Let's discuss policies and issues

But if the corporation doesn't give you the product they consensually transacted to give you, it's theft.
Agreed. Which is why a lot of businesses have things like return policies and customer satisfication departments, otherwise they lose your business.

And even if one said taxation was consensual (which it isn't), but the government isn't delivering on something like good quality roads, yet never seems to run out of money for things like endless war and politician raises, that by your logic is also theft.
It's not stolen if you get something in exchange for it.
So if I take $100 from you (whether you like it or not) and hand you a bag filled with dog shit, by your logic I didn't steal from you because you got something in exchange? That's about the deal you get with government.

But lets say I handed you a nice shirt worth a hundred dollars. A shirt you didn't want or need, while that $100 you had was going to used for gas money and groceries. Is that a consensual transaction?
And you do: clean air, infrastructure, safe streets, education for children, etc.
Yeah, government and politicians love promising that stuff, but...
Because taxes is money forcibly taken from people. When you have your money stolen from you, you have a right to complain about it.
It's not as much about paying your fair share of taxes but more about wasteful spending. Taxing billionaires at a higher rate I believe is acceptable to most billionaires. Corporate tax rates should be lowered, not just to make us competitive globally but to create incentives that are favorable to create new manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Lower tax rates increase revenue, politicians can't control their lust for spending other peoples money. Spending billions on illegal migrants is lunacy. It pisses people off that we don't have a say on what politicians spend our money on, why you ask? because party loyalty is more important than representing their constituents. IMHO
Because corporate profits are the result of consensual transactions between buyer and seller. No one is forced to buy products from corporations.
We are a capitalist economic system until the government overreaches and starts picking winners and losers. Democrats love to persecute success, that's why I call democrat politicians Marxist, they truly believe in wealth redistribution as long as you don't redistribute their wealth.
It's not as much about paying your fair share of taxes
I agree with your points, but would disagree about this statement of 'fair share of taxes'.

If someone works hard for their money, there is no part of it that is my 'fair share' of it.

The idea that anyone is entitled to what someone else worked for as a 'fair share' is ludicrous.
Agreed. Which is why a lot of businesses have things like return policies and customer satisfication departments, otherwise they lose your business.

And even if one said taxation was consensual (which it isn't), but the government isn't delivering on something like good quality roads, yet never seems to run out of money for things like endless war and politician raises, that by your logic is also theft.
Businesses are supposed to have return policies and customer satisfaction departments but there is no law requiring them to do so. But if the company loses your business and that company is big enough already, they don't have to worry about loss of your business because the government will come along and bail them out and then force the taxpayer to continue to have to buy from the criminal businesses. Government and big business conspire together to destroy small businesses and bleed the poor dry.

Taxation can be consensual or at least it's supposed to be consensual. Now that doesn't mean it's consensual for each individual but it's supposed to be that if the general population agrees to a tax rate, that is the tax rate. That's why we vote. Again, we need tax reform so that our votes matter but if taxes were managed the way they are supposed to be managed, then taxes are not theft.
So if I take $100 from you (whether you like it or not) and hand you a bag filled with dog shit, by your logic I didn't steal from you because you got something in exchange? That's about the deal you get with government.

But lets say I handed you a nice shirt worth a hundred dollars. A shirt you didn't want or need, while that $100 you had was going to used for gas money and groceries. Is that a consensual transaction?

Yeah, government and politicians love promising that stuff, but...
You really are an idiot.

If the government takes $100 dollars and uses it to fix the pot holes in the roads or fix the bridges to prevent them from collapsing, then it's not theft.

You are right about how the government promises but fails to deliver but the government is not giving out bags of dog shit.
It's not as much about paying your fair share of taxes but more about wasteful spending. Taxing billionaires at a higher rate I believe is acceptable to most billionaires. Corporate tax rates should be lowered, not just to make us competitive globally but to create incentives that are favorable to create new manufacturing jobs in the U.S. Lower tax rates increase revenue, politicians can't control their lust for spending other peoples money. Spending billions on illegal migrants is lunacy. It pisses people off that we don't have a say on what politicians spend our money on, why you ask? because party loyalty is more important than representing their constituents. IMHO

We are a capitalist economic system until the government overreaches and starts picking winners and losers. Democrats love to persecute success, that's why I call democrat politicians Marxist, they truly believe in wealth redistribution as long as you don't redistribute their wealth.
We are not here to talk about parties. Otherwise you are correct.
I agree with your points, but would disagree about this statement of 'fair share of taxes'.

If someone works hard for their money, there is no part of it that is my 'fair share' of it.

The idea that anyone is entitled to what someone else worked for as a 'fair share' is ludicrous.
What you need to do is go live on some deserted island that has no roads or bridges or any other government services. Go live somewhere all by yourself where you only benefit from your own labor, you benefit from all of your labor but you don't benefit from anyone else's labor. Then tell me how good your life is.
What you need to do is go live on some deserted island that has no roads or bridges or any other government services.
Government doesn't allow people to do that.
Go live somewhere all by yourself where you only benefit from your own labor, you benefit from all of your labor but you don't benefit from anyone else's labor. Then tell me how good your life is.
I have no problem with people transacting labour and services between eachother to mutual benefit.
Faggots are people too, you faggot. And if you are so morally pure, what are you doing here on Literotica, you hypocrite.

But anyway, I do have a life outside of Lit. That's why it took me several hours to respond to you. I was out living my life.
Philthy_Phil was referring to 1174.
You sounded mostly sane until this last bit. There is no government without taxes, at least in a capitalist system. So you are advocating for either anarchy or communism. I'll pass on both.
You just cannot argue with the "Taxation Is Theft" mindset.
They live in a toxic masculinity fantasy land where they have deluded themselves into thinking they are "self-sufficient" and brag about living "off the grid".

We have a bunch of those whackadoodles here in Texas.
Two events showed most folks here the error of their ways...
Hurricane Harvey and the Texas Freeze of 2021.

The "self-sufficient" krew was mewling like kittens after day 3 as they had run out of propane and toilet paper, with no relief in sight. (Probably would've started a cholera epidemic wiping their butts with their hands had the outages been much longer).
But hai, they had cases and cases of Dinty Moore Beef Stew!

Side note: Wat Tyler's ammosexual thread routinely threatens Murica with "revolution" if they don't get their way....and very few take them seriously. Most of them are older white males in poor health. The revolution will last until they can't get drug refills at Walgreens. Most of them will be dead within a month or so of hypertension, diabetes and/or a heart attack.
You just cannot argue with the "Taxation Is Theft" mindset.
They live in a toxic masculinity fantasy land where they have deluded themselves into thinking they are "self-sufficient" and brag about living "off the grid".

We have a bunch of those whackadoodles here in Texas.
Two events showed most folks here the error of their ways...
Hurricane Harvey and the Texas Freeze of 2021.

The "self-sufficient" krew was mewling like kittens after day 3 as they had run out of propane and toilet paper, with no relief in sight. (Probably would've started a cholera epidemic wiping their butts with their hands had the outages been much longer).
But hai, they had cases and cases of Dinty Moore Beef Stew!

Side note: Wat Tyler's ammosexual thread routinely threatens Murica with "revolution" if they don't get their way....and very few take them seriously. Most of them are older white males in poor health. The revolution will last until they can't get drug refills at Walgreens. Most of them will be dead within a month or so of hypertension, diabetes and/or a heart attack.
They’re “hogs on ice”.

No, you and your kind fear, hate, and are envious of anyone whom is selfreliant, free, and responsible. Your kind can't seem to wrap your mind around anything that strives to be as independent as a hog on ice .... in short my way, my fellow selfreliant kind, scares the living shit out of your kind. The best reason for your animosity towards us is we cannot be controlled or possessed. We have hope it what your kind lacks.... enjoy your day paying off other people's debt....
You sounded mostly sane until this last bit. There is no government without taxes, at least in a capitalist system. So you are advocating for either anarchy or communism. I'll pass on both.
There was no federal income tax prior to 1913. How did we get along for over 120 years without it? The answer is tariffs. The government wasn't designed to be everything to everybody.
Faggots are people too, you faggot. And if you are so morally pure, what are you doing here on Literotica, you hypocrite.

But anyway, I do have a life outside of Lit. That's why it took me several hours to respond to you. I was out living my life.
Some faggots are people. I'm glad you have a life outside of lit, the faggot I was referring to does not.
Lol ...saving this one to my folder
You're welcome. Look it up. It was passed after the Federal Reserve Act was passed. Congress now had a way to spend money they couldn't tax for politically but needed to be able to pay the accumulating interest on that ever-expanding debt. Debts they knew that over time would exceed what tariffs could fund.
You're welcome. Look it up. It was passed after the Federal Reserve Act was passed. Congress now had a way to spend money they couldn't tax for politically but needed to be able to pay the accumulating interest on that ever-expanding debt. Debts they knew that over time would exceed what tariffs could fund.
I wasn't talking about your comment, dipshit
It's not stolen if you get something in exchange for it. And you do: clean air, infrastructure, safe streets, education for children, etc.

I guess technically you're not "forced" to buy food, shelter, utilities, medical services, etc., but...

You are suffering that fool / sea lion like a champ.

They don’t deserve your decent, thoughtful, intelligent rebuttals, imho, but I’m enjoying them.

Can someone defend Tariffs as a source for Government money not as a way to protect an exclusive market in a country ?

Let’s hear it!
Can someone defend Tariffs as a source for Government money not as a way to protect an exclusive market in a country ?

Let’s hear it!
It's how America operated for 120-plus years. They couldn't be sufficient to fund today's government, but then again neither is the entire take in federal taxes either.