Have ya'll seen the new feature?

It seems like the same feedback as before, but now it can be read by all, and most importantly by the person offering a comment. That might increase the feedback. I turned mine on for both stories. Why not? The worst that can happen is someone might say they didn't like it and I'm a talentless hack. Would it cause me to lose sleep? Not really.

I think we should hijack this thread to talk some more about someone's avatar.:rolleyes: LOL
On all my stories etc., I turned "Public Comments" to "Yes". There is a space there where I suppose they are supposed to record. I am going to go and make a comment and see if it records, then I will delete the comment. So far, I haven't gotten any, as far as I know.:confused:
Okay, this should be interesting.

I just turned it on on all two of my stories. Let's see what people really think.
I just posted a comment on a poem, and gave myself a "5" on it. When I went to my submissions page, the "5" vote had been recorded and I was advised that there is a public submission. I will delete it later but the poem has had fewer than 400 readers so I am not worried about it. I don't know if I can delete the vote or not. From what I saw, it looks like only other writers can make public comments. I am going to see if that is true.
Apparently, anybody can post a comment. I just went to the stories using another name and made a comment, and it recorded. It asks for writers' names but others are anonymous.
I don't know if I can delete my comments or not. There doesn't seem to be a way to do it.
Originally posted by Perdita
Thanks, sweets. That was me in high school (basically )

Really, what lesson were you teaching? :p

Beautiful AV

Will's (Off to find Spanish Dictionary)

perdita said:
Whisp, "neurotic authors"? What? Never heard of such a thing. (Ha ha.) What a lark! as Mrs. Dalloway was wont to say.

Yesssss, I turned everything on too. :)


Too right you have darling, well you always turn me on:devil: :D :rose:

Must go 'switch' this thing on, ta Lou for pointing this strange new creature out to us:D
Boxlicker101 said:
I don't know if I can delete my comments or not. There doesn't seem to be a way to do it.

Boxlicker, you can moderate the public comments on your own stories via your CP, ie the 'View Submissions' function on your member page.

I just did a test comment on one of my stories, then went into there and a new field 'Moderate Public Comments' came up in the section pertaining to that story. I clicked on that and was then able to delete the comment.

I'm off to have a play and place a few comments on random AH author's stories. ;)


P.S. This is fun! :D
Once more unto the breach . . .

I guess I just have to try it! Off now to turn it on. Twenty-three prose and one poetry.

Then I wait in trepidation . . .


Edit: And having done that, I notice that my posting count is 666. Yikes!
I've turned on public comment for all 50 and added a comment to one of my own stories.

When I get time I will comment on all the stories that need rewriting or serious editing.

oggbashan said:
When I get time I will comment on all the stories that need rewriting or serious editing.


That's the difference 'tween you and me. You'll be making comments on your stories that need work-- I'll be making excuses. ;)

Rumple Foreskin said:

That's the difference 'tween you and me. You'll be making comments on your stories that need work-- I'll be making excuses. ;)


So are my comments; I just didn't want to admit it.

Well, I turned public comments on for my three stories yesterday afternoon, but I haven't gotten any yet. Either no one is reading them, or they don't want to comment.
I am sure it will take awhile before people get used to using the public comments. I just posted a new/old story thinking that getting something new to the public eye might result in more reads and more comments and more reasons not to check my submissions....:D
Comment for Black Tulip

I have put a comment on one of Black Tulip's stories.

It would have been easier if there was a link to your stories in your signature.

Yay! Thanks to Reohoko for my first public comment. It was on 'Loving in a Winter Wonderland' (the public comment facility is showing up on there now). :D

Thanks, Reo!

Lou :kiss:

I already managed to screw up Og's votes by leaving him a message on P/C, I had already voted for him, just as I have done for you, but if I try to leave a P/C it votes again, defaults at 50%, so I can either leave you a message and hope no one notices, or it will get taken out because I voted twice.

So the answer is - write more stories that I can vote and comment on.

How about Mrs Claus at the New Year Party, a Santa isn't just for Christmas.

Will's :)

PS. Tulip, same applies already voted.
Wills said:

I already managed to screw up Og's votes by leaving him a message on P/C, I had already voted for him, just as I have done for you, but if I try to leave a P/C it votes again, defaults at 50%, so I can either leave you a message and hope no one notices, or it will get taken out because I voted twice.

So the answer is - write more stories that I can vote and comment on.

How about Mrs Claus at the New Year Party, a Santa isn't just for Christmas.

Will's :)

PS. Tulip, same applies already voted.

Wills, the public comment facility and voting are two completely separate things. The 'voting' thing within the public comments field is not the same as standard voting, it just states publicy what you think of the story. You can comment without casting a normal vote and vice versa. I hope I've explained it ok. :confused:


Now I feel really fick :mad:

How was the play?


P.S. Surely that needs to be explained in big print for us old thicko's, I am sure most people think they are voting for the story, not just Public Record.