Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

John knew Sandra was right. He needed to give her time to be alone and process what she saw and heard. "Thank you," he said giving her a little kiss and then headed to the shower. As the water flowed over his body, cleansing it of the cake Allison must have brought, he thought about their relationship.

Allison was hell bent on staying in New York and that was one reason when Sandra and he got close he didn't stay true to his long time girlfriend. He knew it was over when he returned from New York and was planning to talk to her when they saw each other again. Unfortunately it happened sooner than he thought and not in the way he wanted it to end.

He also thought about her family that he had come to know so well over the years. He loved her mother who would do anything for him and her father was very friendly too. But it was her brothers and her best friend, Samantha, who he was not so sure about. Her brothers had, over the years, made it clear that they didn't really care for him and Samantha definitely had some misgivings about him even though he tried to be nice to all of them. He wondered if and of the boys and Samantha would try to make him pay for hurting Allison.

After the shower, he dressed, thanking Sandra again for being such a good friend cleaning up the mess in the kitchen. They headed out to the local bar and he noticed, Sandra was more touchy feely than usual. In the past, when they were in public, even though they were together, they didn't show any signs of affection. But tonight, they held hands in the booth and with occassional touches under the table as if to reassure each other that they were not going to break up.

At one point, John leaned over and kissed her on the lips in public, something he never did in the past except when they were in a place no one knew them. "Thank you for being you Sandra and staying by my side. I love you and I want you to know that no matter what happens with Allison and her family, it's you I really love. I've come to know that over the past few months. And I hope you feel the same way too."

He held her hand under the table and waited for her to answer. She said she wanted to talk and he felt it best to get their feelings for each other out on the table. He hoped the events of today didn't sour what she had been telling him for weeks.

Also he hoped she’d stay the night after experiencing Allison’s anger firsthand. He needed her companionship more than ever but he also understood if she wanted to go back to apartment.


Jack went to bed early, reading some information about the electonic manufacturing companies. He knew he had to take a trip to visit them. He hoped Allison would be back in a couple of days so he could make the arrangements. Tomorrow was Thursday and he had a lot of other business matters to take care of.

He hoped she was having a good time and looked forward to hearing from her tomorrow. Just for good measure, he tried calling her again and heard the call go directly to voicemail. As he laid his head on the pillow, he wondered if she was spending the night with John. A jealous feeling came over him and he tried to push it to the back of his mind. Maybe she turned her phone off when she was with him so she wasn't distracted. The thought lingered in his head as he tried to fall asleep.
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⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫Sandra ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫

Sandra knew what he needed and how to support him when he was down about Alliosn but she was happy the rollercoaster had finally stop and she could be with John how she truly wanted to be without people asking or wondering about Allison whem they were together, theyve been sleeling around for months but now she could be his officially.

She felt comfort hearing his words of reassurance that he loved her and not Allison and she knew he did but never said it, but the two of them had also drank a bit and she joked with him to tell her again when he was sober.

They went back to his and Allison place for the night and finished what they started before Allison had interrupted but tonight seemed differnet thean the sex they usually had and she hoped he wasnt thinking about her.

The next morningnshe left earky for her class telling John she woukd call and they could meet at her place kissing him before going not knowing Allies best friend had caught that exchange and waited till she drove off to confront John.


Samantha had been worried noone could through to Allison not even her parents. She drove to her place thinking maybe she and John had been doing some reminiscing and catching up and she parked outside trying to call again when she parked.

She sighed and ran her fingers through her head it had been almost 20 hours since she hasnt heard from her, it wasnt like her best friend and she fekt someting was off.

She glanced up that their place seeing John kissing some brunette chicjk, she was cute but not Allison for sure and the sight made her blood boil. She wanted to drag the woman but she put into her car too fast and she nearly flew up the stairs and banged on the door angrily " Open this door right Fucking now John! Where is Allison?!" She said furious

Somerhing had to happen, she knew Allison wasnt into women so it was im possible they had a threesome with that girl which meant John had been cheating brazenly in their face.

He opened the door and she pushed past him to get into the place looking around for allison making sure she wasnt tied up or Anything then she stormed over slapping John angrily.

" You seriously are a piece of shit! How could you do this to her?" Sam said refraining from shedding tears for her friend " She found out right? I felt you were up to something and never told her because of how much she loved you and was working on you two futures and you spat in her fucking face! Youve been fucking stringing her along for years you asshole, always one excuse after another, we havent heard from or seen Allison in 20 hours! Her mother is scared and sent me to check if she was here .... what did you do? Where is she?
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John woke up on Thursday morning, seeing Sandra sleeping peacefully just as he had yesterday. But today was totally different. Yesterday they made love in the early evening only to be caught by his long time lover, Allison. He rememberd her anger and then he and Sandra went to bar and had a few drinks. He was so grateful to Sandra for helping him but he was still sad this morning, knowing that yesterday's events were not how he wanted to end the relationship with Allison.

When they returned from the bar, their lovemaking was not the urgent need that seemed to always happen between them. It was more loving and caring and he felt a new sense of love with Sandra.

It was still clear to him that she would never come back and probably never go with him when he finished med school. Her boss seemed to have web thrown around her and she was not going to leave New York or his company any soon.

He saw her stirring and leaned over, kissing her softly until she was wide awake and smiling at him. "You told me I had to tell you I love you when I was sober. Well I'm sober this morning and I meant every word I said last night ..... I love you very much Sandra."

Her wide smile said it all as they kissed before getting up and get ready for classes. They agreed they would stay at her place since it didn't make sense for him to stay here. At the door, he kissed her and then watched as she got in her car and drove away.

John was gathering his books for class when he heard a loud banging on the door and someone shouting "Open this door right Fucking now John! Where is Allison?!"

It was Samantha, Allison's best friend pushing past him and looking around. He saw the same anger he saw yesterday when Allison caught him and Sandra fucking. She was livid, screaming that he was a piece of shit and how could he do this to her? She accused him of being caught and how Allison loved him and was working hard on their futures and then accusing him of stringing her along for years.

He didn't like Samantha much. She was uncontrollable when she was in her bitchy mood and now she was beyond that as she told him Allison had been missing for over 20 hours and her mother was scared and sent her to check up on her.

"I honestly don't know where she is! She was here yesterday and left and I don't know where she went." He ignored her comment about cheating on Allison and began to get angry himself. As far as he was concerned, Allison brought all this on her by not wanting to come back to home.

"Why don't you ask her boss .... the one she seemed to be very attached and fascinated with when I was in New York. I saw the way she talked about him. Maybe she decided he was better for her. For all I know she drove back to New York and is with her new lover."

John was getting more aggitated with Samantha "Tell Mrs. James to call him because that's probably where she ran off to. Now get the fuck out of my apartment." He pushed her to the door and when she was outside he slammed the door shut.

When he was alone, he muttered, "What the fuck did you do John?" He felt an overwhelming sadness as he picked up his book bag and headed out the door, seeing Samantha's car speeding out of the parking lot.

Jack woke up to bright sunshine coming in the bedroom from cracks in the drapes. He immediately looked at his phone, seeing no message or voicemail from Allie. His smile turned to a frown as he thought of her and John probably spending the night together.

He showered, dressed and went down to see Charles making breakfast. They exchanged pleasantries and as he ate, he felt his relationship with Allie was over. There was no other reason for her to not call or text when she said she would. It could only mean one thing ...... she and John had patched things up between them and he half expected to get a call telling him she was no longer employed and was planning to move back to the Cleveland area.

Jessica's call, telling him he had a conference call with the Vegas group about the casino project shook him out of his thoughts. He went to his study for the conference call and figured his relationship with Allie was over..
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⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫Samantha ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫

Samantha was pissed as instead of John owning up to it he started accusing Allison of running back to New York and being with her boss and New lover and it infuriated her more.

He pushed her out and slammed the door and she screamed " You are a Jackass John!" kicking the door before storming off. She couldnt believe how heartless he was being, had he barely felt anything for her friend all this time? She knew he didnt care much for her or Allisons brothers but Allison had loved him with everything she had and lit up with happiness whenever she spoke about John.

She felt her eyes fill with tears , she was scared and hurt for Allison, she knew she wouldnt hurt herself but with all the stress shes been under with John the move and living alone in the city and their futures, it seemed she was the onky one who saw them still working out and she hated that Allison took the brunt of it and tried to do whatever it took to keep John and anyone else happy even of that meant she was hurting secretly.

She punched the wheel frustrated and felt her tears fall, she hoped Alliison fucked her boss and if she didnt she would push for it even if it was just a rebound fuck to get over John, she googled images of Jack Wolfe and he was fucking hot, she felt Allie mightve had a little crush the way she spoke about him being so kind and nice with her and she knew from that necklace she said he gave her as a thank you that Jack Wolfe definitely had to be attracted to or liked Allison somewhat, there was thought behind the necklace she saw on facetime and she knew he was loaded , it would be a huge upgrade from John for her even if Allison hadnt cared about money or materialistic things .

She tried calling her again praying she picked up not knowing what her friend was thinking and then, she decided to call her place in new york and then called her office then finally was patched through to Mr Wolfe's personal liepne when she said it was a personal business matter.

She wanted to keep things underwrap until she actually knew allison was ok and not scare her family more.


Allisons thoughts were a jumble right now, she was extremely hurt John had done that to her, if he didnt want her anymore why give her false hope? Why make her look so stupid working for them when he didnt care half as much.

Was she not pretty enough? Was she not as thick as Sandra was? Was she too small? Her mind wandered to the body of the woman she saw john fucking and who he now loved and she felt herself comparing for a while and got sadder and sadder, she knew she and John were through , she didnt want him back seeing he went all the way,he probably had broken their promise tonstay true to each other long before she found out and maybe even before she left for new york and that was another stab to the heart.

She knew she had barely eaten and decided to nibble on some carrots she bought needing something on her stomach besides wine, she knew she couldnt talk to anyone still, everything just felt so numb to her and she had just been going through the motions like she had since she discovered them yesterday, she felt her anxiety in her throat and had hadnt spoken any words after telling John he wouldnt have to worry about seeing her again.

She had meant those words, she wanted to erase everything she did with him, every time they made love, kissed, laughed together and spent time and replace them, replace them withe memories of Jack, a man she felt had truly loved her but she put aside for John and her feelings for him, she felt like such an idiot, and she knew Jack was such a sweetheart it was unfair to him even though the two werent right either, he had seduced her somewhat but she didnt stop him, her attarction to him and her curiousity wanted her two never having been with anyone other than John and the fact that he had been openly sleeping around made her feel worse, like she was a toy or trophy for him.

She thought at first maybe it was Karma for Jack slipping inside accidentally or their other methods of gettingneach other off without the intercourse or maybe her connection she had with Jack and her feelings she developed and the more she thought about all of it she got sadder.

She would apologize and makenit up to Jack whennshe got back to New York, she didnt trust herself with rational decisions right now but she wanted to start over with him if he would let her, and love Jack Wolfe the way he deserved to be loved.

She didnt want him to feel like she did right now, or that he was a second choice or rebound because John cheated, she did love Jack and now , she could tell him when the time was right and figured shed wait until she returned to New York before letting him know she and John were through and that she wanted to give them a shot if he would take her.

She wanted to get her mind off of things for a moment and ecided to check on files on her company laptop knowing it was satellite and coul work almost everywhere , work would keep her mind busy for a moment and she looked into fikes and contracts she had saved seeing some things had been edited with new potential companies wanting to join in on the project in Vegas.
Jack finished the conference call with Jacob and Abby about additional investors into the casino project. He was happy to hear it knowing he and Jacob didn't have to carry the entire project cost. The return on investment was somewhat diminished but then he didn't have to put up so much capital. They asked about Allison and he told them she was visiting her family and should return within a few days. Abby seemed excited, telling him she was really looking forward to seeing her when she visited New York. Jack chuckled remembering how Abby and Allie spent his money in Vegas.

He was putting some revisions on the Vegas project when he received a call from a number he didn't know. He normally didn't answer calls from strange phone numbers but noticed the area code was from Ohio. Answering the call, he heard the female voice on the other end say her name was Samantha and she was a friend of Allison James.

Jack was surprised by the call thinking immediately something happened to Allison. The woman seemed pretty upset asking if Allison was back in New York. Jack told her he didn't know and all he knew was he had called her numerous times and his calls went right to voicemail. Jack asked if anything was wrong and could hear what sounded like muffled sniffles. He instantly felt something was seriously wrong.

Samantha told him how Allison went to see John yesterday afternoon and never returned home. Her and Allison's family thought she spent the night with John but when she didn't call or answer her cell phone, Mrs. James became concerned. She asked Samantha to go to their apartment and she saw John kissing another woman. She relayed the encounter with John with him telling her she was probably back in New York.

He listened to Samantha tell him she was concerned about her and didn't want the family to worry. Jack's brain went over the possibilities that she might be at her apartment. He told her he would go to her place and check to see if she was there and call her. He mentioned it might take a few hours since he was not in the city but at his home. Samantha understood and they agreed to wait and not tell her family anything until he called her back.

Jack thanked her and then called for the helicopter and was told it would take about an hour to get to his home. He was anxious as he waited, calling Allison's cell phone and hearing her voice as it went directly to voicemail again.

A few hours later, Jack was at her apartment and upon entering he noticed some things still out on the counter from when he was there. He called Samantha and told her Allison was not at the loft.

While talking to Allison's best friend, he had an idea but it would take some time. He told her to talk to her parents and tell them he was looking into a way to contact her. Samantha asked what it was but Jack declined to tell her and get her hopes up.

Jack was concerned not only for Allison but for her family. He knew first hand when his younger sister wandered off and the family thought the worse. It was better for Samantha tell them they thought she was on her way to New York.

Calliing his IT department, he told them the situation and they promised to try and find a signal from her company phone. It was early evening and the department, working overtime, found a faint signal from a cell tower south of Cleveland.

Jack called Samantha and told her he was pretty sure he knew her approximate location and to tell her mother and father that he was going to check it out. He would contact her with more information once he knew more. Samantha was very appreciative of his efforts and Jack knew he had to find Allison.

He called Brad and Jennifer and told them to have the plane ready to go as soon as possible. About an hour later, It was getting dark when his private jet took off for the flight to an airport south of Cleveland. He was nervous and hoped Allison was ok as he looked out into the night sky.

The IT department said they would work through the night trying to triangulate the signal and keep him abreast of what they found. He knew now that when he found her, her family would be relieved and he would tell her his true feelings.
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Allison had spent the day wonderung how she could move forward from this, she hardly ate the past two days because of her anxiety and knew she wwould have to call and explain to everyone tomorrow that she had not answered because she needed space and that she and John were finished.

She knew they would want to know why, especially her parents and his who had loved how sweet Allison was with John but she didn't know what he was going to tell his folks but she knew she would return to her place at a time she knew he was in class, remove her things from their place and leave anything that reminded her of him, she would even sign the apartment over to his name, or sell it if they wanted, she wasnt sure what to do and really didnt want to face john right now even though she knew he wanted to talk, she just didnt want to hear the details of how he fell for someone else or how sorry he was, it woukd make her feel even worse because she knew he would try to blame her like he normally did and sighed at that, she was tired and it was all pointless now.

She decided to take a quick dip in the private lake figuring it was warm enough and was sadly mistaken shivering from the cold of it and quickky heading back in to shower.

She checked the files again and sensed Jack had had a meeting and would fill her in when she returned. She beat herself upmabout her situation with him as well, they were really great friends and lovers right now and their last time together had felt like neither of them wanted it to end but would accept the outcome of this trip knowing her boyfriend would be here. Allison was fully ready to travel back and forth between new york and Cleveland if that was the extreme or negotiate more visits to John but that time would never come and John hadnt fought for them like she had been doing, the kiss with Jack had been a drunken thingbeven though it felt good she was prepared to pretend it didnt happen, but Vegas changed everything quickly.

She and Jack burned hotter and hotter when they were around each other and right now she missed him, he had been there for her in every way but she had refrained from sharing much about her relationship with john because it was a touchy subject and she knew how they were statrting to feel about each other .

She remembered how he felt inside of her and how sorry he felt it happened because he knew she trusted him. She teared up, she would spend her next days making up to him and show him how much she appreciated his kindness with her.

Allison had no idea however how worried she had him at the moment and that he was on his way to the private luxury cabin. She had hardly gotten rest and felt sleepy and decided the least she could do was nap and the when she woke up she might go for a run on the shore to relax.
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Jack looked at his watch seeing it was almost nine when Jennifer told him they were almost ready to lane. The latest information from the IT department was that the signal was coming from a cell tower about an hour south of the airport.

He called Samantha from the plane, telling her he had an idea of where she was but not an exact location. He asked for the name of the car rental company thinking they might have gps trackers on their vehicles.

Samantha told him her parents couldn't figure out how he could find her when he was in New York and her phone was probably turned off. She confessed she was not telling them everything, not telling them he was on his way and didn't want to get their hopes up. They did however appreciate his efforts to track her cell phone and they figured he would turn over the information to state police to follow up. She also told him her father had talked to the local police department and if she was not found by tomorrow morning, they would file a missing person's report.

Jack asked if any of the family talked to John about what happened. Samantha told him Mr. James called him a few times and he did not answer his phone. Her brothers tried calling and they got a message saying his voicemail was full and they could not leave a message. There was a pause in their conversation and she told Jack the brothers went to his apartment but he wasn’t home. Her parents called his parents since they were long time friends and they didn't know where he was if he wasn’t at his apartment.

Jack thanked Samantha and then called the rental car company, finding out they didn’t have gps trackers on their vehicles. He asked the employee to give him information about the rental. He was reluctant and then Jack told the young man he was her husband and was concerned about her not showing up at her parents. Jack could tell the man was suspicious, asking questions about information she put on the rental application such as birthdate and who to notify. Jack remembered the birthdate from her resume and guessed correctly that the person to notify was her mother, telling the man he was in New York and she was visiting her family. Finally the man relented and gave Jack teh information just as they began to land.

Shortly after nine in the evening, Jack was in a rental heading south toward what he hoped was a reunion with Allison. It had been a long two days and as he drove, he kept in constant contact with the IT department not wanting to have to keep calling them for updates. From his rough calculations he was about 30 minutes from the tower and now the only thing needed was to pinpoint the exact location.

When he close to the cell tower, he stopped at a convience store and showed the attendant a picture of Allison, asking if he had seen her. The young man didn't recall and Jack knew they had cameras inside and outside. Just as with the rental car company, he finally convinced the man to see the backup tapes after he called the store's owner. His heart leap when he saw she had visited the store and purchased some items. Jack thanked the man, now convinced he was close to where she was hiding.

Now it was just a matter of the IT department to locate her exact location. Gina, the young IT employee, called just as he got into the car, telling him they had used some global positioning data and they were 90% sure the signal was coming from a place near a lake. Jack, instantly was excited, putting the address into the car's gps and hoping they had the right address.

It was a little after 10 pm when he turned off the main highway and down a narrow road paved with stone. He smiled seeing a vehicle resembling the information from the rental company. There were no lights on in cabin in the woods only the front porch light. Jack noted it was bathed in the light of the full moon and in the distance the moon cast its shadow on the water. He smiled thinking this is just the kind of place she would pick to get away from everything.

He looked around at the landscape as he approached the front door. He wasn't sure what to do as it was apparent she didn't hear the car pull up. He couldn't call her since her phone was off so he knocked hard on the wooden door, yelling, "ALLISON ..... IT'S JACK." There was no sound of anyone inside and he banged again, ready to break down the door if need be to find her. "ALLISON .... IT'S JACK." He waited breathless thinking her heard something from inside. He wondered if she was ignoring him as waited impatiently, ready to start banging on the door again.
Allison had just returned into the house after relaxing listening to an audiobook on the back deck that displayed the woods and lake ahe heard a banging inside the cabin through her earphones and took them out when she heard another banging.

" ALLISON .... IT'S JACK " she paused for a moment in shock that he had found her and appeared here, she tried to find the most comfortable and secluded place she could she placed her kindle down and gathered herself a moment before walking to the door not wanting to worry him.

She wore a casual white tee with no bra , the necklace hed given her because it reminded her of him and she was feeling lonely and mini yoga shorts she found comfortable with her hair up in a ponytail.

She opened the door seeing the worry on his face and felt terrible about it " Jack I-" she couldn't even finish her sentance as he lifted her up in his arms znd held her tight a s if she would disappear and moved them into the cabin closing the door behind him.

Allie couldn't believe he was really there and she held him back her tears welling up again happy to see him it had been nearly 5 days now, the first she the day she left, the day she spent with family, the day she went to see John, her two days of isolation and now it was near 11 pm and almost another day.

 She stroked his hair softly feeling the stress melt from him a bit as he held her like he didnt want to let go both silent for a moment while they embraced each other.

She felt the tears she was holding fall but these were tears full of emotion but some of surprise and happiness hed really been there and she figured Sam mustve been worried terribly and reached out.

"Im sorry ive been gone... I just... alot has happened i had to escape" she said softly
Words failed to spill from Jack's mouth when he saw the cabin door open seeing Allison standing just inside the door frame staring at him with a surprised look. He heard her say "Jack I-" but he never gave her a chance to say another syllable, picking her up off her feet and caring her into the cabin. He held her so tight, so happy to know that she was alive and safe.

He continued to hold her, his tongue definitely tied in knots, just looking at her tear stained cheeks while she softly brushed his hair as he just gazed into her bright emerald eyes made sparkly by the water covering them. And while he didn't want to ever let go of her, he felt her arms pulling just as hard, their bodies crushing together.

He saw tears in her eyes and she surely saw the tears in his eyes forming before dripping onto his cheeks. He tried to smile through the tears wanting nothing more than to hold her and never let her go.

He was about to speak when she told him, "Im sorry ive been gone... I just... alot has happened i had to escape"

He wiped a tear from her cheeks. "I know all about it Allie. Your good friend Samantha called me and told me about what happened between you and John. We have been talking constantly ever since she got my private line." He stopped talking and laughed through the tears in his eyes. "I'm going to have a talk with Jessica about giving out my private information to strangers," he teased and then laughed again.

After wiping another tear from her cheeks, he smiled. "You were hard to find and it took a lot of people and resources helping me and Samantha. But we did and I'm so happy to have found you and I will tell you all about it." he smiled And then the urge to kiss her overtook any other words he could say, leaning down to kiss her softly that quickly turned into a much more heated kiss and embrace. The kiss lasted a long time and when they finally broke the seal, they were both breathing hard.

"Allie, there a lot of people worried about you. The first thing you need to do is call Samantha and your mother and tell them you are safe and with me." He thought for a moment, tears starting to dry on his cheeks. "Tell them we will be back in Cleveland in a few days. You and I have so much to talk about and I don't want anyone .... business or pleasure to interfere with us."

He pushed her back until she was at arms length from him. Staring directly in her eyes, he said what he promised himself he would tell her. "I love you Allison James."
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Allison felt guilty about how worried she had everyone and she would apologize a million times for making them worry, it had been the first time shed actually been selfish and thought of noine but herself in a long time and she realized it wasn't only dangerous it was wrong to scare them like that.

Sam had always been there for her ever since 5th grade when she moved to Ohio with her dad, Sams mom had passed in an accident and the two had been close ever since. She would have to do something special for her best friend because she knew how hard she mustve been having it if she reached out to call Jack.

She chuckled softly tears in both of their eyes about Jessica giving out information and said " Sam is quite convincing, she probably came up with something very smart to get patched directly to you" she giggled and sighed.

"Im sorry i caused so much trouble.. i didnt mean to make everyone that worried..." she said and heard him say how much it took for him and Sam to find her and that hed tell her about it someday.

He leaned in and kissed her softly and she returned it and it got deeper and more loving and heated as they continued and she could feel all the meotiin in their embrace. When they stopped they both were breathing hard.

He told her everyone was worried and she should call Sam and her mother to let them know she was ok and with him and that they would be back in Cleveland in a few days. She wasnt sure how to break the news to her family just yet about John because she was certain they hadnt known if Sam had been looking alone.

He told her he had alot tomtalk with her about and she knew she did as well and that he didnt want anyone to interfere with them.

He pushed her back looking at her seriously and lovingly and said " I love you Allison James "

Allison held his hand and picked it up kissing it softly her heart squeezing at hearing the words and a smile formed on her face " I love you too Jack Wolfe..." she said and leaned in kissing him softly.

She pulled back and said " I want us to start over though, do this properly so i can love you even better and without any obstacles, we still have alot to discuss, but right now i just want to let you know how haooy i am youre here and how much i missed you... i nearly wanted to come back once i saw my brother, im sorry for hurting you, it was unfair and i know it wasnt on purpose , things between us just happened so fast, but ill spend every day making up to you baby, and show you how much now that we dont have anything stopping us.."
Jack felt a surge of love when after telling Allison he loved her, she kissed his hand and then held it to her heart, saying in a soft voice, " I love you too Jack Wolfe..." The kiss that followed was just a soft and loving as the first and Jack held her tenderly in his arms.

He smiled when she told him they should start over and do this properly so she could love him with no obstacles in their way. She agreed they had a lot to discuss but she was so happy he was here and how she missed him.

He wiped another tear from her cheek, hearing her say she wanted to come back and was sorry for hurting him and how it was unfair but she didn't do it on purpose.

"I'll hold you to making it up every day to me baby," he laughed ..... "and I'll do the same to you ..... showing you how much I love you."

Jack spied her cell phone on the kitchen counter picked it up. Turning it on, he held it out to her. "First things first honey ..... call Samantha and tell her you're alright. She can fill you in on her visit to see John yesterday morning and from what she told me, she is quite the user of spicy language."

He saw a look of concern on her face. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her forehead and then a quick soft kiss. "Allie, your parents know something happened from talking to Samantha. I know your dad tried to call him and so did your brothers. And from she told me, they made a personal visit to see him and he wasn't home."

The look in her eyes still showed doubt in calling her mom. "Listen Allie ..... the sooner they know you are ok the better you and they are going to feel. You know they love you and I have a feeling they already know what happened and they are only concerned about your well being and safety."

"It's such a beautiful night with the moon shining on the lake." He guided her to the front porch where there was a pair of wicker chairs. "I'll be right here holding your hand," he said as he waited for her to make the calls.
Allie smiled softly as he wiped a tear from her cheek comforting her and then telling her he promised to do the same and show her how much he loved her. She saw he had eyed her cell phone which was on the counter which she had held several times wanting to turn it on but notnhaving the courage to and she saw he turned it on and handed it to her.

"First things first honey ..... call Samantha and tell her you're alright. She can fill you in on her visit to see John yesterday morning and from what she told me, she is quite the user of spicy language " he said

She blushed and giggled slightly " Im sorry about that Sam doesnt hold back when shes upset i promise shes not like that all the time" she sighed. She decided to facetime her instead and she didnt even have to wait a minute before her friend answered and tears began to flow " Allison i was so scared, you have no idea the thoughts i had" she said after she finally got sam to calm down " Im happy Jack was just as persistent as me you better show him your appreciation tonight Allison and you know what i mean" her friend said and laughed when she blushed .

"Jesus Sam you waste no time Jack is right next to me! " she said blushing more and making her friend cackle louder and thank Jack loud enough he could hear her they ended the call with Sam saying shed tell her everything over lunch when she got back in Cleveland and she could make it up that way and she nodded knowing that was fair enough and she would treat her best friend to whatever she wanted.

Next she called her parents and explained the breakup to them and apologized for fleeing like that. Her mother was sweet telling her she made a rationally irrational decison and it was her first heartbreak so she understood and would talk to her more when she came home, her dad shocked her , it was the first she'd seen him cry and she felt even worse " Dad im so sorry..I-" she began but he stopped her.

" Allison youre my angel , my only baby girl, the next time you run away, run here, run where we can find you, i cant deal with the thought of something happening to you" she nodded and he mustve seen Jack beside her and said " Thank you young man, when you return with Allie id like to talk and thank you properly, he brothers are out right now, but when you two come i hope we can all sit and knowneach other face to face" he said and told them to get rest because it was late being a usual dad.

She chuckled wishing them goodnight and telling them she would be there in a few days when the rental was over. She turned looking to Jack who still held her hand and leaned over kissing him, it was much kess nerve racking with him there with her " Thank you baby, im happy you were here with me for this"
Jack watched Allie punch Samantha's speed dial, seeing a look of apprenhension on her face. But that facial expression changed as soon as her best friend's face popped up on facetime. Allie's best friend immdiately told her how scared she was and how he, Jack, was very persistent in finding her location. He could tell they were best friends just by the tone of Samantha's voice and even he blushed a little when she mentioned Allie making sure to thank him properly tonight.

He heard the comment about thanking him and he quickly said, "it's you that I should be thanking for calling and somehow getting my private line. I look forward to meeting you soon." He fell silent as they made lunch plans when she returned to Cleveland.

Jack knew the next call would be very tough. It's always tough to call your parents when you know you should have kept them in the loop. But Jack was proud of Allie when she hit the speed dial and almost immediately her mother's face was visible on the screen. He remained silent holding Allie's hand as he talked to her mom and he thought Allie was going to start crying all over again when she saw her father crying telling him she was so sorry.

As Allie talked to her dad, he got the feeling he would get along with him. He seemed to be down to earth and a loving and caring dad. Jack nodded when her father began to thank him and wanted to sit down with him when he brought Allison back home and get to know each other better.

"I look forward to it sir," he said seeing Allie give him look of disbelief when he used the term "sir" I also look forward to meeting all her brothers. I have heard Allie talk so much about them and I know she loves all of you. And yes, sir, we will get some rest. It's been a long day for all of us and the people who worked overtime to find you daughter. I'll tell you all about when I see you sir."

"Jack you don't have to call me sir, it's Henry."

"Yes sir .... I mean Henry," he laughed seeing the relief on her father's face.

He heard Allie chuckled and smile at the talk between Jack and her dad as she ended the call. “I was taught to respect my elders,” he smiled and then grinned at Allie.

They would be home in a few days and Jack smiled when she leaned over and tenderly kissed him, then saying, "Thank you baby, I'm happy you were here with me for this"

"I wouldn't want it any other way," he replied giving her a kiss. "Now about that thank you your friend said you have to do tonight." He smiled and pulled her out of the wicker chair. He easily picked her up and cradled her in his arms carrying her into the cabin.

"Which way to the thank you room," he laughed and walked in the direction of where she was pointing. He saw the ornate wooden bed with shaved tree limbs for the four post holding up the bed. He put her down and began to strip off her clothes while she did the same to him. Soon they were naked looking at their bodies as if seeing it for the first time.

"Allie we are not going to do what your friend suggests you do tonight." He saw her look of confusion. "tonight we are both over tired and exhausted. Tonight we are going to lay together and tomorrow when the sun rises it will be a new beginning for us and then you can thank me and I will in turn thank you. In fact we can thank each other all day and night," he laughed pulling her against him, feeling her nakedness fit so well against his. He kissed her passionately feeling her arms on his waist pulling him against her as if she wanted to feel his muscle rubbing against her hips.

He broke the kiss and embrace and then crawled onto the soft mattress and welcomed her tired body into his arms. she had been on an emotional rollercoaster for the last few days and she needed her rest. Their bodies fit so well together and he whispered, "It's good to snuggle with you and know that you are free and I want you to know ..... I love you Allie."
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Allie held onto him as he carried her easily like he normally did. She directed him playfully to the bedroom as they walked joking at Sams way of her thanking him.

She was surprised at how well her father took to Jack right away and her mother did as well, she knew both ofnthem were open to meeting who was important to their children always and she had a feeling her dad knew how important she and jack were to each other just from the effort he put out to find her and how she was when she spoke about him. Her dad was very smart and owned businesses as well so she was sure he had pieced it together before everyone else.

They got to the room and he placed her down gently on her feet and began undressing her slowly and she did the same to him both taking their time to admire each others bodies again and unwrap each other.

She was surprised when he said they wouldn't be doing what Sam suggested tonight because they were both tired and she smiled softly agreeing, she wanted them to give each other all they had and she laughed with him hearing him say they coukd thank each other fay and night tomorrow.

She sighed kissing him back passionately and loving how she felt in his arms and cuddled with him. She smiled softly and kissed his chest after he whisphered how good it felt snuglking with her and knowing she was free and she said back softly " I love you too Jack "

The two held each other exchanging soft touches and kisses enjoying being reunited and slowly dozed off to sleep in each others arms.
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After more kissing and tender touches, Jack loved the feel of her body lying against his, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder.

He reminisced in his mind about their whirlwind two weeks together. No other woman in his life ever affected him the Allie did. At first it was her business sense the intrigued him and then it was her loyalty to John.

Even though their lovemaking became more intense, she never lost sight of her loyalty until she found John with another woman. He didn’t know the particulars and he didn’t care to know. He would never ask her and if she wanted to tell him, that was up to her.

He heard her soft breathing and he slipped his arm out from under her head, supporting his head so he could look at her. The moonlight bathed the room in a soft glow and she looked so angelic sleeping.

He had thought of making total love to her on his way to the cabin. But once here, he knew they were both tired and the sex would not be the same as it would be if they were both rested.

Sleep slowly slipped over him and he felt so different and happy than he did in a long time. Tomorrow was a new beginning for them and he wondered as sleep crept over him, about their future.
Allie slept peacefully and through the full night , something she hadnt been able to the past two days. Her eyes fluttered open slowly feeling the sunlight on her face and she woke seeing a peacefully sleeping Jack and couldnt help but smile thinking how cute he looked.

She leaned over carefully kissing his lips and stroked his hair slightly careful not to wake him up as she admired him her thoughts similar to his before he had gone to sleep and she wondered about their future and how they wouldgo about their relationship moving forward, would they keep it privatw to just friends and family or make an official statement saying they were together, she would discuss that with Jack when they got a chance but right now she just wanted to enjoy his presence.

She sat up naked in the bed and ignored getting dressed deciding it was no need to as she since Jack had seen her naked many times before , she heard the coffee maker that was scheduled going off.

Despite her sadness and reason for renting this place, it was quite beautiful inside of it as well scenery. She didnt have much for breakfast but she managed to gather some stuff and surprise him when breakfast when she heard the soings of footsteps joining her and smiled seeing a naked Jack appearing in the doorframe.

She looked at him and grinned and said "Good morning baby"
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Jack slowly woke up thinking he had dreamed of an angel kissing him softly. He put his arm out only to find nothing but empty space. For a moment he thought he was dreaming and in his bed at home. But opening his eyes, he saw the quaint bedroom furnishings of the luxury condo. The events of yesterday and last night filled his thoughts as he smelled fresh brewed coffee.

With a wide smile on his face, he crawled out of bed looking for the person that was suppose to be still in bed. Walking naked into the living area, he saw Allison, naked as a jaybird standing near the coffee pot. "Good morning to you too baby," he chuckled as he walked toward her.

"You are one beautiful sight to wake up to," he said as he took her into his arms, feeling her deliciously soft skin. "You know you left the "Thank You" room without a proper "Thank You" this morning. He kissed her as he pulled her nakedness against him feeling the hard pebbles on each breast press into him.

Breaking the kiss, he smiled softly. "Mmmm coffee sounds good this morning, but I know something that will taste even better." Laughing he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes feeling her hand slap his ass playfully. Turning to walk back to the bedroom, he grinned when he got close to the bed, throwing her softly onto the soft mattress. "Maybe I'll change the Thank You room into the Spank You room."

He took in her lovelyness, seeing her breasts rising and falling with each breath. Crawling over her, he looked down into those emerald eyes that always dazzled him as both arms lift to grab a strong shoulder.

With his weight on his forearms, he leaned down to capture a hard nipple, enjoying the sound of her soft mewing as his tongue swirled around it and his teeth nipped at it. A new feeling came over him as he released it and kissed his way to the other hard nipple. It was a feeling of freedom of not having to think about her longtime boyfriend.

His lips sought her welcoming lips and he knew that this morning there would be no stopping until they were both totally satisfied. He rolled onto his side, pulling her to him, feeling one of her legs push between his thighs to feel the muscle that was starting to grow.
Allison smiled as he joined her taking her into his arms and chuckling softly as he told her she left the thank you room without a proper thank you and she felt her nipples harden a bit her body reacting to seeing him this way.

She smirked hearing him say coffee sounded good but he knew something that tatsed better before playfully tossing her over his shoulder. She giggle and slapped his ass playfully and then joked about naming the bedroom. The spank you room.

She saw him looking her over and blushed a little as he stared at her in a different light and she knew how he felt , the weight of her being in a relationship wasn't holding them back.

Allie moaned softly feelig his lips on her nipple and then make his way over to the other with his lips to give it the same attention. She smiled leaning up and kissing him and he rolled on his side pull g her body toward his and sighed sexily feeling his growing cock.

She sighed reaching her hand down to stroke him slowly and saw the sexy stormy grey in his eyes she loved to see when Jack was aroused with her. She heard his breathing increase as she touched him making him edge but not too far, she wanted to enjoy him all day and take her time but as they began kissing and touching more she said sexily kissing his neck, "Jack please...I want you.. all of you.. I don't think we can wait any longer" she said and rubbed herself against him nervous but excited about their first official time together having sex and she knew it would be something special.
Jack felt the ripple of pleasure course through his cock when Allie reached between them to grasp his cock and begin to slowly stroke it. He stared into her bright shimmering emerald eyes seeing her own orbs locked on his grey colored eyes. "Hmmmm," was all he uttered feeling her finger tighten as they moved along the veiny surface.

As her fingers massaged his shaft, he leaned toward her, his lips touching her lovingly before they pressed more urgently together. His right hand found her left breast, massaging it and then finding the hardened nipple, rolling and pinching it while he listened to her soft growing moans.

He felt her urgent need just as she must have felt his. His mind was a jumble of erotic thoughts of them being together in different sexy scenarios, some gentle and others more urgent, more rough, more demanding. But he knew that on this morning there was no rush, only an urgent need to finalize what they both had wanted for a long time.

Her soft plea of pleasure filled his brain as her lips kissed his neck. "Jack please...I want you.. all of you.. I don't think we can wait any longer"

"No we can't," he agreed seeing the need in her eyes.

Rolling back on top of her, he rested his weight on his left forearm while his right hand joined her left hand on his cock. When she released his shaft, he smiled. "Let's do this together." He moaned softly when her hand joined his and together they rubbed the tip of his cock over her wet vaginal lips.

The feel of her soft silky skin making contact with the head of his cock was so different than in the past when he rubbed it but didn't go any further. His eyes remained locked on hers and he could see and feel her lust building. Together they worked, him pushing and her pulling until the head lay at the entrance.

"I love you Allie," he moaned as he pushed and she pulled until the head of his cock forced her muscles to give way. "Ohhhh yesssss," he moaned as his shaft moved ever so slowly, enjoying her muscles squeezing every inch that began to fill her.
Allie sighed sexily as they worked to get them both ready for Jack to be inside of her and she smiled up at him as he told her he loved her as he slowly slid inside. " I love you too Jack" she said and moaned as he slowly slid inch by inch inside of her this time feeling different because he was fully in.

"Uhhhh mmm" she cried out feeling him fill her and then leaned up kissing him gasping at how good it felt and how perfectly she fit onto him feeling her pussy squeezing his generous cock.

She and Jack stayed there for a moment enjoying him being inside of her before they both slowly started to move " Mmmm yess... " she moaned and leaned up kissing him. " God... you feel so good inside of me baby" she groaned and gasped when he leaned down licking her breast then taking it between his lips as the two rolled their hips together and became more passionate as they continued making love.

She gripped the sheet beneath her as she felt him position her hips and slide deeper and moaned rolling her head to the side and gasped feeling his lips at her neck. She loved feeling his lips on her skin and the fact that they were together now, she felt stupid for not having him sooner but now that she was his, she would do this whenever he wanted.
Jack felt a shudder in his body when she told him she loved him too and his cock was fully inside Allie. There was no reason to rush, they had all the time in the world to enjoy their first of many times together. After a few moments of just enjoying the feel of her tight pussy clenching at his shaft, their bodies began to move together like a symphony hitting all the right notes.

He loved when she lifted her head and they kissed passionately with her telling him how good he felt inside her. He felt her muscles squeeze his shaft tighter as he started to withdraw and then thrust slowly back into her. He could stay like this all day he thought as he kissed and licked one nipple before sliding his tongue across her chest to capture the other one. He knew it would come to an end but he wanted to draw it out as long as he could.

His lips let the hard pebble go and he kissed his way up to her neck, enjoying her soft moans. He too was moaning, his breathing getting a bit more heavy as their bodies slid against one another.

Then he got up on his knees and looked down at her as he wrapped his arms around her legs. "My god Allie !!! You are so beautiful," he said in a soft loving tone. He watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath and her eyes trained on him. He released her legs, smiling when they wrapped around his hips while his hands reached down, massaging her beautiful breasts, paying attention to softly twist and pull on her nipples, hearing her more guttural moan.

After a few moments of teasing her nipples, he leaned down to kiss her feeling her legs clamp harder aroung his hips, her heels digging into his ass cheeks. The kiss was full of love and excitement and when their lips parted, they stared at each other and then their lips clamped together, their tongues slithering in and out in a sensual battle.

Jack felt her hips begin to push upward and he met her hips with a thrust of his own. Soon their hips shifted into another gear, taking them on a path of satisfaction.
Allie quivered beneath him as the two of them moved in unison lost in their own little world and bliss with each other neither of them rushing and both taking their time to learn each others bodies in this new way.

She felt when she rolled her hips a certain way she mad Jack moan more and she moved her hands up touching him knowing he liked her fingers on his skin and touching him.

She looked at him lovingly and her eyes met his when he looked down telling her she was beautiful. She couldn't help the soft moan and smile at him and said " And you are handsome baby, I'm lucky to have someone as sexy as you loving me..." She said sweetly and watched as he moved inside of her admiring his body " You look so good baby..I could stay like this with you all day" she said softly.

She moaned louder as she felt him pulling her nipples, she was already growing close but there was no way Allison wanted to stop just yet. Her panting grew more and he leaned down kissing her and she could tell Jack knew she had been growning closer to her orgasm.

"Mmmm yes Jackk..." She moaned softly wrapping her legs around him tighter and she kissed him deeper hearing him grunt sexily and she held his face close looking into his eyes kissing him more the two making eye contact " ohhh yess mmm right there Jack...uhhh" she moaned and their hips moved a bit quicker and she whimpered sexily beneath him.

" Uhhhh god baby your so deep.." She whisphered and kissed him back hearing him groan in response and stroke her hair softly.
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Jack loved hearing Allie tell him he was handsome and she was lucky to have a sexy man like him love her. When she told him he looked good and could stay coupled together all day, he smiled and moaned, "Mmmmm baby I have a feeling that is exactly what we are going to do. I want nothing more than to plesure you all day ...... every day." Whether they stayed coupled together all day or not, Jack knew this was the start of what he felt would be a fantastic relationship.

As her legs tightened around his waist, he heard her soft mewing sounds of pleasure. He buried his cock deep inside her, holding his hips tight against her while grinding them in a circular motion. It must have been just the right position and hit the right spot deep inside her causing her to murmur, "ohhh yess mmm right there Jack...uhhh" It felt as though their bodies needed more ..... wanted more ...... desired more ..... as their hips began to grind in unison.

Jack's hips began to withdraw his cock, feeling her muscles tightenin. He didn't withdraw very far before he thrust forward burying his shaft and hearing her moan. His hips began short thrustiing motions, pulling back just a little and then thrusting a little harder.

As he began more demanding thrusts, he placed his hands on either side of her head, his fingers intertwined in her brown strands while his eyes searched her face, seeing her eyes close and then open with each thrust of his hips. His eyes did the same, half-closing and then opening enjoying the feel of his cock sliding inside her. His emotions were on fire as he stared into her emerald eyes seeing them staring back at him. It was as though each did not want to look anywhere else. "Mmmm baby you're driving me wild," he groaned feeling the urge in his cock growing more demanding.

His breathing matched hers, deep .... ragged ..... growing more labored. Their lips continued to search and find each other, crushing together never seeming to get enough. And when their lips were not glued together, he felt her lips on his neck as he kissed her neck.

The passion and urge in his body was growing more intense. He lay on top of her, their bodies melding as one while his hands held her head, his body feeling her body begin to squirm with each thrust of their hips.

"Ummm yes baby ..... that's it baby, I love the way your pussy is swallowing my cock ..... I want to fill you with my hot seed baby." He was beginning to gasp faster, harder ..... each breath more demanding. He felt he as though his body was protecting her while feeling her fingernails dig into his back.

The pain he felt from her fingernails only heightened his desire for her. And when her hands joined her legs, her fingernails digging into his ass, he knew he was on the threshold of an amazing orgasm. He knew it was going to feel so different as his body began to overtake his will to hold out.

"Baby you're making my cock throb inside you. Do you feel it baby? I want you to cum with me baby," he said as his hips shifted into high gear.
Allison heard Jack's labored breaths as the continued making love her eyes locked onto his steel grey ones as he rolled intonher telli gner she was driving him wild and she grinned kising him in response.

Their movements were growing more urgents as their orgasms got closer and they were kissing and licking touching whatever they could. She moaned loudly hearing him say he loved the way her pussy was swallowing his cock and that he wanted to fill her with his hot seed.

"Mmmm fuck I love how you feel inside of me Jack, you fit so perfect...dont stopp..fill me.. put your cum deep inside of me" Allie moaned and leaned in licking and sucking his neck knowing itd leave a small mark one of the many she left in their throes of passion.

He groaned asking her if she felt hisn3cock throbbing inside of her and she moaned " Yes baby i feel it... i feel the beat of your heart agasint my chest and the pulse of your cock inside of me and i love it" she moaned loving the deeper connection she was having with him while they were intimate.

She gasped as he moved his hios faster and rolled her head back her breathing labored and a light sheen of sweat on their skin making it glistennas the sunlight peeked in " Mmmm baby dont stop, fuck... god i love you baby, i love what you do to me..,i... fuck im gonna cum Jack!" She cried out feeling her walls grip him tighter and her walls quiver around his cock.
A rush of lust, love, and desire rolled over him when she told him that not only could she feel his pulsing cock but also the beat of his heart. “My heart and my love are all yours,” he moaned , feeling his orgasm growing stronger.

He loved how she talked to him, telling him to not stop and how she loved him which only added fuel to the raging fire consuming his heart and soul .

When she cried out she was going to cum, his heart, mind, and body joined her. “Ahhh fuck baby …. I’m gonna cum !"

His hips thrust harder against her, and the sensations in his cock grew unbearable. He felt her walls squeezing him like nothing he felt before. Each thrust brought more intense sensations coursing through every nerve in his body.

Her pussy began to quiver around his cock he knew there was no stopping. Grunting hard , each breath was more labored than the last until he couldn’t hold back.
“Fuck baby,” he called out . “I’m ……. cumming” he moaned into her ear as he felt her body join his . He kissed her neck sucking on her soft skin as his body jerked with each powerful explosion.

He had not felt this kind of pleasure in a long time and the way her body shook told him she did too., . His cock throbbed hard, sending streams of his seed into her until there was no more to give.