How about I task you?

WickedEve said:
I am sending you a long distance bitch slap. :D
I just noticed I was dislexic in taking my birth pill control :cool: some days my mind goes goofy. I blame it on ovulation.
champagne1982 said:
I just noticed I was dislexic in taking my birth pill control :cool: some days my mind goes goofy. I blame it on ovulation.
"I put on my stiletto heels and suddenly I was trampling my boyfriend to death. Officer, it's not my fault. I'm ovulating."

"Think nothing of it, ma'am. You have a nice day and we'll get this body out of the way for you."

Ah, a world where PMS and ovulation are a license to kill and eat stolen chocolate.
Well, Poetry takes a back seat to the tech

Sorry I've been removed for such a long time. But the tech didn't have much experience apparently and it was way too long without the net. Anywho, I had a great "Independence Day". Same it stands for a time long gone and forgotten. So few people even understand, much less defend freedom (as it was shown to us)when it comes to majority rights. It seems that fractionalism is the "Go" word now. With even former immigrants stating that they oppose "Amnesty" for all the illegals now-a-days, still their are the fanatics who will not investigate the issue. Just make unilateral demands because it's "A party issue".

Same goes for those that frequent the forum and make they own unilateral demands on the poetry of other's. "Freedom" is a word they only want to hear in their own restrictive circles. An elitist clan. I have seen and been subject to the unbending tirade of those that are cold to the future. Just because, after they die, they want to see that the world won't exist without them. A "Self-fulfilling prophecy" and a demand that they are the only rule of law in poetry.

Sorry, I'm into dying with a future. Leaving something behind that makes changes in the way "things have always been done". Having someone make an adjustment in their life because, it felt stale to be living day-to-day. Cash will be dead because it rusts. The value in human consciousness is, and always will be, the next step in evolution. And as the body has enjoyed such a long reign, now we make the mind self-sufficient. And then, before the world dies..., the soul will become independent. If you get comfortable, you waste away and cease.

And poetry will make sense, because it works with the soul. Not earthly sensibilities.

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TMV said:
Sorry, I'm into dying with a future.
Again, I am sorry for you as well. If you're into dying with a future, into leaving a legacy, into changing the world, why do you write the same crap that 90% of nearly-illiterate internet blog users do? You don't have a clue about how things have always been done, so how can you presume to have a remote shot at changing them?
It would seem the point is obvious......

To obstruct your take on the world and the demon's you wish to unleash.

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I'm sorry that it was so long without the net. Maybe it will enjoy this video .

Notice the title, "It Rubs The Lotion On It's Skin," provided by the poster of the video (the actual title of the song is "Lotion" by the Chicago-based band The Greenskeepers). Question: Is "It's" grammatically correct here? Why?
Picodiribibi said:
Notice the title, "It Rubs The Lotion On It's Skin," provided by the poster of the video (the actual title of the song is "Lotion" by the Chicago-based band The Greenskeepers). Question: Is "It's" grammatically correct here? Why?
Why, yes it is. And here is why:

It Rubs The Lotion On It® is a little-known topical-application product endorsed by Cousin It and used in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. In the brilliant song "Lotion", The Greenskeepers, inspired by 1973 classic of science fiction starring Charlton Heston "Soylent Green", try to warn us that It Rubs The Lotion On It® is skin. The shock effect is somewhat lost, however, because not only is rubbing skin on one's own phallus not as gross for the average person as eating people would be, but also because the purpose of It Rubs The Lotion On It® is to cure male erectile dysfunction, which for any man alive, trumps the gross factor of no matter what.
Picodiribibi said:
I'm sorry that it was so long without the net. Maybe it will enjoy this video .

Notice the title, "It Rubs The Lotion On It's Skin," provided by the poster of the video (the actual title of the song is "Lotion" by the Chicago-based band The Greenskeepers). Question: Is "It's" grammatically correct here? Why?
What a fantastically creepy book, The Silence Of The Lambs, pity it didn't translate as well to the screen. Still good, though.
Lauren Hynde said:
Why, yes it is. And here is why:

It Rubs The Lotion On It® is a little-known topical-application product endorsed by Cousin It and used in the treatment of male erectile dysfunction. In the brilliant song "Lotion", The Greenskeepers, inspired by 1973 classic of science fiction starring Charlton Heston "Soylent Green", try to warn us that It Rubs The Lotion On It® is skin. The shock effect is somewhat lost, however, because not only is rubbing skin on one's own phallus not as gross for the average person as eating people would be, but also because the purpose of It Rubs The Lotion On It® is to cure male erectile dysfunction, which for any man alive, trumps the gross factor of no matter what.

I bowing down befour you're brilliantine, yes again, Hynde-part. :rose:
Picodiribibi said:
Maybe it will enjoy this video.
Maybe It will. Maybe It won't.

I kind of liked it. Maybe because the guitarist kind of periodically fucks things up, like I do when I play.

I don't do that woman in the well thing, though. Not well, anyway. (Yes. Joke. Ha ha.) Not at all, actually.

Its not my way. ;)

More kinda a speed stacking guy. Or even girl.

Girls win, of course. They always do.
Back After..............

Lauren Hynde said:
Good thing no one gives a crap about your take, then. :D

Well, finally got my computer repaired and I'm taking another journey into the mouths of the Leviathan. Sad thing is with a new laptop, I have to become used to a new keyboard.

So then, no one cares for me. I'm so faintly hurt. So you just stay here to give me grief, eh? It's only your ever idignant sense of justice that brings you to get me to help you earn your Angel's wings. Make you saints or somethiing equivalent. Throw asunder the big baddie and grant a smile on the heffe's gorgeous face.

Fantastic! I and others are slugging it out with others on another forum, with the very same attitude. So then, in simple form..., "you're right and everybody else is wrong!" But that isn't the end of it. You speak of how I am reflected in your mirror as an egomaniacal, testosterone-juiced dictator. And that issue is supported by your veteran peers. Really a major conundrum! OK, I've been a baaaaaad boy! :D You wish.

I could say it..., but then it's a like punching a dead body. Ignorant and lifeless. How then can I tackle your bric-a-brac blindness? Oh dear God..., why didn't I think of that before!? I'll send the barbarian's to your door! :D Usurp your great and powerful Empire! And you can defend Rome, as it must survive, it is the epicenter of the world culture! And be sure to call on Napolean to fight for your glory and civilization! And let Genghis Khan ravage your enemies!

No..., I'll just stand here and take each and every barb and debasement you can pump up from your septic tank. Ah yes, there I go, martyrizing myself once again. I've been a constant thorn of guerilla action against your marble foudation of reason. Another aspiring Che Gueverra. But don't guerilla's fight a insurgent action in their own territory? It seems to me that you're planting your crops in my soil. Ah but then you're the only righteous people in the world. All aggressive action by you is only a police action to protect your interest. Simple global economics. The rich get richer and the poor suffer. But then I task your reason with that post from out of left field.

Hurumph! No..., that is wasted effort as well. Hmmmmm, How do I handle the lot of you? My, my, my. 'tis a rough puzzle. Peace, Love and brotherhood? No..., you're capitalized. Drug's? Whoa no! You're too high on yourselves as it is!

I know..., I'll task you. Struggle over you. Stand against you. Because it makes you spend time on me..., try to outwit and befuddle me. Keep you here. Because then you can't dominate the others if I'm outwiting you. But then again..., what if I'm trying to get rid of you? But then you can tag-team me. But could you trust the others to subject those that irritate you? Maybe they have their own agenda.

Oh shame on me! i'm trying so hard to split you up and cause suspicion in the ranks! :D But then how deep can you go? How much will it take before you become frustrated? Forever you say. Infinity plus.

Oh excuse me! I'm putting too much on the table. I'm going to blow a fuse because I'm playing mind-games with the highly educated, scholar's. Op! There I go, screwing with the apostrphes again! :D Ah don't worry, you'll set me off on another passion feud! Get my goat. Burn my ponies. You are so good at that! Well..., ta for now.

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TMV said:
Well, finally got my computer repaired and I'm taking another journey into the mouths of the Leviathan. Sad thing is with a new laptop, I have to become used to a new keyboard.

So then, no one cares for me. I'm so faintly hurt. So you just stay here to give me grief, eh? It's only your ever idignant sense of justice that brings you to get me to help you earn your Angel's wings. Make you saints or somethiing equivalent. Throw asunder the big baddie and grant a smile on the heffe's gorgeous face.

Fantastic! I and others are slugging it out with others on another forum, with the very same attitude. So then, in simple form..., "you're right and everybody else is wrong!" But that isn't the end of it. You speak of how I am reflected in your mirror as an egomaniacal, testosterone-juiced dictator. And that issue is supported by your veteran peers. Really a major conundrum! OK, I've been a baaaaaad boy! :D You wish.

I could say it..., but then it's a like punching a dead body. Ignorant and lifeless. How then can I tackle your bric-a-brac blindness? Oh dear God..., why didn't I think of that before!? I'll send the barbarian's to your door! :D Usurp your great and powerful Empire! And you can defend Rome, as it must survive, it is the epicenter of the world culture! And be sure to call on Napolean to fight for your glory and civilization! And let Genghis Khan ravage your enemies!

No..., I'll just stand here and take each and every barb and debasement you can pump up from your septic tank. Ah yes, there I go, martyrizing myself once again. I've been a constant thorn of guerilla action against your marble foudation of reason. Another aspiring Che Gueverra. But don't guerilla's fight a insurgent action in their own territory? It seems to me that you're planting your crops in my soil. Ah but then you're the only righteous people in the world. All aggressive action by you is only a police action to protect your interest. Simple global economics. The rich get richer and the poor suffer. But then I task your reason with that post from out of left field.

Hurumph! No..., that is wasted effort as well. Hmmmmm, How do I handle the lot of you? My, my, my. 'tis a rough puzzle. Peace, Love and brotherhood? No..., you're capitalized. Drug's? Whoa no! You're too high on yourselves as it is!

I know..., I'll task you. Struggle over you. Stand against you. Because it makes you spend time on me..., try to outwit and befuddle me. Keep you here. Because then you can't dominate the others if I'm outwiting you. But then again..., what if I'm trying to get rid of you? But then you can tag-team me. But could you trust the others to subject those that irritate you? Maybe they have their own agenda.

Oh shame on me! i'm trying so hard to split you up and cause suspicion in the ranks! :D But then how deep can you go? How much will it take before you become frustrated? Forever you say. Infinity plus.

Oh excuse me! I'm putting too much on the table. I'm going to blow a fuse because I'm playing mind-games with the highly educated, scholar's. Op! There I go, screwing with the apostrphes again! :D Ah don't worry, you'll set me off on another passion feud! Get my goat. Burn my ponies. You are so good at that! Well..., ta for now.

Hey, TMV — don't waste your time with arguments. Seriously. Just join in something like the 30-30 challenge, or something similar, and post. In the end this is a poetry forum — so post some poetry and enjoy the poetry of others. You'll feel better for it.
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TMV said:
Well, finally got my computer repaired and I'm taking another journey into the mouths of the Leviathan. Sad thing is with a new laptop, I have to become used to a new keyboard.
You were used to the old one? Impressive!

TMV said:
So then, no one cares for me. I'm so faintly hurt. So you just stay here to give me grief, eh? It's only your ever idignant sense of justice that brings you to get me to help you earn your Angel's wings. Make you saints or somethiing equivalent. Throw asunder the big baddie and grant a smile on the heffe's gorgeous face.
Nope, I'm here regardless of you being here or not. I keep responding to your posts because it's fun! It's like having my own village idiot.

TMV said:
You speak of how I am reflected in your mirror as an egomaniacal, testosterone-juiced dictator.
Nope, you'd have to actually be smart to be a dictator, and people would have to give a crap about what you say. No chance of that ever happening, so I think the world is safe. ;)

TMV said:
Oh shame on me! i'm trying so hard to split you up and cause suspicion in the ranks!
So that's why I've been feeling so damned split. Freakin' ranks! I've always suspected them. I'm scheduling surgery to have them removed!

It's great to have you back, by the way! In the last couple of weeks there have only been threads with interesting conversations held by intelligible people. I was starting to miss your completely random style of "reasoning".
Lauren Hynde said:
It's like having my own village idiot.
You're always the first kid on the forum to get new stuff from the village.

not fair...
Tristesse2 said:
Lauren, when you edit others posts could you give the reason please. Thanks, Just sign me "nosy".
Oh, sorry. :D

Just deleting the random out-of-topic copyrighted images that TMV insists on hotlinking as part of this posts instead of putting them in his signature.
Lauren Hynde said:
Oh, sorry. :D

Just deleting the random out-of-topic copyrighted images that TMV insists on hotlinking as part of this posts instead of putting them in his signature.

Thanks, I'm just vicariously experiencing the power.

Helloooo Eluard

Eluard said:
Hey, TMV — don't waste your time with arguments. Seriously. Just join in something like the 30-30 challenge, or something similar, and post. In the end this is a poetry forum — so post some poetry and enjoy the poetry of others. You'll feel better for it.

Thank you Eluard for viisting. But I do think that you have drawn the wrong conclusion. But considering the incessant, sonic cacophony in this thread, you may be feeling a little tense. But that's just fine. I have to struggle sometimes to keep it from overwhelming my own cognizance. I am really pleased that you have some concern for my temperment and my stress levels. That's really a fresh breath of air around here.

But the truth of the matter is I'm not arguing. I am engaged in debate with some uncooperative and rather aggressive people, who have trouble putting together a viable strategy to task me. they seem restricted by their defensive canyons that they developed, against the fears that they live with each and every day. And so they demand that I restrict my own thought's and intuitive nature. Actually, it is their dear that makes those demand's.

I admit, I'm having some fun as I am learning to type, with some promising speed. My..., opponents have some misconceptions about what is going on here, but I'm happy with that advantage. They have some viable things to say..., they just don't use those moments with any skill or understanding. I would think that they were having fun as well, except when they tend to devolve into useless invectives. Then I definitely become more concerned that I might be making this too easy.

I learned to take such callous disregard for my feelings, (thanks to my dysfunctional family) and try to get past to the meat of the conversation. It hadn't hurt any that school had become a center for intense, social discussion's. And we all had given each other plenty of leeway to prevent name-calling and suggestive retort's and rhetoric. It was honest and sincere face to face interaction, that taught me to slip through the feint's and parry's, of my more lackluster opponent's. I also learned that as long as you don't lose sight of your goals, the fury that comes at you, becomes a banner of exposure to others, who aren't fooled by their own feelings and pride.

So, in closing for today, if I were involved in an arguement...., I'd have left in a huff a long time ago and presented a poor target for the unkind gentile!

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They lied to you!

It's impossible

to walk

on water.


(From what film?)

Okay, TMV, this has gone on long enough. I need to know: Is "Sly" a reference to Christopher Sly, the drunken malaprop in William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew who thinks he's a lord? Are you putting us on?

You're just another smarty with a (very) twisted sense of humor, aren't you?
Come on, fess up. I would think you were cooler than creation if it were true.
Lauren Hynde said:

Yes, pleasant as always. However I believe your assumptions of what you know, is as bloated as your sense of ego. Of course, that is my unauthorized opinion. Of no matter to you. I'm very sure that you have done so much to appease the great powers in your ambitions, and it would be so decotage to have someone come and, brush you off like a gnat. Oh, how brutish! But then I don't think of it in that fashion..., I find you lucid yet, distracted by too much of those other social concerns. The right place, the right time and the right people...., poor little peasant's. Just useless to you and not even worth a thought. Oh..., sorry. Over-dramatizing again, my bad.

Oh yes Pico, I am very twisted and ego-centric, diabolic in my deluded context. Come on, the worse one yet! Veiled back-hands are an illusion here. Find something of substance and propiety. If not, at least revolutionary. I am yet to be tasked. :D But at least my forced vacation has somehow changed some of my fortunes. Not as many gadflies here now. Peaceful.

And how might I fill my time? I think I might know..., but it is so slow here and I think I might actually have some thing of worth to contribute. But then Lauren sees it differently! :D
