Gunfight: UnderYourSpell vs. Nerk

well thank you for giving my brain cell an airing although on first reading what the actual challenge was it went straight through with no comprehension at all so I had to sit myself down and read it slowly several times. I don't know if it's easier or harder rhyming made up words, but thinking up a word that sounds as if it was right that's deffo harder
Funny. I know that whenever I'm in a tight rhyming spot, I've always thought that making up a word would be perfectly easier! Of course, I didn't take this challenge - lol.
Adaptulations to Nerk and UYS
for Their Fine Gunfight

I found these verses both quite mosh,
The poets' skills distinctly tosh
For I was nevious and knew
That I could never skwill such grue,
Exceltive skwilling as these two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

You two were fibbeth, sone, and bith
In your fine verses. I adwith
That first I had some mongers who
Would skwill with the most aperçu.
Exceltive skwilling by you two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

Excellent job, both. And fun challenge, Charley. I enjoyed it.
bravo, our duelling wordslingers! i'll have my notes in to Charley tomorrow afternoon latest. doubtful i'd get it done tonight, and i have to be out in the morning, but it will be done :cool: sorry to keep you waiting, UYS :devil:
Adaptulations to Nerk and UYS
for Their Fine Gunfight

I found these verses both quite mosh,
The poets' skills distinctly tosh
For I was nevious and knew
That I could never skwill such grue,
Exceltive skwilling as these two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

You two were fibbeth, sone, and bith
In your fine verses. I adwith
That first I had some mongers who
Would skwill with the most aperçu.
Exceltive skwilling by you two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

Excellent job, both. And fun challenge, Charley. I enjoyed it.

you are too kind sirrah forsooth

Conversation with ones husband who swans in circa 7.30 pm as I sat watching NCIS
"What are you doing here, why aren't you in the computer room writing your poetry?"
"I had an hour to write it, it was done by 5"
"Did you win?"
Adaptulations to Nerk and UYS
for Their Fine Gunfight

I found these verses both quite mosh,
The poets' skills distinctly tosh
For I was nevious and knew
That I could never skwill such grue,
Exceltive skwilling as these two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

You two were fibbeth, sone, and bith
In your fine verses. I adwith
That first I had some mongers who
Would skwill with the most aperçu.
Exceltive skwilling by you two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

Excellent job, both. And fun challenge, Charley. I enjoyed it.

Fingle aynidger boritool
Sharrits glublu wyno magule

bankru fozzie shuth
as a matter of interest did you know that 'tosh' is english slang, being a cross between trash and bosh and meaning utter rubbish?!!
as a matter of interest did you know that 'tosh' is english slang, being a cross between trash and bosh and meaning utter rubbish?!!

so he was saying our skills are utter rubbish?
let's chinkle the pewsun thassher!
so he was saying our skills are utter rubbish?
let's chinkle the pewsun thassher!


ok, i got my reviews sent to charley. phew. didn't think it'd be tonight, but hey, you guys did your thing in less than an hour! how on earth you pulled that off is beyond me :D
as a matter of interest did you know that 'tosh' is english slang, being a cross between trash and bosh and meaning utter rubbish?!!
Now, now. You're being disingenuous here. You're only a couple of years older than me and would (or should), of course, know what "tosh" means:
tosh [tosh]

Elegant, musical, rhythmic; laid-back in the style of Jamaican singer Peter Tosh.​
So chill. :cool:

Nerk's too young to be that cool, so I will give him a little more leeway to trash me, however incoherently. :)
Just a heads up that the judgments will be posted later than expected. I ran out last night thinking I'd sent Remec a link to the challenge, but did not and we all know that the man keeps weird hours. :D

Keep your pants on, Annie! (Well, at least for a little while). :devil:

Hello, Nerk. You hadn't met me, but I had met you. :p

*slips back into the shadowy corner of the forum, lurking*
worst ... advice ... ever
Hey - I added: FOR A LITTLE WHILE!

Some kind of suspense makes everything more exciting ... what would the strip be without tease or an M. Knight Shyamalan movie without ... M. Knight Shyamalan?
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Adaptulations to Nerk and UYS
for Their Fine Gunfight

I found these verses both quite mosh,
The poets' skills distinctly tosh
For I was nevious and knew
That I could never skwill such grue,
Exceltive skwilling as these two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

You two were fibbeth, sone, and bith
In your fine verses. I adwith
That first I had some mongers who
Would skwill with the most aperçu.
Exceltive skwilling by you two
Fine skwilters (yes, I'm mawning you).

Excellent job, both. And fun challenge, Charley. I enjoyed it.

Awesome addition in response, Tzara. Thank you!

Hell! It's a challenge just coming up with things that might take two good and very different poets for a spin - lol. I do enjoy the process a lot, but ultimately, as exemplified by all the poets who take part in gunfight/slap face challenges, the end result is the real pay off. What a pleasure!
Hey - I added: FOR A LITTLE WHILE!

Some kind of suspense makes everything more exciting ... what would the strip be without tease or an M. Knight Shyamalan movie without ... M. Knight Shyamalan?

At this point, I think teasing her is just plain cruel ;)
the poor thing's about to have a heart attack