Hands behind your head!

sifer said:
Ahhh yes but sometimes the denial is what the sub wants.

What is punishment for some is the sweetest nector of the gods for others. Another posibility could be suttle changes in your treatment of the sub afterwords. Only time with a sub will show their true colors. I keep a diary of action/reaction/frequency of occurence to determen what patterns are developed.

You know the subs you have had in the past. You also aperently have the skills to make it work. This is a new page, a diferent piece of stone to be carved. Finding the grain of the stone takes a keen eye and patience. The result of course is a true work of art. That rests in your capeable hands.

It's not exactly denial ... if we have to punish our boy(s) - and we sincerely hope not to - we will find something that they truly dislike and do that ... the easiest is to just ignore him/them - no contact, no nothing until we deem that punishment is complete. If we find something else that the boy doesn't like, then we will use that. We will not give them something they want as a punishment.

-Miss Karen
So you are thinking what I am thinking.

Scary aint it.
sifer said:
So you are thinking what I am thinking.

Scary aint it.

Not exactly ... but I will agree that I am scary (at least, I can be when I want to be)... and I'm the 'nice' one ...
SweetDommes said:
It's not exactly denial ... if we have to punish our boy(s) - and we sincerely hope not to - we will find something that they truly dislike and do that ... the easiest is to just ignore him/them - no contact, no nothing until we deem that punishment is complete. If we find something else that the boy doesn't like, then we will use that. We will not give them something they want as a punishment.

-Miss Karen

this is by far the worse punishment my Mistress's could ever enact upon me. my job takes me away from them for up to two weeks at a time, and every day apart is pure torture for me as it is. for them to ignore or have no contact with me while i am home would be devistating for me.

i may be a sam, or a brat, but i do know how to behave when i need to:)
ghosst_K&H said:
this is by far the worse punishment my Mistress's could ever enact upon me. my job takes me away from them for up to two weeks at a time, and every day apart is pure torture for me as it is. for them to ignore or have no contact with me while i am home would be devistating for me.

i may be a sam, or a brat, but i do know how to behave when i need to:)

We know boy ... that's why that's the threat - we know that you'll never be bad enough for us to need to do that ...
You know if I am wrong all the better.

(sifer bows to the SweetDommes)