im newbsor

Torreyjs said:
i Teach CPR now

Please, please tell me that you do not mean first aid :eek:

I suppose there's no need to echo the other comments made. It seems you haven't made a very good first impression but that can always be rectified if you are genuine and want to be taken seriously here. Even people who I know to be dyslexic manage to proof-read and spell-check what they write. It's a matter of personal pride to them and I think that this is what people on the thread see you as lacking.

If you are sincere, do stick around and make an effort for the people who will go to the trouble of considering and responding to what you write.
chris9 said:
As a side note, I don't use a spell check. Never have. If a word doesn't look right, I check it in a dictionary/similar. And I'm very lucky that I have this ability not only in German, but in English, French and Italian as well. :cathappy:

Same here... skip the Italian, though :D To check my English spelling I sometimes use very helpful!
Personally I think it takes alot of effort to assume the character of a Southin' redneck.... grammar and typin' et al.
Etoile said: might be onto something there. I am active in at least two discussion groups where new members are looked on with great suspicion. They are tormented mercilessly, snarked at, and brushed off. If they make it through, they are welcomed into the fold. Some don't make it, and they disappear.

So what you're describing is not unheard of, actually.
Many thanks Etoile. I have participated and moderated other forums, allowing me to ignore the cyber-cliques, etc. Would you believe that people behave in a similar manner on a SPORTS forum?

What I don't understand, and perhaps never will, is the root of the suspicion. The concept of discussing ideas and thoughts on the Internet seems rather simple to me.
Hey you pay your money and you take your chances. This is a forum where people say what they want to say within the boundaries of the rules of the forum.

To call a bunch of independent people "dark souls" or whine when what you post is not hailed as the second coming of The Greatest Story Ever Told is naive at best.

You can post all you want, but you control no one but yourself. Deal with it. Or not. You have a choice.

Eb [Community my ass!]
Kajira Callista said:
another clique i was not invited to belong to? *cries*

If it is a cyber clique, then that means it only exists in cyberspace. A virtual clique.
Kajira Callista said:
oh...i don't like that too much. can we have a real one instead?

Sure we can. It is the all inclusive clique. Anyone can join at will, anyone can leave at will, just don't whine about either!
Ebonyfire said:
Sure we can. It is the all inclusive clique. Anyone can join at will, anyone can leave at will, just don't whine about either!
no whining..... hmmmmm i can do that! :)
Ebonyfire said:
Hey you pay your money and you take your chances. This is a forum where people say what they want to say within the boundaries of the rules of the forum.

To call a bunch of independent people "dark souls" or whine when what you post is not hailed as the second coming of The Greatest Story Ever Told is naive at best.

You can post all you want, but you control no one but yourself. Deal with it. Or not. You have a choice.

Eb [Community my ass!]

Can I say I think this particular post is close to being 'The Greatest Story Ever Told' right after all my own posts, of course?
shy slave said:
Can I say I think this particular post is close to being 'The Greatest Story Ever Told' right after all my own posts, of course?

Only if you are a member of the

Cyber Clique!