Harry Potter Fics

MathGirl said:

My, my. What have I stumbled onto? Is this a closed game, or can anyone fight?

lol There is no "fight". Those children aren't worth it, and "net fights" are beyond stupid. :rolleyes: :)
Just-Legal said:

Blessed Be, how OLD are you? Not physically, mentally?

Funny you call me childish. Look at your buddy Sven. What have I done to him/her? Nothing. What has he/she done to me? Or "Charm"_brights for that matter. They harass me constantly.

So, I don't like stories where REAL LIFE CHILDREN are being "aged" for perverets! Sue me. :rolleyes: Ya'll may get off on lil' Harry Potter or his children friends, but I don't. Fact remains they are kids. You may claim they're 18 for your stories, but who here will really believe that when they read it? Don't you think they will think of the CHILDREN in the most recent movie they saw?

Someone mentioned at Lit that there were NO Harry Potter stories at Lit when "just" the book came out, but as soon as the movie did (and everyone saw the kids), tons of stories flooded to Lit.

Anyway, with the children being REAL LIFE minors, and a celeb "fan fic", I doubt Laurel wants to go to jail so ya'll can get your kicks on kids. :rolleyes: Like it or not, it's better for Lit.

BlessedBe said:
Funny you call me childish. Look at your buddy Sven. What have I done to him/her? Nothing.

Dear, Dear Blessed Be,

The first time Svenska asked me not to call her "Sven," I took the hint. Didn't she ever say anything to you about that?

Dear everyone.

The person known as "Blessed Be" has a reputation among Literoticans for picking fights at random, and for acting childish in general.

On another thread, earlier this year, she butted into a discussion I had with Chicklet regarding the changing of rules for the Literotica Survivor Contest, and there were many angry words spoken. Ever since this incident, I have had her on my Ignore List, in order to avoid seeing her rants.

When you guys quote her, I can see that she's still...upset, about me criticizing her on that other thread. I will NOT be dragged down into a fight with her. I have much more important things to do with my time. Like cleaning my cat's litter box.

If she chooses to go on bashing my name (which she can't seem to get straight), then the rest of you are free to stick up for me if you get annoyed with her, but I'd be just as pleased if you'd just ignore her altogether.

However, if you DO choose to answer her, I'd like to ask you very kindly not to quote her, as that sort of erases the effect me putting her on my Ignore List has.

Much obliged,


Forget it. I don't need this bullshit. I'm done being "PRO Lit". I guess I'll just "support kiddie porn" like most of you now. This shit isn't worth it.

Sorry I enjoy Lit and care about some here and don't wish to see the site destroyed. It will never happen again. Go on hating me, people, and continue your bullshit against me. Of course, when you do it you're "cool" and if I defend myself I'm "childish".
Re Blessed Be's comments (Svenska, you might want to skip this)

Okay, I promised myself I wasn't going to get into this and normally if I had a big problem with someone on this board, I wouldn't post it in public and would use a PM. You however, have made it clear that you think this is a perfectly acceptable way to air grievances so I'm sure you won't mind if I tell you some of mine.

First, you have to know, if you're being treated badly now, it's only because you're beginning to reap what you've sown. For weeks now, you've been on this kick. You've managed to set friends up against each other, have stories removed that obviously were okay with Laurel until you came along and generally made a lot of people who come here only to enjoy themselves end up feeling like shit instead. Now you're going to cry poor me? Please.

You say you don't like kiddy porn. So who does? But this isn't kiddy porn, this is fantasy. The US courts have stated they see the difference, why can't you? You keep going on and on, using the big guilty stick about Laurel going to jail, but we both know that isn't going to happen. Not now, probably not ever the way the legislation is going, but if it ever changes I'm sure she'll have ample warning to make her own decisions about what she's willing to keep on her site. Her site, not yours.

But you know what? I wouldn't really care so much if I honestly thought for a minute that you really believed in your crusade. I don't. I don't, because of the method and manner in which you've conducted your witch hunt. I don't, because you have never once responded to any criticism, even the most thoughtful, with anything but rude attacks. I don't, because even now you won't let the thing die. You're outraged? Funny you took the words right out of my mouth.

indigo_sky, I just finished the story about the naked Quidditch match.

As soon as I've caught my breath, I'll go change my underwear.:D
This whole episode has been kind of like watching James Bakker--the televangelist cum mistress fucking machine--get all outraged because someone has the gall to make a pass at his wife, the, um, interestingly coifed Tammy Faye.
I'll repeat my earlier point for those in the audience who AREN'T LISTENING!

*glares at BlessedBe*

I am NOT, repeat NOT, putting ANYONE underage in sexual positions... well apart from the odd Hermione/Ron and Harry/Ginny inferrence.

I WAS writing about Snape. You know? Greasy git? Potions professor? Thirties? He was forming a relationship with a TWENTY YEAR OLD ORIGINAL CHARACTER.

I REFUSE to be labelled a pervert - I was sexually abused as a child and I really don't need this shit.

*goes to calm down*
Just-Legal said:

I am NOT, repeat NOT, putting ANYONE underage in sexual positions... well apart from the odd Hermione/Ron and Harry/Ginny inferrence.

I WAS writing about Snape. You know? Greasy git? Potions professor? Thirties? He was forming a relationship with a TWENTY YEAR OLD ORIGINAL CHARACTER.

No, I don't know. I don't know shit about that movie because I choose not to. It looked stupid the day I first saw a preview, and it still does.

Never once did I say YOU wrote kiddie porn, be them "aged for Lit" or not. :rolleyes:

With that said....
Svenskaflicka said:
indigo_sky, I just finished the story about the naked Quidditch match.

As soon as I've caught my breath, I'll go change my underwear.:D

you just had to drag me into this, didn't you ;)

"I mocked Voldemort, ask my how"
BlessedBe said:

Forget it. I don't need this bullshit. I'm done being "PRO Lit". I guess I'll just "support kiddie porn" like most of you now. This shit isn't worth it.

Just a little confused about why someone who doesn't like the idea of a story about fictional aged-forward Harry Potter kids or fictional 17-year-old Holden Caulfield is perfectly fine with stories about humans having sex with dogs. If children aren't capable of informed, mature consent, surely dogs aren't either.
Not to mention that practicing beastiality in most places in the world is illegal ... no matter what age you are (or the animal for that matter).

Pookie_grrl said:
Not to mention that practicing beastiality in most places in the world is illegal ... no matter what age you are (or the animal for that matter).

Hay, Earl! You hear that? Better lose them hamsters.
Hmm okie dokie then, I must say this is quite the interesting discussion considering I just entertained one Myself for the past few weeks on this whole outraged ordeal.

First let Me say I ,yep I, am the one that was a little against the Harry Potter thing on here. As soon as the bashing of My story happened I sort of flew into My own private rage. I do know that the first chapter of a story or perhaps it was a lone chapter mentioned the younger members of this cast. So I figured like others who had only seen the movie that it was aged for Lit. If I was mistaken I apologize and would be more than happy to try and get that story reinstated along with some others.

That was childish on MY part and I apologize. I read through the some of these stories and saw nothing wrong and I did let Laurel know just that. So as much as I would like to target Blessed here I take full responsibility.

Svenskaflicka I have to agree with you on that whole iggy button thing. It's now come time to do so. I will not be dragged into another debate with anyone that can't respond directly. Or with proper ideas and control. I must say though I wonder what criteria is for a moderator around here.

So just_legal forgive the childish action which I thrust upon your stories. I did so out of simple retaliation to someone else and it was wrong to jack up your story.

I don't think any of us go looking to promote child porn for pedophiles we just have a good idea for a story in our minds and run with it. If we needed to up the age a little then I doubt any of us thought about the age thing on lit as it isn't cleary defined anywhere. Call it oversight or stupidity but no one reads every single forum thread in the attempts to see if one rule or another is being broken in their story. I for one know that the story I wrote was a wonderful piece in My mind and in the voting received here on Lit. That's what brought attention to it in the first place, it just happened to have a 5.0 rating after 15-20 or more votes.

With so much else going on around us this seems a bit fickle to continue. I mean we are feeding into just what the arguing member wants. She has shown that time and time again.

Stepping down off My little soap box and going to bed now.
There's a little more to it than your reaction to Tiggs' foray into hypocrisy, MV. Word on the 'Net street is that Rowling's publisher's lawyers are sending out Cease and Desist notices to fan-fic sites.
KillerMuffin said:
Word on the 'Net street is that Rowling's publisher's lawyers are sending out Cease and Desist notices to fan-fic sites.

Which explains why I can't seem to get into my favourite sites anymore...:mad:

However, I PM'ed Laurel and asked for the rules, since I was thinking about submitting more HP-fics to Lit, and she said that the only reason why some stories had been removed was because they had people under 18 in them.
Master_Vassago said:
So just_legal forgive the childish action which I thrust upon your stories. I did so out of simple retaliation to someone else and it was wrong to jack up your story.

Its okay. Thank you for apologising, I must admit I didnt think you had done anything.

'Sides I'm knee deep into your Incest fic about Rose so it'd be hard for me not to forgive.

I do agree on (was it Darling Nikki's) point about beastiality. And rape. And incest (but I do like reading it, I'm a baad girl).

Does reading rape-fics make someone want to go out and rape, or is it a form of catharsis where you avoid it because of an outlet being provided?

((Paid too much attention in psychology class))

Anyway, I'm going to go edit my fics and see what Laurel says.
Thanks Just_Legal, for once in a great while one of these threads brought a smile to My face. I am so proud of that series hehe. I am actually finishing it up right now. Let Me tell you before you go a searching for chapter 11. That the easiest way to get to it minus a link is to go to the incest section and go under the R's. It's in there amongst the rest just written by a different author. She did the flashback of what Rose had felt and seen and so on up to that point in the story.

Also thank you for being adult about this and handling it with tact. I am going hunting now to see about the stories you have posted that are up just to get a taste of your work. (I so wanted to write get a taste of you.) lol.

I felt kinda sheepish knowing that My little tyrant affected you and like I said I just reacted to being attacked by someone else.

I have to agree with you on the rape and bestiality ideas though. I am not against them, and as long as we know it's fiction no harm done I don't suppose. But I have yet to come across at least a rape story that is vivid and true and yet doesn't have Me cringing at the thought of the writer sitting there typing it naked doing the tuck with his member and wearing pantyhose on his head. LOL. We must remember that rape is also a mindfuck, because you get in and destroy the little resistance that is in there and that is enough to break most people.

That one scene in GI Jane where Command Master Chief was going to rape her at SEER school never fails to amuse Me. Um what was I talking about lol. OH and no I don't think that it is wrong if you like the idea of a big doberman or horsey having his way with a woman. But this is neither the time not the place for that discussion. Woof.
Sorry forgot to let you know I am off to don My pantyhose and tuck back the penis and laugh manically as I watch a horse ram his huge cock inside a 3 foot midget as she sucks off a beagle.

Then I must really get back to finishing that rape story involving Harry Potter and the Olsen twins and a broomstick. Now My story will be called "Sweep the Full Potter house you teenage sluts."
Just imagine it will have lots of raping and sodomy with a broomstick and the family pets must be amused.

OK now I am going to hell for even joking about this lol. Have fun I'm on My way back to work.
Svenskaflicka said:
As long as everyone is over 18, you should be fine.
But M_V's story was still pulled even though all characters were over 18. So, it seems that the original characters (on TV, film, real life, whatever) should have been over 18 -- not simply aged for the purposes of the story. New Lit policy, it appears.

My post wasn't really meant in a general sense. I was specifically wondering how someone who objects to a story about sixteen- or seventeen-year-olds having sex with each other would get all excited and gleeful about the thought of writing a story about a police officer, a dog and two high school students.

Presumably these high school students will be eighteen. Because seventeen-year-old high school students having sex by themselves are somehow more "repulsive" than two eighteen-year-old high school students having sex with a dog, right?

I realize that sensibilities differ. Some people are turned on by incest, non-consent, etc. and some repulsed. It's really a matter of opinion although in these extreme instances it's easy to feel strongly that your own opinion is the only correct one.

But really (age of consent laws and Lit rules aside) is there any of us who really objects to older teenagers having sex with each other? I lost my virginity at 16. Is anyone outraged? It's a fairly normal age for the time and place (1992, U.S.)

I just think it's rather inconsistent, to say the least, for a person to object so strenuously to something that's normal (whatever that means) to such a large percentage of the population and think nothing of writing about something that is offensive to such a large percentage of the population.

If that person is going to fantasize about dogs they should leave the rest of us in peace to fantasize about human beings who are fully developed physically and who, while not necessarily as emotionally and mentally developed as ourselves, are certainly more so than dogs.

Sorry this is so long and repetitive... I'm partially here to improve my editing skills and am not quite "there" yet.