Judo's Gunfight Thread Revisited

Re: Re: Re: Death of a punfighter

champagne1982 said:
A made to order coffin
Too short for most,
Just two exceptional women,

But I don't like to boast.

To compete in a bloodless contest
Is not an ordinary feat.
But for exceptional poets
It's one they easily meet.

Thus, we recline in satin comfort
In a lead-lined box of oak.
Our fingers flying 'cross the page
Our lungs exhaling fresh punsmoke.

We wait and giggle naughtily,
In our cushioned nest,
For the next exceptional fighter,
To boldly shoot his best.

woowoo! puts new meaning to satin sheets!
this was cute..i'm smart enough to only get shot once so i wont respond with poetry.

it's a little squishy in here though, scooch your buns over or climb on top..:rolleyes:
Re: Death of a punfighter

champagne1982 said:
Standing in the middle of a dusty,
windblown street, refuse scuttled
into shady corners. Lately, misery
has been my closest friend.

That happens when you've turned
into something you can't change
or bury deep inside an outer skin.

Where do I begin
and the page leave off?
Maybe we're all just ink
inside the pen.
Cool poem. Good poem.

But that title. I love that title. I want to marry that title and have kids with it.

Shootin' Practice

There in the dusty, one-horse town
At the bar in the Not No. 10 saloon
Is a punfighter, with a steel nibbed pen
Drinkin' tequila in sight of the moon.

By dint of the judges' final word,
The punfighter'd won the right
To plaster poems all over the town
And to leave 'em lying out in plain sight.

No townsfolk could openly moan, "This is shit!"
For they hadn't spoken the day
The duel was fought and one poet lost
The other tired from the fray.

Now the punfighter keeps her back to the wall
Her face always looks out at the street
Though, for now, she rules this small part of hell
Any time, through the door, walks defeat.
Wind's Fingers

This poem was reworked off the passion thread.

Wind's Fingers

Motionless waiting, without a breeze
to spin the cobwebs with wind's fingers,
into one silken thread.

Meadows larksong lifted in the morning light,
as the dew lifts from the clover,
shaded beneath the wildrose in bloom.

My smile of gladness
greets my daydream,
while wind's fingers
trace hello on my skin

Motionless waiting, without a lover
to comb my hair with wind's fingers,
smoothing out the night's snags.

Maiden's heartsong lifts to the heavens
as your face invades my thoughts,
hidden beneath a dreamtime shadow.

My smile of happiness
greets my lover,
while wind's fingers
trace love on my skin.
boots scuffin crossed the tired board floor
dust scatterin as I walk towards the bar
low voiced request for another bottle
a slow turn to see who's here
a glance in the mirror
I see the PunFighter from the shoot out
a tough one, but so tiny
I remember when I was young and feisty
I remember so well...
takes a swig from my bottle
and settles back into the memories
BooMerengue said:
boots scuffin crossed the tired board floor
dust scatterin as I walk towards the bar
low voiced request for another bottle
a slow turn to see who's here
a glance in the mirror
I see the PunFighter from the shoot out
a tough one, but so tiny
I remember when I was young and feisty
I remember so well...
takes a swig from my bottle
and settles back into the memories

You know who's here--I pmed you. You up for it baby? :D

*legs drop to the boardwalk... I stand up and in a dim fog I see a new face...

instantly my trigger finger begins to itch, tho I don't know why.
my eyes begin to clear from the drunky haze... all senses alert knowing an enemy approaches... my thighs taut, breath slowed, heart pounding, I walk out into the street...
BooMerengue said:
*legs drop to the boardwalk... I stand up and in a dim fog I see a new face...

instantly my trigger finger begins to itch, tho I don't know why.
my eyes begin to clear from the drunky haze... all senses alert knowing an enemy approaches... my thighs taut, breath slowed, heart pounding, I walk out into the street...

Yeah yeah it's me. Do I have to dress up like a cowgirl? I'm too east coast. Can we duel with the Sunday Times? Bagels?

Who wants to give us a topic? Be judges?


Boo, I love ya baby--you are the coolest. :kiss:
I am sick

I am terrified

I am an idiot

setting back down on my bench... wondering what I have done... what I am gonna do... I have to shoot a bagel out of the New York Times???

looks closely at the bottle I'm drinking... oh no!! It's mescal... and I just chewed the worm!
Oh, good! I'll start gathering judges and thinking of the rules tomorrow, if you guys can wait that long :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Not if you tell me what's your schedule :D

Considering I've been working 11-12 hour days lately and that ain't likely to change, I'd better stick with the pouting. :D

Unless you feel like waiting until after 7pm or so pacific time....:rolleyes:
minsue said:
You're gonna do it while I'm at work again, aren't you? *pout*

Due to circumstances way beyond me, I can ONLY do this on Sat or Sun upcoming. Impossible during the week. Does that help?
I see 'em sizin' each other up
and relax since I see it ain't me
these two giants are gunnin' fer.
This time I can breathe free.

I'll let ya's know fer certain
if judgin's what I'll do.
It'll be excitin' to watch 'em shoot,
Just in case no one has noticed, the gunfight threads are 'bout my faver-rite thing ta do 'round these here parts. So, I heard rumors about Eumenides wantin' an opportunity to shoot up this here poetry forum when I was through judgin' them there fancy easterners, Liar and Perks.

Well, here's yer chance, Ms. Eu, I'd like to defend my title against y'all, anytime.

<toss> the gauntlet </toss>
champagne1982 said:
Just in case no one has noticed, the gunfight threads are 'bout my faver-rite thing ta do 'round these here parts. So, I heard rumors about Eumenides wantin' an opportunity to shoot up this here poetry forum when I was through judgin' them there fancy easterners, Liar and Perks.

Well, here's yer chance, Ms. Eu, I'd like to defend my title against y'all, anytime.

<toss> the gauntlet </toss>

*peers up from Gunslinging Chicas July edition*

Did I hear a challenge?

Better go clean them six-shooters, and put a spit-shine on muh spurs.
The springs on the old ironbed creaked as I rolled and put my feet on the floor. The heat was tangible; my mouth dry from days and night of drinking the Ol' Rotgut since my last gunfight.
The nightmares were horrible. How swiftly and cleanly I was defeated.

I heard spurs in the street below. Glancing out the window I see my friend Champ standing loosely, arms at the ready, wrists limber, her Colt six guns gleaming in the sun. Looking the
other way I see a stranger- to me, at least. Eumenides, walking gracefully to a place in the middle of the dirt street. There was an aura about her, one of confidence and surety. Her ancient Spanish dueling pistols threw sparks as she turned and glanced up the street.

I hurriedly threw some water on my face and hands from the bowl on the dresser and ran down to the bar. Grabbin another bottle of Ol' RotGut I walked out to the bench outside. Tipping
my hat down over my eyes and rocking back on the bench I lift my booted feet to the hitchrail. Tipping my bottle to each of the gunfighters, I set and watch the sun rise higher in the blazing sky, and wait with the others for yet another to-the-death fight.

The old Judo's War Of Words continues...

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Lauren Hynde said:
When, during the next week, would it be a good time for you two?
Ridiculously early Tuesday or Wednesday (I'm in MDT) so around 6:30 am or I could squeeze and adapt my calendar to give an hour or two in the evening ... between 8 and 10 pm my time.

But let me know, I'm very flexible :eek:
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Lauren Hynde said:
Sorry, I had exploding computer problems. How are we for the weekend instead?

And where is Eumenides? :mad:
Sounds messy, and not in a chocolate sauce kinda way ...

If Eumenides would pick a time I'll see what I can do. I suspect I'm off line for the weekend though. There's a condo with my name on it, screaming for paint.