Hands behind your head!

been there love that

The blind fold and position bring back some memories.

With the addition of the instruction of if my fingers came appart the sesion would end.

My feet were then pulled apart until ballence became dificult.

Light touchs traced my body for what seemed like hours.

I was then scolded for getting hard and a paracute applied and wieghted.

The flogging started next I am shure that I was a pritty shade of red before she stoped.

Next a vibrator was inserted in my ass and turned on. I was told not to drop it, a dificult thing to do in my position. I failed. The vibe was then shoved in my mouth (fresh from my ass).

My Domme commenced verbaly assaulting me, slapping my cock and lifting and dropping the wieght on the parachute.

I am sorry I can not remember what she was saying but I wanted to cum soooo bad it was driving me mad.

I am sure I started humping air as she grabed the shute and said I would not come yet.

I was told to move made to neel told to eat her pussy and ass until she came each time.

I was then told to put my face on the floore and to grab my ass cheeks. The vibe was then put back in my ass. I was then fucked with the toy while the wight swung between my legs.

Finaly I was told to role over (vibrator still in my ass) and told to cum for my mistress. I then obediently jacked off for her.

Re: been there love that

sifer said:
The blind fold and position bring back some memories.

With the addition of the instruction of if my fingers came appart the sesion would end.

My feet were then pulled apart until ballence became dificult.

Light touchs traced my body for what seemed like hours.

I was then scolded for getting hard and a paracute applied and wieghted.

The flogging started next I am shure that I was a pritty shade of red before she stoped.

Next a vibrator was inserted in my ass and turned on. I was told not to drop it, a dificult thing to do in my position. I failed. The vibe was then shoved in my mouth (fresh from my ass).

My Domme commenced verbaly assaulting me, slapping my cock and lifting and dropping the wieght on the parachute.

I am sorry I can not remember what she was saying but I wanted to cum soooo bad it was driving me mad.

I am sure I started humping air as she grabed the shute and said I would not come yet.

I was told to move made to neel told to eat her pussy and ass until she came each time.

I was then told to put my face on the floore and to grab my ass cheeks. The vibe was then put back in my ass. I was then fucked with the toy while the wight swung between my legs.

Finaly I was told to role over (vibrator still in my ass) and told to cum for my mistress. I then obediently jacked off for her.


Hello sifer and thank you for adding your memories to this conversation.

Only the imagination limits the trials and tribulations of this position...coupled with so many variations.

A very enjoyable read...I look forward to reading many more posts yet to come ~~smile~~
Ms Shadowsdream

I am here for your pleasure Mam. :rose:

Shadowsdream said:
Yes pussy it would be permissable.

Thank You.

I hope I do this justice ...

Last summer, Master and I were fortunate to spend a few days in the company of Mistress and Her slave. I was very excited and extremely nervous at the thought of Meeting Mistress, and hadn't slept well the day W/we first met them. The following day was a very full one, full of serious teaching mixed in with laughter.

The second full day of T/their visit, Master and I went with them to a large market where there promised to be some shops of interest to kinksters. After walking arounf for a good long while, W/we all felt in need of some liquid refreshment and a sit down.

Whilst Master and Her slave purchased the drinks, Mistress and I talked - and I moved forward another notch in my understanding and on my journey.

The men returned and we sipped our drinks, chatting of this and that. Suddenly, Mistress took my left hand in Hers and held it lightly but firmly.

Mistress began by running a finger over the tip of each nail - explaining that She was checking for ragged edges. Then a fingertip ran over the surface of each nail - checking to ensure they were smooth and even. The next step was to run that ultra sensitive fingertip around the curicles. I began to feel decidely uneasy as I have a habit of picking at the side of my fingers when nervous ... and boy, I had been nervous of days!

Mistress ran her hand over the back of mine and then turned it over to check that the nails were clean, and the palms were also clean.

The came the turn of the right hand.

I took a deep breath and put it forward. I am sure that Mistress could detect a slight tremble ... I knew there were faults to be found on the ring finger where I had been picking.

The inspection took on the same routine as before.
All too soon it was time for Mistress to examine the cuticles. My stomach was churning. I had a slim glimer of hope that maybe She wouldn't notice.

The thumb was first. Then the index ... so far so good. Middle finger. Ring finger ... my stomach gave a flip and I felt quite sick for a few seconds. Her finger found the offending area, and stopped it's movement. There was silence. I draged my gaze up to meet Her eyes, and was greeted with a raised eyebrow and then a slight frown. I felt as if I could cry.

The inspection continued and I was praised on the general condition of my nails, the softness of my hands which spoke of taking care of the skin, BUT ....

and the sentence hung in the air between U/us. I dared another look and got a slight nod. "But I have picked at my skin." I said in a very small voice.

All during the inspection I felt a mix of emotions
I felt much loved as Mistress was taking time and care to check my hands
I felt like a small child that needed to be checked to ensure that basic hygiene was being observed
I also felt incredibly turned on too. :eek:

Mistress told me that She had seen me pick at the offending finger at times ... and didn't want me damaging my Master's property any further. At odd moments, I found myself rubbing or picking the hang nail, and remembered - and sure enough, when I dared to look, there was Mistress watching me do it. A deep blush from me and a smile from Her as She knew that I had taken the lesson on board.
WillowPuss said:
Thank You.

I hope I do this justice ...

Last summer, Master and I were fortunate to spend a few days in the company of Mistress and Her slave. I was very excited and extremely nervous at the thought of Meeting Mistress, and hadn't slept well the day W/we first met them. The following day was a very full one, full of serious teaching mixed in with laughter.

The second full day of T/their visit, Master and I went with them to a large market where there promised to be some shops of interest to kinksters. After walking arounf for a good long while, W/we all felt in need of some liquid refreshment and a sit down.

Whilst Master and Her slave purchased the drinks, Mistress and I talked - and I moved forward another notch in my understanding and on my journey.

The men returned and we sipped our drinks, chatting of this and that. Suddenly, Mistress took my left hand in Hers and held it lightly but firmly.

Mistress began by running a finger over the tip of each nail - explaining that She was checking for ragged edges. Then a fingertip ran over the surface of each nail - checking to ensure they were smooth and even. The next step was to run that ultra sensitive fingertip around the curicles. I began to feel decidely uneasy as I have a habit of picking at the side of my fingers when nervous ... and boy, I had been nervous of days!

Mistress ran her hand over the back of mine and then turned it over to check that the nails were clean, and the palms were also clean.

The came the turn of the right hand.

I took a deep breath and put it forward. I am sure that Mistress could detect a slight tremble ... I knew there were faults to be found on the ring finger where I had been picking.

The inspection took on the same routine as before.
All too soon it was time for Mistress to examine the cuticles. My stomach was churning. I had a slim glimer of hope that maybe She wouldn't notice.

The thumb was first. Then the index ... so far so good. Middle finger. Ring finger ... my stomach gave a flip and I felt quite sick for a few seconds. Her finger found the offending area, and stopped it's movement. There was silence. I draged my gaze up to meet Her eyes, and was greeted with a raised eyebrow and then a slight frown. I felt as if I could cry.

The inspection continued and I was praised on the general condition of my nails, the softness of my hands which spoke of taking care of the skin, BUT ....

and the sentence hung in the air between U/us. I dared another look and got a slight nod. "But I have picked at my skin." I said in a very small voice.

All during the inspection I felt a mix of emotions
I felt much loved as Mistress was taking time and care to check my hands
I felt like a small child that needed to be checked to ensure that basic hygiene was being observed
I also felt incredibly turned on too. :eek:

Mistress told me that She had seen me pick at the offending finger at times ... and didn't want me damaging my Master's property any further. At odd moments, I found myself rubbing or picking the hang nail, and remembered - and sure enough, when I dared to look, there was Mistress watching me do it. A deep blush from me and a smile from Her as She knew that I had taken the lesson on board.

Well well well some confessions and emotions I see!

I must say it was amusing watching you squirm under My inspection. So obviously between choas and peace of mind.

A hand inspection can be all that is needed to teach many lessons. I know that you have never forgotten that small glimpse of how thorough I am and the fact that I would never say the hands were perfect if they were not in fact 100% so.

you are damn lucky to have escaped the foot inspection. I am known to be brutal about unkempt feet, callouses or broken nails...arghhh and worn off polish makes Me insane!

Thank you for this post pussy.
Shadowsdream said:
you are damn lucky to have escaped the foot inspection. I am known to be brutal about unkempt feet, callouses or broken nails...arghhh and worn off polish makes Me insane!

Thank you for this post pussy.

:eek: I would fail the foot inspection.

and, it was my pleasure to post.
Re: Re: Hands behind your head!

ghosst_K&H said:
can we hide this thread from SweetDommes too:p

Pro's...Dom/me has total access
Con's...sub is completely open, and vunerable:p

Miss Shadowsdream, you are one wicked Lady:D

lol, I think you should change your con to a pro.

nothing is better than that feeling of vunlerablity and being open to use ... and yet nothing is more wretched either :)

this thread reminds me of perhaps one of the most intimate moments of my sexual awakening. i had (and still do to some extent) deep body issues. It was extremely difficult for me to allow my friend to get me naked. he made me lace my hands behind his neck while he explored my body with his hands. i remember he kept having to warn me about keeping my hands there. I was shaking. I'm glad he made that happen. I am a more secure woman because of it.
I have never been "inspected" unless it's also called groping.

I think that's happened once... maybe twice.

A Desert Rose said:
I have never been "inspected" unless it's also called groping.

I think that's happened once... maybe twice.


only once with legs like that? i don't believe you
SkylineBlue said:
only once with legs like that? i don't believe you

Awwwww, thank you, dolly.

Now why can't you have a penis and facial hair, instead of being a cute little lady?
A Desert Rose said:
Awwwww, thank you, dolly.

Now why can't you have a penis and facial hair, instead of being a cute little lady?

I like owning a vagina. Someday I would like tp give it to someone as a present.
A Desert Rose said:
Awwwww, thank you, dolly.

Now why can't you have a penis and facial hair, instead of being a cute little lady?

If it makes you feel better I agree with Skylineblue those legs surtenly should have been groped more than once.

If not I wouldent mind changing the count.

sifer said:
If it makes you feel better I agree with Skylineblue those legs surtenly should have been groped more than once.

If not I wouldent mind changing the count.


Why, thank you, too.

Some of the nicest things come from complete strangers, which makes it doubly nice. :heart:
A Desert Rose said:
I have never been "inspected" unless it's also called groping.

I think that's happened once... maybe twice.

WHAT! Tell Me its not true! Never been inspected! Thats an outrage!
Shadowsdream said:
WHAT! Tell Me its not true! Never been inspected! Thats an outrage!

It's almost criminal, isn't it Ma'am? Or at least a major injustice to me. ;-)
A Desert Rose said:
It's almost criminal, isn't it Ma'am? Or at least a major injustice to me. ;-)

It certainly is and I am the Judge, Jury and arresting Officer!

How in the world can you strive for perfection if you don't know where the imperfections are?

How can you survive without that extra dose of praise or humiliation?

Ahh the questions just keep coming to mind!

Re: Re: Re: Hands behind your head!

SkylineBlue said:
lol, I think you should change your con to a pro.

nothing is better than that feeling of vunlerablity and being open to use ... and yet nothing is more wretched either :)

this thread reminds me of perhaps one of the most intimate moments of my sexual awakening. i had (and still do to some extent) deep body issues. It was extremely difficult for me to allow my friend to get me naked. he made me lace my hands behind his neck while he explored my body with his hands. i remember he kept having to warn me about keeping my hands there. I was shaking. I'm glad he made that happen. I am a more secure woman because of it.

that was tongue in cheek:p there are no negatives as far as i'm concerned, my inspection was rather erotic, and i enjoyed being "inspected" by both of my Dommes:)
Re: Re: Re: Hands behind your head!

Shadowsdream said:
Hello ghosst and welcome to this new conversation...you are one magic man if you can figure out a way to hide this thread from your Mistresses.

Nope..I see your pro and con as both pro,s lol....

We think he's rather magical, but not able to hide ANYTHING from us ... LMAO ... Silly boy, if you don't want us to see things, you shouldn't post on them :p

And Shadows, we see them all as pro's as well :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hands behind your head!

SweetDommes said:
We think he's rather magical, but not able to hide ANYTHING from us ... LMAO ... Silly boy, if you don't want us to see things, you shouldn't post on them :p

And Shadows, we see them all as pro's as well :D
Some days the only thing a subs hands are good for is putting them behind their heads!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hands behind your head!

SweetDommes said:
We think he's rather magical, but not able to hide ANYTHING from us ...

deception is not in my nature:) of course i can't hide anything from you, honesty is the cornerstone of a solid relationship.

the time i get to spend with you brings me pleasure beyond words. my face lights up everytime you whisper "i own you", my body quivers every time you play with my collar, every time you squeeze my ass and say "mine mine mine", or any of the many ways you let me know i am cherished.

that to me is magical, and i can honestly say theres no place i'd rather be than serving you both.

thank you Mistress Karen and Mistress Holly, you inspire me to be the best i can be:) :kiss: :rose: :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hands behind your head!

Shadowsdream said:
Some days the only thing a subs hands are good for is putting them behind their heads!

Or for covering his mouth to keep him from getting in more trouble .... LOL

-Miss Karen