Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Jack chuckled at her comment about not being sure she'd be good gambling. He had a feeling she was a natural and if not that was ok. Millions of people, every year, leave their money on the gaming tables. Some gamblers leave their life savings and retirement savings at the tables in hopes of striking it rich. As for Jack and Jacob, they could afford to lose a what would seem to be a lot of money to other but was just a drop in the bucket for them.

He was pleased when he didn't have to offer his arm but she instinctively linked her arm as they exited the restaurant. Jack was surprised when every one in the party entered the limousine. But to his surprise there was room on the two leather seats for everyone. Abby and Allie sat between Doug and Jack on one seat. Lucinda and Melinda sat between Jacob and Bradley. The conversation was lively and Jack, as he spoke to the group on the opposite side of the limousine, noticed Abby's hand on Allie's knee as they carried on a private conversation. It seemed Abby was doing all the talking and Allison nodded her head and then placed her hand on top of Abby's hand. He was pretty sure Allie was not into women but was Abby? He didn't know her very well and he pushed the thought out of his head as they entered the Mirage drive.

Once again, the people dressed in casual clothes stopped and gawked at the people exiting the limo. If they were hoping to catch a glimpse of a celebrity, they would be disappointed. Jack asked Allie, "You and Abby were having a deep conversation .... anything you care to share?"

Before she could answer they entered the front doors and Jack saw two men wearing cowboy hats and were dressed as if they just gotten off the range. One of them nudged the other and said, "Wow look at that lady ..... what I wouldn't do to lasso her." Jack felt Allie's arm pull him tighter against her as if it was a defense mechanism and knew Allie heard them. Turning his head, he stared them directly in the eyes with a forceful gaze the said he would kill them if they tried anything. "Don't worry about them Allie ..... there're just a couple of assholes out for a good time."

They walked past the slot machines where people hoped to win the prize flashing above them. He was always amazed at the people who frequented casinos. The casinos had no clocks and there were no windows for the patrons to know if it was morning, noon, or night. It was a trick they all used to try and keep the patron from leaving. Only if you wore a watch did a person have any idea of the time of day. Jack found a blackjack table with an open chair.

While most patrons used money to buy chips, Jack handed the card to the dealer who scaned it and then said, "It's a pleasure to have you back Mr. Wolfe. How much do you need?"

"Let's start with a two thousand and my friend (nodding toward Allie) will be playing. I'm only here to observe and not give her any advice."

The dealer placed the chips ranging from $25 to $100 dollars in front of Allie. Jack stood behind Allie's chair and put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a soft massage. Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, "one trick is to not think about what you win or lose, just concentrate on the cards and have fun and here is a kiss for good luck." Jack felt her body shiver as he massaged her shoulders and watched the dealer start to distribute the cards around the table.
Allison sat comfortably on the right side of Doug, Abby on her left and Doug Abbys husband on the outside of her on right. Everyone was engaged in a conversation and she was a bit lost in her thoughts thinking about her need for Jack and how to resist herself from doing something she couldnt take bacj during their next day and a half.

She felt Abby put her hand on knee and was broken out of her deep somewhay naughty thoughts and the woman seemed to have sensed that "Everything ok Abby?" she asked and Allison nodded looking at her as she continued " I hope you have been enjoying yourself here Allison...its alot of things to do and experience here out in Vegas, some call it the city of sin, im sure there are alot of things you havent experienced yet..." she said and looked Allie over surprising her a little.

Allison blushed a bit remembering some of the things she had seen researching Vegas and the sex, alcohol , strip clubs and prostitutes that roamed around. She had been with Mr. Wolfe the whole time so she had seen none of it thankfully but she could imagine some of thr things people got up to in this state.

Abby seemed to be amused at that and said " Allison you need to work on your pokerface a bit, anyway.. we have a bit of time after signing those papers tomorrow.. maybe i can take you to the lingerie shop and you can try a few more things on and pick some more out, you only got six sets, im sure you will need alot more than that, unless you just dont wear underwear, im sure that would be alot more comfortable, i usually dont and Doug loves it" she said and chuckled seeing the woman had been oblivious that she had wanted to see her in some more of it after she had tried it on for Abbys opinion" Anyway... i can show you a good time tomorrow for a bit and let you see the fun in Vegas, let me know ok, Maybe Doug and Jack might like to tag along too?"

Allison nodded knowing Mr. Wolfe seeing her in that risque lingerie would be very tempting and she knew Abby was a bit more open, she just might bring the group to a sex shop so Allie could see and she might faint from shyness at that.

They arrived to the mirage not too shortly after and of course they got stares again from the crowd she had been comfortable because she was with the group .
She heard Mr. Wolfe ask about her and Abbys discussion, but then she spotted two men wearing cowboy outfits and one made an inappropriate comment to her making her a little uneasy and she held Jacks arm a little closer.

She heard Jack tell her that they were assholes and not to worry and pulled her into him a bit protectively as the group made their way through the flashy machines and crowds toward the back more private srction of the casino.

Jack spotted a blackjack table toward the back with an empty chair she heard the dealer ask Mr. Wolfe how much he needed after he handed himma card and he said 2000 and she assumed he would be playing but was shocked when he guided her to the seat saying that he would be just watching her play.

She was a little nervous only because she had just learned on the plane but she did beat Mr. Wolfe a few times that morning. She felt him move behind her massaging her shoulders to help her relax and giving her a kiss for good luck on her neck and she gasped a second and shuddered a second shocked by it a little .

She focused on the game remembering what she learned and nodded telling him she was ready to play.
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Jack knew the game of blackjack or 21 as it is known in some areas was a matter of getting cards and holding on anything 16 and over. He watched Allie place $50 bets for the first few hands and immediately lost when the dealer turned over an A/K for 21 and then a Q/K for 20 beating her A/8 for 19. Some people get discouoraged right away and begin to shy away with their bets.

He was surpised when Allie placed a $100 bet and turned up an A/Q for 21. She was now even and he saw a bright smile on her face when she won. Abby and Doug showed up and watched as Allie went on a wining streak and was up $700. She had turned Jack's $2000 into $2700 in a matter of minutes.

Then she went on a losing streak, losing $500 in a matter of a couple of hands. Jack could see the concern on Allie's face and between deals he leaned close to her ear and told her to bet $1000. She gave him a frightened look but went ahead and put the bet down. The dealer smiled as she distributed the cards giving Allie a down card of 8 and an up card of 9 for 17. It is one of those hands where you hope the dealer goes bust. The dealer had an 7/9 for 16 and was required to take another card. When he pulled a 6 for 22, Allie won and turned the $1000 into $2000. She was up $1200 and Jack saw the wide smile on her face. When she stood up Jack immediately hugged her, feeling her arms around his neck tighten as he told her, "Way to go Allie."

Abby suggested they go to the craps table and let Allie try her hand at craps. Jack thought it was a good idea and told Allie to pick up the chips. As she scooped up the chips the dealer smiled. "Very good luck for your first time Mrs. Wolfe and good luck at the craps." He had mistaken her for his wife and she turned to correct him but Jack whispered, "let it go Allie." Abby smirked at the remark and Jack saw a wide grin on her face and they started to walk away.

If it bothered Allie, she didn't seem to mind when he linked their arms together. To him, she seemed very happy and it also seemed she was becoming more friendly to him and he really liked the way she was acting toward him. "How did you like your introduction to gambling? Ready for a game that is a hell of a lot more exciting?" he asked certain she had not had gambled on such a large scale.

Abby walked next to Jack and said, "did Allison tell you about tomorrow."

"No ..... do you two have plans for tomorrow?" he asked as they approached the craps table that was full of people yelling and screaming when they won.

He saw Jacob and Bradley at the table with their wives, laughing and drinking, enjoying the atmosphere surrounding the craps table. Blackjack was a rather tame game whereas craps could get pretty rowdy if someone went on a run and made money for everyone who was betting on the dice thrower.
Allison had upas and downs on her first game at some points losing chips and worried about wasting Mr. Wolfes money but them came up and won the next round or two earning it right back and then some, it was alot of fun and when she had turned the 2000 into 3200 she stopped there and stood smiling and excited and felt Jack pull her into a hug congratulating her in which she had returned easily.

Abby and Doug had joined them and suggested they go to thee craps table as Allie got a little pouch to collect her chips in and heard the dealer congratulate her once she was finished and called her Mrs. Wolfe wishing her luck at the craps table.

She was stunned by it and made to say something so there wasnt confusion and felt Jacks hand softly on her arm whisphering to let it go and she gave a small smile nodding and grabbig his arm as they joined Abby and Doug who was waiting and Abby wore a grin.

Allison smiked holding his arm walking close to him, she hadnt hung out like thisin quite sometime even though she was young, she had been so serious about schooling , her dating life, internships and helping at her dads restaurant, she barely had time to relax and enjoy herself.

" It was fun Jack, i think ill watch you play this time" she said as he mentione the next game was harder then the next and once she saw a few rounds and understood she'dprobably be comfortable to join then.

Abby interrputed the small conversation and she and Doug had caught up with Jack withnher now standing on his left She heard her ask if Allie had mentioned the plans she had asked her earlier and her suggestion of Mr.Wolfe coming to join them.

She had planned on asking Jack in private knowing what kinds of store they plannef on going to.

"Abby wants to take me back to a few stores" Allie started but saw the woman grin "The lingerie store..we need opinions and im sure Allie wouldnt want to go again with just Doug and I" she added "You two can give me an answer later" she stated matter of factly before grinni g joining the two couples already at the table and walking ahead with Doug.

Allie blushed a bit thinking of trying the lingerie on and showing Jack. He already had seen her in a two piece swimsuit, so would the lingerie be so bad?" She thought

She saw Jack give her a look that made her gasp a little and her body flush a bit and she cleared her throat knowing that if he kept staringbat her that way she would do what her body wanted beacuse their chemistry was so strong. She looked into his eyes and said " Are you ready to teach me this game Jack?"
Jack saw Allie blush after Abby mentioned going to a lingerie store. After seeing Allie in her two piece swimsuit, the image of her modeling sexy lingerie sent a rush of sensual feelings through him. He wondered if she would really model for him,Abby, and Doug.

He knew she caught him staring at her. Could she read his mind? His imagination changed from her modeling sexy outfits to them embracing, slowly peeling his clothes and her sexy lingerie until they were both naked.

He was stirred from the fantasy when she cleared her throat. He saw her smoldering look, trying to focus on his surroundings as he responded, “I’ll try Allie.” He was having a hard time focusing and knew he wanted to take her back to the penthouse and see what would happen.

The perimeter of the table was packed tight but Doug gently pushed the man next to him so Allie and Jack were at the end of the table. Abby was on Allie’s left and when Jack stood on Allie’s right he slipped his left arm around her waist.

Looking down the table, he saw the two cowboys wearing huge grins. One of them had the dice, throwing them almost the length of the table and hearing the dealer yell “crap” followed by a collective groan from some and cheers from others.

Jack explained how the best craps strategy is starting every roll with a pass or don't pass bet,

On the first roll of the dice you win if a 7 or 11 roll, or lose if 2, 3, or 12 and that called craps. Any other number that rolls becomes the “point” and the point must roll again before a 7 to win.

If the shooter rolls any seven before repeating the point number (a "seven-out"), the Pass line loses, the Don't Pass line wins, and the dice pass clockwise to the next new shooter for the next round.

He knew this was a lot of information and he pulled her against him. “Don’t worry I’ll help you.”

Jack got $1000 in chips for himself, telling Allie to use her winnings from blackjack. He placed bets for him and Allie as the dice moved around the table. When someone got on a run, the crowd got louder as the shooter kept the dice and people placed bets on the don’t pass line. until he craps.

They were making a lot of money and the chips were piling up in front of them. “Don’t try to count them,” he told Allie when he saw her counting the chips in front of her.

Finally the dice came to him and he picked them up and held them in front of her mouth. “Blow on them for good luck.” He smiled feeling her warm breath on his hands. Throwing the dice he had a six as his number. He threw four times and each time a roar went up. Then on the fifth roll he crapped out and the dice were passed to Allie.

“Here you go Allie,” he whispered in her ear and then kissed her cheek. “And that was for good luck.” After she was done he planned to call it a night. The cowboys on the other end were laughing and yelling for Allie to make them some money.

Jack heard Abby yell, “you got this girl!!”
Allie had saw the two cowboys the had bumped into earlier at the table and was surprised feeling Jack wrap his arm around her waist and pull her closer to him.

She listened to him explain the game to her and she had learned alot but was a little confused and smiled at Jack as he said he would help her out. She saw Jack buy 1000 in chips and instructed her to do the same.

Jack placed bets for them boty thankfully and he went first makingnakot of money on his rolls and she began counting their chips because there were so many and he tokd her dont try beacause there were more coming.

She blew on the dice for him as he asked her to and he on four times beforeit was her turn and he whispered in her ear passing to dice to her and placing a small kiss on her cheek. She honestly she was a little nervous fairly new to this game and thinking about Jacks lips on her again.

The cowboys eyed her and trying to taunt her and to some because of her looks Allie mightve looked like just arm candy when she in fact was very smart.

She smiled at Abby a second hearing her cheer her on. She had guessed Jacks kiss had worked because she had won on her rolls and apparent big money from the sounds the crowds were making.

She smiledas they got their earnings and Allie grinned " So, are we still hanging out, or are we headed upstairs for the night?" She asked softly windering how the night would continue for the two of them.
Everyone at the table was going wild as Allie threw seven times in a row until she threw craps. Jack looked down at the pile of chips and couldn't help having a huge smile plastered on his face. He looked around the table, seeing the same smiles on Jacob and Lucinda, Bradley and Melinda, and especially Abby and Doug. He could see they all had made a lot of money on his and Allie's rolls.

Jack looked into Allie's emerald orbs as she asked if they were going to hang out or head upstairs for the night and knew they were done for the night but were they really done. "I think it's time to call it a night Allie. It's 10:00 o'clock here and our bodies think it after midnight.

The two cowboys walked past and stopped for a moment. "Ma'am we can't thank you enough. We made a hell of lot of money on you and your husband's roll." Jack laughted and thanked them seeing them turn away and hearing one of them say it was time for some high stakes poker. Jack wondered how long they would keep their winnings as he turned to the group standing around them.

"Listen Allie and I are going to call it a night. We've had a long day and need to get a good night's sleep before our meeting tomorrow morning."

Jacob smiled. "We certainly understand and the limousine will be here at 10 am to take you to our offices." And then he smiled and asked, "how much?" nodding to the two bags of chips.

"Oh probably around 10 maybe 15 grand."

Everyone smiled and then there were hugs all around and Jack noticed how Abby hugged him and Allie a little bit longer than necessary and seeing her whisper something in Allie's ear. Jack didn't ask Allie what was said as they headed to the elevator, he had other more sensual images on his mind.

Once they were in the elevator, he dropped all pretenses about what he wanted. The ride to the penthouse would not take long but he couldn't resist the desire that had been haunting him all evening. Turning to Allie, he thought he saw the same fire blazing in her eyes as he dropped the chips to the elevator floor and took her into his arms, kissing her wildly until the elevator came to a stop.

When the door's opened the kiss was broken long enough for him to pick up the bags and walk into the penthouse. "Would you like a nightcap Allie?" he asked through a soft heavy breath but then dropped the bags again and took her into his arms, his lips seaching and finding her soft lips. The nightcap was forgotten for the moment as he really wanted more kisses and wondering if it would lead to more steamier embraces.
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Allison had blushed a bit as Abby had whisphered to her something about having afun rest of her night. They had been mistaken as husband and wife again and she couldn't help but chuckle inwardly not correcting it and making things awkward.

When they got alone in the elevator, one smoldering look into each others eyes and the two were in a fiery and passionate kiss again, Mr. Wolfe pinning her lightly against the back of the elevator and dropping theirbags chips the two kissing until the elevator had reached their floor.

He broke their kiss for a moment both of them breathing heavily from it and he picked up the chips asking her if she like a nightcap " Yes.. that sounds good now that we're home.." she hadnt meant to say it the way it sounded and went to correct it but Jack had again dropped the chips and pulled her in to an emebrace and the two began kissing again.

She sighed agaisnt his lips taking a moment to remove the designer heels abby had picked out for her and gasped as Jack easily lifted her easily moving the two of them over to the couch.

She moaned softly feeling him kiss her neck again in a spot that made her knees weak and she kissed his as well nibbling his ear something she had discovered Jack had liked when the were making out earlier.

She was straddling his lap arms behind his head the two truly embracing like a married couple would afyer a long day and she had still been surprised Mr. Wolfe wanted to do this with her when he could have any woman in Vegas or anywhere for that matter.

Shs sighed feeling him cupping her ass as the dress had bunched around her waist and she groaned feeling his hardness growing beneath her. She grinned slightly the two of them having had forgotten the drink and she kissed him one more time softly climbing off of his lap a second then walking to the bar in the kitchen and grabbing two glasses , she figure that Mr. Wolfe mustve stayed here before and this was his Vegas residence and she went to grab them two glasses on bourbon on the rocks.

She smirked softly seeing him watching her and made her way back over with the glasses and sitting back on his lap having been comfortable there. " I had a good time tonight Jack...I havent gone out and enjoyed myself like this in a while " she said softly and took a small sip of her drink and feeling comfortable with him.

She didnt know what this connection she had with Jack was , she knew she had felt passion with him and a connection to him, she couldnt deny that and she also felt guilty for wanting him the way she did, but she couldnt stop herself from feeling like this about him, it was more than just a boss client relationship for her and she wondered how Jack felt about their growing connection.

She was beyond aroused, and she had felt he was too but they had talked a bit and enjoyed their drinks kissing softly at some times and giving light touches neither of them pushing too far. She needed relief , but she didnt want to be unfair to John by sleeping with Jack. She kissed his lips softly before standing and smiled lightly " We'd better get some rest hmm? We have an early day tomorrow again" she said watching him.

She knew she wouldn't sleep right away, after all the sexual tension, she was going to give her body a little relief after heating it up with Jack and those steamy embraces, she knew they couldnt sleep with each other, both were doing everything they could to restrain themselves and she kissed him soflty before heading off to her room.

She slowly had began to undress feeling the slight coolness of the air on her skin as she removed the dress. She glanced at herself in the lingerie and then lay on the bed slowly touching her body , not having to do much from being worked up.

She runbed her nipples through the sexy bra shed been wearing beneath her clothes and slowly reached down to rub her clit through the thin underwear softly a gasp escaping her as she pressed her finger agaisnt her clit.

She hadnt realized Jack had been watching as he come to her room to return her heels she had forgotten in the living room.
Jack looked at Allison when she mentioned being home and while he knew it didn't mean permanently it did seem strange for her to make that inference. When he lifted her, she was light as a feather and they kissed as he carried her to the couch kissing her neck while she kissed his. As they sat on the couch, he loved the way her ass cheeks fit his hands perfectly and there was no hiding the fact his cock was excited and reacting to her hips moving gently but firmly on his lap.

He was a bit disappointed when Allie slid off his lap and went to the kitchen for drinks. Drinks were the last thing on his mind but he smiled when she returned, with a come hither look as she carried two glasses of bourbon over ice. When she sat on his lap again, he felt his cock being pushed into his lower abdomen as she told him she enjoyed herself tonight. "I'm glad you did because I really ..... really enjoyed being with you tonight ..... you're one hell of a blackjack and craps player."

Jack had to restrain himself as they talked and sipped the bourbon. He thought he knew her position about sleeping together and having sex because she felt she would be cheating on her boyfriend, John. As they talked he ran his hands up and down her sides and every so often he put his hands on her upper back, pulling her into another soft kiss.

He could have gone all night just kissing and then finally she pulled back and stood. He was disappointed when she left him sitting on the couch, his manhood still hard and pressing against his underwear. God how he wanted her so bad and cursed himself for not pushing the issue and now he was sitting with blood pulsing through his shaft.

Jack sat looking at the Vegas lights, sipping his bourbon wondering where this was leading them. Slipping off his shoes he thought how they were boss/employee but he felt that after this week, they were much more than that. Were they becoming lovers? He didn't know for sure but one thing he knew, she was so different than any woman he dated. Seeing her heels on the floor, he picked them up and figured she would still be awake since it was only about five minutes since she left him.

As he approached her bedroom door, he heard faint sounds coming from her room. Seeing the door was not completely shut, he pushed on and peeked into the room seeing her wearing sexy lingerie and touching herself. He saw her eyes were closed and wondered who or what she was thinking about. Was it him? Was it John? Somehow he thought it was him after all the teasing they had done for the last few days.

He watched quietly as her hands roamed over her body, squeezing her breasts and then heard a gasp when her fingers pressed the silky material onto her clit. Jack was in a quandry. One part of him told him to sneak out of the and let her pleasure herself and another part of him told him to go to her and touch her and help give her the pleasure she was seeking. He knew orgasms were always better and more satisfying when being with another person.

For a few moments he stood frozen to the spot not more than five feet away and argued with himself. He rubbed his trousers as he watched her body begin to move on the bed and her hips started to rotate against her fingertips. His cock, now hard again and pressing urgently against his trousers made the final decision. He thought of what he was going to say as he silently walked to the bed in his stocking feet.

He saw her eyes were still closed but her facial features were beginning to tighten as the sexual tension in her body grew stronger. He knew he was taking a great risk but he couldn't stop himself now if he wanted. Leaning over her mouth that was open emitting soft mewing sounds, his lips touched hers as his right hand covered her hand on her soaked panties.

Suddenly he felt her body stiffen as if hit by lightning and her eyes flew open filled with fear and for a moment he thought she was going to scream. Her hands flew to his chest as if to push him away but Jack didn't budge. His voice was soft and his words were reassuring and rapid. "Allie I know you need relief from all the kissing and touching we've done. And I know we can't go all the way but I too have a buildup of lust that needs to be satisfied. I think we can at least help each other." He stopped and stared into her emerald eyes that seemed to sparkle in the soft light coming from the city lights.

Then as if to solidify his words, he grabbed her hand and pulled it down to his large lump. "See I have needs too Allie. We can help each other find the pleasure we want and need now." He didn't know if she would pull her hand away and slap him or reach for his belt buckle. All he knew was they were at a crossroads and her next words or deed would tell him if he was wrong or right to come into her room.
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Allie had been slowly losing herself in pleasure fantasizing about Jack , it was wrong , she wanted him but it was selfish of her to. She imagined his lips on her skin, his tongue dueling hers as they kissed, her hands gripping her ass and pulling her agaunst his hard cock.

She bit her lip a little to contain the moan knowing she had left Jack sitting in the living room with she with a hardon but she knew she had to stop right there, they couldnt give each other ther pleasure they needed tight now.

She moaned softly feeling familar lips on hers and her eyes flew open feeling his hand go over hers where she had been rubbing and gasped against his lips trying to push him away at first embarrassed he had caught her that way but he spoke to her so kind and gentle as he explained he knew her feelings about this and her needs and how he had felt the need too.

She felt him move her hand to his hard impressive member and looked up at him. "Jack.." she said softly feelling the weight of his cock against her hand slowly stroking him through his pants and kissing him softly.

She gasped feeling him alpply more pressure to her clit, moving her hand gently rubbing her and sighed kissing him again. She looked at him one last time as if to ask if he was sure and he looked at her the same bothin agreement they needed to pleasure each other in some kind of way.

She watched him as he took off his shirt , his body softly illuminated by the bright vegas lights splling into the room and she unbuttoned his pants and belt and helped him slide them down watching him step out of them .

They began kissing heatedly again and she slowly pulled his cock out seeing it, the second cock she had ever experienced, it was different than Johns ,a bit bigger, and slightly curved upwards, she had began stroking slowly as she felt him slowly touching her and whispering to her gently encouraging her.

"Mmm.. Jack that feels good"she gasped panting as he spread her a bit wetting her clit with her juices and pressing agaisnt it a bit more.
There was that moment in which he was uncertain but when he saw her emerald eyes look into his steel grey eyes, he knew the answer and she confirmed it by uttering very softly but sensually, "Jack." That was all he needed to know he didn't make a mistake coming into her room.

He stood next to her bed, pulling off his shirt while she unbuttoned his pants and helped to pull them down. Would she be pleased with his manhood when she saw it? He never had complants about his size and wondered if she ever experienced any other cock than John. After another deep kiss, he watched her pull his cock out from his underwear and from the way she stared at it, something told him she had only been with one other man.

"Take your time Allie and get to know it," he whispered as his underwear fell to the floor to join his other clothes. He wasn't sure if she was a talker during sex. He liked to talk and encourage "Mmmm that's it run your fingers up and down it ..... ohhhhh yessss." When she closed her fingers around it, he closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the exquisite sensations running amock in his body.

"Your hand feels so good. Hmmm I could have you do that all night," he moaned watching her hand slide up and down the shaft. And then he let out another moan when her hand slipped off the hard shaft and cupped his balls. "They are filled with hot cream and aching for you," he groaned as her hand squeezed one and then the other.

As she became more familiar with his lower anatomy, Jack's fingers slipped under the silky panty, sliding between her thighs, feeling them spread open a little for him. She was wet with desire and when he touched her swollen clit, he smiled when she told him how good it felt.

"You feel so good too," he moaned as his finger, coated with her juices, began to slowly move over and around the sensitive jewel. He felt her hips reacting to his teasing touches, slowly undulating in time with his finger movements.
Leaning down to kiss her, he felt her tongue searching for his and he didn't hesitate, capturing her tongue, sucking on it while his fingers slid lower, teasing the entrance to her wet vagina. When he pushed two fingers into her tight opening, he felt her fingers tighten around his cock.

Breaking the kiss for a moment, he gasped at the feel of her hands pumping his cock. "There are so many ways we can pleasure each other," he groaned as his fingers began to fuck her pussy while his thumb found her clit and began rubbing it.

He hoped to put the notion in her head that they didn't have to fuck to have fun. There were so many ways and variations of oral and physical stimulation that can make the experience wonderful and he wanted her to experience them with him.
Allie sighed sexily as they both enjoyed each others bodies further and nodded as he told her to get familiar with it and take her time,she was only familiar with one man and knew how his body reacted to things she had she found herself eager to try it on Jack.

She listened to what he wanted and felt what his body had wanted as he voiced his desires and being a perfectionist, Allie always strived for me, even in the bedroom.

She felt Jack slip his hands under her panties fully touching her pussy and then spread her thighs a bit more so he could feel more of her. She kissed him again and took a quick second to remove her underwear before she felt him slide two fingers into her " Mmmm yes right there " she panted gasping as she stroked him a little harder.

He stopped for a second groaning as he told her that there were so many ways to pleasure each other and she smiled wanting to enjoy that with him. She slowed her stroking for second and reached back undoing her bra letting him see her fully nude just like he was for her.

She smiled at him seeing him admire her body and he admired hers as well. He ran her hands back down his body to his cock and gasped seeing the stormy grey in them as she slowed her stroking down gasping as she felt him do the same with fingering her " I love the way you touch me Jack..." she said moaning beneath him " I want that... i want us to explore each others bodies Jack" she said softly

"Youre so hard... thick.." Allie gasped feeling his thick member in his hand and stroking him and leaned in closer rolling her hips on his hand a bit. She didnt want to rush things with Jack, they had all night to make each other feel good.

She kissed him again this time slower, she was conflicted with the strong feelings she felt for Jack in just 3 days and where the two of them were headed with this. Jack wasnt like any other guy she experienced sure she had two boyfriends before john but those were adolescent relationships, no sex or any deep feelings, when she met John, they had vowed to be together forever , and when college came things got a little difficult at times but the two always made sure to see each other and share their week,dreams and passions.

Now she felt alone at times being in the city, but the past few days and time with Jack had been nice for her and she didnt want to rush things with him and ruin their friendship.
When Jack saw Allie reach behind her and undo the clasp on her sexy red bra, he anticipated seeing what he had only saw in his mind. He smiled when she pulled it away revealing her breasts. "The're perfect," he said as he admired them knowing that he would enjoy kissing and touching them and feeling her hard nipples between his fingers and in his mouth.

"I love touching and kissing you and I'm glad you want us to explore each other in many different ways," he said and then hearing her heated words about his hardness and thickness which sent a thrill through him. He had so many fantasies flying around in his head but he knew tonight was all about taking their time and get to know each others bodies.

He leaned down, their lips meeting again in a slow sizzling kiss that had all the promise of pleasures to come. Breaking the kiss, he needed to be near her, holding her in his arms and feeling her body responding to his. Climbing on the bed, he lay on his left side, putting his left arm under her neck and his right thigh between her thighs feeling her pussy pressing against his hard thigh muscles. "You feel so good next to me," he whispered, pulling her onto her side and wrapping her up into a coccon, feeling her naked nipples against his chest for the first time.

After the passionate kiss, he reached out, putting his fingertips on her forehead as they stared at each other. Then they slid down her nose, smiling when she kissed the tip of his fingers. "I want to touch and kiss every inch of your body," he whispered as his fingertips slid over her chin and down her neck.

As his fingers explored her upper body he wondered if she had ever experienced breathing sex where he would hold and squeeze her neck during orgasm. He had done it with Joanna and she told him it was the most intense orgasm she ever had. And what about the toys he had, thinking of some of them he had in his bedroom. Was she open to trying new and exciting things?

His fingers didn't stop at her neck but continued to a breast, lazily moving over and around it, massaging it and then landing on the rigid nipple, gripping it between his finger and thumb, slightly twisting it and hearing a soft moan. "You have the most beautiful breasts," he said in sensual soft tone as she lay back allowing his fingers to trail down the slope and onto the other perfect breast. Finding her aroused nipple, he did the same thing, slightly twisting it, wondering if she liked pain and if so how much. If not that was ok too.

Moving his fingertips over her abdoman and then lower, hearing a small gasp when they again found the wetness of her sex. "There are so many ways and things we can enjoy," he whispered as his lips met hers. His fingers found her clit once more, rubbing it harder and then sliding down to her tight vaginal opening. Running them around the tight muscles, two fngers dipped into the wet channel as his tongue sought out hers in a long tantalizing kiss while he pressed his hips against hers letting her feel his hardness. He was looking forward to seeing her first orgasm of many with him as he began to fuck her pussy again.

He thought of how nice it would be to feel it deep inside her but knew it would take time and he was fine with that. The one thing happening was his growing fondness of her both physically and mentally, thinking they made a great team together.
Allie gasped as he felt her body grow heated next to his as he pulled her closer and moaned softly feeling him touch her breasts as he told her how good she felt next to him.

She returned the slow , buring kiss and panted aa he pulled and twisted her nipple slightly casuing her to moan and grow wetter from his teasing. She sighed feeling him trail his fingertips down her face as if the remember her features permanently, the two of them staring passionately as they did.

She sighed sexily as he whispered that he wanted to kiss and touch every inch of her body. She sighed letting her hands explore as well and whispered back breathily" Only if you let me do the same Jack.."

She groaned softly as he began touching her breasts and could tell he had other things on his mind as he touched her and she did as well but they were also lost in touching each other.

She felt herself growing wetter as he continued ex ppl oring then he told her there were many thing they could explore and she wondered how much more experienced Jack was than her and blushed a bit thinking of the toys he had displayed in his closet.

Her thoughts were broken feeling his fingers sink into her tight wet hole and he leaned in kissing her deeply " Uhhh mmm" she cried out arching her body against his slightly.

She reached down stroking wantingnto touch him too. She could hear their moans and need filling the room and his groans only turned her on more, made her more aroused for him.

She was growing quickly and she gasped feeling his lips start to suck her breast " Mmmm jack.." she panted feeling his fingers brush her gspot for a second

She leaned in kissing and licking his neck and sucking it lightly careful not to leave a hickey but wantimg him to feel the pleasure. His pressure on her clit made her cry out "oh god mmm fuckk uhh that feels so good mmm" she groaned.
Jack could tell the past few days of teasing and then their torrid kissing in the pool was taking a toll on both of them. they were in the throes of passion and he could tell they were both racing to the pleasurable finish line.

He could tell she was getting close as his fingers touched her g-spot and her body jerked as if he were touching her with an electronic prod. And her moans as he sucked and nibbled on her rigid nipples told him he was driving her closer to orgasmic pleasure.

And her hand was working it’s magic on his cock as it slid easily along its length and then squeezed twisting and rotating making him groan with pleasure. “Umm …. Ohhh … I love the way you touch me. You’re driving me crazy.” And that along with her mouth sucking lightly on his neck was driving him absolutely wild.

His breathing was becoming more hoarse and his body was beginnng to feel the effects of her loving touches and kisses. Normally at some point he would roll her over or pull her on top and they would ride togetehr with his cock buried deep inside her until they exploded. But there was an unwritten agreement between them that he did not want to break.

Pulling his lips from one nipple, he was gasping as he rolled onto his back pulling her on top of him. "I know we said we would not have intercourse and I know a way we can honor that," he said looking into the eyes and trying to reassure her of his commitment. He took hold of his thick cock and pinned it against his lower abdomen. "I want you to sit on my hips and put your pussy on my cock so it's rubbing your clit."

He saw her soft smile and when she settled on his cock, he moaned, "Now make sure you don't go too far back, Just rub your pussy on my cock and i think you'll enjoy the ride ...... I know I will." Watching her begin to move on top of him, he knew the way her juices were coating his cock it wouldn't take long for him to enjoy a rousing orgasm. Reashing up and massaging her breasts, he saw her lean down and their lips made contact as her hips began a slow methodical motion. "Hmmmm ..... yessss," he moaned breathlessly .... "Ohhhh god that feels so good."
Allison gasped as he rolled ontop his back pulling her on top of him and was surprised for a second, had that been john nothing would stop her and she
smiled at him softly as he mentioned he knew they couldnt go all the way and that he knew how they could honor that.

He readjusted her so his cock was against her lower stomach and he told her how to adjust herself on top of him. She gasped as he warned her not to pished too far back and she nodded knowing if she did hed be inside of her .

She moaned rubbing herself along his cock feeling her juices coat his cock and his hardness against her " Mmmm yesss , i love how you feel against me" she panted and leaned down kissing him hungrily felling his hands on her hips as they grinded against each other.

" Mmm Jack im so close ... im gonna" she groaned and panted above him.
He was glad he suggested this position which was so close to being the real deal. Her pussy lips were splayed open pressing against his cock and spreading her juices along his thick hardness. He would much rather be deep inside her feeling her vaginal muscles encouraging him to give up his load. But he knew he would have to wait for the right time. He didn't know when that would be but, with Allison, he knew that soon they would complete their sensual union.

Jack felt her slow methodical movements suddenly change as she groaned and panted into the kiss saying in a rough voice that she was about to climax. His hands were on her hips, helping to keep her from sliding too far back. But now that the time was so close, he wrapped one arm around her upper back and this other around the back of her neck, pullng her tight against him.

The feel of their two bodies rubbing against each other was too much for him. Her hardened nipples were boring into his chest sending wild sensations through him. And the way her pussy was rubbing against his shaft brought him too, to the brink. Breaking the kiss, he hissed into her ear, "Cum with me Allie, I want to feel and watch your orgasm."

Grabbing a handful of hair, he pushed her head away just far enough so they were staring at each other. "Watch what you do to me ........." his voice trailed off. His eyes were trained on her emerald orbs as her body began to quiver above him and he knew she was right there with him.

He hadn't really thrust his hips up to this point but with him on the doorstep, his hips joined hers, grinding madly, and then rose off the mattress feeling her juices make his cock twitch with lust. "I'm going to explode," he gasped and then felt his cock throbbing and spurting his creamy seed between their bodies.
Allison had loved the feeling of him against her and as much as she knew she shouldnt, she wanted to feel the experiences of Jack inside of her one day. She panted growing closer kissing him passionately.

"Uhhhh yess mmm " she moaned and sighed as he pulled her body against his feeling good as he held her like that. She felt his cock stiffen more and she could tell he was just as close as she was.

She groaned as they kissed passionately again, hungry for on another and her body shuddered a bit hearing him aske her to cum with him. She gasped as he grabbed a handful of her hair pulling her away a bit so she could see his hard cock and her pussy rubbing together and then looked down into
the stormy grey eyes beneath her.

The look in Jacks eyes as he was experiencing pleasure and and she cried out loudly as her body quivered above them " Yes Jack ! Mmm please i want to see you cum.. cum with me," she moaned and groaned feeling his hot cum on her skin and she trembledk in his arms panting as she came some more.

She sighed laying in his arms as he held her and kissed his chest softly. She could imagine how intense sex would be with Jack had they actually gone the whole way if just this , had felt so good with him and she smiked softly stilk feelingnhis hands in her luscious brown hair.
They had watched each others facial reactions and he knew he would remember the passionate look on her face for a long time. It was a look of pure desire and he knew it was meant for only him. And he loved the way her body trembled as they shared a mutual climax, both lost in a world of pleasure. What really struck him was he felt they now also shared a special bond. A bond he hoped would never be broken.

Jack saw her soft smile and heard her sigh as she laid her head on his chest. Her lips laid soft butterfly kisses on his chest while her fingers traced lazily on his skin. His hands rested in her luscious brown hair, not directing her but enjoying her lips and fingers moving over his chest.

One hand remained in her hair while the other hand rested on her shoulder as His hands she worked her lips upward over his chest to his neck then to his chin, finally finding his mouth. As their lips sealed together again his hands moved over her back, his fingernails lightly scraping her skin and feeling her body tremble a little.

He enjoyed how they traded soft passionate kisses while her hand stroked the side of his face. His hands were busy sliding up and down her sides then over her lower back until cupped her ass cheeks, squeezing and massaging them.

After a few minutes trading kisses, Jack rolled her over onto her back and leaned over, giving her another deep kiss. Lifting his head, he told her “I’ll be right back.” He saw her questioning gaze and he chuckled, “don’t worry I’m not running away.”

Jack headed to the bathroom and found a soft white terrycloth washcloth. He ran warm water over it and began to clean himself as he walked back toward Allison who was looking at him with a grin. Smiling he got on the bed and began to wash her stomach wiping away the remnants of his seed.

When he was done he lay down beside her again and took her into her arms. He suddenly felt exhausted, realizing their bodies were still on New York time. “Allie that was absolutely amazing ….. thank you”.

He sighed with contentment feeling that it felt so natural for them to be lying together. He thought of leaving her but her warm body pressing into his side felt wonderful. And he felt her hand on his stomach as she laid her head in the crook of his arm. Unless she kicked him out of bed he would sleep here tonight.
Allison would never forget the look of pleasure on his face as he came for her, the sounds he made and the sounds he made her make in return, the way her body fwlt when he touched her or the way she wished she could have him inside of her.

She was enjoying their embrace trailing soft kisses on his chest and fingers softly touching his skin memorizing the feel of it beneath her fingers. She kissed upward to his neck then chin the lips smiling and kissing him gently.

If someone hadnt known, they would have truky though she and Jack had been together for years the way they looked at and touched each other.

She stroked his face softly calmly and she felt his hands at her back and cupping her ass in his hands commenting on how nice it was.

They kissed for a whilenthen he suddenly shifted them and she thought he was going to go and her face must have told on her because he told her he would be back and that he wasnt running away.

She heard him clean upmin her bathroom a bit before bringing a cloth over to clean her up. And lay beside her.holding her. She suddenly felt the tiredness of the dawn and yawned a little getting comfortable liking the feeling of laying there with him it felt natural to her.

She smiled softly hearing him thank her telling her how amazing it was and said " and Thank you Jack" she said softly the sleep starting to creep up on them .

She wanted to be in his arms tonight and she pulled the sheets over them lightly before kissing his chest softly " Goodnight Jack..." she said before slowly dozing off
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Jack smiled when Alli thanked him and when she pulled the bedsheets over there naked bodies he knew she wanted him to stay the night with her. As he held Allison in his arms and they cuddle together he saw her eyes flutter and saw that slip sleep over Tucker. he felt exhausted and soon his eyes closed and both of them fell into a deep sleep.

The internal clock in Jack’s body woke him at about 6:30 in the morning. He rolled onto his side seeing Allison lying on her side facing hill. Her soft even breathing told him that she was in a deep sleep.

Sometime during the night the bedsheets had slipped down her body, covering her hips and lower body. Jack rested his head in one hand, taking in what he felt it was a perfect body. And judging from the stares of other men and women they must’ve thought the same thing.

Watching Allison sleep, he smiled when she let out a soft sighing sound and turned onto her back exposing both perfectly shaped breasts.

Memories of the previous night flooded his brain as he watched her sleep comfortably. He remembered the soft warm kisses and the gentle touches of her hands on his body. He was tempted to reach out and massage her breast but he resisted and instead watched her chest rise and fall from her slow even breathing.

He knew they had a special relationship and knew he would do everything to keep her happy. He saw her stirring again and he couldn’t resist reaching out to touch her breast.

Has his fingers lightly slid along and around the contours of her perfect breast he saw her eyes begin to flutter and knew she was about to wake up. When her eyesOpened and their eyes bet he saw that soft wonderful smile.

“Good morning Alli. I trust you slept well last night.” As she stretched a little he laughed and added, breakfast will be here in about an hour. Can you think of anything we can do between now and then?”
Allie had a great rest in the comfortable bed beneath her. She had sighed softly in her sleep, her dreams filled with some of the times she spent with Jack and how good it felt cuddling and touching him last night.

She sighed thinking she felt hands on her body but ignored it at first then slowly began opening her eyes as the fingers continued touching her and a smiled went on her face immediately seeing Jack had been watching and admiring her.

" Good Morning Jack" she said doing a little cat stretch " she smirked as he saw how good of a mood he was in as he mentioned breakfast would be there in an hour.

" I can think of something fun we can do until then.." She said meaning over and kissing his chest softly and trailing her hand down to his cock surprised at how hard he was and that he'd gotten that way just watching her.

She couldn't resist kissing him and teasing his cock a bit withnher fingertips "Have you been up long? She asked and gasped feeling him being touching her more as well"

She had felt good waking up like that, seeing the happiness and desire on his face as he watchedher wake up slowly from her sleep, she found it very sweet but she couldnt tell jack that she still wasnt even sure on what to call their relationship since things had started heating up in vegas.

She moaned as he leaned over capturing a breast in his mouth and licking her sensitive nipples. She watched him and panted " I think we can both Have a little prebreakfast treat" she grinned
Jack laughed when she said she could think of something fun they could do until breakfast. They were on the same wavelength when she leaned toward him kissing his chest while her hand sought out and found his almost hard cock.

As she kissed him he let out a soft groan while her fingers teased his cock, asking if he’d been up long. “long enough to get excited just watching you sleep and touching you like this,” he said squeezing a breast and then rubbing her nipple until it was rigid.

He had not had this good of a feeling in a long time. Joanna, his past PA wasn’t really a morning person, waking up grumpy. And his ex- wife Judy was down right mean in the last months of their marriage. He knew he would need to tell Allie about his ex-wife some time but now was not the time. He and Allie had only known each other for a few days and he didn’t want to ruin what they were experiencing.

Seeing the excited nipple, he leaned down capturing a ripe nipple in his mouth. He loved the way it felt on his lips and when he nibbled on the top with his teeth, he loved her soft moan and her fingers tangling in his hair as she held his head against her.

He was enjoying his treat when he heard her tell him they both could have a prebreakfast treat. He let go of her sensitive nipple, seeing her grinning.

“That can be arranged,” he smirked. He moved quickly turning to face her feet shoving the sheets covering her pussy. Grabbing her hips, he easily pulled her on top of him so she was straddling his head. He saw some moisture had formed on the puffy lips while he knew his cock was very accessible to her hands and mouth.

“Mmmm I think you’re right Allie, I can’t think of a better way to start this day,” he groaned wrapping his arms around her ass cheeks and pulling her down onto his mouth. “Hmmm delicious,” he moaned running his tongue up and down the lips guarding her clit. At the same time he felt two hands grab his cock and knew what was about to happen.
Allie had been enjoying her morning with him and saw him smirk mischievous before pulling her on top of his face telling her that treats could be arranged. She now faced his cock and couldnt help but stroke and admire it, she was hungry for it in more ways than one but for now , she was going to enjoy sucking Jacks magificent cock, but not before he enjoyed her tongue on it.

She sighed sexily feeling him wrap her up in a way he could hold her against his mouth and she moaned feeling his tongue slowly lick up and down her lips. " Fuckkk..." Allie whisphered and gasped grabbing his cock with her hands and stroking him. She leaned forward licking his cock tasting the precum that had formed a bit and groaned " Mmmm you taste pretty delicious yourself " she groaned then sucked the tip of his cock softly between her lios grinning at the surprised sound she heard him make and knew he had liked it.

Allie had to admit she was very good at this skill, she remembered she had even researched how to give the perfect blowjob and watched adult stars to learn when she had first tried it with John and as she continued she was proud of how good she was making Mr. Wolfe feel, she wanted him nice and relaxed today before they went in.

Allison stroked slowly with both hands with her hands just sucking the tip of his cock for now.
Jack felt Ali’s lips on the tip of his cock slowly sucking it and let out a low animalistic groan, “ohhhhh fuckkkkk,” when she didn’t just lower her mouth onto it. Instead she simply sucked on the sensitive head and then when she scraped her teeth over it, he felt a huge tremor course through his body.. His lips froze on her pussy lips for a moment as he groaned, “ummm …. Aggg ….. fuck that feels so fucking good.”

He had a lot of experience with women sucking his cock. Only a very few had taken the time to tease him by only sucking on the tip and holding his cock without taking more into their mouth or stroking it. Wherever Allie learned this technique, she learned it well. He thought of boyfriend John, wondering it he was the lucky man she trained on.

Then she added a slow steady stroking motion in unison with sucking only on the tip while running her tongue around it and nipping at it with her teeth. The wild sensations racking his body caused louder groans into her moist pussy. And every time his hips moved upward she simply backed off. It was maddening but pleasurable.

In response to the excellent sucking, Jack pulled Allie’s pussy against his face thinking two can play this game. He felt her hips begin to move wanting him to find her clit and massage it with his tongue.

Instead he slid his tongue around her hole teasing it as if he was going to tongue fuck it. Slicing his tongue around the opening he dipped into her hole feeling the muscles trying to draw him deeper. The taste of her desire was intoxicating and he grinned lapping up the leaking juices.

He felt like they were two fighters testing the other seeing who would give in first. He listened to her moans growing louder that mixed with own loud groans.

it wasn’t like he was a loser because there is no loser in this game. But he gave in first, pushing his tongue between her soft folds and finding her sensitive jewel. Her body jerked trying to get away but he held her tight against his mouth as he sucked her clit into his mouth while his tongue danced around and over it.

At the same time his fingers began to tease her tight anal opening. He didn’t probe into the tight opening only teased it, wondering if she had ever had the pleasure of being taken there. It was something he would experiment later..

Another sensual sensation tore through him and he wished she would do him the pleasure of taking his cock deep into her mouth as his body shuddered with pleasure,
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