In this place, we are all equals, dammit.

Re: Re: Just as long as....

artful said:
Making my opinion KNOWN,...being able to express it freely, is important to me. Can I do this if I feel THREATENED by senior people? People who have earned the respect of the *Majority*?

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it! :rose: [/B]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Speaking for myself, I spent a lot of time reading posts and threads before I ever posted one. I was hesitant for many reasons, paramount among them was that I didn't want to come across as naive or stupid. (I may have subsequently failed at that, especially when I go back and read some of them. Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting any of you go back and read them. I looked silly once already, thank you. *smiling*)

I felt comfortable, or as comfortable as was possible knowing absolutely no one here, because I was able to discern from reading many posts and threads, that a great majority of you are inclusive and tolerant.

But also because I knew and still know that these are my opinions and I stand by them and you will all respect that. That's not to say that if one of you pointed out where I might be errant in my stated opinions, I would not concede (omg where DO those double negatives come from?), adapt and change my opinion. I will be the first to step up and do so.

Because I am relatively unknown, I can't take statements personally. And I am striving to keep that foremost in my mind. How can anyone possibly know someone who has made a few goofy posts. specifically speaking, MY POSTS? That being said, the readers here should not take my posts personally either. As unknown as I am to almost all of you, you are to me.

So, here is to getting to know each other better. And in doing so, learn that even under goofy posts (specifically speaking, MINE) there are embraceable, kind hearted people. :heart:

And for the record: this is my "feel good" post for the day, maybe even the week. I plan for the rest of them to be just plain goofy. :)
Machu je hunga ki topaque i jebodi. Pituya mona hungi, preya shabye, kinka'bedo muni bodedoli fungi. Ya bodelo hungi puta, je tsui i gonde washu bondi. Xorep, i humatsu fer quelo ki omni.

Ku kak tobarishi, lee fun gonda yello ki henshow, Visi xorep gonde washu: Jeju i ya mande i quel ti sobaka. Debu, jefer jebodu ill den zezo i kak net uritsa kel. Poten fui jen basudegijee ba cesexoi.

Cym, gequil ke i gonda yello visu fer kel sui. Poten, i jefer washu con bri i quel ti dengovisu mondo swell per quel. BDSM - noela van i ponta ceu i kel quel. Fer shem bordilila i ken vasque wellsh xorep quel i no monde je fer gonyellora punto yell quel.

ChilledVodka said:
Machu je hunga ki topaque i jebodi. Pituya mona hungi, preya shabye, kinka'bedo muni bodedoli fungi. Ya bodelo hungi puta, je tsui i gonde washu bondi. Xorep, i humatsu fer quelo ki omni.

Ku kak tobarishi, lee fun gonda yello ki henshow, Visi xorep gonde washu: Jeju i ya mande i quel ti sobaka. Debu, jefer jebodu ill den zezo i kak net uritsa kel. Poten fui jen basudegijee ba cesexoi.

Cym, gequil ke i gonda yello visu fer kel sui. Poten, i jefer washu con bri i quel ti dengovisu mondo swell per quel. BDSM - noela van i ponta ceu i kel quel. Fer shem bordilila i ken vasque wellsh xorep quel i no monde je fer gonyellora punto yell quel.

~~~~~~~~~~~~"Yea, what he said. I think....," she says, eyeing him suspiciously. :heart:
Just another opinion

I do not know you cymbidia, and have never even traded posts with you, nor have we ever PM'd each other. I am rather new to the BDSM boards here, although not to the subject. As a newcomer, I watched what has happened on the boards over the last 2 weeks or so sort of like people thta rubber-neck when they pass an accident on the highway. As I did not know what had started the issues nor any of the people who were involved in it, I stayed out of the issue and did not post about it. I watched for days and days as this issue topped the boards, so to speak. I read all the threads to try and understand what had happened and what my take on it is.

I have finally reached the following conclusions:

1) Just like r/l, people have disagreements and arguements. It happens, somtimes people's feelings are hurt. At some point, we all can look back and see another, perhaps better way of handling a situation.

2) You are unbelievably well-thought of on this site, as an individual and as a subject matter expert. I have read countless posts about your knowledge and experience and how it has helped so many newbies

3) You are also well respected as an individual on this site. The overwhelming majority of the posts that I read were clearly sad, not that the board was losing out on an expert, but that you as an individual were no longer here.

I hope that you return to the boards, because even though I have been involved in r/l BDSM for over 10 years, I have not a single doubt that I could learn something from you, as from so many of the others that are here on the site.

I look forward to that opportunity.

To be honest, if I thought there was a "I'm better than you" thing here, I wouldn't post.

I can't say I have noticed that here - and it's just as well really.

Cym, I've missed your input here - I hope you decide to come back for goo.