Is it The End?

Re: Re: Yeppers

raphy said:
An attitude which actually works rather well here in the UK.

In parts of the UK. In some parts political correctness rules. Locally we are having trouble with "risk assessors" closing council facilities because if a child has an accident the parents could sue. Ambulance-chasing lawyers are the real villains.

In Kent the council pays out in large amounts in compensation for falls on damaged pavements. Each claim reduces the amount it has left to maintain them. They are damaged by vehicles mounting the pavements faster than they can be repaired.

Vandals damaged newly installed play equipment before it could be opened for local children. The opening had to be deferred until the repairs were done because of the risk to the children.

Even when the vandals are seen on CCTV the police don't arrive until half an hour after the vandals are left. If the vandals are minors they know they can't be arrested unless two police officers are present. Vandals have "rights". The public hasn't got the right to be protected from them.

One local was arrested for assaulting a drunk who was smashing his shop windows with a litter bin. After months the police decided not to prosecute the shop owner. The drunk wasn't arrested. Assault is a more serious crime than criminal damage.

Og (who is rapidly becoming an angry old git!)
The politically correct crowd constitute the worst group of hypocrits in the world. Rather than attempt to fix a problem they would rather edit it.

It is so much easier to brow beat people into not saying things than it is to try and change the thought patterns that supposedly underly the words. PC people and legislation piss me off to no end. The represent the vanguard of the thought police and are to cowardly to try and actually make a change of some kind that benefits people.

I'll stop before I really go ballistic. Needless to say I am not PC and will never be PC and anyone who is PC has a large hole to dig out of before I will pay them any attention whatsoever.

I totally agree with you, Colly. The major problem with PC people is that they are too easily bashable. Takes the whole fun out of it. Well, some of it. Ok, it's still pretty cool.

Anyway, Lit is an adult site and we are all, basicaly, pornographers, so PC values run pretty low around here. (Thank fuck)

Now, keeping in mind my inicial post of the thread, could we get back to the hot Catholic chicks? :D
Lauren, the new proposal does not apply to actual Catholic schools, only to French public schools. It is expected that many Muslim girls will be attending the less PC Catholic schools in order to keep their veils on. You may soon find "hot" Muslim girls to ogle.

Hot Catholic Chicks are cool with me.

Will's (enjoying the company of Hot Catholic Chick) :D
Re: Re: Re: Yeppers

oggbashan said:
In parts of the UK. In some parts political correctness rules.

Og (who is rapidly becoming an angry old git!)

With you, pops who's been an angry 'almost old' git for a long while.
perdita said:
Lauren, the new proposal does not apply to actual Catholic schools, only to French public schools. It is expected that many Muslim girls will be attending the less PC Catholic schools in order to keep their veils on. You may soon find "hot" Muslim girls to ogle.

Oh, that's true. Thank you, Perd. :cool:
From the Devil's Advocate's Desk

Very interesting thread, Lauren. Love those irrepressible Catholic girls; hate hypocritical political correctness; dumbfounded over the fact that over here in N. America the swing to fundamentalist right wing religious values can just as easily result in edicts that make religious symbols and devotions mandatory. So choose your poison.

In a previous life I my have been Joan of Arc, for I frequently find myself defending the French even now. Og's post from the old French newspaper says it all, and while I appreciate Chirac's move may not follow the true spirit of the revolution, I would argue that even those original ideals were just that: a statement of ideals. Simmering young girls in short skirts will never disappear, and from what I've read of Chirac's love life I doubt that he would want them to any more than we do.

I'm in the uncomfortable but enlightening position of being able to view my own country from the standpoint of an outsider. My greatest criticisms of dear old England are: 1) it allowed the Puritans to escape the noose and flee to N. America; 2) it labours under the silly and self destructive misapprehension that it's not part of Europe. If Chirac is overstepping the bounds I have some confidence that French students will march in defiance and French lawyers will challenge his motion in the European courts.
Re: From the Devil's Advocate's Desk

Gary Chambers said:
My greatest criticisms of dear old England are: 1) it allowed the Puritans to escape the noose and flee to N. America; 2) it labours under the silly and self destructive misapprehension that it's not part of Europe.

1. We kept most of the Puritans. Only a few went to N. America.

2. Of course we are part of Europe. If they (the rest of Europe) would behave like English gentlemen then we would have no trouble with the EEC. They prefer to behave like our hooligans.

3. The French are always having revolutions. Since 1688 when we had a revolution because we wanted to make money instead of arguing about the limitations of monarchy, we have got our priorities right - "Say what you like but money matters more."

As I recall from reading about this, the worst part is that inconspicuous symbols like a cross or star of David are okay but something like a Muslim scarf or yarmulka would not be. Actually, that might be a good thing because it would make it easy to challenge the restrictions in court as being discrimatory.
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Re: Re: From the Devil's Advocate's Desk

oggbashan said:
1. We kept most of the Puritans. Only a few went to N. America.

2. Of course we are part of Europe. If they (the rest of Europe) would behave like English gentlemen then we would have no trouble with the EEC. They prefer to behave like our hooligans.

3. The French are always having revolutions. Since 1688 when we had a revolution because we wanted to make money instead of arguing about the limitations of monarchy, we have got our priorities right - "Say what you like but money matters more."


Ah, yes, I will grant you the point about money and more. I think it's also time someone mounted a serious challenge to the French idea that they are the world's greatest lovers. There's nothing wrong with healthy competition.

On your second point I'm a little lost. We're all apes and most of us behave as such. It's just that when some of us hear the word 'oui' we run for a chamber pot, while others sigh with relief because they will get lucky tonight.;)

As for Miles Standish and his miserable mob of terrorists, I hope they're all working as hookers in some Satanic subterranean chamber, and being paid for their efforts with nothing but nine bob notes. Want proof of the damage the bastards did to the world? Try this: George W. Bush proudly traces his lineage back to some tosser who sailed on the Mayflower. I suppose England can't take all the blame, however, because the Indians over here were stupid enough to feed and shelter the extremist pirates upon their arrival. A cannibal's feast would have been more fitting.
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Re: Re: Re: From the Devil's Advocate's Desk

Gary Chambers said:
I suppose England can't take all the blame, however, because the Indians over here were stupid enough to feed and shelter the extremist pirates upon their arrival. A canibal's feast would have been more fitting.
Gary, more than a minor perturbance from me: The natives were not stupid, merely more civilized than the visitors. Please don't glibly attribute cannibalism to them; I do believe research is still going on, nevertheless, we cannot judge them vis-a-vis our "values".

Yummy! The taste of crow.

perdita said:
Gary, more than a minor perturbance from me: The natives were not stupid, merely more civilized than the visitors. Please don't glibly attribute cannibalism to them; I do believe research is still going on, nevertheless, we cannot judge them vis-a-vis our "values".

Of course, Perdita, I'm sorry. No particular insult was intended against aboriginal people, today or in the distant past. I think Og is a civilised man and knows, as do we all, that feeding and sheltering a newcomer is a mark of civility, not barbarianism. I left it for him to draw the conclusion that it was the Puritans who were the real savages in the scenario. If my understatement left any impression that the natives were truly stupid or barbaric, then please allow me to hereby withdraw the remark.

The more we learn about the real nature of early aboriginal society in North America, the clearer it becomes that it was much more advanced and sophisticated than Hollywood has ever given it credit for. Before anyone charges that I am underselling the Puritans in the same way, I will admit they did have a few civilised ideas such as public education. My beef with the sect is that it's not their most noble values that survive to this day, but rather their religious extremist ones; the side of them that would surely condemn everyone who reads or writes on this Web site, for example.

As for the cannibalism quip, that was chosen only to drive home a point. Like you I'm not sure whether cannibalism took place in the 1600's among North American Indians, and await archaeological evidence to reveal the answer. From what I have read, however, I understand that in many cannibal societies, only noble or deeply respected individuals were chosen to be eaten upon their death. I'm not sure if this was true of all cannibals, but I believe it's already proven to be true of some. But I chose not to mention that because it would obviously have detracted from my point.

As usual, Perdita, your contribution raises the tone of the conversation. Methinks you are not nearly as lost as your name implies.
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One of our local Senior citizens adds a line to the pledge of elegance said before lunch at the local center. " after we shoot some lawyers."