In the Garden of Light and Shadow...


It's hard to keep track of a life times worth of stuff. Little things get donated, items get thrown away or stashed quickly and forgotten... But when it comes to personal items, you should always take your time to put them away in discreet boxes with locks or sealed envelopes. And that is a lesson I learned the hard way.

The shoe box toppled from the stack I was carrying in the door, negatives, envelopes, and pressed flowers scattering on the floor. My new neighbor, being the kind soul he is said he would pick it up and not to worry.

By the time I'd come back, he had gathered the items into a neat little stack back in the box but was holding one of the negatives up to the light.

"Hey, thanks for picking all of this up. I'll take it from here." I said bending down to retrieve the box.

"Do you enjoy photography?" He asked still looking at the negative.

"A little bit. Mainly nature landscapes, flowers, food. The usual."

"I enjoy all of those, as well, and more. Maybe we can talk about our shared interest over dinner?" He handed me the negative, the forward invitation catching me off guard. Glancing down at the negative as I was putting it away and realizing it what exactly it contained. Color flooded my cheeks as I made a little gasp of shock.

"Umm.I..this was..ah..."

He chuckled and stood, heading for the door as he spoke.

"No pressure, but think about it, please. Now, let's get the rest of those boxes, shall w
You have a great looking ass
Another repost from the Chaos thread since I have been seriously lacking in alone time lately.
Never before in my life have I wanted to draw 'Big Ben' while playing group charades more than I do right now @JustAnotherFlower.

I'll be the clockface and you can be the hands and if my analog clock reading skills aren't too rusty I'll need to deliver one, big, bong when your left leg comes up a little bit more.

Sound like a good strategy to you?

Some women bloom pretty in pink
While others grow vines in vivid,
Somber shades of slate.

-A. Eleazer
One of my favorite games to play is Joking Hazard. For those that have never played, it's a visual game in which you add the last frame or two to a comic strip to tell a story.

Your picture JAF is a hazard to anyone with a weak heart or high blood pressure but not a joke in any way shape or form. A half dozen stories of how you might end up in that position came to mind:
  1. You just woke up and almost made it out of bed before collapsing again
  2. You just went to bed and are struggling to get under the covers
  3. It's midday and you trying to escape the oppressive heat outside
  4. It's midday and you just finishing quenching a desire burning inside
  5. It's midday and the person taking the picture just helped quench the burning desire
  6. Your house is haunted and you're actually mid-coitis
However with the words it almost looks like your leg art is the vines sprouting up from the duvet and that takes us down the hentai path of which I won't elaborate any further.

What an artistic photo! :love:
Thanks, darlin!
Honestly a bit of both. The first being some very very lewd ones.
😆 I'm curious about the song lyrics now.
One of my favorite games to play is Joking Hazard. For those that have never played, it's a visual game in which you add the last frame or two to a comic strip to tell a story.

Your picture JAF is a hazard to anyone with a weak heart or high blood pressure but not a joke in any way shape or form. A half dozen stories of how you might end up in that position came to mind:
  1. You just woke up and almost made it out of bed before collapsing again
  2. You just went to bed and are struggling to get under the covers
  3. It's midday and you trying to escape the oppressive heat outside
  4. It's midday and you just finishing quenching a desire burning inside
  5. It's midday and the person taking the picture just helped quench the burning desire
  6. Your house is haunted and you're actually mid-coitis
However with the words it almost looks like your leg art is the vines sprouting up from the duvet and that takes us down the hentai path of which I won't elaborate any further.

Ya know, Rogue. I kind of like the idea of a ghost lover roaming about my house. He sneaks feels and kisses when no one is looking. And when I go to take photos, he assists. 😉
Is that a good thing? You always look great.
I guess if you like a mess?
Amazing the green thumb you must have making things GROW UP from such a faraway distance ... SDF!!! 🔥🔥🔥😈
😆😆😆 You should see my garden... 😏😏
As usual the eroticism of b&w with your tats, position, and light are alluring! Is that a face on the spread? Spooky erotica, yummy
Thank you, darlin'!
Oh.... You mean this odd face that I didn't notice till you said something? So weird.. since it's a gray blanket.
Lovely as always
Thank you, sweetie! How did the rest of work go?
Probably Adele - Rolling in the Deep
Good choice!!
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