
Randi Grail said:
Hey, I wrote mine, didn't I? Maybe I should write another one after all this inspiring naughty galore. How do you rhyme 'sauce'?

Lauren Hynde said:
Your hypersonnets should be submitted on the 19th July, to be posted on the 20th, in honour of the 2nd Anniversary of this new and revolutionary form. :D
Happy Birthday, Hypersonnet!

Submit them today! :D
Re: Re: Hyperchallenge

Lauren Hynde said:
Happy Birthday, Hypersonnet!

Submit them today! :D

Already submitted, read and voted on some.

Man, mine sucks LOL

I put it in as my alter-ego ferociouskittycat so it wouldn't shame my already shameful submissions :D
Re: I done submitted....

trendyredhead said:
Me like title. :D

But does it deliver? That's some title to live up to. I'll read it when I'm home from work. ;)

I just submitted mine. It's not Hyperpyrexia, the one I posted here earlier. Should I chunk in that one too under the challenge umbrella, or is one poemie enough?

it was late last night when I was finishing it up, and the meter is off in the 2nd last line.....but aside from that, i think it's a decent effort. got one nice comment thus far, anyway, and my hubby enjoyed it immensely.

:kiss: trendyredhead
trendyredhead said:
it was late last night when I was finishing it up, and the meter is off in the 2nd last line.....but aside from that, i think it's a decent effort. got one nice comment thus far, anyway, and my hubby enjoyed it immensely.

:kiss: trendyredhead

I thought you did a great job trendyredhead!!!

dm(aka ferociouskittycat)oxoxox
i fixed the meter and resubmitted...hopefully in time! :)

i was kinda surprised there are only 2 public comments on it thus far....i've been searching for hypersonnets to read tonight to see what other great ideas folks have had.

:rose: trendyredhead
Last edited:
I have submitted Hyperdulia as my contest entry.
I also submitted another hypersonnet called Hypesthesia (Traced with a Nine) as a non-combatant.
There is also one called Hyperelectric lurking on the threads somewhere.
I really like this form. (can you tell?)

Hyper Birthday!

I wrote another one titled "hyperchallenge" but I don't know if it will get in or not, because I just submitted it, ten minutes ago. It's my ode to Liar. :devil:
perks said:
I wrote another one titled "hyperchallenge" but I don't know if it will get in or not, because I just submitted it, ten minutes ago. It's my ode to Liar. :devil:
Wow. Me tremble in me boots. :)
Happy Birthday, Hypersonnet!

That was fun! All the entries were great! When's the next challenge????
Here are all the sixteen hyperchallenge hypersonnets in the new poetry list:

Off to read them all, now. Let me know if I missed any. :)
Hypersex: revised (still pending from yesterday)


Eyes, blue, half-closed, his lashes long and dark,
he naked came to me with outstretched hands.
My passion builds, a fire starts, demands
he touch me, taste me, fan the glowing spark.
On cotton sheets, our bodies slick with sweat,
we rub, we grind, exploring, licking, pleas
are whispered, offered, raise me on my knees.
I take him deep, his fathom’d thrusting met;
so hard he plunges, squeezing out the wet
to puddle on the mattress; in my cunt I seize
his cock so tight - hush quiet, don’t wake up
the neighbors, list’ning - softly stroking, let
me kiss you, taste you, breathe you, please don’t tease;
An alcoholic, greedy, drink your cup
of loving, swilling, swallow, leave my mark.
He, turning, feeds his nectar, honey gland
of sweetness, dripping from my lips, my hand.
The candlelight recedes, the room grows dark.
United flesh, thickspread with sweet syrup,
lies sated; now on sleep we must catch up.
Thank you, Miss Hynde

Congratulations to all on the great Hypersonnets. Amazing variety. All the rhyme-resistant really set their minds to sizzling and wrote some wonderful music. I won't be posting comments on each individually because my computer is fubar and it takes five minutes to type each line. I have read and enjoyed and will vote on all.
Thank you, Miss Hynde

Congratulations to all on the great Hypersonnets. Amazing variety. All the rhyme-resistant really set their minds to sizzling and wrote some wonderful music. I won't be posting comments on each individually because my computer is fubar and it takes five minutes to type each line. I have read and enjoyed and will
vote on all.
Reading Aloud

Tristesse commented on one of the Hypers, saying "(General comment) I wonder if we had each poet read his/her poem the iambic qualities would be different."

I think she's right. I think a lot of the beauty is in the writer's reading of the lines aloud. I always read them aloud to try to get the full effect.

I still think they're all wonderful!
Re: Reading Aloud

Miss Oatlash said:
Tristesse commented on one of the Hypers, saying "(General comment) I wonder if we had each poet read his/her poem the iambic qualities would be different."

I think she's right. I think a lot of the beauty is in the writer's reading of the lines aloud. I always read them aloud to try to get the full effect.

I still think they're all wonderful!

she also said my hyperchallenge"s meter doesn't fit the form, which I don't understand, I've pmd, asking for an explanation, because to me it's flawless, and if it's not, then I don't know what the hell I'm doing and I need to learn how to do it correctly, eep, before tomorrow's contest. *confused*