Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

The bartenders, Alex and Kendra, smiled graciously as they served drinks to the group. It was evident they were long time employees, saying hello by name to each of the family members. When Allie introduced him as her boss from New York, they greeted him warmly. As Kendra served his wine, she giggled. "I saw your picture in the local newspaper with Ms. James and I understand you're the most eligible bachelor in the world."

There was an awkward moment and Jack smiled warmly. "Yes I am and as you saw in the picture, I happen to have the best assistant a boss could ask for."

"I know Ms. James very well and you won't go wrong with her by your side."

Jack wasn't sure how to take the compliment. Just then Alex called Kendra to help mix some drinks. "Thank you Kendra and I will keep that in mind." Jack saw the smirk on Samantha's face and what he thought was an embaressed look on Allie's face.

Jack began to look around the bar area and to say he was impressed with the restaurant was an understatement. But then something caught his eye. Above the bar were a series of pictures and he saw the resemblance of the baseball player and Henry. There were pictures of Charlie James in a St. Louis Uniform and Cincinnati Uniform along with some Charlie James baseball card front and baseball card back . He saw a lot of autographed baseball cards and one of him being congratulated on home run .

But the one that really stuck out was centered on the back wall of the bar. It was Charlie James Induction into Missouri Hall of Fame and the picture showed his wife and children.

Jack took a sip of wine and smiled at Allie. "You didn't tell me you came from a baseball family. I assume that's your dad as young boy along with your aunt and grandmother. You must be very proud of your grandfather."
Allie blushed a little hearing Kendra mention Jack being the world's most eligible bachelor and how he wouldn't go wrong having Allie by her side and saw Alex not in agreement. The two of them and the head chef Louie and Darryl were like family they had been with the restaurant from the beginning so Allie and her siblings were like the niece and nephew of the place.

Alex was making drinks and catching up with her brothers then Kendra began to chat with Sam before then helping to get their drinks together and help other patrons.

She watched Jack observing the place and then knew he spotted the hisory and momento of some of the pieces at the restaurant bar of her grandfather and their families.

Allison smiled as he pointed out the picture of her dad and Aunt Carmen James and told her she didn't mention she was in a baseball family and that he assumed that was her dad aunt and grandmother.

She nodded ad said " I assumed my dad would bring it up when you talked sports" she giggled " Yes that's my Aunt Carmen, Nana Jo and Grandad Charlie when grandad was inducted into the Missouri Hall of Fame. My aunt and Cousin Shari live about 6 hours away near my grandparents, im sure next time i visit mom will probablyinvite us both and you can meet them" she smiled then blushed gently realizing how that must've sounded as she got a look from Kendra and Sam.

She smiled at being proud of her grandad " I am, I actually carried one of his mitts back home with me in New York its in my keepsakes chest for good luck" she smiled remembering the time he took all of his grandkids to the batting cages including her older cousin.
"I think your dad would have brought it up eventually," Jack told her. Then as another thought, he added, "I also think your dad in not a bragger ...... except when he talking about you." Jack loved the smile that brought to her face.

The group sat at a large booth and Sam insisted Allie sit next to Jack in the back of the booth. He got the impression Samantha was doing everything she could to let him know she knew about him and Allie and what they did last night. Jack didn't argue feeling Allie's arm touching him as they began to have a conversation with the family.

The conversation seemed to center around Ashton and his time in the Navy. He talked about life on a large battle ship and hoped someday to be stationed on an aircraft carrier before his tour of duty was over. But he doubted that would happen.

Jack mostly sat and listened and then the talk turned to New York and the life style. Jack was used to it by now having been there for a few years. "I feel like a New Yorker sometimes but other times I can see that the real natives still consider me an outsider. But if you want a real perspective of life in the Big Apple from a newbie, I suggest we get Allison's thoughts on what it's like to move there." He smiled sweetly at her as they all waited for her response.
Allie smiled when Jack mentioned her dad not being a bragger despite all they had and he only liked bragging when it came to her. She knew that was true Henry James was a gentle and humble person proud of his family and kids and loved them with everything he had and then some you could feel that whenever you were around him.

She chuckled to herself her best friend was not being subtle at all that she knew her and Jack had been together and when her parents chose the booth she made her and Jack sit together which she wasn't mad at she liked feeling his skin against hers,

She smiled as they all spoke so normally and comfortably the attention on Ashton for now and his like in the Navy and how he hoped to be on an aircraft carrier one day and she smiled seeing her brother's Joy talking about his life there and what he wanted to do and saw Sam's interest and attention to it and smirked to herself.

The conversation then switched to travel and the to New York and life there. Jack began speaking about some of his life there a bit and said he knew Native New Yorkers knew he wasn't truly from there and how they shoukd get some prospective from a Newbie.

She giggled at that " It is definitely different from here, it's busier, more traffic, everything you need within accessible range but it took me a few weeks to get used to everything there I still haven't truly grasped the full experience of it." She smiled

" I got on a subway my first week there because parking is was so expensive and it was rare to find one and I was so nervous and excited but it was definitely a different experience " she chuckled " Dad helped me move in so he knows how hectic it is".

Henry chuckled and nodded saying " I was cautious leaving her there alone at first but Amelia and I knew Allison is a strong girl and would fit right in soon and she was eager to make it there so we couldn't crush her dreams" she chuckled " And her loft has a beautiful view of the city and they have all kinds of delivery services there I was hoping she would use so she's not out in the business much" he joked " but that's not our girl she's always been adventurous"

Allie blushed at that and her mom chuckled at him gushing about his daughter. The food started coming out and her mom said " Ok dinner is here let's all eat and I hope our chili blows you away Jack and our signature punch does too"Amelia said.

Allie smiled seeing her mom didn't forget the punch they had with it when they were younger which was lemon lime, passion fruit and strawberry flavored and she knew this meal would be truly nostalgic for them all.
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Jack nodded often and smiled as Allie recollected her first few weeks in New York. And when Henry noted that Allie was adventurous, he grinned. You can say that again, he thought looking at Allie and giving her soft knowing wink. Whatever they did was between them and the family didn't need to know what they did both on and off company time. Then he spoke. As I think you all know, I think Allison is a very important part fo the organization. And I agree Henry, she adventurous, she is very smart and savy with business decisions.

Everyone laughed and they saw Allie blush when talked about in the manner her father and Jack did just now. Then her mother told everyone the food was ready and hoped their chili blew him away along with their signature punch.

"I'm sure it will Amelia," he said looking at dish set in front of him. If it tasted as good as it smelled he knew he would like it. The first taste hit his tas"te buds and all he could do was let out a long, "mmmmm that's absolutely great .... it's better than the chili I remember getting in Cincinnati."

Taking a sip of the punch he tasted the lemon lime, passion fruit and strawberry flavors and had much the same reaction. "I think I could get used to this Henry and Amelia." Everyone laughed and it became silent as the family ate the delicious meal.

Near the end of the meal, Amelia said, "Girls ..... tell us how did your shopping trip go? Is there anything special you bought?" Jack saw Samantha looked at Allison and then him and then gave him a wide grin that told Jack Allison brought some items that may be a bit on the sexual side.
Allie smiled seeing that Jack was enjoying the meal and time with the family andnher mok smiled happy had enjoyed her and her fathers chili recepie the two had worked hard at it and even entered it in a competition once amd she knew he would.

She saw her mom and dad smile at Jack saying he could get used to their cooking and everyone got laughed then silent before eating the delicious meal. She enjoyed the sausage and garlic bread with it and it was just as amazing as she remembered the meal being.

Her mom asked about her and Sams shopping trip and she chuckled knowing she couldn't mentioned of the things she bought to surprised for Jack to see and she didn't mention that she stopped at her old apartment to gather some things and Ran into John it would only piss her brothers off and Dean was just as hotheaded as Samantha was.

" I just got a few things for my apartment in New York and some outfits mom, nothing too major" she said and gave a small smile then glanced at Sam hoping she woukdnt bring John up and disrupt dinner.
From the way Allie looked at Samantha, he sensed she was not telling the family everything. But what was it that she was leaving out, not telling the family? The rest of the meal went well, the family again talking and laughing about things Jack and sometimes Samantha didn't have any knowledge. But they laughed and Jack found it most interesting to find out more about Allison James. He was sure that if she ever visited his family she'd learn alot about his younger years.

After dinner, the boys decided to go back to the house for another night of swimming and drinking. Jack said he, Allison, and Samantha would be along shortly. As they got into Samantha's car, he sat in the backseat and Allison sat in the passenger seat. He saw Samantha look at him in the rearview mirror.

He smlled. "Ok ladies before we head back to the house I want to know what else happened on your shopping trip." He watched Allie turn around in the front seat to look at him. "Don't say nothing .... I know there is something you didn't want to tell the family."
Allie had enjoyed dinner and her brothers wanted to head back to the house for a swim and took Max's car back to the house with Jack saying he, Sam and Allie woukd join them shortly.

Allie was curious and should be known she couldn't hide from him she was keeping some things out about what happened today. Her parents held hands and drove back together in her dad's car and Jack joined her in Sam's.

They settled in and Jack had wasted no time asking about what else happened on their shopping trip. She was silent a moment and glanced at Sam a second then turned to look at him.

Before she coukd even say it was nothing it was like Jack had read her mind " Don't say nothing .... I know there is something you didn't want to tell the family."he said calmly and then looked into her eyes.

She sighed softly knowing the cat was out of the bag and Sam knew what they had been to each other and wasn't hiding that she did and Jack had sensed her best friend knew too.

She didn't want to keep anything from him and said " We um... we stopped by my old place to grab some of my personal things and umm... my ex was there and i didn't expect it.." She said and took a breath " He wanted to talk but... I just couldn't it was too much... i could just remember what i heard and walked in on and began to panic...I. didn't want to hear the excuses... I just wanted him to leave me alone for right then instant ready to talk, what happened was self explanatory and but John was .. he wanted explain and Sam pulled me out of there before he could begin.. he always blamed me.."Allie said tearing up a little.

" I was upset with Sam a bit for leading me there without warning first...but once I began to shop I relaxed a bit and I didn't want to ruin everyone else's time tonight" she said gently and was surprised he reached forward and held her hand.
Jack listened to Allie tell him what happened at her place with John while Samantha drove. He was really relieved that she got this out of the way. He knew meeting John again weighed on her mind ever since she walked in on him and Sandra. Now he hoped the matter was closed but he had a feeling John wanted some closure of his own, trying to justify why he and Sandra hooked up in the first place. Jack was sure he would try to pin it all on her.

He reached over the front seat and took her hand, seeing a sideways glance from Samantha. "It's good that this happened and you can close the book on him." He looked at Samantha and saw her smile as she drove through traffic. "See even Samantha is glad you got this out of the way."

Samantha grinned and then let out a laugh. "I'm glad he's out of your life. You don't deserve a man like him." Jack saw her eye him in the rearview mirror and knew what was coming. "Why settle for a loser when I know you two (jerking her head back toward Jack) have something really special going." At a stop light, she looked over at Allison and then back at Jack. "You all know that I know what you two did last night and it's our little secret. And the sexy outfits my girl here bought today is not for her to wear without someone seeing them. But don't worry, I won't tell the family about you two."

Jack smiled at Samantha and then at Allie. "Well I think we didn't keep that much of a secret did we."
Allie squeezed Javks hand softly as he told her how it was good she got closure and now she could close the book on John and she nodded knowing he was right.

She had been hurt by everything and to make it worse he took no responsibility about what he did he was just pointing out why he did it and blaming her and it made her dad because she thought John had loved her a bit more than that after they had been together so long but Allison wouldn't fool herself like that again.

She smiled gently at Jack holding her hand and blushed a little as Sam admitted boldly said not to settle for a loser like john and that she knew what they had done and wondered if she had overheard the two of them.

She smiled as Sam swore she wouldn't tell and she chuckled when Jack mentioned they didn't do much to keep the fact that they were close from them.
She sighed and smirked a bit " I think they have a suspicion , especially mom and dad I just think they haven't said anything more because they like Jack and dont want to make us uncomfortable" Allie said and giggled a bit.
It had only been two weeks and Jack had special feelings about his assistant. Sitting in the back seat, he wondered if Allison's parents really knew. If they did, they certainly didn't show it. To him they acted as though Jack was her boss and thankful he took such an interest in her.

When they arrived back at the house, Jack noticed that the entire family was back. From what her brothers had said at the restaurant, it appeared to be another night of swimming, and drinking around the pool.

Samantha hit the trunk release and when he got out, he walked to the back of the car to help them with their packages. Before he could pick up a bag, he got admonished by Samantha. "Don't pick up any bags. We don't want you snooping through them seeing what Allie bought. I have a feeling you'll find out soon enough."

Jack laughed and saw Allie laugh too. "At least I can walk with you two," he said as they began to walk to the house. Jack told them he was going to get his swim suit on and would meet them by the pool.
Allison giggled as Samantha stopped Jack from picking up many bags and warned him the didnt want himmsnooping through and seeing what she bought and then added her find out soon enough.

She had gotten her bags and smiled as Jack offered to walk with them before telling them he was going to get his suit on and meet them at the pool. She nodded and went off with Sam and the two of them got changed.

She glanced over her body in her suit and brushed her hair back a bit so it the curls were tame a bit. She wanted some alone time to talk with him but her brothers had other plans so he figured she could speak with him later and Jack would listen and so would she if he had any concerns.

She grabbed her towel and she and Sam headed down and her friend was in a playful mood and so was her brother Ashton and they got Allie in the water as a duo.

Allie laughed when she got from under the water nd splashed them " So that's what you two were planning at the bar hmm?"she said and all her brothers laughed.

She swam to sit beside Jack and said when she was close enough " Those three didn't give you trouble did they?" She asked and glanced at her brothers.
Jack was relaxing in the water at the edge of the pool. Max and Dean were beside him. Dean was relating how he was glad Allison's relationship with John was over. Jack sensed their was a lot of hatred in Dean for John. He also sensed that while all her brothers watched out for Allison, Dean was the most passionate in protecting his sister.

Jack didn't say anything about Allie seeing John earlier in the day, sensing it would really upset Dean. After Dean stopped talking, Max began telling stories about his life in Michigan when Samantha, Ashton, and Allison came walking toward the pool. They were laughing and Ashton leaned over to whisper something into Samantha's ear and Jack could see the obvious interest Ashton had in Samantha.

Then without warning, they pushed Allison in the pool, laughing and then diving into the cool water. He smiled seeing Allison take the push good naturedly as she swam toward him. ?No they didn't give me a hard time," he chuckled. There was no way he was going to tell her about Dean's attitude toward John.

Samantha and Ashton were on the far side of the pool, givng Jack an idea. "I say we get back at them for pushing you in the pool." Looking at Samantha and Ashton he yelled, "We challenge you to a duel ..... Samantha will get on your shoulders Ashton and Allison on mine. We'll let the two girls be knights and we'll be their steads."

With a bright smile Ashton laughs. "You're on .... it'll be the Clevelanders against the New Yorkers." He sank under the surface and then Samantha was on his shoulders.

Jack looked at Allie and grinned. Just before he went under the surface, he whispered, "I know you like to wrap those beautiful thighs around my neck." Before she could answer, he slipped between her thighs and hoisted her onto his shoulders, then turned to face Samantha and Ashton who wore bright grins on their faces. Walking toward them in the semi-deep water, he muttered, "Ok let's see you knock Samantha off her horse"
Allie smiled softly hearing her brothers were good to Jack while she was getting dressed and grinned when Jack mentioned they should get them back and said playfully he challenged them to a duel.

Ashton laughed and smiled saying " You're on .... it'll be the Clevelanders against the New Yorkers."

Allison laughed knowing she and Jack were both competitive and so were Sam and Ashton " Oh bring it! Whoever loses owes the other Graeter's" Allisonsaid and grinned knowing it was all of their favorite ice cream place.

Ashton laughed joking that Allison's sweet tooth was out to play and they all laughed. Jack whispered " I know you like to wrap those beautiful thighs around my neck " Allison blushed slightly and then in no time she was up on Jacks shoulders and he stood effortlessly with her in the pool.

She giggled as they walked toward each other and Jack said let's see her knock Sam off her horse. Ashton chuckled and Sam did too as they began to wrestle playfully none with Max and Dean cheering for each team.

They were all having a great time and no-one heard or saw her ex's car approaching the house.
The bet was made, Graeter's Ice Cream the prize. Jack and Ashton stood toe to toe while Samantha and Allison wrestled, trying to knock each other off the men's shoulders. They pulled each other sideways, laughing as they grappled.

He could see Ashton was having a great time with Samantha on his shoulders. It left little doubt he liked Samantha but he wondered if she felt the same way. He had seen Samantha look at Allison, when he first met her and swore it was more than a sisterly stare. But he also saw her look at Ashton, affection written on her face. Was it possible she swung both ways? It didn't matter to Jack and his attention was drawn back to the tug of war between Samantha and Allison.

The two women were locked in an embrace, their arms around each other's shoulders, Trying to get an advantge. Each not giving an inch, yelling taunting barbs that flew back and forth about who was the strongest. Their wrestling brought Jack and Ashton closer, almost touching. Ashton had a big smile on his face and then Jack felt Ashton's foot pushing his foot sideways and he felt it slipping on the pool bottom.

Jack knew he was losing his balance and as he slid sideways, he felt both women lose their balance and the four of them tumbled into the water. They came up laughing and Jack looked at Ashton. "I don't think that was fair."

Ashton laughed glancing at Allison and Samantha, his eyes sparkling. "All fair in love and war."

Jack saw the look on Allison's face and he thought it was pretty clear where her heart lay. They were walking back to the edge of the pool when a voice filled with anger rang out.

John had come to Allison's parents house to talk to her, hoping to mend things. He felt they left on bad terms and he didn't want to burn any bridges behind him. What would happen if Sandra and he weren't a couple? He and Allison had a long history together but when he observed Allison astride her boss' shoulders, laughing and having a good time, anger welled up inside and boiled over.

"Now I see why you wanted to break up with me. Ever since you went to work for that man (pointing at Jack) you treated me differently and now I understand. I would have come to New York to make a life with you (he lied) but what good would it have done. Once I knew you didn't love me like I love you (another lie) I felt betrayed. Can't we talk it out without everyone around?"

The pool area was eerily quiet, everyone looking at John and then at Allison. Jack saw Dean's face turn bright red and wondered what was going to happen.
Allison had giggled coming up from the water and wiped some from her face when she heard the angry voice of John and felt everyone's energy shift. She felt herslf getting upset not that he had seen her having fun with someone else but that he came to her parents home and began to accuse and blame her even more.

Allison let a a soft angry chuckle "I wanted to break up with you because of what I caught you doing John with a classmate I trusted you with and who knows how long you've been doing that... I've been the same woman I've always been, I was just happier finally gettinginto the career I wanted there and you blamed me for it..." She said tearing up "I don't see what there is to talk about its over you've made that clear ..."

Allison climbed out of the pool to cover up and so did Sam and she knew she just needed to breathe... to get away from John but what she didn't expect was for Jack and Sam to follow her to the pool house to comfort her as her tears started to fall. Why didn't John leave her alone, why do he want to try hurting her more and put all the blame on her for why he cheated.

She locked the door behind them and paced as she heard John knocking and begging her to talk and she ran her finger through her hair " Jack I'm so sorry... hopefully he'll give up soon" Allison said but then John.started hurling accusations she was going in there to sleep with Sam and Jack and that's when her brothers got pissed and started arguing with him.

She heard Dean threaten to kick his ass if he didn't leave and she sighed wondering if she should call Johns Dad a cop to come get him before things got awkward between their parents and strained the relationship further. She knew his parents would always love her and her parents might have care for John but he was making things worse by making a scene.and Allison just wanted to disappear again at the moment.
Dean never trusted John and now that he was hurling insults at his sister, his anger only grew stronger. Max and Ashton tried to hold Dean back but he pushed his way past them to confront him. "Sam told me all about your little escapade with Sandra so don't try to bullshit me."

John clenched his fists, ready to fight if it came to that. "Stay out of this Dean. This is between me and Allison."

"Fuck you asshole. I think you'd better leave before I kick your ass."

"I only want to talk to Allison." John looked in the poolhouse, seeing Allison, Samantha, and Jack.

"I'm warning you. Get the fuck out now. You're not going to talk to her."

Just then Henry and Amelia walked out of the house upon hearing the disturbance. Henry had a serious look on his face. "John I think it's wise if you leave. I too, know about what happened between you and Allison. It would be better for you to leave and cool down."

There was a change in John's demeanor and he knew he wasn't going to get to talk to Allison. Turning and walking toward the side gate, he looked back and yelled vehementely. "You'll be sorry Allison. I don't forget easily."

After John left Henry told Allison to open the door. He hugged his daughter. "Everything will alright. Now let's have a few drinks and forget he was ever here."

Jack admired Henry for the way he handled the situation. But he saw the anger in John's eyes and had a feeling he was the type of man who didn't like to lose anything or anyone. He wondered if John was just blowing smoke in a moment of anger or would he somehow find a way to get back at Allison.
Allison was embarrassed John had acted like that and hugged her dad comfortingly as he had tried to calm her down and then Dean as well because she knew he was riled up.

She went over and thanked her brother and Dean nodded and told her it was his job to protect her. She wondered what Jack thought about things and what the hell John meant when he said she'd be sorry.

She sighed and didn't even want to think about it, John had alot of nerve blaming and being upset with her, but she knew he was competitive and if he saw Jack as a competitor to win Allie back(even if he didn't want the relationship) he would not give up easily at all.

She hoped John didn't do anything extreme and she would change things when she got to new york including her locks and and anything else she shared with her ex boyfriend.
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Jack watched the dynamics of the family defusing a potential bad situation. Her dad, Henry, came at the right time because Jack knew Dean and John were about to come to blows. Should he have confronted John instead of being locked in the poolhouse with her and Samantha? He was here with Allison to support him and if push came to shove he would have confronted John himself.

He didn't John but he knew people like him who made threats, some idle and some not. Was John just blowing off steam, mad because Allison found out about what he was doing with Sandra? Would John cool down and leave her alone once she was back in New York and away from him?

Jack wasn't sure but he knew enough not to take John's accusations lightly. In an attempt to ease Allison's fears, he told her, "I have some contacts in Cleveland and it might be possible to have someone check on him every so often. Just to make sure he doesn't do anything foolish." His words seemed to comfort at least a little.

With John gone, the group resumed sitting around the pool but the interruption by John seemed to change the mood. Jack got up and announced, "I'm going to get some more wine and bourbon. Can I get anyone something else to drink?" The response from the brothers and Samantha was immediate, yelling out for more. He laughed and asked Allison to help him.

Once inside, he knew they couldn't do a repeat of last night in the poolhouse. As they gathered drinks and snacks, Jack tried to lighten Allison's mood. "I'm anxious to see what you bought today. How about you come to my room and give me a look at your new sexy clothes? ....... You never know what kind of an effect it will have on me."
Allison knew the mood had changed because of John and Jack had picked it back up offering drinks and everyone perked up. Her mom even put on the outdoor tv so they could relax and her and Sam began chattering about the reality show.

Allie smiled softly as things were slowly returning to normal and followed Jack into the pool house again this time the two of them alone. She blushed a little remembering what they had done the night before in there and knew they couldn't repeat it especially with her parents there.

She giggled a bit seeing Jack was in a playful mood and suggested she come and give him a peek of her sexy new outfits she had picked out out and that she never knew what effect it would have on him.

She chuckled deciding to tease him and stole a quick kiss " Oh I'm certain I know what effect it'll have..Well just have to see if you can control yourself when you see me in it Mr. Wolfe" she said and glanced at him sexily.

She was happy things hadn't come to blows tonight and her dad stepped in, but she was certain things would be escalated more if her dad hadnt stepped in or worse if she had been alone, she still hadn't told anyone how rough John was with her in New York, he hadn't hit her, but he could've easily bruised and hurt her the way her was pushing her around.

She held his hand gently for a second wishing it could be just them alone for a moment and gave a soft smile before making the drinks for her and Max while Jack grabbed the chilled wine and bourbon.

They grabbed glasses and she smirked saying flirtingly" We better head out before rhey send someone looking again"
Patting her butt cheeks in response to her telling him she knew what effect it would have on him. "When I'm around you I can't or do I want to control myself."

It would have been so easy to take her into his arms, feeling her pressing against each other. But when he glanced out the window, he saw Samantha and Ashton talking and then turn their eyes to the poolhouse. "Yeah we better head out. But if they weren't out there waiting for us, I'd make love to you right here and now."

Was that a blush on her face as they walked out of the poolhouse to the prying eyes of her family? They rejoined the family, enjoying the talk and banter, everyone seemingly forgetting about the incident with John. But he was never far from Jack's mind, wondering if he would really forget Allison and be happy with Sandra.

John arrived home to find Sandra waiting for him, asking if he was able to tell Allison about them. John told her a little about what happened but nothing about his relationship with her. When Sandra pressed him, he told him about seeing Jack with her and almost getting in a fight with Dean.

He was still very mad about seeing her having fun with her boss and told Sandra, "I can't wait to make them all pay for what they did to me." When pressed to tell her exactly what he meant, John sneered, "Oh I have something in mind for the both of them but for now let's let it lie." Taking Sandra into his arms, his mood changed. "You're looking especially sexy tonight." Kissing her hard on the lips while his hands fondled her breasts. He knew just how to make Sandra swoon for more sex.
Allison blushed hearing Jack say if the family weren't out there he'd make love to her right then. She knew the two had grown feelings for each other over the past few weeks she had been with his company and how fast things had moved between them when they went on their trip to Vegas, at the time she had felt bad about fooling around on John, but the more she spent time with Jack, the deeper she fell for him, he had always treated her well and was open about how he felt with her.

She snuck a quick kiss on his cheek and the two joined the family enjoying their company and things had returned to normal after Johns interruption. She could tell Jack had something on his mins and he'll she did too, mainly thinking what John had meant when he said she'd pay because she knew he could be irrational at times and that he hated losing things and in his mind Allison was his despite if she had broken up with him or hot or if he was with another woman , he didn't want to lose her and would not give up easy.

Everyone began to turn in for bed after a while and even Sam had left saying she had early morning calls and would see her upstairs. Allie smiled now that they were alone and reached over holding his hand as they lounged in the pool chairs and pulled his hand up kissing the back of it softly and looking at him " I know what you're thinking..." She said softly " I can speak to Johns Dad if that helps... I'm sure my dad might... but hopefully he was bluffing and will leave us alone.." Allison said trying to ease both of their concerns

Sandra had been curious about how things went with his ex when John had taken off so suddenly after dinner and said he needed to talk and explain things right then.

She knew he shouldn't be jealous with how he was acting, he and Allison had been together for years and she had only been sleeping with himma few moths but she couldnt help herself because she coukd tell John still might have a thing for the beautiful woman and she tried harder to male sure she cluld make him completly forget about Allison but John insisted he coukdnt leave things how they were and that Allison was acting different because of her move to new york.

She waited for him in her sexy nightwear and two hours later John came back into her place in a huff. She couldn't stop herslf from asking the questions and if he told his ex about them, she was certain the woman knew and was finished for good with John when she had uttered the congratulations to her, she remembered the cold defeated and angry look behind those green eyes that had seemed to cut her like a sharp jade stone.

She wondered why John was so pissed with the woman , Allison hadn't contacted him since and apparently moved on with her boss which John had been suspecting she had done when she went missing that week and a half and he must've seen it because he was he'll bent in getting revenge but he said he would let it lie tonight and changed the subject to her which is what she wanted.

"Don't worry baby.. I'll make you forget all about them.. we can make love as much as you need tonight.." as he sighed sexily as he felt her breasts and kissed her man I g her melt for himmand the two had hard breathtaking sex multiple times.
The evening turned into a very pleasant time with Allison's family. When everyone began to leave for bed, they were the only two left by the pool. He smiled when she took his hand in hers, seemingly not caring if one of the family members looked out the window. He saw the soft curious look when she pulled his hand up to her lips, kissing the back of his hand.

"There is no need to talk to John's dad Allie. I really think he was blowing off steam and will be ok when he realizes you are no longer his girl. Besides he has Sandra and from what I know she is going to be a doctor just like him and they can move wherever they want and both find gainful employment."

He brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of her hand and smiling. "I think he was bluffing about getting even with you so I wouldn't your pretty little head about it any longer." He then chuckled. "What you should really be thinking about is showing me your new purchases tonight and hoping I don't get too excited." They both knew where this was heading and Jack got out of the chair. "Ready for bed?"
Allie smiled softly knowing she shouldn't worry about John and his jealousy, not when she had a sexy man who she was falling deeper for and who supported her right in front of her, she had troubled Jack enough with this and she smirked hearing him suggest her showing him some of the purchases.

She giggled and said " Yes...let's go to bed". They entered the house and she walked in front of grin knowing he enjoyed watching her ass as she walked and she walked a bit more sexiky to tease him.

" I'll go grab the bag and I'll be there in a minute" she whisphered softly. She entered the room seeing Sam smirk and rolled her eyes and giggled hearing her friend tell her to have fun.

There was one bag she left behind, something she knew Jack would love but she would surprise him with in their trip to Canada in two weeks for a meeting. She slipped into him room and smirked " Lets play a little game... I'll blindfold you and let you pick up anything you want to se me in without looking and once I try it on,,, you can take it off to look.,sound good baby?She said playfully
Jack smiled at her suggestion to play a game. He thought it was ironic that they were playing in her parent's house and they along with her brothers were sleeping. He imagined Samantha was lying in her bed, trying to stay awake long enough to talk to Allie when she returned to her bedroom.

With a smirk he pulled her to him giving her a more passionate kiss. His tongue meeting her at their lips, flicking and then softly sucking on the muscle. He loved the feel of her lips sucking on his tongue and it sent shivers of excitement through him. Breaking the kiss, he laughed. "Ok I'll play your game."

A black scarf was placed around his head and he chuckled when she asked and he told her he couldn't see anything. Then her got another surprise when she told him to take off his speedo ..... wanting to see his response when he saw each outfit.

Hearing the crinkle of the bag, he put his hand inside feeling a lot of silk and embrodered material. He could feel the cups of a bra but then something else caught his attention. It was soft and silky smooth with straps and what felt like lace. He pulled it from the back and knew it was a slip or top of some sort. "let's start with this."