How do I find a munch?

Marquis you are one of the few who has answered various points brought up by various posters and addressed most (if not all) of them in a rather mature manner. Many posters will run for the hills if they feel insulted or slammed. You did not- a very adult thing.

My definition of a good dom/me basically follows pretty close to my definition of a good lover- they're concerned for thier partner's well being, repect limits and boundries, wants whats best for thier partners when possible. A dom/me also has the added responsiblity to not betray that enourmous additional amount of trust a sub puts in them. Like stopping when the safe word/gesture is used- tis a trust issue.
I dislike cookie cutter people- everyone's different and there's strength in that diversity.

Just because you don't fit the typical "leather clad, flogger swinging" Dominant/Top/Master/Sir/etc image that's the sterotype of the BDSM culture does not mean that you don't/can't enjoy parts/all of it. If your inner self wants to manefest itself in a manner that is akin to a Dom, then its going to, one way or another. Embracing that can bring a lot of joy. Hiding it can bring tremendous pain.
Or you could go find a vanilla girl with subbie tendancies and bring her over into the fold. Tis always a possibility.
Hmm, I've noticed some of the Doms around here can be delicate flowers, but it Do like there may be a bit of the 'can dish it out but can't take it' syndrome going on here. And yeah, I recognize that can be one good reason to choose being on the Other side of the whip...! :cool:

For instance Catalina's line: LOL, unfortunately, a egotistical prick's personality is usually considered by that said bitch during, or while contemplating, such an act. This came thru to me as responding with the same upfront, put-ti-on-the-line, yet tongue in cheeky tone You'd been using.

I wonder whether part of the problem here isn't the usual one that we can't see facial expressions and such.

Rosco, it really isn't, i don't think, about trying to get Marquis, or anyone, to be a 'proper' little Dom, but more trying to explain to a newbie why feelings got hurt over an offhand comment. It sounds, too, like I missed something -- something that happened offline? Or in Pm? Don't know who complained or how loudly, just from that there was upset from somewhere?

Anyway, don't you Dare go vanilla, Marquis! (how's that for topping from the bottom?;) ) (We like you and respect you or we wouldn't be arguing with you -- you would just get ignored or flamed. This Isn't flaming.:D :devil: Or at least that's my take on this whatever-it-is.)

Er, and what's with the mensch talk? We got the whole mishpucha (sp?) here? Man, I've read more of that kinda talk on this forum in the last coupla months than I'd heard in the previous 10 years rl.

Bunch a mishugenah mamzers....

I don't see myself going vanilla any time soon, but I guess if this has shown me anything its shown me that I may not fit in with the established bdsm universe.

Maybe I have to establish my own universe.

Marquis said:
I don't see myself going vanilla any time soon, but I guess if this has shown me anything its shown me that I may not fit in with the established bdsm universe.

Maybe I have to establish my own universe.

You do have to establish your own universe darling. :)
This is so open to interpretation, I don't know if I'll ever get it.
I figured that's how you meant it. I meant it in the insane
megalomaniacal sense. As in, create my own bdsm following and my own rules. A neo-bdsm if you will, that caters to my own tastes so I have a full fledged society which I feel totally comfortable in but where others are forced to conform to the power of my dogma.
Marquis said:
I figured that's how you meant it. I meant it in the insane
megalomaniacal sense. As in, create my own bdsm following and my own rules. A neo-bdsm if you will, that caters to my own tastes so I have a full fledged society which I feel totally comfortable in but where others are forced to conform to the power of my dogma.
:) i think you call that having a harem or a stable or whatever the rest of the world calls it. if thats what you want, then do it ;)

The problem with creating your own society is that it then becomes your dream only. Anyone you bring into the fold will be different than you, If you stay inflexible yourself what happens sooner than you think is that a goodly portion of your energy simply gets spent trying to force others to see it your way, rather than benefiting on the things you already have in common. You don't have to go too far until most of your energy and resources get spent on simply battling to maintain what you have rather than actually being able to enjoy any of it.
Interesting perspective Dstorage. What's funny is that I think my need to dominate largely stems from my difficulty fitting into the various environments I've lived in in my life. I've always teetered the line between changing for my environment and asking my environment to change for me.

And you're right, sometimes asking those around me to change is harder work than just changing myself.
Ok, I'm in sunny Fort Lauderdale now and I think I'm going to try and find a munch again. I've done the local bar and club thing around here and I'm not terribly impressed with the scene.

My early analysis of South Florida is not a flattering one at all. It seems to be populated by a bunch of brainless, shallow hedonists. The females look like gorgeous fuckdolls with their bleached hair, push-up bras and skirts so tight you can almost see the wrinkles of their waxed assholes. Unfortunately, they all seem to be infatuated with the spiky haired 6-day-a-week gym going frat boys that are my new competition.

The solution: meeting women in a less frenetic environment. While I may not be at the top of the food chain in the "shake your ass" club (not that I have anything against the "shake your ass" club), my biggest muscle flexes hard once conversation starts.

Between that, my lonely condo and the story Roscoe posted in his La Cosa Nostra thread, I'm feeling a hankering for a sub.
Marquis said:
Ok, I'm in sunny Fort Lauderdale now and I think I'm going to try and find a munch again. I've done the local bar and club thing around here and I'm not terribly impressed with the scene.

My early analysis of South Florida is not a flattering one at all. It seems to be populated by a bunch of brainless, shallow hedonists. The females look like gorgeous fuckdolls with their bleached hair, push-up bras and skirts so tight you can almost see the wrinkles of their waxed assholes. Unfortunately, they all seem to be infatuated with the spiky haired 6-day-a-week gym going frat boys that are my new competition.

The solution: meeting women in a less frenetic environment. While I may not be at the top of the food chain in the "shake your ass" club (not that I have anything against the "shake your ass" club), my biggest muscle flexes hard once conversation starts.

Between that, my lonely condo and the story Roscoe posted in his La Cosa Nostra thread, I'm feeling a hankering for a sub.

Wow. You are in my anti universe! Perhaps you will conquer it. The David Lee Roth beach-bar pickup world. Go Marquis!
I'm having a hard time distinguishing if my distaste for the emerald city I spent so long fantasizing about in my prior residence is genuine, or the machinations of my depressed bipolar mind. This was almost easier before I knew I was bipolar and I just thought I was an asshole. All I know is I have been pretty pissed off for about a week now, and not getting any pussy isn't helping.

I appreciate the encouragement Roscoe. I'm at Veni and Vidi, it's going to take longer than I thought to get to the Vici.
good luck, Marquis. Maybe you can network and find a Young Subs club? Say a bdsm college chapter? :cool: My impression is it seems to take most of the subby women longer to 'come out,' unfortunately for you younger dudes. (I'm always amazed and impressed to see some of the younger ones, like Bunny Bondage, on here.) Maybe some Goth girls are early stagers? I don't know. Go to a munch and ask if they have kids? (kidding.) It does sound like from what people have said, the munches are older people. Could an alternative personals site fix you up? (You take a good pic.)

Yeah, I was considering an alternative personals site, but I have very little faith in meeting people online. I guess I could sign up for a one month pass at or something.

Of course, most subs are still older as you pointed out, and I get the feeling even subs my age want doms older than I.
Marquis said:
Yeah, I was considering an alternative personals site, but I have very little faith in meeting people online. I guess I could sign up for a one month pass at or something.

Of course, most subs are still older as you pointed out, and I get the feeling even subs my age want doms older than I.
on alt, collar me, or bondage you can do a search for women in the age group you are interested in . :)
Marquis said:
Yeah, I was considering an alternative personals site, but I have very little faith in meeting people online. I guess I could sign up for a one month pass at or something.

Of course, most subs are still older as you pointed out, and I get the feeling even subs my age want doms older than I.

I was noticing at My local munch last night that all 5 of the new members were between the ages of 18 and 23...the week before all 8 new members were under the age of 31...the week before 8 out of the 10 new members were between the age of 20 and 26. 75% of the newbies being female.

Perhaps the reason subs want older Doms is that they have a larger group to choose from as there do not seem to be many young males confidently showing their Dominance.
Shadowsdream said:

Perhaps the reason subs want older Doms is that they have a larger group to choose from as there do not seem to be many young males confidently showing their Dominance.

OK, does anyone have some munch master list or something that I can use to find a munch in Ft Lauderdale.