Is smoking Marijuana detrimental to creative writing?

Is smoking grass detrimental to creative writing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 45.2%
  • Don't really know

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
filming yourself in conversation while smoking weed is very good for creative ideas.

lotsa interesting stuff happens, stuff you remember and stuff you've forgotten.

Re: Re: Hi

Sub Joe said:
So, Pop you're from the "Two Quid Deal" generation... I missed that. I thought it was all purple hearts in them days. I guess that puts me in the mod camp.

Fraid so Joe, Oxford mate, all manner of strange folks coming to university with all manner of gifts from overseas.
It was mainly pill poppers, (which I didn't do), but we had a Turkish guy who intro'd us to the weed and supplied as much as we wanted, 'thirty bob' actually rather than 'two quid', hehe.

I've done this before with audio tape but never video. I'm still waiting to get the perfect 20-minute conversation on tape so I can knock up a flash-animation of 3 stoners on a sofa...

It's been so long since I had the opportunity to smoke pot at all, let alone on a regular basis, that I can't even remember what influence it had on my writing. I do remember that I was just as likely to want to go and have sex, with myself if there was nobody else around, or eat, or even do something dull and physical like clean house, as write.
It is kind of a bitch getting Cheeto dust out of my keyboard.
The real answer is: it depends on the person.

Writers are notorious alcoholics. Alcohol seems to be the general drug of choice, though not many of them write while soused. It's more when they're not writing. It's been said that great writerswrite out of pain, and when they're not writing they find other ways to treat the pain.

Marijuana makes you think you're coming up with brilliant stuff, but if you ever really takes notes while you're high or keep a tape recorder going, you'd be embarrassed at how silly most of your ideas are. That's why it's easy to think that you're brilliant when you're stoned, but just about impossible to bring that stuff down to reality with you. When it comes time to put it to paper, there's nothing there.

I would think grass would be better for poetry, painting and less structured, more immediate arts. Writing is very complicated and very cerebral, and grass is anathema to that kind of work. You wriote down one word and just stare at it. What a cool word!

I myself find marijuana extremely mentally disruptive--worse than LSD--and I quit smoking after I spent almost half an hour trying to tune one guitar string to a note on a piano. I heard all sort of cool and wonderful things, but damned if I could get that string in tune.

Personnally, I enjoy writing while I'm high. I just keeping on writing as fast as thoughts come into my head, my fingers can fly on my keyboard, especially if I'm home alone with no other distractions. I recently submitted a story (waiting for acceptance) that I wrote for a special friend. I did have to go and edit a few things but for the most part it was ready to submit.

Like many others, there are times when its just the ideas that fly and I type the notes to follow up with later.

I enjoy a good joint and relax with it and in the long run have found this to be extremely helpful.

Trina T.:kiss:
Marijuana gifted me with what I feel were my best writing ideas and endeavors. Having reread them straight and sober, I still feel that way. It is the most therapeutic and inspiring substance on this planet. I miss it.