
Re: Ad thy name shall be... "Hyper Schmyper"

Randi Grail said:
I try so hard to please you sonnet nerds,
to give my lack of poetry disguise
as something that was written by the wise,
to soar with angels, flutter by with birds.

Then for the second verse I lose all speed
and ramble something, just to get a rhyme.
I compromise and camouflage my crime
in every silly syllable you read.

You ought to know by now; I won't succeed
to get a better poem done in time,
one that ain't about what it's about.

This is the kind of junk my brain-cells breed,
a pointless blob of green-ish gory slime
the world would do just mighty fine without.

I try to write some meaning to those words
and masturbate vocabulary lies.
My muse is hiding, but I hear her cries:
"Your typing fingers might as well be turds!"

Hey muse, you bitch, you didn't help me out!
So grow some fucking balls and wipe that pout.

Apologies for the tremendous amount of stress on the general sanity

you're just too damn cute and spunky


i like your stuff
and your poems too
:p :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Not necessarily, but if you change the order, forget about the shrimp cocktail. ;)
Or join me in the kitchen, and I'll BE your shrimp cocktail. :p
Something with the word shrimp cocktail just makes me cringe. I think it's the first two syllables.
Oh all right!

Tathagata said:
i just picture you butterflied and covered with cocktail sauce
"...or spread eagled and covered with cock sauce?"

Happy now, pervs?

Lauren Hynde said:
You people better be writing hypersonnets to go with all the flirtatious banter. :D

wait, when are they due? remind me again?
Lauren Hynde said:
You people better be writing hypersonnets to go with all the flirtatious banter. :D
Hey, I wrote mine, didn't I? Maybe I should write another one after all this inspiring naughty galore. How do you rhyme 'sauce'?