Lord Pmann wants to discuss Sapiosexuals

Give a dude a break. I’m one hand typing on the phone while I’ve got @Trekka ’s profile on the computer.

For gods sake, I can only do so much at one time!!
Cool, I was just being multi generational aware.

Give me a few to get the camcorder hooked up to the desktop and I’m good to go.

Btw, I do like it when women moan the most recent inflation targeted econometric theory while deep throating. Just a suggestion, feel free to do your own thang.

Ha, seriously, you want sex, econometrics, and Fed policy? Step right over here... 😂😂😂

This is clearly my thread.
Ha, seriously, you want sex, econometrics, and Fed policy? Step right over here... 😂😂😂

This is clearly my thread.

What is this Fred Policy of which you speak? Who the fuck is he????

Also, your post made me think of a new area of study called Sexonomics.
What is this Fred Policy of which you speak? Who the fuck is he????

Also, your post made me think of a new area of study called Sexonomics.
Dude. Money was created to pay for hookers instead of giving them a chicken. See, wives noticed when every Friday night their husbands were “going to the tavern” that a chicken went missing. So dudes got smart, invented money, then it was easier to pay the hookers.

Plus, the hookers didn’t have to have a hen house outside the ho house. Win win for everyone.

Which all leads to the fact that economics is really just a pc term for sexonomics.

You’re welcome.
Dude. Money was created to pay for hookers instead of giving them a chicken. See, wives noticed when every Friday night their husbands were “going to the tavern” that a chicken went missing. So dudes got smart, invented money, then it was easier to pay the hookers.

Plus, the hookers didn’t have to have a hen house outside the ho house. Win win for everyone.

Which all leads to the fact that economics is really just a pc term for sexonomics.

You’re welcome.

Ultimately, Malthus wasn't wrong.
Dude. Money was created to pay for hookers instead of giving them a chicken. See, wives noticed when every Friday night their husbands were “going to the tavern” that a chicken went missing. So dudes got smart, invented money, then it was easier to pay the hookers.

Strip clubs also led to its invention. You see, shoving a chicken in the stripper’s g-string was proving to be difficult. And making it rain with chickens became a feathery mess.
So does one need to have a college degree to be attracted by a sapiosexual?
I actually applied to work at a strip club once. I'm glad the manager realized I was way out of his league. :)
What makes someone intelligent to a sapiosexual? Does one just have to be able to challenge their perspective, have a level of rationality and/or can keep up with you in conversation?
I see a lot of people who refer to themselves as sapiosexual. Now, being backwards and unaware of such things, I decided to do some research.

So I grabbed my First Edition DSM, and tried to read up. There was nothing (except to find many of you heathens suffer from mental illness). Then I go to Wikipedia and it says it’s somebody who is attracted to smart people. 🤔 Urban Dictionary and it’s authors confirm (Stankdick, 2019 & FingeringFannies, 2022).

Well, fuck me sideways, but is intelligence not a universally attractive quality? Is anyone attracted to some dumbfuck, based on the fact that they are unintelligent? I feel like everyone should be a sapiosexual.

Tell me… who among you are sapiosexuals who would explain what’s special about it? Do you just really get turned on by intelligence? If so, why are you still here at Lit? 🧐

Furthermore, is anyone out there willing to admit they’re attracted to window lickers? I know some of you are, because I see the Listers with whom you’ve paired up.

Please discuss.
So do you literally get at least somehat aroused listening to certain people who are at least somewhat attractive talk about really deeply technical topics with no sexual content and nothing sexual about the situation?
So do you literally get at least somehat aroused listening to certain people who are at least somewhat attractive talk about really deeply technical topics with no sexual content and nothing sexual about the situation?
Uh, no.
Is that unusual?
So do you literally get at least somehat aroused listening to certain people who are at least somewhat attractive talk about really deeply technical topics with no sexual content and nothing sexual about the situation?
I find myself really attracted to people who have invested time and energy into getting really good at something; knowledge and skills. I'm a bit of a sucker for those we call nerds
I find myself really attracted to people who have invested time and energy into getting really good at something; knowledge and skills. I'm a bit of a sucker for those we call nerds
"I don't even have any good skills. You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills!”- Napoleon Dynamite
I find myself really attracted to people who have invested time and energy into getting really good at something; knowledge and skills. I'm a bit of a sucker for those we call nerds
I actually am a nerd and I like nerds, but I don't only like nerds.
That is interesting about knowledge or skills. Is it literally arousing or does it just improve your perception of them?
I am asking because extreme intelligence of certain type actually literally turns me on and I think that is what they are talking about when they say sapiosexual. Also adding that that is not the only thing that does and it is not a standard that I hold people to or judge people by so I think it is different than what Pmann seems to be talking about.