Looks like transgenders are going to have to go through everything gays did

Nope, not going to happen.

Their psychological problems are their own, not a matter for the law or society at large.
Note, they demand that which already exists under current law...

... as if it simply did not exist. Do we need a double, super-secret, double-knot set of hyper-rites?
It has been submitted and there is empirical evidence, that transitioning, sex-changing and cross-dressing, whatever the aberrant (scientific use) behavior, never addresses the underlying issues driving unhappiness and dissatisfaction, in short, to the modern-day liberal, these people are more important as a symbol than a cause...

I do not want to understand you and to help you, I want to use you to advance my cause.

We will make .0001% of the population important.

Cross us at your own peril.
It has been submitted and there is empirical evidence, that transitioning, sex-changing and cross-dressing, whatever the aberrant (scientific use) behavior, never addresses the underlying issues driving unhappiness and dissatisfaction, in short, to the modern-day liberal, these people are more important as a symbol than a cause...

I do not want to understand you and to help you, I want to use you to advance my cause.

We will make .0001% of the population important.

Cross us at your own peril.
That's been known, and documented for years now. What is responsible for the latest surge in recruiting minors for the drugs and medical procedures? Follow the money, it's enshrined in ObamaCare.
It has been submitted and there is empirical evidence, that transitioning, sex-changing and cross-dressing, whatever the aberrant (scientific use) behavior, never addresses the underlying issues driving unhappiness and dissatisfaction
That's a lie.
We need better mental health, but we've been over the root cause for years...

... the unfortunate housing of a natural constituency that needs "protection."
We tried housing the mentally ill and the Left fought long and hard to free them in defense of their personal liberty.

They didn't get a trial!

Yeah, right. Ronnie Raygun dismantled the mental health system first in his home state of California and then he finished the job for the nation when he entered the White House.

If they’d stop building a few bombers for a year or so and started building mental hospitals you’d see the homeless crisis fade and eventually disappear.

J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking out on Sex and Gender Issues

For anyone who wants to know what JK Rowling actually thinks and says about Trans Issues. She addresses the Terf accusation, too.
i read it

Seems to me, as the mother of a trans woman, Rowling is speaking out about her opinions because of the backlash she's received and her opinions are based on her personal psychological battles as a teenager and the attack she suffered in her twenties. It has certainly, in my view, promoted the use of the lens she views these issues with. She has a right to her views.

What she doesn't have the right to do—without expecting backlash—is allow her own biases to colour how she promotes trans-exclusionary sports and other issues whilst making herself a martyr who actually loves trans folk and fears for their safety. Her promotion of lies makes trans kids LESS safe.

I feel she's using her talents as a writer to eloquently sane-wash/excuse/persuasively reason the posts and things she's said and, what is worse, using her involvement with specific charities as some kind of validation. I don't believe it does any of those things. Just because she's a good writer doesn't mean she's justified in openly trampling the lives of trans folk with her own views under the guise of 'deep concern for them'. Her claims about 'extensive research' proving that 60%-90% of dysmorphic teens 'growing out of' it are wild. It is true that a lot of dysmorphic teens give up on the journey to full transition, it's more due to the difficulties placed in their way by the system, by parents, by their peers, the workplace and more. The journey is long, tedious, and often hard and that's without even all of the other problems posed by the people/things I just mentioned. A lot of these teens she quotes—and the numbers she cites are not exactly lucid, there being rather a large gap between 60 and 90 percent—simply give up because it's too hard, and go on to live under the radar, 'accepted' more for 'being gay' or as having been 'a confused teenager now come to their senses'.

Do I agree she should have been threatened or vilified with the kind of hatred she claims to have received? No, not at all, but she cannot blame people for not wanting to work with her or read more by her or even be associated with her when she so openly tramples on the reality of all those who are actually trans and whose lives she clearly doesn't have much of a clue about.

At the end of the day, if she is as concerned about any man just saying he's a woman so as to be able to be able to threatened 'natal' women and girls in bathrooms, perhaps she would be better using her influence to bring back bathroom attendants. I wonder how much she's studied the prevalence (or lack of) sexual attacks in the countries that simply use non-gender-segregated bathrooms? The definition of a gender-neutral bathroom is the kind you find in all your own homes and public establishments with single use units. And one other thing, while I'm about it: what IS it with the USA and such short bathroom doors? Maybe just by having doors that reach closer to the ground and taller would mean less fear of the 'peeping creepers', or is it because people need to be able to escape easier in case of a random gunman?

Irrelevant. Transgenders are not mentally ill.
like every single facet of any population, there will be some who are mentally unwell... that isn't a quality of being trans, it's a quality of being human. Given the fact that the 'straight' members of society far outnumber the trans members, it's safe to say there are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more mentally ill non-trans than trans walking the streets.
Well, that certainly makes it easier to spew bullshit about her unsupported by the actual facts. Nice tactic!

Ok, I give. What bullshit did I spew about J.K. Fucking Rowling? Because I don’t really see where I said a damn thing about her.