What? How about explaining this in the context of what you wrote earlier. I've posted those quotes to refresh your memory.Nobody including myself is saying that anybody who doesn't like the content of a book should just have it banned
I've even bolded your double speak
But who trains them? Liberal elitist universities who think because they are self-described elite that now they know better than parents and families and moms and dads that want to make sure they have control of what their children are exposed to?
Are those who believe that children belong to society in general... Meaning because you can't have a general ownership in society... That they belong to the government to train them to be nice little citizens of the state... And who believe that the children do not belong to the parents to train and nurture as they see fit... Are these the people that are supposed to be educating the librarians who then provide the information that a child is exposed to?
I Have a huge problem with that.
Give parents control of the content of libraries. Parents control of the content of schools. Give parents control of the content of what their child is exposed to. The school's only job is to provide Reading, writing and arithmetic and basic skills for life in education... Not to socially engineer children one way or another. And the library's job is to provide resources that are accurate to those goals. If the people in Georgia feel like what they need their children exposed to is what they're putting in that bill, so be it. I'm not going to Have an issue with that because I put heavier weight on parental rights then I do librarian or teacher rights.
The content of a library should be the least offensive to the public. Which means you don't tell the people who don't want their kids to have access to it well then don't go to the library. Their tax dollars are paying for it. You tell the people who want the content that is offensive to enough people where they don't want it there, get those resources on your own. They're not hard to get. And the person who wants their kids to have access to those resources still has access to the library for the other books that all the parents want to have their kids have access to. You got it backwards. If the tax dollars are paying for the library then you shouldn't have the content foisted on that taxpayers family that they don't want their children to have access to or be exposed to. If you want your child to have that exposure then you have easy access through the internet and your smartphone and your tablet and all kinds of other stuff to get those books for free even.