. He could feel every inch of his body bursting to life, lighting up, as if he might explode into billions of tiny stars.

And then he did - everything bursting, everything light and fire and glorious annihilation. Everything that had been Toby Keller until now was disintegrating in a spectacular shower of ecstasy. He could be something new now, rebuilt from scratch.

As the initial tension in his body accompanying the initial flood of fresh, hot teenage cum that spurted against Gerry's throat gradually subsided, he pulled in his first breath, and then cried out like a boy in agony. He pulled at the sheets with frantic fingers, scarcely able to contain this much pleasure in his little body without going crazy. He was cumming and cumming - god, where was it all coming from?

And finally, his wild cries subsided into what sounded like gentle sobs.
The power of Toby's orgasm was something Gerry could only recall from his deepest imagining. The kid was writhing, then freezing, crying out, whimpering. 'Did I make this happen?' Gerry thought, desperately concentrating on the job at hand to hold the boy's cock as far back in his mouth as he could. This was proving no easy feat given how animated Toby was. Gerry bobbed and feinted at the end of the cock, waiting those long exhilarating seconds for the moment of release.

And when it came, it was a flood. Gerry felt the cock spasm then pulse, before the warm, rich cum spurted into his mouth, down into his throat, quickly filling him until he gagged, but still held on. His first time with Toby. He knew he must hang on, to appreciate every precious moment so he could later recount it, to Toby for sure, but also to himself. It had been thirty years since a man had cum in his mouth. So long that Gerry doubted his remembrance of it, and sometimes if it even happened at all. All these thoughts and more flashed through his mind as he held on tight to Toby and his discharging cock.

And then it was over. Gerry caught his breath, conscious of the goo in his mouth, the constriction in his throat, the need for air, and to change position and relieve the kink in his back. There, it was done and he was sitting up, coughing but not swallowing, not yet, licking his lips, and looking at Toby.

The 18 year old was lying on his back, eyes shut, sobbing. Gerry wanted to sob too, with pleasure and joy, and sheer gratitude. To think that Toby had give him this thrill, this experience. Was the kid a virgin? Was Gerry his first? Did it matter? What the fuck? Overthinking as usual, Gerry thought. Just kiss him, open your mouth, slide your tongues together and let him taste himself inside you, savour the moment, mark him as he's marked you, bound together in cum.

Gerry pulled himself up on his elbows until he lay above Toby, looking down on the sobbing face.

"Toby," he said, a little warm cum dripping from his lips onto the upturned face. The older man watched for where the drops of white goo collected on the kid's cheek, then leaned down and licked them up. "Toby," he said again, his face almost touching his companion's. "Thank you...." His voice trailed off. What more was there to say?
Toby opened his eyes and gazed up at Gerry's face as he gasped for breath. He stared at the cum dribbling from the man's lips, felt it splattering onto his own face.

"Thank me?" he panted. "Thank me? Oh... god. You've given me everything, everything!"

He reached for Gerry and pulled him close, opening his lips to the kiss and feeling the man's cum-coated tongue enter his mouth. He tasted his own essence and thrust his tongue out to find every scrap of it.

Sensing that Gerry was favoring his back, Toby pushed and rolled until Gerry was relaxing on his back and he was straddling the older man, touching him with as much of his body as he could without putting too much weight on him. Being naked with someone was an incredible feeling when there was actual trust there - with Gerry, he not only had trust, but also true caring, and intense desire.

He kept the kiss going, feeling almost as if he could cum a second time just from this closeness and the sloppy, cummy kisses. His cock was still hard.