Hot Talk

I do.

(It might be easier to use the third person 'she'. It feels embarrassing for me to talk in the first person 'I' in a casual conversation like this. It however feels fine to use 'I' in role playing in the RP forum)
I hadn’t figured you to be in the “easily embarrassed” category! Aw, that’s rather sweet 😘
Let's hear YOU talk in the first person 'I' and tell everybody your sex life.
Let's see how well you fit into that category.
I don’t get embarrassed about my sex life, but I didn’t start a thread called Hot Talk to publicise it either 🤷‍♂️😘
His jaw drops and his eyes widen as she opens the door. *gulp* "Um, I have a big package in the truck for you Ma'am! Could you sign here while I go get it?"
His jaw drops and his eyes widen as she opens the door. *gulp* "Um, I have a big package in the truck for you Ma'am! Could you sign here while I go get it?"
you are making me excited
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*He returns with a large box and arches an eyebrow while his eyes wander down and back up again* "Oh? Have you been waiting a long time for this? It is heavy, can I bring it inside for you?
*His eyes drink her up as she leads the way inside*
Where should I put it?
*He hears himself and sputters*
Um, the package?
put your smart ass on the couch. I'll be back in 5 hrs.
hope my mother doesn't beat you up while I am gone
Hmmm... Do tell, my memory is not what it used to be.
Not only you were but you still are....lecherous.
you have always been since you landed on this wonderland on 2013.
It doesn't need to be told with words. Evidence speaks louder than words.
Not only you were but you still are....lecherous.
you have always been since you landed on this wonderland on 2013.
It doesn't need to be told with words. Evidence speaks louder than words.
I can't tell if this is a good thing or not for you?
just playing and teasing. don't you like it?
I’m ok with it, but wanted to be sure…. I am a dirty older gentleman, sometimes lecherous, sometimes not…. I’ll be whatever you need me to be. I’m here for you! 😘