In the Garden of Light and Shadow...

I guess if you like a mess?

πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† You should see my garden... 😏😏

View attachment 2367241
Thank you, darlin'!
Oh.... You mean this odd face that I didn't notice till you said something? So weird.. since it's a gray blanket.

Thank you, sweetie! How did the rest of work go?

Good choice!!
I see where you have it circled, I just don't quite see the ghostie. But I understand why he would be watching.
Beautiful as always. I love how the positioning makes it look like the flowers from are growing out of the bed. And you have an exquisite back.
You always have kind and thoughtful critiques for photos- thank you, darlin'. I did try to make my hands have a nicer positioning, due to what you said the other day in the Chaos thread, but it just didn't work out.
You always have kind and thoughtful critiques for photos- thank you, darlin'. I did try to make my hands have a nicer positioning, due to what you said the other day in the Chaos thread, but it just didn't work out.
Well, I assume you see "oh god, you're so hot," often enough, as you are, that I try to dig a bit deeper. And I like your hands here as well, I just didn't want to get pigeonholed into "Unquiet Dreams, the Weird Hand Guy." But you have lovely hands as well. :)
Ya know, Rogue. I kind of like the idea of a ghost lover roaming about my house. He sneaks feels and kisses when no one is looking. And when I go to take photos, he assists. πŸ˜‰
As usual the eroticism of b&w with your tats, position, and light are alluring! Is that a face on the spread? Spooky erotica, yummy
View attachment 2367241
Thank you, darlin'!
Oh.... You mean this odd face that I didn't notice till you said something? So weird.. since it's a gray blanket.
100% a ghostie perving.
πŸ˜† Ya could have told me sooner about the face... now I need to sage the house.
A perfect example of be careful what you wish for @JustAnotherFlower. Though I still contend it looks more like an ape face than a human face. Of course, a ghost can look like whatever they want.

On the upside, burning sage smells nice. Well to humans. Let's hope it's less appealing to Letcher the Perving Ghost. If not I'm 100% sure several of your fans are happy to show up and help you out by crossing their streams on your behalf.


Well, I assume you see "oh god, you're so hot," often enough, as you are, that I try to dig a bit deeper. And I like your hands here as well, I just didn't want to get pigeonholed into "Unquiet Dreams, the Weird Hand Guy." But you have lovely hands as well. :)
That idea --of a ghost lover-- is utterly romantic and appealing. I am not sure what that says about me...
Hehe.. I might tease you about it, but I wouldn't pigeonhole you into it. Just wanted to let you know how your comment changed the way this photo was set up and posed.

It is. A ghostly lover who can only touch when the viel is thin but can influence thoughts and actions when the individual is tired.

A perfect example of be careful what you wish for @JustAnotherFlower. Though I still contend it looks more like an ape face than a human face. Of course, a ghost can look like whatever they want.

On the upside, burning sage smells nice. Well to humans. Let's hope it's less appealing to Letcher the Perving Ghost. If not I'm 100% sure several of your fans are happy to show up and help you out by crossing their streams on your behalf.


True, supposedly they can take whatever form they wish... I see a face in profile.

It does smell lovely and doesn't hurt anything other than usher out unwanted guests. Ghosts, spirits, Neighbors.. lol

A four some crossing their streams to save me from a perving ghost? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” That's...a lot to process there. πŸ˜†
Huh, only in Am Pics.

There's a naked woman posed on the bed and everyone's looking at the sheets using their best cloud watching skills to find faces.

Let me balance the scales...

I've never been jealous of a pillow before.
Stay right there I'll be right over.

Huh, only in Am Pics.

There's a naked woman posed on the bed and everyone's looking at the sheets using their best cloud watching skills to find faces.

Let me balance the scales...

I've never been jealous of a pillow before.
Stay right there I'll be right over.

I thought this topic would excite you?! You get to let your mind run wild about imaginary beings while (possibly) wanking to nudes. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€ͺ
Beyond words sexy, sensual, artistic
Thank you, honey!
I thought this topic would excite you?! You get to let your mind run wild about imaginary beings while (possibly) wanking to nudes. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€ͺ
Wait a minute.

I'm supposed to wank off to the pictures?!? Damn it! Why isn't that in the FAQ?

All these years on Lit and I guess I've been doing it wrong. Thanks for the heads up!

Get it, heads up. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜

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Wait a minute.

I'm supposed to wank off to the pictures?!? Damn it! Why isn't that in the FAQ?

All these years on Lit and I guess I've been doing it wrong. Thanks for the heads up!

Get it, heads up. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜

Mind blown...right?!
Stay with flattered, and amused.
I am, and maybe a little aroused. There really is some thing watching me..and laughing when I yell Cheese at the camera.

Omg.. are you going to sign up with Rogue to help cross the streams?! 😲
I relate more to the ghosts. Here I am, hanging out in my house for a few hundred years, not really bothering anyone. And here is this gorgeous, sexy woman, taking pictures for strangers, in MY house that I let her live in. What do you want me to do? It isn't as if I can leave. And now you want to send Second City Chicago to go drag me out of my home and stick me in a box? The nerve!
I relate more to the ghosts. Here I am, hanging out in my house for a few hundred years, not really bothering anyone. And here is this gorgeous, sexy woman, taking pictures for strangers, in MY house that I let her live in. What do you want me to do? It isn't as if I can leave. And now you want to send Second City Chicago to go drag me out of my home and stick me in a box? The nerve!

πŸ˜† Then how do you suggest I handle this? No sage or Ghostbangers Crew, and more private shows?
...there lives a little flower. She likes to play with the dancing of light and shadow, and sometimes, even colors. She only responds playfully and at length to polite and respectful comments, whereas, rude ones will be reprimanded.

Yep, it's me, again.
I turn 40 in 20 days, y'all. Not really sure how I feel about it...πŸ˜…

It's never a good idea to reward bad behavior, it'll only encourage more of it, but I didn't want the Peeping Tom to be too disappointed.
View attachment 2322533
You are a gorgeous woman with magnificent breasts. I doubt that he’ll be the least bit disappointed. Hell, if I knew someone who looked like you, I’d be tempted to stalk her too.
You are a gorgeous woman with magnificent breasts. I doubt that he’ll be the least bit disappointed. He’ll, if I knew someone who looked like you, I’d be tempted to stalk her too.
Aw, thanks and welcome to my little corner of Lit. You have quite a bit of catching up to do.