Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

Are you better off financially today than 4 years ago?
Are our cities better off today than 4 years ago?
Do citizens trust our institutions more today than 4 years ago?
status quo
Do our citizens believe our immigration policy is more effective today than 4 years ago?
90% don't care about immigration, it's a nothing burger.

Guess you're living in the wrong country. No wonder We're #2, and you're living in #8.

Biden berated for claiming he taught 'political theory' at University of Pennsylvania: 'Pretend life'​

Multiple fact-checks have demonstrated that Biden only fulfilled duties as an honorary professor at the school for two years​

By Gabriel Hays Fox News
Published September 15, 2023 5:00am EDT

Social media users blasted President Biden after he claimed that he taught "political theory" at the University of Pennsylvania.

Critics accused the president of making up a "pretend life" with his latest claim, as there is a lack of evidence he ever taught a class at the school, despite being named an honorary professor there in recent years.

Biden mentioned his supposed teaching years during his remarks in Maryland about the economy on Thursday afternoon.

During the speech, the 46th president took a minute to talk about the threats that democracy is currently facing in America and referenced the expertise in seeing this threat that he developed while teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.

More here:

Joe continues to bullshit people about his fantasy life.

Biden berated for claiming he taught 'political theory' at University of Pennsylvania: 'Pretend life'​

Multiple fact-checks have demonstrated that Biden only fulfilled duties as an honorary professor at the school for two years​

By Gabriel Hays Fox News
Published September 15, 2023 5:00am EDT

Social media users blasted President Biden after he claimed that he taught "political theory" at the University of Pennsylvania.

Critics accused the president of making up a "pretend life" with his latest claim, as there is a lack of evidence he ever taught a class at the school, despite being named an honorary professor there in recent years.

Biden mentioned his supposed teaching years during his remarks in Maryland about the economy on Thursday afternoon.

During the speech, the 46th president took a minute to talk about the threats that democracy is currently facing in America and referenced the expertise in seeing this threat that he developed while teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.

More here:

Joe continues to bullshit people about his fantasy life.
Your BDS is evident. You randomly throw unrelated bullshit into whatever thread you're in.
Your BDS is evident. You randomly throw unrelated bullshit into whatever thread you're in.
When Biden speaks it's international news so this new bullshit story is germane to the thread title and thus an embarrassment to the nation.

Biden berated for claiming he taught 'political theory' at University of Pennsylvania: 'Pretend life'​

Multiple fact-checks have demonstrated that Biden only fulfilled duties as an honorary professor at the school for two years​

By Gabriel Hays Fox News
Published September 15, 2023 5:00am EDT

Social media users blasted President Biden after he claimed that he taught "political theory" at the University of Pennsylvania.

Critics accused the president of making up a "pretend life" with his latest claim, as there is a lack of evidence he ever taught a class at the school, despite being named an honorary professor there in recent years.

Biden mentioned his supposed teaching years during his remarks in Maryland about the economy on Thursday afternoon.

During the speech, the 46th president took a minute to talk about the threats that democracy is currently facing in America and referenced the expertise in seeing this threat that he developed while teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.

More here:

Joe continues to bullshit people about his fantasy life.
Ohhhh right from the propaganda source this time, didn’t waste time with the crap off shoots.
Yes, you confirmed what I said. Thank you.
I reconfirmed the fact that Joe literally reinforces his reputation as America's greatest embarrassment on a daily basis. You on the other hand go out of your way to demonstrate your fealty to the Biden Crime Family and its most perfidious cast of thugs.
I reconfirmed the fact that Joe literally reinforces his reputation as America's greatest embarrassment on a daily basis. You on the other hand go out of your way to demonstrate your fealty to the Biden Crime Family and its most perfidious cast of thugs.
And you keep confirming it.

Good job 👍👏
I read the article, it clearly states he taught for 2 years.
He was appointed an honorary professor for two years. Here's what the article you didn't read really said:

"Critics accused the president of making up a "pretend life" with his latest claim, as there is a lack of evidence he ever taught a class at the school, despite being named an honorary professor there in recent years."

In addition, Biden claimed in the attached speech video you didn't view that he taught political theory at UPenn for "four years." Which is as I described "bullshit."
Note that the operative word here is "despite him being named an honorary professor" that seems to sound like most honorary professors do in fact teach does it not? Lets say for the sake of argument that he didn't teach a day in his life, seems unlikely but possible, shouldn't we be focused 100% on current affairs not whether or not he did something forty or however many years ago?

This seems to make it clear that Biden is doing a pretty good job as president. You should be able to point to things that he has even the slightest control over that are hurting Americans today or in the next say four years because we all know policy doesn't go into effect immediately and even the ones that do don't usually impact those of us on the ground for a fair bit later.

Irony of ironies Trumps trade war may have worked out in our favor. Not for the reasons he did it. It wasn't his intention but I think that might long term end up a net win for all the pain it caused short term.
Note that the operative word here is "despite him being named an honorary professor" that seems to sound like most honorary professors do in fact teach does it not? Lets say for the sake of argument that he didn't teach a day in his life, seems unlikely but possible, shouldn't we be focused 100% on current affairs not whether or not he did something forty or however many years ago?

He, not me, made a current event when he lied about to the World the other day
This seems to make it clear that Biden is doing a pretty good job as president. You should be able to point to things that he has even the slightest control over that are hurting Americans today or in the next say four years because we all know policy doesn't go into effect immediately and even the ones that do don't usually impact those of us on the ground for a fair bit later.

I've named dozens of things he's done to bring harm to the American people and to the World.
Irony of ironies Trumps trade war may have worked out in our favor. Not for the reasons he did it. It wasn't his intention but I think that might long term end up a net win for all the pain it caused short term.
Biden ended much of the Trump sanctions upon entering office, no doubt on instructions for the CCP who paid him 40 million to do something.
None of the Trump sanctions, none of which can you name, were doing a lot of good. Over all its hard to argue that Biden hasn't been a net gain and that's not just compared to Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, other Bush, Reagan. None of them had job growth like him. You could argue G Dub did a better job of bringing the world together but he had three planes to work with. Biden had a conflict that we could ignore. Shouldn't have, but we should have the last two times.

Ashamed as I am I was definitely part of "Russia invaded Georgia? How the fuck did they get that far without being. . .oh you mean a territory of Ukraine. Don't care. That was a HUGE mistake on our part.
None of the Trump sanctions, none of which can you name, were doing a lot of good.
That is absolutely false. They were killing the Chinese. Those that Joe threw out on day one or two of his administration to earn his 40 million dollar bribe from the CCP.
Perhaps this?

Not only did Biden keep Trumps sanctions he doubled down. He did similarly along the border going so far as to break the law by keeping Title 42 in place which given what Trump and the Republicans were preaching was illegal to implement in the first place. I'll grant you the media has I guess been kinder to him than Trump. . .if you count the idea that he's allowing human trafficking and fentanyl to flood the country as kind which I would call a stretch.
Perhaps this?

Not only did Biden keep Trumps sanctions he doubled down. He did similarly along the border going so far as to break the law by keeping Title 42 in place which given what Trump and the Republicans were preaching was illegal to implement in the first place. I'll grant you the media has I guess been kinder to him than Trump. . .if you count the idea that he's allowing human trafficking and fentanyl to flood the country as kind which I would call a stretch.
RG has an entire thread celebrating the court ruling against Biden's policy of rejecting asylum claims outside the port of entry.

They don't even know what policies have been implemented.

Biden's policies against Chinese investment is another one they seem to be quiet on.
RG has an entire thread celebrating the court ruling against Biden's policy of rejecting asylum claims outside the port of entry.

They don't even know what policies have been implemented.

Biden's policies against Chinese investment is another one they seem to be quiet on.

Which was illegal as hell anyway you cut it. Title 42 is essentially a quarantine. But Trump and the Republicans thought Covid was just made up so putting a system in place to keep the virus (which was already in the country anyhow) was wrong. Biden keeping it in place as the virus died down was outright criminal but there was no winning there at least not for the right. Maybe one day he or some Democrat will learn to pander to the base. Fuck those guys.
Which was illegal as hell anyway you cut it. Title 42 is essentially a quarantine. But Trump and the Republicans thought Covid was just made up so putting a system in place to keep the virus (which was already in the country anyhow) was wrong. Biden keeping it in place as the virus died down was outright criminal but there was no winning there at least not for the right. Maybe one day he or some Democrat will learn to pander to the base. Fuck those guys.
You and I are aligned. The issues are twofold with the border: 1. Lack of adequate court resources to process backlog of immigration cases and 2. Failures of south American governments to provide for their citizens.

Anything else requires a law change to immigration.
You and I are aligned. The issues are twofold with the border: 1. Lack of adequate court resources to process backlog of immigration cases and 2. Failures of south American governments to provide for their citizens.

Anything else requires a law change to immigration.

I would throw in that the way we handle work visas and focus on the wrong things also doesn't help. There are an estimated between 12 and 21 million illegals in the country at any given time, a number that has remained largely static for twenty years or more. I don't know how many business owners where are in the fields we should be watching are but I recon its much lower. Focus on the people doing the hiring and no small part of this solves itself.
RG has an entire thread celebrating the court ruling against Biden's policy of rejecting asylum claims outside the port of entry.

They don't even know what policies have been implemented.

Biden's policies against Chinese investment is another one they seem to be quiet on.
Well if it's not on Fox,or the Gateway Pundit, how in the hell would they know????