Looks like transgenders are going to have to go through everything gays did

We exist as individuals and we exist as a society. We should try and live together, but society is never going to be organized around the aspirations of a tiny minority of transgender people.
Nobody has ever suggested that it should be. Why do you feel so threatened by trans people?
JK Rowling was correct when she pointed out that women's rights were being sacrificed, pushed aside and compromised by a radical trans-gender agenda.
No, she wasn't. She spoke - and still speaks - from a position of ignorance based on a notion that trans people are intrinsically rapists in disguise and that they will be lurking in public toilets with the sole intention of raping.

Statistically, women are about 1000 times more likely to be raped, sexually assaulted or murdered by a member of the Metropolitan Police than a trans woman taking a piss.

Educate yourself.
She also did tremendous good by being the first major figure to point out that children and youngsters were being 'transitioned' far too young.
No, she was spouting tabloid misconceptions based on the use of puberty blockers. Nobody is being transitioned 'far too young'. There are an immense number of hurdles to be overcome before anyone transitions but that's conveniently ignored by people like Rowling and her small-minded followers.
Toleration is the minimum, acceptance is a reasonable aspiration but the 130 year tradition of the "Olympic Movement's" sporting tradition of allowing women to be battered out of contention by transgenders has to cease.
So tell me, how many trans medal winners have there been compared to biological women?
Unfair to transgenders? but much more unfair to women who are 50% of the worlds population; on that fact alone Women's rights are more important and require precedence.
It's quite possible to be fair to both. And all the time sheep are bleating about whether or not trans people are a threat, women's rights are being slowly taken away. Fat white politicians are the threat, not trans people.
As someone who was a teenager in the 70s, where i'd have risked getting a beating for just admitting I was bi, I'm overjoyed that young people in particular have options that we never did, and the language to express it. Back then there was no way to describe yourself as non-binary, for example - there was no language.

I'm proud to live in a part of the world where kids can try stuff out without repercussions. I know of kids who've flirted with being trans, then tried using a non-binary label, then come to the natural conclusion they were maybe just gay. And vice versa.

Contrary to popular belief, nobody is forcing them to be anything (except sometimes unaccepting parents) and they're given the space to try gender identities on like tshirts, if you like, and see what fits them best. I know several trans women who've not had surgery and never will. It's enough to live as a woman without having surgery. I know a trans woman who's lived full time as a woman for over 30 years. She's had top surgery, but not bottom. She's happy.

Trans people are no more a threat than gay people are. Or straight people for that matter. They're just people who want to live their lives and be happy. Fall in love and get married and all that shit, just like you.
People are too scared to speak up about it,
Are they? I hear a lot of people doing just that. You're doing it, you can't be that scared. And what is it you're scared of, people not agreeing with you?

You sound like the racists who moan about not being able to offend anyone any more.
you're quite happy to put tampon machines in schoolboys toilets? (mmmmm ok)
Who does it hurt?
Do you know what is really sad about this situation, it's that there are girls, (young people with viginas, just to be clear) are living in such poverty that their parents can't even afford sanitary products, but hey, each to his, her her's, them's,, he's own.
I think you'll find you spell it vaginas. And poverty is a whole separate issue.
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Rowling is known for her trans-exclusionary radical feminism. For which there is really not much to be said. It might as well be lesbian-exclusionary.
Rowling's case is truly tragic. I used to respect and admire her. Not anymore. Honestly, people get so upset over things that don't affect them, and she's a prime example. If a transwoman is using the next stall, how does that affect you? They just want to relieve themselves like you. Given that women like to go to the bathroom in groups, presumably at least in part for protection, she might even be able to protect you and vice versa. So what's the issue? You're afraid that she'll know more about men or makeup and you'll look bad or whatever? She'll know more gossip than you or something, Rowling? What's the issue?
It's hard to separate the artist from the issue when its current.

They should avoid any politics period.

But, they're human too...
This issue is another kind of TDS....Trans Derangement Syndrome. It's turning previously somewhat reasonable people, like J.K. Rowling and Tulsi Gabbard, from progressives into something else. I view Tulsi in particular as a tragic figure, as in an ancient Greek tragedy kind of thing, once a better person, now undone by her personal demons. This trans issue is a large part of her shift rightward. To see someone go from voting for the Equality Act and having a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign to authoring anti-trans bills in Congress....yeah, that's just ugly.
Then again, one side also uses it as cudgel and cries foul "not fair" when its target takes up shield...
I'm still waiting to find out what they want the government to give them/do for them. Expecting an answer is not unreasonable.
I'm still waiting to find out what they want the government to give them/do for them. Expecting an answer is not unreasonable.
ok, how about treat them with the same decency and respect and rights as any other person?

that's not too much to ask, it should be a given.
I'm still waiting to find out what they want the government to give them/do for them. Expecting an answer is not unreasonable.
Legal recognition of their psychological gender, in any matter where gender identity is legally relevant.

That's the most government can do. The real problem here is the culture.
Legal recognition of their psychological gender, in any matter where gender identity is legally relevant.
I'm flashing on an episode of L&O: SVU where a trans woman plea-bargains a manslaughter charge -- and then finds out she's going to a men's prison. The predictable happens.
I'm flashing on an episode of L&O: SVU where a trans woman plea-bargains a manslaughter charge -- and then finds out she's going to a men's prison. The predictable happens.
Rape and/or murder. I'm trying to recall. I like how they covered the difference between cisgender brains and transgender brains, btw.
Legal recognition of their psychological gender, in any matter where gender identity is legally relevant.

That's the most government can do. The real problem here is the culture.
Nope, not going to happen.
Legal recognition of their psychological gender, in any matter where gender identity is legally relevant.

That's the most government can do. The real problem here is the culture.
Their psychological problems are their own, not a matter for the law or society at large.
You sound like the racists who moan about not being able to offend anyone any more.

Who does it hurt?
One can picture the traumatized MAGA mindset:
"Consarn it! We can't hate the n-words anymore, y'all made it illegal.
We can't even hate on the homos anymore, even though Jesus Himself said 'hate the sin, annihilate the sinner' in the Bible...y'all made that illegal too (so much for 'freedom of religion', amiright?)
You gotta at least let us hate on the trannies!"
Rape and/or murder. I'm trying to recall. I like how they covered the difference between cisgender brains and transgender brains, btw.
She was raped, as I recall, shortly after arrival. She had not yet had the surgery, so NY law still classified her as male -- a men's prison was the only kind she could go to.
male transgender wrestling athlete whose image was used by cruz in a transphobic ad plans to sue

the ad complains about the unfairness of 'allowing' 'boys' to fight 'girls' in sports, using an image of Beggs in 2018. cruz fails to mention that Beggs WANTED to fight in the male category but because of the state policies he wasn't allowed to; the wrestlers had to compete under the gender that appeared on their birth certificates.

“The Republican Party messed up and they know what they’re doing,” Beggs told Lonestar Live. “You can’t just go around throwing around false narratives when this is literally what y’all asked for.”

He only became aware of the ad when people brought it to his attention. He plans to take action in court, and is talking with lawyers.
you go, Beggs... sue that sleazeball :heart: