Joe Biden Embarrassing Our Country Abroad

What has Biden accomplished?

What has Biden accomplished?

1. Record low unemployment

2. While you can blame it on Covid if you like the fact remains Trump left with 2 million fewer jobs than he came in with. I believe he's the President to manage that and the Spanish Flu was a thing. Biden in less than 2 years has added 13 million. I believe that 13-2=11. So you can blame Covid all you want for the loss but not for 11 million in US.

3. For the first time in my life time jobs are coming back to the US

4. Undid the damage Trump did to our international reputation. Instead of the EU laughing at us and getting Trump's face like the petulant child he is (Don't tell me you've forgotten the famous pic of Angela Merkle.

5. Added two members to NATO.

6. capped insulin prices at $35 a month and allowed Medicare to negotiate on 10 life saving drugs and another 15 next year. Not exactly what I wanted but you take what you can get.

And that's without me going on Google.
What most Americans want to see is Trump's personal tax returns that he wouldn't release claiming they were being audited. It doesn't take five years to audit one year of a person's personal tax return. Next most Americans would like to see the junior high, high school and college transcripts that Trump doesn't want released. As for Trump's mental acuity, he was never given a mental acuity test while in office. What he claimed to be a mental acuity test is the test doctors and nurses given a patient wo has suffered trauma to their brain or who has undergone brain surgery.
I highly doubt that most American are interested at all in those things at this point
And yes, the election was stolen. Blatantly. In your face. Without shame or skill. It doesn't pass the sniff test that a candidate who couldn't fill a high school gym and chose as his running mate a woman from a state he would win anyway, who was so deeply unappealing that she dropped out of the primary before the first votes were cast... could somehow defeat a candidate who could put 10,000 to 20,000 people in auditoriums every night of the week wherever he went.
It does when you remember that 1) intensity of feeling doesn't matter at all - one vote is still one vote whether you love your candidate like a rock star or you're only voting for him because you hate him a little less than the other one; and 2) Those people filling the auditoriums were putting themselves at risk for the worst public health crisis in a century, while the other side did the responsible thing and practiced social distancing.

And on election night, 5 states "stopped counting."
That is not only wrong, it's been debunked repeatedly. I was watching from Australia, where it's midafternoon and early evening when it's the dead of night in America, and the votes kept rolling in. Slowly, but they did.

The only places I can think of that stopped counting for the night were Clark and Washoe counties in Nevada, and Biden never lost his lead in NV.

Coincidentally, those 5 were exactly the ones Trump had to win. When counting was suspended he led by significant margins in all 5.

What you are really thinking of is, he held early leads in some states that counted in-person votes first, but Biden pulled ahead when absentee ballots were counted. This was fully expected.
You know your lines. Again, not surprised. They install, you recite. But think how silly you are, saying "intensity of feeling doesn't matter at all." Even a child should know better. The only way that idea got into your head is by being planted there as a ready response when faced with the truth.

And yes, I saw 5 states "stop counting" on election night. No amount of being told I didn't see what I saw works on me. You saw it too if you were actually watching, but you've been trained to deny what you know and see in favor of what you're told. I bet you believe "violence never solved anything" and "some women have a penis" too. 😂

I love it when you people say "debunked." Over the last couple of decades that term has taken on a completely new meaning, especially when it comes to politics. It used to mean something had been disproven. Now all it means is "Someone who agrees with me said it was debunked." You haven't caught on to the new rule that saying it is all that's necessary for people like you to believe it.

And what was used to swing the balances, if anyone even bothered once they weren't being watched anymore, wasn't absentee ballots. That wasn't "fully expected" because it never happens and didn't happen that night either. The paper mail in ballots were used... because that was their purpose all along. Once that system was installed fraud is what was "fully expected," and we got it.

One thing I've noticed is that people who aren't concerned about vote fraud are the people who believe their side will benefit from it.
Did you see who was on the grassy knoll?

Have you seen Tupac recently?

Do you see dead people?

Stop watching the propaganda network and their cousin news-min. Guessing you have them on all the time.

If there was fraud, one of the dozens of lawsuits would have unearthed this magical thing called evidence. However most of those were laughed out of the court room (almost as if most thought it was some gotcha undercover tv series, except Rudi wasn’t in on the joke).

So you continue to believe what you believe- the rest of us will be okay with the facts of the situation.

And ask your doctor if all those meds you are taking have adverse interactions. But you do need to be honest and talk about the recreational ones too…(mention how much entertainment “news” you watch as well, that could be the missing piece they will need to correctly diagnose you)
In the 1990s, when Third Party Fever was at a peak, I remember talking about it with people and saying it was a bad idea because nobody wanted to take the decades necessary to gain at least 1/3 of the offices at the city/county level, then 1/3 of the seats in a state legislature before going after the governor's mansion... and 1/3 of the US House and Senate before trying for the Presidency.

Instead, they wanted the big jobs first. The problem with that approach is that the guy you send to "power" has no natural allies and the two parties, in a fabulous show of bipartisanship, will unite as never before, to destroy him. This is what happened when Republican voters dared to choose a candidate their party had not pre-chosen for them. I admit, I underestimated the resolve of the GOP elites. I thought winning was the only thing that mattered and once Trump won, they would come around.

Instead, they showed us the truth. The truth is they look at the party as a business. They are the executives and the voters are low level worker bees who are expected to do as they're told. The party elites would much rather lose elections than lose control of the business. So they treated us to a magnificent betrayal, of Trump, the voters, and the system itself.

A few Republicans gave meaningless and phony support to their President, but they were only fantasizing about taking Trump's voters and their enthusiasm as their own once Trump was out of the way. The rest just sat on their hands, having already been told what was going to happen and not wanting to get in the way.

And yes, the election was stolen. Blatantly. In your face. Without shame or skill. It doesn't pass the sniff test that a candidate who couldn't fill a high school gym and chose as his running mate a woman from a state he would win anyway, who was so deeply unappealing that she dropped out of the primary before the first votes were cast... could somehow defeat a candidate who could put 10,000 to 20,000 people in auditoriums every night of the week wherever he went.

And on election night, 5 states "stopped counting." States had never done that before. But that night, 5 did. Coincidentally, those 5 were exactly the ones Trump had to win. When counting was suspended he led by significant margins in all 5. Somehow in the night, with counting stopped... he fell behind... in all 5. I laughed each time I heard someone parrot the mantra about "no evidence of widespread fraud." When I heard that I knew they were complicit. That's because "widespread fraud" isn't needed. The entire election could be stolen by stealing a few counties, in a few states - and it was.

The fact that the establishment of both parties, and the bureaucracy that grew fat, rich, and powerful on the pre-Trump paradigm, would not contest the obvious fraud or the means designed to enable it is no great surprise, is it? You cannot expect a corrupt and profitable system to be self correcting. It will always choose to defend itself against an outsider who threatens to change or disrupt it. That the "Supremes" showed no interest, just confirmed they have been compromised, as we have known for a long time now. Do you really think you get a job, for life, with that kind of power... if the real players don't have something they can use to control you?

What we all should have learned from the Trump years is that no matter how bad you thought Washington was, it's actually worse. Much worse.
Stop. You’re repeating the BIG LIES that have actually and in reality been refuted and, yes, debunked ad nauseam.

You people are incredibly predictable and reliable in reciting your lines… but the most impressive part of your training is that while you’re doing it, you actually believe you’re “thinking for yourself.”
The lack of self-awareness with this one is staggering. Unless it’s simply a performance alt, that is.

Biden complains 'there's a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers' regarding climate change​

by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter
September 10, 2023 01:04 PM

President Joe Biden made a reference to John Wayne Sunday to underscore his frustration with disagreement over climate change.

"The Indian looks at John Wayne and points to the Union soldier and says, 'He's a lying, dog-faced pony soldier!'" Biden said during a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. "Well, there's a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers out there about global warming."

More on Joe's pathetically stupid lies here:

The problem as always with Joe Biden is his lies. John Wayne never uttered that phrase in any movie. Like most of Joe's life, it's a fabrication.

Biden complains 'there's a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers' regarding climate change​

by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter
September 10, 2023 01:04 PM

President Joe Biden made a reference to John Wayne Sunday to underscore his frustration with disagreement over climate change.

"The Indian looks at John Wayne and points to the Union soldier and says, 'He's a lying, dog-faced pony soldier!'" Biden said during a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. "Well, there's a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers out there about global warming."

More on Joe's pathetically stupid lies here:

The problem as always with Joe Biden is his lies. John Wayne never uttered that phrase in any movie. Like most of Joe's life, it's a fabrication.

Biden complains 'there's a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers' regarding climate change​

by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter
September 10, 2023 01:04 PM

President Joe Biden made a reference to John Wayne Sunday to underscore his frustration with disagreement over climate change.

"The Indian looks at John Wayne and points to the Union soldier and says, 'He's a lying, dog-faced pony soldier!'" Biden said during a press conference in Hanoi, Vietnam. "Well, there's a lot of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers out there about global warming."

More on Joe's pathetically stupid lies here:

The problem as always with Joe Biden is his lies. John Wayne never uttered that phrase in any movie. Like most of Joe's life, it's a fabrication.
It's the old adage of; how can you tell sleepy Joe is lying, because his lips are moving! :D
What has Biden accomplished?

What has Biden accomplished?

1. Record low unemployment

2. While you can blame it on Covid if you like the fact remains Trump left with 2 million fewer jobs than he came in with. I believe he's the President to manage that and the Spanish Flu was a thing. Biden in less than 2 years has added 13 million. I believe that 13-2=11. So you can blame Covid all you want for the loss but not for 11 million in US.

3. For the first time in my life time jobs are coming back to the US

4. Undid the damage Trump did to our international reputation. Instead of the EU laughing at us and getting Trump's face like the petulant child he is (Don't tell me you've forgotten the famous pic of Angela Merkle.

5. Added two members to NATO.

6. capped insulin prices at $35 a month and allowed Medicare to negotiate on 10 life saving drugs and another 15 next year. Not exactly what I wanted but you take what you can get.

And that's without me going on Google.
RG: The problem as always with Joe Biden is his lies. John Wayne never uttered that phrase in any movie. Like most of Joe's life, it's a fabrication.

You’re mad Biden misquoted John Wayne.
I’m mad trump lied about Covid. The Americans dead from Covid would say we’re both now equal.
RG: The problem as always with Joe Biden is his lies. John Wayne never uttered that phrase in any movie. Like most of Joe's life, it's a fabrication.

You’re mad Biden misquoted John Wayne.
I’m mad trump lied about Covid. The Americans dead from Covid would say we’re both now equal.
I’m mad Biden lied about the vaccine,

Biden said, ‘If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID.’ Today, he tested positive for COVID ‘2021’​

I’m mad Biden lied about the vaccine,

Biden said, ‘If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID.’ Today, he tested positive for COVID ‘2021’​

The vaccine doesn’t…
Oh, never mind.

RG and I are equivocating (at least I am lol). He’s ignoring me.
You’re here now to say this lie you feel Biden told is equal to trump telling Americans Covid was fleeting and against my claim of the deaths caused. Correct?
I’m mad Biden lied about the vaccine,

Biden said, ‘If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID.’ Today, he tested positive for COVID ‘2021’​

Of course, we should have known since it was coming from a man who has had no relationship with the truth or honesty in the totality of his public life.;)
I’m mad Biden lied about the vaccine,

Biden said, ‘If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID.’ Today, he tested positive for COVID ‘2021’​

You and I can agree tho that RG is a racist, thin skinned snowflake.
Of course, we should have known since it was coming from a man who has had no relationship with the truth or honesty in the totality of his public life.;)
I was around when he was a junior senator, he was a joke then and a bigger joke now. He was a pure unadulterated racist then, his policies towards blacks put more AAs in jail and the left paints Trump as racist. :eek:
I’m mad Biden lied about the vaccine,

Biden said, ‘If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID.’ Today, he tested positive for COVID ‘2021’​

And after years of GOP lies, you didn’t think to check the facts yourself?
I was around when he was a junior senator, he was a joke then and a bigger joke now. He was a pure unadulterated racist then, his policies towards blacks put more AAs in jail and the left paints Trump as racist. :eek:
The key to understanding the Democrats is knowing they always accuse their opponents of exactly what they are doing. Remember Joe, "you ain't black if you don't vote for me." Remember as well who eulogized Robert Byrd and who learned at his knee.