Illinois bans sales and possession of semi-automatic firearms

The simple truth is the SCOTUS has already ruled that weapons in common use cannot be banned. You should have paid attention to DC v Heller, McDonald v Chicago, and New York Rifle and Pistol Association v Bruen which explain why you're uninformed. Sheriffs take an oath to uphold the Constitution, the Chicago law on its face is unconstitutional.

The best part is his exclamation that Sheriff's shouldn't be able to selectively enforce the law.

Meanwhile Brandon's classified doc scandal is ongoing with the typical excuses from those who believe that sheriff's can't selectively enforce the law and that Trump needs to be imprisoned for having classified docs at Mar A Lago.

And let's not even mention all those woke rioters who walked free while some people got 3am no knock raids on their house in Alaska even though they weren't there on J6...
The gov and legislature of Illinois are going to find out that there's an entire world of difference between passing/signing a law and enforcing it.

Right now most of the sheriff's in Illinois are in revolt over this law calling it blatantly unconstitutional. Unconstitutional laws are void ab initio and don't have to be obeyed or enforced.
Ahahahahaha. What a derp wad!
The best part is his exclamation that Sheriff's shouldn't be able to selectively enforce the law.

Meanwhile Brandon's classified doc scandal is ongoing with the typical excuses from those who believe that sheriff's can't selectively enforce the law and that Trump needs to be imprisoned for having classified docs at Mar A Lago.

And let's not even mention all those woke rioters who walked free while some people got 3am no knock raids on their house in Alaska even though they weren't there on J6...
The ignorance on the left is vast in scope.
You should be proud. I mean that thread was just "wow", how can a person be so fucking stupid...and you wear it well!!!

It's amazing at this point that you haven't dumped this sock puppet account on account of how stupid you've made this account look.

You were PUNKED and you fell for it. Even after me telling you that you were PUNKED you're STILL falling for it. No one else, just you.

OTOH, you can always try to spin this as you being "unique" because no one else is as idiotically gullible as you are.
It's amazing at this point that you haven't dumped this sock puppet account on account of how stupid you've made this account look.

You were PUNKED and you fell for it. Even after me telling you that you were PUNKED you're STILL falling for it. No one else, just you.

OTOH, you can always try to spin this as you being "unique" because no one else is as idiotically gullible as you are.
Oh look who came out to play on a Sunday afternoon...*chuckles*
Beats watching the guy I hired mow the yard. Not that you'd know how to do any of those things.
Are you saying you think you're smart because you know how to watch a person mow a lawn? Or are you saying, you're too stupid to mow a lawn and can only watch? Please please please let us know....
Are you saying you think you're smart because you know how to watch a person mow a lawn? Or are you saying, you're too stupid to mow a lawn and can only watch? Please please please let us know....

I figured you'd be too stupid to know how to hire someone to do yardwork on a Sunday afternoon. I just left it up to you to prove your stupidity to the whole world. And you did.

Congratulations, you dun did it gud.
I figured you'd be too stupid to know how to hire someone to do yardwork on a Sunday afternoon. I just left it up to you to prove your stupidity to the whole world. And you did.

Congratulations, you dun did it gud.
Why would I pay a guy to mow my lawn? I live in the country, at the side of a lake. My driveway is over 800' long. I have acres of green weeds that look like grass and wild flowers. I am not wasting money on a guy mowing You and "Lawnstripes" would make good pals.....
Why would I pay a guy to mow my lawn? I live in the country, at the side of a lake. My driveway is over 800' long. I have acres of green weeds that look like grass and wild flowers. I am not wasting money on a guy mowing You and "Lawnstripes" would make good pals.....

I guess it's Trump's fault you can't figure out how to rake your forest...
You don't have enough time in grade to understand him perfectly.

This is verified by the fact that he thinks I'm batting for the team concerned with increasing their already high book sales.
The best part is his exclamation that Sheriff's shouldn't be able to selectively enforce the law.

Meanwhile Brandon's classified doc scandal is ongoing with the typical excuses from those who believe that sheriff's can't selectively enforce the law and that Trump needs to be imprisoned for having classified docs at Mar A Lago.

And let's not even mention all those woke rioters who walked free while some people got 3am no knock raids on their house in Alaska even though they weren't there on J6...
Only people who can get a no knock warrant had to be present on J6? Did something happening then?

No way those folks did something electronically to support the efforts for the insurrection? Don’t have to be there to be an accessory.
It's no more unreasonable than banning flame throwers or grenade launchers. How much kill power does one person need? I've yet to hear of an instance where a private citizen came under sustained attack and needed to defend themselves using high capcity, combat zone styled weapons.
You are oblivious to the world. Google home invasion. Get ready to “yet see an instance” you about to drown in it. Here is a good one in 8 sec of Google search. Enjoy.
