Illinois bans sales and possession of semi-automatic firearms

You are oblivious to the world. Google home invasion. Get ready to “yet see an instance” you about to drown in it. Here is a good one in 8 sec of Google search. Enjoy.

keep working on your bunker.
You are oblivious to the world. Google home invasion. Get ready to “yet see an instance” you about to drown in it. Here is a good one in 8 sec of Google search. Enjoy.

Yup, sure needed a gun to deal with it. A good door did the job. Didn’t need a flame thrower… just a door.
Yup, sure needed a gun to deal with it. A good door did the job. Didn’t need a flame thrower… just a door.
The door did the job because the bad guys panicked and ran off. On a front stoop like that if they had gone either right or left and there are most likely ground level windows they could have broken and entered. Sorry folks this is the fallacy of multiple locks on your door. Unless you have bars or shutters on your ground floor windows they will not stop a forced entry.

So in reality you have 4 choices: 1) Arm yourself to protect yourself against a forced entry. 2) Have a secure safe room and be able to get to it. 3) Hide and pray they don't find you. 4) Have a security system with a loud alarm klaxon and visible strobe lights to scare off attempted forced entry.
The door did the job because the bad guys panicked and ran off. On a front stoop like that if they had gone either right or left and there are most likely ground level windows they could have broken and entered. Sorry folks this is the fallacy of multiple locks on your door. Unless you have bars or shutters on your ground floor windows they will not stop a forced entry.

So in reality you have 4 choices: 1) Arm yourself to protect yourself against a forced entry. 2) Have a secure safe room and be able to get to it. 3) Hide and pray they don't find you. 4) Have a security system with a loud alarm klaxon and visible strobe lights to scare off attempted forced entry.
Can you say Lexan, I think you can. No need for bars.

Myself, I just choose to live in a society that doesn't accept this kind of mindset.
The door did the job because the bad guys panicked and ran off. On a front stoop like that if they had gone either right or left and there are most likely ground level windows they could have broken and entered. Sorry folks this is the fallacy of multiple locks on your door. Unless you have bars or shutters on your ground floor windows they will not stop a forced entry.

So in reality you have 4 choices: 1) Arm yourself to protect yourself against a forced entry. 2) Have a secure safe room and be able to get to it. 3) Hide and pray they don't find you. 4) Have a security system with a loud alarm klaxon and visible strobe lights to scare off attempted forced entry.
How's your bunker going?
How's your bunker going?

Apparently a well thought out and logical response scares you since you immediately go to what you think is an insult.

No bunker, but I do have dogs and as long as you do not attempt to force your way into my house you will not be introduced to my shotgun. I will protect myself, and my family, by whatever means are necessary and if you believe a multiple locked door will stop a determined criminal if there are windows nearby you sir are delusional. But then again that's your choice and I will not try to change your mind.
How's your bunker going?

Apparently a well thought out and logical response scares you since you immediately go to what you think is an insult.

No bunker, but I do have dogs and as long as you do not attempt to force your way into my house you will not be introduced to my shotgun. I will protect myself, and my family, by whatever means are necessary and if you believe a multiple locked door will stop a determined criminal if there are windows nearby you sir are delusional. But then again that's your choice and I will not try to change your mind.
You sound scared.
How's your bunker going?

Apparently a well thought out and logical response scares you since you immediately go to what you think is an insult.

No bunker, but I do have dogs and as long as you do not attempt to force your way into my house you will not be introduced to my shotgun. I will protect myself, and my family, by whatever means are necessary and if you believe a multiple locked door will stop a determined criminal if there are windows nearby you sir are delusional. But then again that's your choice and I will not try to change your mind.
It must be invigorating to be so afraid of life and not know how much of it is due to your total self-centered attitudes.
How's your bunker going?

Apparently a well thought out and logical response scares you since you immediately go to what you think is an insult.

No bunker, but I do have dogs and as long as you do not attempt to force your way into my house you will not be introduced to my shotgun. I will protect myself, and my family, by whatever means are necessary and if you believe a multiple locked door will stop a determined criminal if there are windows nearby you sir are delusional. But then again that's your choice and I will not try to change your mind.
Lol ..fear mongering is what feeds your "logical response". You think you're protecting yourself when you're really just scared and feel less scared because you think you would win some weird hypothetical gun fight that will never happen or even come close to happening.

You're more likely to die on the shitter from a heart attack, attempting to post some tirade to a gun nut forum.
Can you say Lexan, I think you can. No need for bars.

Myself, I just choose to live in a society that doesn't accept this kind of mindset.
So how is that gated community with its private security working for you?

Do you have Lexan windows? I doubt it because the cost would be ridiculously prohibitive. It would have to be at least 1 inch thick to resist most handgun rounds and some rifle rounds. And even then it is not bullet proof against some higher powered rifle rounds.

There is no place in this country where a forced entry robbery attempt can't occur. It happens in wealthy neighborhoods or out in the country. Consider yourself lucky if it hasn't happened to you or one of your neighbors yet.
Lol ..fear mongering is what feeds your "logical response". You think you're protecting yourself when you're really just scared and feel less scared because you think you would win some weird hypothetical gun fight that will never happen or even come close to happening.

You're more likely to die on the shitter from a heart attack, attempting to post some tirade to a gun nut forum.
I'm not afraid at all. I am prepared to defend my family if need be. I live in the country and a law enforcement response here can be up to 45 minutes on a good day. Law enforcement here expects us to be self reliant until they arrive.

Is it possible for you to discuss something without immediately going to insults? Because insults early on are the sign of a weak debater that can't logically defend their point of view. Frankly, I have to respect someone to be insulted by them so you have no chance of insulting me.
I'm not afraid at all. I am prepared to defend my family if need be. I live in the country and a law enforcement response here can be up to 45 minutes on a good day. Law enforcement here expects us to be self reliant until they arrive.

Is it possible for you to discuss something without immediately going to insults? Because insults early on are the sign of a weak debater that can't logically defend their point of view. Frankly, I have to respect someone to be insulted by them so you have no chance of insulting me.
If you don't like my responses, then ignore them. I'm not here for you.

Your guns will never save you from a damn thing, except your feelings.
If you don't like my responses, then ignore them. I'm not here for you.

Your guns will never save you from a damn thing, except your feelings.
And your phony superiority will save you from nothing in this life or the next.

You commented to my open post. Not the other way around. So if you don't like what I post shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Or accidentally shoot one of his kids (or be shot by one of his kids).
No kids in my house. Nice try but no points will be awarded for your ignorance of my situation. Thanks for playing, but sadly you do not even get a parting gift. BUH BYE!
And your phony superiority will save you from nothing in this life or the next.

You commented to my open post. Not the other way around. So if you don't like what I post shut the fuck up and leave me alone.
Lol....aaww....poor guy....maybe your guns will protect you from the internet posts.

I don't need to be saved from anything,.dipshit. I have no Boogeyman waiting in the wings, real or imagined. But keep collecting your arsenal....maybe they'll bury you with it all to keep you safe in the
No kids in my house. Nice try but no points will be awarded for your ignorance of my situation. Thanks for playing, but sadly you do not even get a parting gift. BUH BYE!
I don't want to know about your "situation." I find you disgusting.
Lol....aaww....poor guy....maybe your guns will protect you from the internet posts.

I don't need to be saved from anything,.dipshit. I have no Boogeyman waiting in the wings, real or imagined. But keep collecting your arsenal....maybe they'll bury you with it all to keep you safe in the
Nah I just hate assholes like you that populate forums, pretend to be so superior but in the end are nothing more than either the playground bully, or hiding in their basement annonymously pretending to be cool on the keyboard.

Dude you mean nothing to me so keep posting your stupid shit because honestly it makes you look bad not me.
Nah I just hate assholes like you that populate forums, pretend to be so superior but in the end are nothing more than either the playground bully, or hiding in their basement annonymously pretending to be cool on the keyboard.

Dude you mean nothing to me so keep posting your stupid shit because honestly it makes you look bad not me.
Awesome for you. Good luck on your survival. I'm sure the guns will be great for cuddling with at night

But thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure to use it at my next porn internet forum conference writers group. 👍