Harry Potter Fics

Just-Legal said:
Polly Juice!


Nice subject title on "What you tell the Sorting Hat"

I'm IMPRESSED!!! I thought that would be much harder to guess.:cattail:


I'm so definitely a Gryffindork. Though I have strong influences from the others, too.

I'm smart as a Ravenclaw, honest like a Hufflepuff, cunning like a Slytherin - but most of all, I'm brave bordering on stupid, like a Gryffindor!:rolleyes:
Just-Legal said:

I'm too predictable!

Well, actually, it took me a little detective work. I had seen your pic on Lit, so I knew how you looked like. Then I remembered seeing the very same pic on a HP fan-site, which took some time to re-find among all the others, and when I saw your first name, I went into Fiction Alley Park's member directory, and looked at H. When I found HelenSnape, I doublechecked by clicking on the website-icon, and when I saw that it was indeed the same page, with your pic on it, well, then I knew it was you.

Mata Hari, eat your heart out..!:D

You've seen my Blog?!



Aha! There's an idea...

EDIT: Before anyone calls the authorities, that middle pic is nearly five years old... but I look cute so I like it *snickers*
J-Le, not that I want to nag on you or anything, but...

The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.
The Squibs.

Unpatiently waiting for praise
Somebody told me I was going to die... If I do, I hope it's a good one. … I want it to be with a dragon or fire... Kids all over the world have gone against me."

Tom Felton

Awwww, poor Dracey...:( Want me to kiss it better?

Stay away from that boy, you perverted muggle woman!
Yes! Its brilliant.

Read the other thread demmit!


Sk- do ya think I should put that banner as my siggie?

Or make a new one?

It's written in stone.

Dawn French will be the Fat Lady in the portrait outside the Gryffindor's common room.
Confirmation 2

I still don't understand why they skip the quidditch final, that matters so much in the book, but they keep the scene where Fudge tells the story about Sirius Black to Madame Rosmerta..? Thaat ciuld have been re-written! But, anyway, here she is.
I won't pretend to understand what you are talking about here.:p

Svenskaflicka, see there it is again, getting better at typing it fast now. You and JL have way too much Harry Potter on the mind.

JL, I love the little sig line pic of you it's cute even if in Slytherin colors.

I have nothing of real importance to say here just wanted to say hi.
Svenskaflicka said:
*biting tongue not to make rude joke about where HP should be if not on one's mind*:eek:

Hewlett Packard? Harry Potter? Helen Pluck (thats me)??

Oh, Svenska, there already WAS a Fat Lady! In the first movie! And it wasn't Dawn French. Now I'm confused...

*drags MV into the chaos* You're only saying that cause I said I think your avvie is cute *wink*
True, but Helen, dear, she never SPOKE! In PoA, on the other hand, she's getting stabbed to pieces by Sirius Black, so I suppose they HAVE to have her in the movie. And perhaps the first Fat Lady didn't like that fate for her movie character..?

(First Fat Lady... I get Barbara Bush flashbacks...):eek:

Oh, the attached image is the most recent (ie, this morning) photo of me. Its not going in the amatuer section because its clean :)
As I promised MV, I've reached 3000 posts, and here's my new AV.


Cute, huh? It's me and Hubby.