How about I task you?

WickedEve said:
I know this isn't a movie review thread, but my children want me to buy the movie. I don't know much about it. Was it a great movie? How about for kids eight and nine?

My kids loved it. They are ten, nine and eight. :)
WickedEve said:
Thank you. :)

Your welcome. :)

I don't know if you know the story or not but just a word of warning about the movie. There is a very sad part and it bothered some kids who watched it because unlike most movies for kids...this one doesn't pretend that life is not sometimes unfair and very sad.
TMV said:
Now I stand in the same high school, that I was last time I struggled with my concept's, and perceptions of that time and period.
Oh, come on. No one with a high-school education would be able to write - type, sorry - a sentence like this.
Lauren Hynde said:
Oh, come on. No one with a high-school education would be able to write - type, sorry - a sentence like this.

I pray fervently that the English teachers in that particular high school never see him crediting them with his grammatical style. If I were one of them, I'd call it a day and slit my wrists.

Amazing, education is it?

I read as well as you yourself. And yet, it seems so frickin' one sided in your particular view and station. I really don't care about what you say or your high fooferall education. All I need know is thaat Einstien failed higgh school math. Edison didn't graduate high school. In fact some of the greatest made their mark even though they never made graduation. Now here you are trying to make an idealic point on something, that just didn't even pass grade school. Pick, pick, pick. Maybe that sorry sentence goes so well with your sorry excuses.

I was watching The History Channel today and this rhetortic reminds me a lot of it. They showed a picture of a suggested military secret project. Than spoke about Deputy Zamora of the Arizona State Police mistook that project as the object he saw.

The secret project was shaped like a flying saucer and called the "Silver Bug". The object that Zamora reported was "Egg-shaped". But then, you wouldn't understand those things being so worldly.

But the History Channel has shown several documentaries that have had some rather glaring mistakes. I would deem it quite deserving of your attention. You have so much in common. Pictorially correct, factually opposed.

But at least you're wasting your time with me and not on people who might become better without your fatal criticisms. Like a barking dawg!

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TMV said:
I read as well as you yourself.
I seriously doubt it. If you could read, you wouldn't misuse half the words or insist that your very particular understanding of grammar is correct. And you would know how to respond to questions. And you probably would know a little bit about art. LOL.

Just read all 12 pages and, speaking as someone who's new to these boards, I'm shocked at what I've seen here: One of you had the audacity to mistakenly attribute "The Second Coming" to T. S. Eliot.

It's Yeats!

And you call yourselves poets? Disgusting.

normal jean said:
Hell, I already knew I wasnt... just like ANY place, there will be jerks, angels and those who think their writing is the second comeing of TS Eliot or "Emily" or Ginsburg.... or whoever...

Oh my, and I so liked "Emily's" version.

Picodiribibi said:
And you call yourselves poets? Disgusting.

Damn and to think I thought that Pulitizer was mine this year. Forgive me Natasha I am no poet and I know not what I say.

MP3 -- presuming it all tongue in cheek...
MungoParkIII said:
MP3 -- presuming it all tongue in cheek...

Of course. ;) I thought "audacity to mistakenly attribute" was a dead give-away...,

This thread is a hoot.
Lauren Hynde said:
I'll attributate to whomever I want to attributate! ...,!

I'm starting to feel guilty, taking shots at the poor OP. It's hard enough being a misunderstood genius & innovator of language; but to be assaulted on all fronts by a bunch of robotic hacks, to be forced to defend oneself constantly from the never-ending onslaught of a forum full of jellyfish--poet-pretenders, without a creative bone in their bodies--that's got to be rough on the psyche.

Yes, we laugh now. But in 100 years, when the comaellipsis is in standard usage across the entirety of the Alliance of Federated Planetary Extronets (except, of course, in the outlying Fiefdoms and splintered, warring factions of the the once powerful United Republic of Earthnet, where the hideously deformed and brutally oppressive children of the Apocalypse still hold firmly to Strunk and White's Elements of Style)..., who will be laughing then?
Picodiribibi said:
That's a great name for it! Do you think the comællipsis spelling would be admissible and sanctioned by the Union of Theoretical Militant Grammarians of the Alliance of Federated Planetary Extronets? I have a thing for the ash grapheme.
WickedEve said:
I know this isn't a movie review thread, but my children want me to buy the movie. I don't know much about it. Was it a great movie? How about for kids eight and nine?

My 5 (6 today!) year old LOVED it. I sobbed as if my best friend had just died and could not stop crying it is embarassing. But it is a beautiful movie, I bet your girls will love love love it.
annaswirls said:
My 5 (6 today!) year old LOVED it. I sobbed as if my best friend had just died and could not stop crying it is embarassing. But it is a beautiful movie, I bet your girls will love love love it.
Some commercials make me cry. I just read a sad article online and cried. I'm watching Big Medicine on TLC tonight. An 800 pound man wants to give his dying father his kidney. I'm sure I'll cry. And my kids cry about everything. We don't need more tears. I'll probably get the movie, though...
Lauren Hynde said:
That's a great name for it! Do you think the comællipsis spelling would be admissible and sanctioned by the Union of Theoretical Militant Grammarians of the Alliance of Federated Planetary Extronets? I have a thing for the ash grapheme.

That's actually is the only spelling sanctioned by the UTMG--it's delectably pretentious--but I didn't know how to coax it from my keyboard. Luck for me I'm hiding away with the children of the Apocalypse on what's left of the planet Earth; I hear those Theoretical Militant Grammarians can get pretty ugly.
TheRainMan said:
i didn't think it was possible,

but i miss the fish with the big lips.

i think he hypnotized me or something. :cool:
It was the big lips. Now you have a fish fetish.
WickedEve said:
Some commercials make me cry. I just read a sad article online and cried. I'm watching Big Medicine on TLC tonight. An 800 pound man wants to give his dying father his kidney. I'm sure I'll cry. And my kids cry about everything. We don't need more tears. I'll probably get the movie, though...

oh my gosh, I think I will go write a poem in the meet a lit poet thread about my new fantasy of being able to sit on a big sofa and cry with you and your adorable daughters. Is that sick? There is not enough estrogen in this house. We watch sharks and spongebob, there is no crying unless someone falls off the sofa while doing a double flip twist in the air. :(
WickedEve said:
Some commercials make me cry. I just read a sad article online and cried. I'm watching Big Medicine on TLC tonight. An 800 pound man wants to give his dying father his kidney. I'm sure I'll cry. And my kids cry about everything. We don't need more tears. I'll probably get the movie, though...
Are you preggers, too? It's catchy... I'm off to take my BPC. I have to go and buy some condoms and spermicidal foam, too. Prevention is 90% of the cure, ya know :p.
champagne1982 said:
Are you preggers, too? It's catchy... I'm off to take my BPC. I have to go and buy some condoms and spermicidal foam, too. Prevention is 90% of the cure, ya know :p.
I am sending you a long distance bitch slap. :D
annaswirls said:
oh my gosh, I think I will go write a poem in the meet a lit poet thread about my new fantasy of being able to sit on a big sofa and cry with you and your adorable daughters. Is that sick? There is not enough estrogen in this house. We watch sharks and spongebob, there is no crying unless someone falls off the sofa while doing a double flip twist in the air. :(
We watch sharks and spongebob, too. The kids love animal planet. All those animals eating each other, yet they get upset when I watch a zombie movie. Uh... zombies gotta eat, too.