JD Vance Fired by Trump Watch Thread

I hate to say it, but it sounds typical of guys like Vance to jump into something providing high rewards and then abandon 'his men' when they find themselves in a 'heated battle' fighting against tomato rip-off management in the greenhouses.

Yeah, he bailed on the locals. At first, he promised a 'road to paradise,' but as soon as he made a profit, he jumped ship for greener pastures. Like Trump's model, bail on your buddies and then blame it on their incompetence when the business collapses. Walk away, Vance.

This seems to remind me of another story floating around. I can't recall the tenor of that one, but it sounds like something militarily related. Valor?
JD Vance Mocked For Claiming Trump Embodies Marines' 'Always Faithful' Motto

comedy gold

Vance elaborated:
“You hear Marines say it all the time, Semper Fi, and to me, what it means is that Marines are always faithful to our country. ...
“I want to expound upon it because I really do think that Donald Trump exemplifies that motto because his government and under his leadership, the United States was always faithful to the veterans of this country.
“That’s something for us to be proud of. His record and his vision is a vision of always being faithful to those who put on the uniform.”

like. fuck.
It's what they do best: just plain insist that black is white and up is down. They know low-information voters tend to fall for it.

MAGAts must be the descendants of snake oil salesmen’s customers.


Guess he couldn’t take the couch with him…

He looks so natural with that dog… like he walks him all the time.

Just Dull found a way to be Just Disconnected

JD Vance Less Popular Than Sarah Palin Was As Tim Walz Scores Poll Win

The figures make Vance the most unpopular vice presidential nominee in modern history.

[ Ouch ]
"Less popular than Sarah Palin was" is not a headline I ever expected to see in my lifetime.

How unsettling.

Didja happen to see the latest quote from Good Ole JD?
"Don't experiment on OUR kids! If Democrats like Kamala Harris and AOC want to experiment on children, they should have their own!"
a reporter asks:

"You said the following: 'You had this massive wave of primarily Italian, Irish and German immigration, and that had its problems and that had its consequences.' You pointed to these problems as being higher crime rates, ethnic enclaves and interethnic conflict. Should the United States have prescribed similar policies to what you're proposing now, including mass deportation to deal with those issues?"
on the ticket with trump, they promise to " carry out the largest deportation of migrants in U.S. history"... note they don't actually say "illegal immigrants", just "migrants"
Vance replied to the reporter on Friday: "Well, first of all, I also said there were a lot of benefits to that wave of immigration. But, has anybody ever seen the movie Gangs of New York? That's what I'm talking about. We know that when you have these massive ethnic enclaves forming in our country, it can sometimes lead to higher crime rates."
did anyone hear him mentioning the 'lots of benefits' the current 'wave of immigrants' is having? no? me either. But clearly he saw benefits to the largely paler-skinned waves, or at least is arse-kissing enough not to mention anything about deporting germans given trump's heritage.


someone needs to tell him "We're not going back"
a reporter asks:

on the ticket with trump, they promise to " carry out the largest deportation of migrants in U.S. history"... note they don't actually say "illegal immigrants", just "migrants"

did anyone hear him mentioning the 'lots of benefits' the current 'wave of immigrants' is having? no? me either. But clearly he saw benefits to the largely paler-skinned waves, or at least is arse-kissing enough not to mention anything about deporting germans given trump's heritage.


someone needs to tell him "We're not going back"
That’s what his couch cushions keep saying….