Illinois bans sales and possession of semi-automatic firearms

Awesome for you. Good luck on your survival. I'm sure the guns will be great for cuddling with at night

But thanks for the feedback. I'll make sure to use it at my next porn internet forum conference writers group. 👍
WOW Dude! Ain't you cool.
Lol ..fear mongering is what feeds your "logical response". You think you're protecting yourself when you're really just scared and feel less scared because you think you would win some weird hypothetical gun fight that will never happen or even come close to happening.

You're more likely to die on the shitter from a heart attack, attempting to post some tirade to a gun nut forum.
I used to work with a guy who would always give solutions to real world problems like violent crime and terrorism from things he'd seen in action movies. I'd have to keep reminding him that was a movie. You might as well say, "If terrorists take over a bank we can just call in Spiderman". He had all these scenarios of ticking time bombs and that's why torture should be legal or the President ordering nuclear war on a whim because some foreign leader insulted him. Real simple minded shit.

These stupid fat bastards are working themselves into a frenzy over scary minorities coming to get them when the reality is the greasy food they shove in their faces is what is going to kill them. Their fantasies of heroic shoot outs with the bad guys is juvenile at best bordering on paranoid delusion.
I used to work with a guy who would always give solutions to real world problems like violent crime and terrorism from things he'd seen in action movies. I'd have to keep reminding him that was a movie. You might as well say, "If terrorists take over a bank we can just call in Spiderman". He had all these scenarios of ticking time bombs and that's why torture should be legal or the President ordering nuclear war on a whim because some foreign leader insulted him. Real simple minded shit.

These stupid fat bastards are working themselves into a frenzy over scary minorities coming to get them when the reality is the greasy food they shove in their faces is what is going to kill them. Their fantasies of heroic shoot outs with the bad guys is juvenile at best bordering on paranoid delusion.
Shit happens in life. Collecting guns might be a great hobby, but the chance that they will actually be used to prevent a crime is small. The fact that gun nuts believe otherwise is a testament to the NRA.
So how is that gated community with its private security working for you?\
I don't live in a gated community
Do you have Lexan windows? I doubt it because the cost would be ridiculously prohibitive. It would have to be at least 1 inch thick to resist most handgun rounds and some rifle rounds. And even then it is not bullet proof against some higher powered rifle rounds.
You don't know much about Lexan.
There is no place in this country where a forced entry robbery attempt can't occur. It happens in wealthy neighborhoods or out in the country. Consider yourself lucky if it hasn't happened to you or one of your neighbors yet.
Lol as I said I wouldn't live in a society that thought that way, and I don't. But please stay there, your kind are not welcome here.
I don't live in a gated community

You don't know much about Lexan.

Lol as I said I wouldn't live in a society that thought that way, and I don't. But please stay there, your kind are not welcome here.
You are probably the HOA president or enforcer.

I know enough to know that 1/8 inch Lexan will not stop a bullet.

I have no desire to live anywhere near you.
Shit happens in life. Collecting guns might be a great hobby, but the chance that they will actually be used to prevent a crime is small. The fact that gun nuts believe otherwise is a testament to the NRA.
By your logic then the police, secret service, or any other law enforcement agency should relinquish their guns since they don't prevent crime.
By your logic then the police, secret service, or any other law enforcement agency should relinquish their guns since they don't prevent crime.
That's not my logic. That's your stupidity in thinking that's my logic

I've never said anyone should relinquish their guns and I certainly never mentioned cops or any law enforcement in my previous comments here.
I used to work with a guy who would always give solutions to real world problems like violent crime and terrorism from things he'd seen in action movies. I'd have to keep reminding him that was a movie. You might as well say, "If terrorists take over a bank we can just call in Spiderman". He had all these scenarios of ticking time bombs and that's why torture should be legal or the President ordering nuclear war on a whim because some foreign leader insulted him. Real simple minded shit.

These stupid fat bastards are working themselves into a frenzy over scary minorities coming to get them when the reality is the greasy food they shove in their faces is what is going to kill them. Their fantasies of heroic shoot outs with the bad guys is juvenile at best bordering on paranoid delusion.
Actually my solutions deal with actually punishing violent criminals, and dealing with the abysmal mental health care system in this country. Sorry no Spiderman as much as you wanted one.

Stop allowing DA's to plea bargain down penalties for crimes where guns are used. In fact set penalties that are automatic, like 5 years in prison for carrying a gun while committing a crime, 10 years for brandishing a gun while committing a crime, 20 years if you shoot somebody and the death penalty if you kill someone.

As far as mental health care make it easier to get someone committed for a 72 hour mental health hold if they threaten violence. This alone may have prevented several mass shootings that occurred in the past several years. Repeatedly we have heard how family members tried to get help for their violent relative only to be told nothing could be done.
Actually my solutions deal with actually punishing violent criminals, and dealing with the abysmal mental health care system in this country. Sorry no Spiderman as much as you wanted one.

Stop allowing DA's to plea bargain down penalties for crimes where guns are used. In fact set penalties that are automatic, like 5 years in prison for carrying a gun while committing a crime, 10 years for brandishing a gun while committing a crime, 20 years if you shoot somebody and the death penalty if you kill someone.

As far as mental health care make it easier to get someone committed for a 72 hour mental health hold if they threaten violence. This alone may have prevented several mass shootings that occurred in the past several years. Repeatedly we have heard how family members tried to get help for their violent relative only to be told nothing could be done.
You know what prevents crime? Good paying jobs. Affordable housing. Affordable childcare. Quality education. Universal healthcare. More guns and more prisons is not the answer. The notion that you only start addressing the problem once the shooting starts and the bodies start dropping is absurd.
By your logic then the police, secret service, or any other law enforcement agency should relinquish their guns since they don't prevent crime.

I always have to laugh at the absurdity of some of the gun nut’s comebacks, mostly parroting NRA propaganda.

None can provide a sensible explanation as to why, if guns make you so, so safe and prevent crime, the US isn’t the safest, most peaceful utopia on the planet. They have more guns than people for crying out loud. Something like 40% of the world’s civilian guns are owned by Americans, but the US represents only 5% of the world’s population.

By the ‘logic’ of guns making you safe against crime, the US - with those gun stats - should have practically zero crimes. Guns holstered snugly on the hip while you eat ice cream cones, count rainbows, and laugh at all the rest of the world with their crime problems.
“Moar guns, moar safe!”

Point that out though, and the penile challenged tell you how you have to outlaw cars, hammers, and knives next… cause you know those things are engineered and made for the sole purpose of killing.

Mention how other countries have reformed gun laws, regulated ownership (not banned), and require registration, and how these changes have resulted in reductions in mass shootings and gun violence crime, and the frightened pew-pew enthusiasts will say “But, but I have this document from 230 years ago, you know, when roads were dirt and sewers were open ditches, and flintlock pistols and muskets were the ‘arme de jour’, that says I should be able to own a dozen guns that can shoot 60 rounds a minute, and pierce armour from like 500 yards away, to stop all the criminals hiding in the bushes, just waiting to break into my home. Oh, and militia, man. The militia.”

Insecure and needlessly scared, the lot of them.
In Australia, one can own a firearm but it must be registered. Cannot be fully automatic. It does not sound like certain US states are banning the 'right to bear arms' just the 'right' to own and use a weapon similar to a military firearm. NOBODY needs a weapon capable of firing a huge number of bullets. What are they hunting? Dinosaurs? The constitution was written when a gun could fire (maybe) 1 bullet.
Funny past couple of pages.

The anti gun nuts are wagging their fingers, saying how said it is that someone is so scared that they want a gun... but don't want guns around because they are afraid of them

Maybe the point is too subtle.
Funny past couple of pages.

The anti gun nuts are wagging their fingers, saying how said it is that someone is so scared that they want a gun... but don't want guns around because they are afraid of them

Maybe the point is too subtle.
Or maybe you aren't getting the point. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯
Although critical thinking and comprehension are traits not commonly found in the insular gun enthusiast, maybe someone is just being country dumb.