Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

Jack surveyed the room as Allie spoke. At first there was some smiles that seemed to indicate they were cocky and thought they knew more than her. Allie was not coming off as an expert but giving ideas she must have either read or heard about. It didn't take but a minute for the group's smiles to melt away and they listened with rapt attention. Jack saw Jacob, Abby, and Bradley smiling and nodding in agreement.

Jack saw a certain smile on Abby face as she stared at Allison. It was as if she was analyizing her every word but it also seemed to be more than that. A sudden thought entered his head ...... was she interested in Allison for more than just a business relationship. He thought of how she kept wanting Allison to go to the dress shore and told her she needed to wear something sexy tonight. Jack wasn't sure but he knew he would keep an eye on her. And what about Doug? Was he interested in Allison too? Were Abby and Jack swingers? Jack knew he and Allison were only here for another night and he was pretty sure Allison had not done anything like swinging with John. There was no way he wanted to share Allison with anyone ..... he wanted her all for himself.

He was brought out of his thoughts hearing Allie wrap up her presentation. She looked at him and he gave her a big smile and a wink that meant everything went well. He noted the room was suddenly silent and it appeared to him the group was waiting for Jacob to take the lead. Jack smirked thinking it was typical of when a boss was in the room; employees tended to not speak for fear of saying the wrong thing.

Jacob smiled and Jack knew he was pleased with Allison's presentation. Jacob looked around the room and asked if there were any questions. No one said anything for a moment and then a young blonde spoke up. "I like your ideas but do you know what the additional costs are over and above the traditional construction and operating cost.

Jack knew Allie would not know the entire picture but she had briefed him on her ideas and he had his finance staff run some numbers. He looked at Allie and saw her look at him. He smiled and winked at her knowing she didn't know he had his people run the numbers.

"Let me answer that," he said in a very authorative tone. "The techinical cost Ms. James mentioned would be in the neighborhood of fifty million and the additional construction cost would add thrity million but the overall savings year over year would be one hundred million.

Jack glanced at Allison and saw a look that could only be admiration. He smiled back and asked if there were any more questions. There were a few questions about casino revenues and that was Jacob and Abby's expertise. After all the questions, Jacob congratulated Allison and told her, "I was serious if you want a job with my organization you are welcome anytime." He looked at Jack with a grin. "I have what I think is a very good offer and will have it ready for you to take with you tomorrow."

Jack smiled. "I will look at it tomorrow and I would hope there is a nice bonus for Allison for bringing a whole new consept to Las Vegas."

"Ohhh don't worry Jack. I know your reputation and you know I will give Allison a healthy bonus for her hard work."

He saw Allie look at him and he shook his head knowing she knew what that meant. He stood next to Allison and gave her a hug. "You did a fantastic job Allie .... I'm very proud of you." He wanted to kiss her and hold her but knew that was not possible here in front of everyone.

Abby came up and also congratulated them, giving Allison a big hug. "I knew there was something special about you." She turned to Jack and said, Doug will be here in about fifteen minutes. He will join us for a bit of shopping and then off to the go-karts and then after that we'll drop you off so you can rest a bit and then we'll pick you up at six for dinner and a show."

Jack looked at Allie and shrugged his shoulders. They were really guests of Jacob's company and needed to be aware that they were obligated to be nice to them. He took Allie aside for a moment and chuckled, "Are you ready to shop for a sexy dinner dress and then race me at the go karts and get your tail whopped?" He saw those emerald eyes shimmering as he waited for her reply.
Allie was happy everyone was on board with her ideas and that Mr. Wolfe had jumped in helping her out with the financial estimate of the investment. Once the meeting was concluded.

She chuckled as Jacob mentioned sstealing her away to work with his organization and she grinned hearing jack mention he wouldn't let her go easily.

Jacob mentioned his offer and how everything would be ready tomorrow along with a very generous offer

She then smiled at Jack as he told her what a good job she had done and how proud he was. She was tempted to lean in and kiss him but knew the two had to remain professional.

She saw Abby come over joing them giving Jack a hug and giving her a big squeeze holding her a second and telling her she knew there was something special about her and then mentioning the plans with Doug and that they would be there soon.

She could tell Jack didnt like the idea of her trying certain things on and showing herself but she also hadnt wanted to be impolite " Sure we can shop and have things sent to the hotel like i did lasttime and then head to gokarts."

She smilled as he pulled her to the side and asked her if she was excited for her dress and racing him. He also asked her if she was ready to get whooped. She laughed at that said playfully and said "I"ll want your help picking my dress this time, and as for winning,,,,Bring it on Mr Wolfe.."

The stood chatting with everyine for a moment before all of them were heaed off to the store and to enjoy the rest of their day.
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Jack chuckled hearing Allie tell him she wanted him to help her pick out a party dress. He had gone with his ex-wife once to a dress shop and found it boring. But that was back in Ohio before the move to New York. This is Las Vegas where just about anything goes and from the dresses Allie and Abby brought home, he thought it would be a totally different dress.

"And as for racing. I think you'll find that I don't like to lose ..... at anything." That was a fact that made him one of the richest men in the world. Some thought he was a heartless bastard making cunning deals that made him millions. But he did have a heart for certain things and people. He was getting more and more feelings for the brunette with deep mesmerizing green eyes.

Doug pulled up in another limousine and Jack wondered if any of them had real cars. He could see the excitement on Abby's face as they all piled into the back of the limo. "We're going to have such a great day," Abby said, telling the driver to head to a certain dress shop. On the ride Abby told Doug all about Allison performance and how the whole company was absolutely silent and how Jacob wanted to steal her again from Jack. That brought laughter from everyone and then she added, "I bet you'd love it out here and I'd love it if you did come to work with us."

Jack looked directly at Abby and in a tone he doesn't use very often, he said, "that's not ever going to happen." Jack already knew that he would do whatever it takes to keep Allison near him.

Arriving at the shop, Jack saw Abby staring at him with a wide smile. "I can't wait to see what Jack picks out for you. I bet he has some very sexy tastes."

Jack chuckled and knew Abby would have a hand in picking out what she thought Allie should wear for a night out on the town in Las Vegas.

Inside the dress shop Jack saw all types of dresses and was unsure of what to have Allie try on. Abby saw his delimma and smirked, "let me help you Jack." Jack saw Doug with a wide smile knowing he was going to just enjoy seeing Allie try on different dresses. He also saw Allie's face light up and though she seemed to be very conservative when it came to clothing, he had a feeling she really liked to dress up. He also knew that her boyfriend did not have the money or resources to buy her the kind of dresses she was about to try on.

Abby took Allison by the hand and pulled her into the back of the store and then there came a parade of dress modeling that had Jack's whole intention. His manhood was reacting a little as was his imagination thinking how sexy she would look tonight and then taking it off her later.

Each dress brought out a different feature in Allison and he found himself saying he loved each one as Allie paraded for him and Doug. Forest Green Dress red coctail dress black beaded illusion neckline backless chainmail mini dress chainmail halter dress

When the show was done, Abby had a bright smile on her face. "So men which dress should Allison buy." Jack said he liked them all and so did Doug. Abby laughted loudly and shouted, "Marsha .... we'll take them all. Please send them to the address we gave you yesterday."

Jack was stunned and was about to protest when Abby held up her hand and said, "it's done and now on to the races." Grabbing Allison's arm she pulled her tight against her saying, "you are going to look very sexy tonight when your gorgeous escort takes you out on the town. Are you excited?"
Allison had heard the tone in the car when he told Abby her working for Jacobs company was never going to happen and she could tell the woman had been amused probably knowing how much she and Jack were starting to mean to each other.

Allie loved John but she could definitely see herself falling for a man like Mr. Wolfe and subconsciously held his hand gently and then removed it seeing the grin on both Doug and Abbys face it was clear they had been entertained by the chemistry between Jack and Allie.

They had arrived to the dress shop and she had a casual conversation with Abby and Doug while Jack went to look for dresses for her. It seemed Jack had a bit of a probelm finding her some picks and maybe her size and Abby jumped at chance to help.

She sat with Doug as he chatted about Abby sayimg she should just add stylist to her career with the way she loved to dress up and shop. It wasnt long before they came back with an arm full of clothes.

Sbe had done a little show for them with the dresses glad nothing was too wild aside from the chaindresses which was something she had not been used to and would need to think of a place she could wear that , she also knew seamless underwear or thong had to be worn as well due to slight sheerness.

Abby had seen two dresses for return near the dressing room and said factually " Youre getting these too" she said showing her a short red dress that had been a halter in front but was backless.

" This one is hot.. it screams showgirl" she said holding up a silver fringe dress "and fate would have it Allison its your size.. these will look so good on you...but i think you should surprise everyone tonight with that one" she said pointing to the dazzling diamond like dress and tucking the two in the middle of the pile so the men couldn't get a glimpse.

She got dressed again and they made their way out to join the men and she hear Abby ask them which one looked the best . They both stated they like them all and Abby mustve predicted the mens answers and grinned telling the shop employee theyd take them all and send them to their address and she knew the two had been hidden in a pile.

She and Jack looked like they were about to intercept at the same time. Her about putting some back and Jack most likely about her picking more than one because it just dinner.

Abby held her hand up stopping both and mention going to the tracks. She was Abby grabbed her arm pulling her close to her mentioning how sexy she would look tonight with her taking her all over town and she knew she was more excited in Jack seeing her with that dress on.

She laughed joking wiyh her that she knew they would all have a great time and try not to get them into anything too wild which made Doug laugh at that.

They all walked to the car and Allie was excited about the racing , she had liked it when she was younger her older brothers had one they used to ride with down dirt roads and she smirked remembering his statement about never losing earlier.

She chuckled as they got to the track and climbed out Abby and Doug in front goung to get tickets and looked up at him and grinned " so...want to place out bets now Jack?.. what do i get if i win or lose?"
Jack couldn't believe Abby told the store owner they would take all the outfits. He saw the owner smile when Abby told her to put them on the same card she used yesterday. That card belonged to Jack and Abby laughed, looking at Jack and shrugging her shoulders as if to tell him ..... it's all on your card.

Jack saw a what appeared to be a secret smile between Abby and Allison. He felt they were up to something but he didn't pursue it. If his guess was right, he would find out soon enough. They giggled in the limousine like little children on the way to the go kart track.

Jack saw her chuckle and he chuckled too when she asked if he wanted to place their bets now. He smiled when she asked what she gets if she wins or loses and Jack thought for a moment. "If I win you have to give me something very special that I would always remember our time in Las Vegas. And if you win I will give you the same, something that you'll always remember of our time in Las Vegas."

Jack knew it was a win win situation no matter who won. Abby and Doug came back with the tickets and they headed to the starting area where they were required to put on helmets for safety reasons. Jack saw the determination in her eyes and before the race he said, "to make it more fun we'll have three races and whoever wins two out of three is the winner.

The race was five laps and they started out neck and neck, each laughing like little kids as they raced around the track. Jack took the lead and then Allie took the lead each trying to out do the other. Jack was impressed with Allie's skill as a driver and any notion she was going to be a push over was soon squashed.

As they came into the last lap with Jack in the lead he knew he was going to win the first heat. He smiled and saw the look of anger in her eyes and knew she was not about to quit and let him win the total match. The second heat went like the first with Jack taking the lead and then she hit the accelerator at the last moment which put Allie in the lead to win the second heat.

Abby and Doug were just bystanders in this dual between them. They decided to not race the third heat, instead opting to stand on the sidelines. Abby rooted for Allison and Doug for Jack as the third heat started. Jack looked at Allie at the starting line and smiled. "I hope you like losing," he cracked as the they waited for the starter to give the signal to begin racing.
Allie had grinned as they raced it seemed both of them had quite the competitive streak and they had also both won a match. She saw Abby and Doug opt out for the third go around and instead cheer them on and she knew they were having good fun and would enjoy whatever the other did desipte who won.

She couldn't help but giggle hearing him say cockily that he hoped she liked losing. She smirked and said " Well see who finishes first Jack and " teasing back.
The sound went off and Jack sped off taking the lead but not too soon allie caught up blowling a kiss as she passed him a little and then he sped up right beside her.

She laughed at how much fun the two were genuinely having all while having a good bit of competitiveness while on the track and after about 5 minutes she was surpised the two had tied.

They stopped the cars at the raceline and she climbed out straightening her skirt then taking her helmet off grinning walking over to him " Great race Jack .. we both win so i guess we both get a prize huh?" She said flirtingly before Abby and Doug joined them commenting in how incredibly fast they were.

Allie chuckled and said " It was alot of fun i havent driven a go kart since i was younger its still as fun as i remember " she grinned looking over at the couple then Jack .

She could tell they werent ready but she wantrd to relax with Jack alone for a bit before they hsd to get ready. She already planned scheme to get Jack to the car first later before her so he could be surprised when he saw her in the dress and made up.

She heard Doug offer to take them to drinks and said " Actually can we raincheck that for later?. Id really like to check out the spa at our hotel?" She said gkancing at Jack hoping hed want to as well.
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Jack had Allie where he wanted her but she was a great competitor and at the finish line they were in a virtual tie. It was a tie and he smiled when she took off her helmet and shook out her hair. She looked so sexy and all she could think about was taking her into his arms and kissing her.

He laughed along with her when she congratulated him on a great race and asked if they both get a prize. Jack saw Abby and Doug coming toward them and hugged Allie and kissed her cheek as he replied, "you bet we both get a prize and I can't wait to see what kind of prize you give me." He knew he wanted to feel him in her but knew that was probably not going to happen.

"Yes Allie it was a lot of fun and I do admire the competitive fire in your belly. I bet you whooped your brothers a lot when you were younger."

Abby and Doug arrived and he could see the Abby looking very carefully at them, knowing she was thinking of them as a couple. Doug offered to take them for drinks and he was surprised when Allie asked for a rain check, telling them she wanted to check out the spa and the hotel. Jack saw the look on Allie's face and wondered what she was thinking. Did she really want to go to the spa or just be alone with him in the penthouse?

"I agree with Allison. We are going to have a long night out on the town and we should rest a bit." Jack saw Allie's smile and Abby's smirk.

Doug said ok and as they drove to the hotel, Jack asked for them to drop him and Allie off on the strip. "I want Allie to see the different architecture features on the casinos." They got out of the limousine to the gawking of passer-bys thinking might see some famous person. They walked along the street taking in the different facades of the casinos and happened to catch the action at Treasure Island where pirates fight a mock battle. As they watched, Jack put his arm around Allie and felt her get comfortable.

Then on the rest of the walk to the Mirage, he held her hand and she didn't resist. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this happy and carefree holding a beautiful woman's hand and just enjoying the day.

When they arrived at the penthouse and walked into the living area he turned and smiled. "I don't think you want to go to the spa. What does Allie have on her naughty little mind?"
Allison was surprised when Jack had asked them to drop them off at the strip not too far from their hotel and they agreed to letting them off near the casino's.

She noticed the knowing looks Abby gave them but didnt say anything and chuckled knowing the woman probably had sensed thoer realtionship had sexual tension and the two were more than mere boss and assistant.

She noticed the stares they were getting but paid it no mind holding Jacks hand as they walked around and he gave her knowledge about some of the casinos. They were walking and stumbled across a pirate fight at Treasure island and stopped to watch the display.

He stood behind her a bit taller and wrapped his arm around her tucking her to side and she leaned against him comfortably.After the show the two walked and talked with each other holding hands and enjoying each others presence.

They finally got back to the suite and she grinned as he asked her what she had in mind. She chuckled and said " Well not technically .. we only got to enjoy the pool.. how about a soak in the hottub and then we can give each other massages , have our own personal spa experience?" She suggested annd grinned at him

She had wanted to show the lingerie and swimsuits she bought but she supposed she could show it another time, she wondered after vegas would he still want her like this, or was the two just having Vegas kind of fun?

She leaned in and kissed him softly " Why dont we go in now?.. I dont think we need to bother with swinsuits?"
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Jack liked what Allie was suggesting and told her, "I think a nice soak in the hot tub would be great and a massage would be fantastic." He took her into his arms when she leaned in and kissed him softly, suggesting they get in the hot tub now and don't bother with swim suits. "I'm all for that Allie," he said, guiding her to the hot tub and turning the jets on.

As he began to pull her top out of her skirt, she reached for his shirt buttons. He grabbed her hands and chuckled, "you can undress me when I have your clothes off." Pulling her tank top style shirt over her head, he smiled at the gray bra. "Mmmmm Allie I love your perfect breasts," he said. His hands molded themselves to her covered breasts, massaging them before reaching behind her to unhook the bra. When her breasts were exposed he felt his desire rise as his fingers roamed over them, hearing her quick intake of air as they circled the aroused nipples.

He pulled her to him, feeling her nipples crush against his shirt and putting his hands behind her, he unzipped her skirt and then knelt in front of her, pulling it over her hips and letting it fall to the floor. He spied her gray thong and another surge of lust coursed through his veins. He really wanted to plant his cock into her but knew he had to find the restraint to stop. But he wondered if tonight would be different after a night on the town which included dinner, show, and nightclub.

Sliding his fingers up her thighs, he felt her body shiver as they neared her pussy. "I love your sexy pussy," he whispered seeing a wet spot form. He leaned forward, kissing the soft hidden lips that guarded the entrance to her clit. Pulling down her thong, he saw moisture had formed on the lips and he smiled. He wanted to go further but stopped and stood upand gazed at her naked body. "Allie .... you are truly beautiful and I think we have something special." He wanted to say more but didn't.

"Your turn and don't think this qualifies as giving me my pleasure for winning the go kart race," he laughed. "I know what I'm going to do to reward you and I wonder what you plan to do to reward me."

He thought of all the purchases he paid for and added quickly with a wide smile, "And I want you to model all the nice outfits Abby paid for with my credit card."
Allison smiled softly when he stopped her from undressing him and he told her she could once he had finished undressing her. She saw how he admired herr breasts and behan to massage them softly and her breathing became heavier as she grew aroused.
She gasped as he massaged her breasts for moment teasing her nipples then pull her gently against his chest letting her feel his hard body agaisnt her and she heard the quickening of his heartbeat telling her Jack was getting aroused by doing this.

He unzipped her then got on his knees pulling the skirt over her well rounded ass and hips and she heard it fall to the floor. She saw how he looked at her and grew wetter, thinking from that gazr he had, she knew what was on his mind, it was on hers as well since the shower this morning.

She shivered slightly feeling his fingertips trace up her thigh and she knew he might see how wet she was from where he was and she heard the desire in his voice when he whisphered much he loved her sexy pussy.

She sighed feeling him lean foward a kiss it then slowly pull her thong down. Her green eyes caught his grey ones and he looked over her body slowly telling her how beautiful she was and that he felt they had something special.

She smiled at him and leaned in giving him a soft kiss, she could tell he was holding back from saying more because she was with John and her emotions were conflicted but she looked him in the eyes unable to deny their attraction and said " I think we do too Jack,i cant wait until we grow more together" she blushed not meaning for that to slip , she wanted Jack but it would cost her leaving a man shed been with since her teens.. was she ready to do that....? Was she ready to face their families disappointment?

She shook that out of her mind and focused on the man in front of her. She smirked as he said this didnt qualify as his pleasure for winning and she chuckled and said " I think youre going to really enjoy what i have up my sleeve tonight jack.. but..its a surprise no spoilers" she teased

She stepped in closer to him and slowly began to unbutton his grey shirt one by one sliding the first layer off of his shoulders the gently pulling the white tshirt over his head.

She was face tonface with his rock hard chest and subconsciously licked her lips admiring him. Allie slowly traced a finger along his body, etching the memory of his muscles in her pretty little head and enjoying the slight hitch in his breathing as she touched him " Jack you are so sexy baby" she whisphered softly and leaned in kissing his chest gently before trailing her her hand to the top of his pants.

She saw he was growing aroused and grinned. She got on her knees in front of him and undid the button of his pants and slowly undid his zipper smirking as the pants then fell.

She saw how hard he had become and reached up touching his member " Your cock really is amazing Jack" she said breathily stroking it through his black boxers a moment then leaned forward puling them down slowly with her teeth.

She grinned seeing his hard cock come out a twitch slightly, she was soaking wet from arousal and she couldnt stop herself from leaning forward and licking the tip.

She sighed sexily tasting the arousal there and stopped herself before they wouldnt even make it in the jaccuzi. She stood up smiling and kissed him softly again before saying "I cant wait to see what my reward is either Jack..I look forward to it she said and grinned then pulled him gently with her so they could climb in the hottub.
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When Allie told him she too thought they had something special and added that she couldn't wait for them to grow more together, he saw her blush at the double meaning. He knew what she meant but he also thought she was thinking of them having more than touching and kissing. She stopped for a moment and he thought she was going to try and claify her comment but she didn't, instead she began to unbutton his shirt. "I know what you mean Allie," letting it go and not pursuring it. He was sure it was weighing heavy on her mind just like it was with him. It seemed everything they did together drew them closer and closer to that ultimate decision.

Jack stood in awe watching Allie easily remove his shirt and admire his chest telling him he was sexy. And as she leaned in to place soft butterfly kisses on it he felt his cock thicken with desire for her.

The soft smile and smirk as she slowly unzipped his trousers was maddening. She knew exactly what she was doing, taking her time knowing more blood was making him harder. He smiled when she told him his cock was really amazing and a shudder coursed through him when she used her teeth to pull his boxer shorts down, exposing his cock. And when she finally released it, he saw a look of pure desire in her eyes. Was she thinking how nice it would be to be nestled deep inside her.

The soft kiss to the tip of his cock sent shivers through him. “Hmmmm …. That feels good,” he moaned when her lips kissed the tip of his cock knowing she tasted some pre-cum. He waited for her to take more of his veiny muscle into her mouth but she stopped. Instead of taking him into her mouth, he smiled when she stood and kissed him, telling him they should get in the jacuzzi.

Jack watched her naked body step into the hot tub and turn to watch him. He saw her eyes focus on his semi-rigid cock swinging freely as he joined her. They sat in the jets next to each other for a moment, letting the hot wated rush over their backs. It felt good to be in the hot tub with Allie, just relaxing and enjoying her company.

But Jack other more sensual relaxation thoughts on his mind. Standing, he moved in front of her putting his hands on either side of her and leaning down to kiss her. The kiss was soft and sensual, not to hard and passionate but the kind that sends a message that he really cares for her. As the kiss lingered, he felt her hand sliding down his abdomen to find his semi-flaccid member. He groaned into the kiss knowing that in a few moments she would feel it grow harder and stronger.

Breaking the kiss, he closed his eyes taking in the sensations her hands were creating in his cock. Looking into her emerald eyes, he said, "you are the most beautiful woman I know Allie in more ways then just your gorgeous looks and I really meant it when I said I think we have something special and I just want you to know I value you as being very special." Before she could respond, he placed a kiss on her lips that was not just sensual but it was more pressing, telling her of his desire for her.

Jack felt her fingers tighten around his swollen member and knew that no matter what he would always protect her. Then when the kiss broke briefly, he whispered, "I can't wait to see what surprise you have for me."

He thought for a moment. They might be out late and he wasn’t sure what Allie was planning for his surprise. If they both waited until later it might not be enough time. Grinning, he said, “when you’re ready you can give me a massage and then you’ll get your reward for the go kart race.” He smiled seeing her eyes light up.
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Allie had sighed softly as the jets hit their skin when the two enetered the tub, it felt good and relaxing and they sat like that for a while enjoying each others company then she saw Jack stand.

She watched him as he moved in front of her his semi hard cock and body glistening from the water and the lights reflecting of of his body. She sighed softly as he looked into her eyes focusing on her before kissing her slowly, softly and sensually.

This was different than their usual kisses, this kiss was full of care, need and something more. They continued kissing like that neither rushing and enjoying their lips and tongues dancing agaisnt one another.

She slowly ran her hand down his chest needing to touch him and slowly began to stroke him feeling him grow hard in her soft hand. Nothing was sexier than the look of desire of Jacks face when he watched her and she saw his sighed and pull back a moment enjoying her talented hand.

He looked down into her eyes causing her to gasp a little and she saw that stormy lust she loved in them along with something else, she had felt it too..were she and jack wolfe falling for each other?

She sighed feeling the swell and weight of him in her palm and he told her how she was the most beautiful woman he knew and that he wanted her to know that he meant it when he said he valued her as special and he meant it when he said he valued her as being special.

She felt in her heart he did, Jack cared for her, she could tell and she cared for him too and was about to let him know as much when he leaned in and kissed her sensually again but she could feel the need behind it and she continued stroking his cock tightening her grip and stroking a little faster.

She heard the need in his voice as he whisphered that he couldn't wait to see her surprise. She grinned when he mentioned when she was ready she could give her massage and then after that she would get reward.

She smiked looking in his eyes and leaned in kissing him again sexily. " Ok.. we can do the massage here poolside....ill go grab some towels and massage oil..that table looks big enough for us to both get on top of"she grinned giving him a small peck on the lips before pulling back

She climbed out of the hottub giggling at his instinctual slap on the ass and she went off to grab some body oil she had and towels to lay down on the table so he was comfortable.

She actually enjoyed their privacy here, they could walk around naked freely and she smirked when she returned setting up the table and instructing him to come lie on his stomach so she could start. "Are you ready for me Jack?"she said sexily in his ear once he got in position for her and she climbed on his back lightly.
Jack loved her excitement and enthusiasm not only during the Las Vegas trip but the entire first week. He smiled as she got out of the hot tub to find towels and massaging oils. He laughed at her comment about the table being large enough to hold both of them. She didn’t ask and he didn’t offer that he had some previous experience using it for more than a massage table in the past.

He marveled at her naked body, seeing water dripping off as she scampered out of the hot tub and couldn’t resist giving her a playful slap on her ass. If she only knew that he was planning at some time in the future to see how she really liked a spanking followed by some much needed sexual attention. As she collected the towels and oils he thought about how carefree she was running around naked. She didn't seem to have any hang ups about showing off her charms to him. He watched her gathering the supplies, loving the way her tits swayed suggestively causing his cock to stir at the thought of planting his cock between them as he fed his cock to her mouth.

When she set up the table and instructed him in a very sexy tone to come lie on his stomach so she could start, he gave her a wide smile. "You better believe I’m ready Allie.," he laughed lying on his stomach and shifting his hips to make his cock more comfortable.

He put his head on his folded arms feeling her climb on the table and straddling his lower back. But before she started, he felt her lean over his back and rub her hard nipples on his back, hearing her sigh then kiss the back of his neck. Her soft lips skimming and his tongue flicking over his skin sent sensations scurrying through his body. Was this a sign of what she planned to do during her massage.

Jack was relaxed and very happy being with Allie. He couldn’t remember being this happy since he was first married to Judy, his now ex-wife. Things had been exciting at the start of their marriage but then things turned sour in their relationship. He wondered if her and John were in a vanilla relationship after having been together since high school. He put that thought out of his mind and relaxed waiting for Allie to begin her massage.

He felt the scented strawberry oil hitting his skin and then her fingers working their magic, working the oils into his skin and then digging her fingers into his shoulders, massaging the tight muscles and making him emit a soft, "Ummm that feels good." Jack was enjoying the way her fingers and hands worked the tired muscles in his upper back.

He smiled into his folded arms as she moved to straddle his legs and began a journey down to his waist and then his hips. He could feel his desire rising as she began to massage his butt cheeks and he wondered if she had some experience because it sure seemed she knew what muscles to concentrate on. He felt his cock begin to thicken again as her hands moved a bit south to his thighs.

"Mmmmm you sure know how to make me relax," he groaned when she massaged the back of one thigh and then the other before moving down to the back of his knees. Instinctively he spread his thighs open as far as he could with her sitting on them and was rewarded when her hand slide under him to find his semi-soft cock. "Hmmm ohhhh yesss I like that," he sighed feeling her fingers tighten around the muscle. But then she pulled her hand back and proceeded to move on.

When she got to his calves and feet he was feeling really relaxed and he smirked thinking that when it was her turn she was not going to feel relaxed but feel sexual tension building in her body. Then he felt a hand smack his ass hard and he jumped a little at the surprise attack, hearing her laugh and chuckle. He was glad that she felt free to do such a thing with him and then he felt her lift off his legs. Turning to look at her, he saw her mischevious smile and he flipped over onto his back, seeing her eyes stare at his semi-thick cock.

"I sure hope your frontal massage is just as good as the massage on my backside. And if you could, there is a certain area I think needs your expert attention. Do you think you can help with that," he laughed, hoping she was going to pay extra special attention to his growing member.
Allie was having a great time massgaging and teasing him, with John she could hardly get through half of it before he wanted to be inside of her, not that she didnt mind but she did like the intimacy of pleasuring her partner thoroughly.

She kissed back of his neck softly and then licked it teasingly smirking before she began. She felt the tension in his body melting away as she began her massage and smiled happy Jack had been so comfortable and calm with her.

He groaned complementing her and she grinned " Im glad youre enjoying it" she said softly, moving herself down a little to sit on the back of his legs and worked o his back and waist making sure to drag her body along it teasingly before working her hands on his nice firm ass.

She moved again this time to the back of his legs massaging the tightness shenfelt at the back of her thighs and she heard his breathing hitch and him groan slightly telling her she sure knew how to make him relax.

"I like making you feel good Jack.." she said moving lower again and smirked seeing him slightly spread his legs easliy lifting her slightly as he did and she couldn't resists reaching between his legs to massage his balls and cock for a moment.

She grinned hearing him sighed aroused then stopped smirking before moving on. She would tend to that particular muscle momentarily. She moved on to his calves and feet then saw the slight smirk on his face and slapped his ass playfully to break his concentration.

She couldn't stop the playful giggle that bubbled up seeing he was stunned by it and she chuckled climbing off his legs. She saw him turn to look at her and grinned watching him flip on his back for her.

She giggld as he said he hoped her frontal would be just as good as her back massage and she lookeddown glancing at his impressive body and hardening cock andleaned down giving him a soft kiss " Dont worry.. ill make sure that area is thoroughly taken of " .

She grinned and climbed back on top of the table on top of him, this time shifting onto his lower stomach right above his cock, had she been tempted too far she might've just told him to just take her right there.

She leaned forward brushing her breasts on his cock and leaned forward massaging his feet gently and then moving up is legs slowly. She sighed knowing he probably felt her arousal from doing this to him and she continued moving back a little higher onto his chest.

She made her way to his inner thighs massaging him there and then his balls grinning as she heard him groan and then leaned forward licking his cock. She was still amazed at the heaviness of his cock and leaned forward licking it slowly and teasing his cock with her tongue.

She took him in between her lips sucking the tip of himma bit then licking it as if it was an icecream cone. " Mmm is this helping Jack ...or does this area need more attention? She smirked and then licked the length of him enjoying teasing him seeing that he didnt mind it much.
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Jack laughed and let out a groan of appreciation when she teasingly told him she would make sure the area between his thighs was thoroughly taken of. He was hoping she would be true to her word.

When she climbed on top him facing away from him, he got a great look at her cute rear as she settled on his abdomen. It reminded him of when he made her cum with his fingers in her pussy and ass. He didn’t attempt to touch her just yet and he could feel her arousal leaving a trail of her juices on his abdomen. He wanted to see what she was planning and besides he had plans of his own to make her pussy moist with want and desire for him.

When she brushed her tits on his cock a surge of lust enveloped his cock making it twitch. The thought of having her take him in a reverse cowgirl excited him. He fantasized about her taking his cock in her hand, rubbing it over her pussly lips and then plunging down on it until it completely filled her. The thought of her doing it made his cock twitch with desire to feel the heat of her pussy surrounding his cock.

The higher her bottom moved up on his chest, the more he resisted just pulling her onto his mouth and devouring her pussy. Besides this was her massage and he didn't want to interrupt her concentration when she started to massage his inner thighs. He groaned when she began lickning his cock, loving the feeling of her tongue sliding up and down its length.

She was teasing him and he delighted in the way she began to suck the head of his cock and then licking it. His cock throbbed and it twitched with lust for her to do more ..... make him squirm. He ran his fingers over her bottom not trying to pull her on his face but letting her have her way with him.

He could tell she was going to tease and milk him until he couldn't stand it and needed some sensual relief from the sexual tension building in his body. The way she sucked just the tip, using her tongue and then her teeth to scrape over the sensitive head made his head reel with thoughts of just taking her and having his way with her her. She knew just how to make his body quake with lust and desire for her and no other woman had this effect on him. When she cooed, asking if this area needed more attention he could only groan and answer her.

"Yes baby .... ohhhhh yesssss baby ...... I need you to give my cock more attention ......" He felt her lips widen and his cock slipped past her teeth. His cock twitched and throbbed as she took more of his cock into her mouth while one hand squeezed it and stroked it tenderly. His hips bucked upward and his fingernails scrapped over her backside and bottom encouraging her to continue her teasing and drive him wild.

Jack would normally take control, pulling her wet pussy to his face and then later have her ride his cock until they both had the satisfication of sexual pleasures. But this was different and he let Allie have control for now but he smirked thinking that soon the shoe would be on the other foot. And when it was, he would make sure she was pleading and begging for him to let her cum.
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Allie felt the quiver in his cock as she teased him and the desire she felt for Jack right now did nothing but feed the need she had of wanting him inside of her.

She groaned sucking and stroking more of him nd she sighed feeling his hands reach up to her and scrape his fingernails across her ass and she continued her teasing.

She remembered how hot it was when the got each other off last night and this morning. She took more of him into her mouth and moaned liking the feelingnof doing this to Jack just as much as he enjoyed her doing it.

She sucked him till he had cum deep in her throat and she leaned back grinnig seeinghe was starting to grow again not too shortly after and his stamina was impressive.

She grinned and turned sliding her body against his cock but not entering and she started to massage his chest gently and and looking into his eyes. " Mmm i love how delicious you taste Jack" she said looking at him and licking her lips.

She slid her hands up to his shoulders rubbing the tension she felt out and she leaned down kissing his neck softly stopping the the light teasing she did hesitantly and pulled back looking at him.

" So jack is it my turn now? or do you want need me too do more with my massage" she said and leaned in kissing his lips tenderly.
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Jack felt Allie's mouth take more of him deeper and he knew that she was not going to stop until he unloaded a huge load of his creamy cum in her throat. He watched her ass sway seductively in front of his face as if tempting him to pull if over his face and lick her sweet pussy. But he held back knowing that soon she would be squirming and would not be able to do anything about it.
His cock began to ache and his hips rose off the bench encouraging her to keep doing a fantastic job. "That's it baby .... ohhhh god how I love the way you suck my cock." He felt her teeth bite gently into the veiny surface while her hands stroked it faster, gripping it, squeezing it, wanting what he had stored to expode out.

His fingers scrapped her ass and then along her back, leaving tiny red trails that would disappear quickly. He felt more of her juices leaking from her pussy and onto his chest. And then he knew Allie had achieved her desired goal as his cock throbbed deep in her mouth, his body rose and froze off the table as his cock erupted inside her mouth. Gasping for breath, he moaned, "Ohhhh fuck Allie I love when you make me cum."

As his cock started to recover, he saw her turn around and lay on top his body, her soaked pussy rubbing his still hard cock and she was wearing a grin of satisfaction. He looked into her eyes and smiled when she told him she loved how delicious his cum tasted. It would be so easy to hold her and push his cock into her pussy but again he resisted but he knew soon she would have the very same thoughts and he wondered if she would be able to resist.

He laughed when she asked if it was her turn or if he need to do more with her massage. They kissed tenderly and Jack wrapped his arms around her holding her tight and feeling her hips move over his cock. When the kiss broke, he chuckled with a big smile. "I think you did an excellent job Allie and while i would love to have you continue your sexy exploits on my cock I think it's time to give you that reward you so richly deserve. But we will have to change some things."

He told her to get off the table and then he quickly slid off and saw the questioning look in her eyes. "Just do as I say, don't say a word until I tell you and then we'll get to your deserved reward."

Jack grabbed her hand, guiding her to his bedroom and then into the shower, washing the oils off their bodies. He was happy she went along with him and didn't say a word. Afterwards he toweled her off, making sure she was dry and then guided her into the bedroom and onto his large king-sized bed. "Lay on your belly and close your eyes Allie and remember no speaking."

When she obeyed his command, he smiled gazing for a moment at the lovely curvature of her back, and ass. It was a lovely sight and he felt his cock twitch. Going into the closet he gathered a few things and smiled. He was about to find out if Allie liked or disliked a little bondage.

"You've been such a good girl Allie," he said as he stradded her back, running his fingertips over her back and shoulders. "Lift your head Allie." When she did he placed a blindfold over her eyes and felt her body stiffen and a soft groan slipped out of her mouth. "No talking," he said, quickly tying the blindfold.

Turning her over, he grabbed her arms and pulled them up, quickly attaching a pair of handcuffs to her wrists and then pulling them over her head. "Don't worry Allie .... I think you are about to experience something you have not experienced and if you had this will be completely different." He quickly pulled her arms above her head and then attached the link between the cuffs to a piece of rope. In this way he could have to turning and twisting easily.

"Now that you are fully in my control Allie, you may speak and let me know if I'm to proceed. If you allow me. I guarantee that I will give you pleasure that you may not have ever felt in your life." he waited for her response gazing down at her breast with a stiff nipple staring at him as her chest rose and fell with each breath
Allie had been in his hands the moment she climbed off of the the table and she smiled softly nodding as he instructed her to do as he said and not say anything until he told her to and then she would get her reward from him.

She blushed wondering what Jack had in store for her and held his hand as he guided her to the bathroom, the two of them showering together under the waterfall much like this morning but more relaxed than anything.

She wanted to stroke him, and maybe taste his cum again but resisted herself as she let him wash her body and then toweling her and her hair off and then took her hand again guidng her into his bedroom and then onto his bed.

She blushed knowing how wet she was with anticipation. She felt her nipples harden. He told her to lay on her stomach and close her eyes and she did so willingly blushing as he said no speaking.

Her curiousity was driving her wild, John hadnt ever commanded her like this and it was shocking and thrilling for her. She kept her eyes closed but felt him move for a moment before he was suddenly back near her and straddling her back telling her what a good girl shes been and the statement from him made her grow even more aroused.

She shivered slightly feeling his fingers trace her back and shoulders then lifted her head as he instructed and groaned ashe she felt him cover her eyes with something and nodded when he said no talking.

Her mind flashed to the wall she remebered seeing in Mr. Wolfes closet back in New York and blushed slightly her imagination going wild wondering if he had those things here too.

She felt him turn her over then lifted her hands up and quickly cuffed her telling her not to worry and that she was about to experience something she never had before and if she had this would be nothing like that and she believed every word of that statement.

She heard him say that she was fully in his control and that she could speak and let him know if it was ok for him to continue and if she did let him it would be pleasure she hadnt ever felt before.

She sighed sexily and said " YesJack... i give you permission.. im in your controk right now" she said knowing she trusted him and he wouldn't do anything that pushed too far or hurt her and that she would definitely enjoy this new experience with him.
Jack smiled when Allie gave him permission to continue. She was blindfolded and had given him control of her and now that she was bound with handcuffs, she really didn't have any say in what was about to happen. But Jack wasn't cruel, just the opposite, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible. There might be some pain but nothing that would constitute sadistic and some would say if added to the sensual experience and enhanced their orgasms. But he also wanted to know what she liked so in the future he could really give her maximum pleasure.

"Thank you Allie for your permission." He took a moment to look at her seeing her hands bound with the cuffs, her body to do with as he wished. If he so desired she had no control of what he might do to her but he would never force her to do anything she really objected to doing.

"I'm going to propose a sensual journey as a reward and I think it will be like one you've never experienced. As we take the journey you will be allowed to speak when I ask or tell you. If you speak out of turn, you will be spanked. Nod your head if you understand what I'm saying." He smiled when she shook her head as if to agree with him.

He lay next to her, watching her head move from side to side trying to use her sense of hearing to know what was going on. He kissed her ear lobe, whispering, "I think we have something very special and I want to please you in a way I don't think you've ever been pleased." He nibbled on her earlobe, hearing her breathing quicken a little. "Just relax and enjoy the journey Allie," he whispered sucking her earlobe into his mouth, biting it softly.

Releasing the soft skin of the ear lobe, he kissed the side of her neck and then down to her shoulder. "I love kissing you Allie ..... I want to kiss every inch of you and when I'm done I want to kiss you all over again. I want all of you." He felt her body move trying to readjust herself as he hovered over her kissing from one side of the neck to the other.

Then he kissed the underside of her chin, moving upward toward her lips that were parted and her breathing was beginning to increase. "I want you Allie," he moaned kissing her lips with desire. They were words he would use over and over during her pleasurable trip.

He felt her lips open as his mouth covered hers, their tongues dueling, sparing in a match that brought both of them pleasure. As the kiss lingered he was in control of how long it lasted and how passionate it was. He pressed his mouth harder and then backed off, his tongue teasing her lips as she tried to lift her head, capturing his tongue as it pulled away. "Mmmmm I can feel your hunger for my lips."

Then as he continued kissing her, his hand roamed over her breasts, feeling their softness with each squeeze. His fingers traced around the soft mountains and he felt that by the time he reached her lower body, he would have her on pins and needles. He had a plan for her and it would take a lot of self control on his part. Breaking the kiss he came to the first interlude that required her to answer a quesiton.

"Allie do you like it when your nipples are kissed and nibbled on? Tell me Allie how you want me to please your gorgeous breasts that I admire."

With the blindfold in place Jack knew Allison could only feel his kisses and touches and see what he had planned for her.
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Allie couldn't believe how excited she was and how curious she was about what Jack would be doing with her now that she was fully under his control. He thanked her and then gave her the rules briefly and she nodded in agreement blushing slightly at the thought of being spanked. She had playful slaps here and there but nothing in the manner she thought he was referring to.

She felt him move away and she was using her senses to try to figure out where he'd gone and felt him move up to the left side of her telling her he thought they had something special and that he wanted to please her in ways she's never had before.

She gasped slightly at that statement growing wetter at what Jack had been doing and she sighed softly as she heard him say to relax and enjoy the journey before sucking on her earlobe.

She knew first hand how talented Jacks lips were as he moved them to her neck and shoulder tenderly telling her how much he loved kissing her skin and planned on kissing every inch of her and do it again once he was done. She felt his lips on her neck and shoulders on both sides of her as he did that then slowly.

She felt him move up her neck kissing slowly and teasingly and then he kissed her lips and told her how much he wanted her. She could hear the need in his voice and she returned the kiss passionately.

She could tell he was in control of their kiss as they made out and and then he stopped pulling away from her lips but still teasing them with his tongue and she tried to lift her head to feel him but he pulled away saying he felt her hunger for his lips.

He came back in kissing her passionately and she restrained herself from letting out an audible moan as he toyed with her sensitive nipples. She felt him break the kiss and knew his eyes were on her when he asked her if she liked her nipples being teased and asked what she wanted to him to do to the breast he admired .

" I want you to lick and suck them baby... enjoy them.. then.. I want to...i want to feel your cock in between them" she said and panted blushing slightly feeling himmslowly massaging her breasts.
Jack smiled hearing Allie's response. "I'm going to love sucking and licking your beautiful tits." He touched one with a fingertip and chuckled. "You know what is so nice about a blindfold Allie? Your sense of sight has to be replaced with the other senses and you never know when or where I'm going to touch you." He saw her lips purse and her body muscles tightened as he lightly touched one breast and removed his finger. Then, waiting a moment, he touched another spot seeing her body respond. "Mmmm I love seeing you respond to my fingers," he said in a husky tone as he began to massage both breasts.

"I love how they feel under my hands, so soft and pliant and looking like they need to be given some tender loving care." Leaning over he pushed her breasts together and then began to caress one nipple with his tongue, circling around the areola until if flicked at the rigid nub. He heard her soft moan and told her, "It's ok to moan when you feel pleasure."

He smiled hearing her soft moan as his lips nibbled on one nipple while his hands continued to massage each breasts. Once he was satisfied with one nipple, he kissed his way down between the soft mounds of flesh to the other nipple. "Mmmmm you taste so good baby," he moaned taking his time to tease the erect nipple and then nip at with his teeth. He felt her body responding as he began to move from one breast to the other, licking ..... flicking his tongue over the erect nipple ...... taking as much of the soft flesh into his mouth ....... and then softly biting the tip and hearing her growing moans.

"I really enjoy making love to your breasts," he groaned and then gave each one another kiss before straightening up. I will love putting my cock between them but I'm going to let you wait for that. When I'm ready I want you to watch me fuck your gorgeous tits and then I'm going to let you suck all my cum into your pretty mouth." He felt her body shiver and heard a louder groan and his cock reacted by jerking with anticipation.

He moved off to her left side taking in her luscious body. His fingers traced over each breast, down to her tummy, circling her belly button and then lower. When he touched her pussy lips, he felt her desire on his fingertips. Slowly pushing them inside he felt an intense heat of lust. "You are excited ..... I love the feel and taste of your juices and I bet you do too," he said softly and then placed his wet finger tips on her lips. "Go on lick your sweet juices from my fingers." He smiled as her mouth captured his fingers and sucked them clean.

"We will have so much fun and adventures Allie and right now I have something else for my pretty Allie. I know you saw some of my toy collection the other day when you got me a new shirt. You didn't say anything but somehow I think you're wondering about them. Well I have a few toys I keep here in Vegas and in my home outside the city I have a special room that I want show you."

Jack picked up a flogger and held it over her head. He let the tentacles touch her forehead and then slid them over her face and down over her breasts. "This can be so erotic when used the right way baby." he whispered trailing them over her tummy and down to her pussy. "Open your thighs wider ..... wider still," he said until she was spread-eagle. Then he brushed the leather straps over her exposed pussy hearing her soft moan.

Jack picked up the flogger from her skin and then hit her breasts softly, hearing a sharp intake of air. He raised it again and then let it fall on her tummy and then on her pussy. "I can do this as soft as you want it or as hard as you want it baby ..... I want you to tell me how hard you want it and when you want me to stop." Jack knew everyone had a certain pain tolerance and he wanted to know her pain threshold. He hit her breasts a bit harder and then waited for her reply.
Allie moaned softly as he trased and tempted her his tongue, hands and finger on her breasts and skin as he teased the mounds he adored of hers. She moaned as he said he loved making love to her breasts and she sighed as he pulled away not wanting him to stop arching her body a little to feel more of him feeling him give them one last kiss.

She panted hearing him say he planned on fucking her breasts and having her swallow all of his cum and she groaned knowing she enjoyed doing that for Jack it was nothing she ever tried before with John and it was hot and she shivered and groaned at the thought of him doing that to her.

She heard him move then slowly felt his fingers trailing down her body on her breasts , then teasing her belly button causing her to shiver slightly and down to her tight wet hole.

She moaned as he slowly pushed his fingers deep inside of her and sighed as he commented on hownhe felt her excitement and how much loved the feel and taste of her juices and knew she did too. She gasped feeling him wipe her wetness on her lips and then told her to lick the wetness off and she did so eagerly licking and sucking him till his fingers were clean.

She felt him pull his fingers out of her lios and heard him mentuin the fun they woukd have and that he knew she saw the toys but didnt mention it and how he knew she was wondering bout them and how he kept some here in Vegas and his home outside of the city as well and she was surprised at that hearing he had a special room he wanted to show her and the thought made her curious.

She heard him pick something up and gasped feeling something on her forehead then felt the tassels moving across her skin slowly and she sighed as he told her to open her legs wider and then again and moaned a little more.

He suddenly moved the tool then she gasped feeling sudden soft whip on her breasts. She groaned as he told her to tell him how hard she wanted and she nodded. "Harder baby.. i can take it a little harder" she said and gasped feeling him still tease her with the tool.
Jack grinned when the blindfolded Allison told him she could take more of the flogger and to make it a little harder. He knew they were treading in new water of bondage and discipline. He was sure her and her boyfriend may have tried some bondage but he doubt they took it any further. Jack needed to take it slow and not overdo it but since she was willing to try more than what he called 'love taps' he was going to give her a sampling. The way her body had reacted so far made her more desirable. He felt his cock reacting again so soon after she had made him cum on the massage table/ But first he was going to see if she could handle the flogger.

Raising the flogger, he looked at her luscious body waiting for the first blow. His cock throbbed with excitement as his wrist flicked sending the leather strands downward in a quickl motion landing on her stomach with a loud slap. He saw her body react the way he thought it would, jerking and hearing a soft groan. He didn't hesitate snapping his wrist and time seeing the tassels hit one breast causing her to moan. He hit the other breast seeing her body rise a little and a loud groan escaped her lips. He followed those strikes with more slaps across her breasts, seeing a soft redness appear.

Moving downward he struck her stomach over and over with blows that caused her to moan. Was she in real pain or was she excited about what he was doing. He moved downward to her thighs telling her to spead them and when she did, he hit the inside of one thigh. He contiuned to hit the thigh until he was close to her pussy. Then he switched thighs and worked his way upward until he was again close to her pussy.

What he did next was sure to catch her by surprise. Twirling the leather strands he watched as the tips of the leather hit her pussy causing her body to jerk but she didn't say a word, only the sound of her heavy breathing and moans filled the bedroom.

Then, he twirled the leather strands and began to hit her aroused nipples knowing the she had to be feeling some discomfort. After a few more well directed strikes, let the leather straps glide along her body in aimless circles over her breasts and then her stomach and finally over her pussy, seeing more juices coating her inner thighs.

Leaning down he kissed her feeling her lips move to press harder against his. He could easily pull away but he pressed he lips hungrily against hers, his tongue diving between her lips to feel her lips suck on it with a passion he had not felt before. Did she like it? When the kiss broke they were both breathing hard and he whispered, "Have you had enough for your first time baby ..... do you want more or do you want me ......." He left the sentence drop off letting her think whatever she wanted.

But Jack knew that what he had planned next would plant a more urgent seed in both thier minds.
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Aliison had taken the whips in stride gasping then moaning as she felt the slaps all across her skin. It stung and then felt good when the cool air of the suite hit her skin. It made her surprisingly wet and hornier and she bit her lip with desire and anticipation knowing she had cum when he let the leather tassles hit across her pussy.

She felt her body tremble and she moaned feeling Jacks lips lower to join hers and they kissed each other hungrily. She could feel how turned on he was just from the kiss and was stunned by the passion coming from both of them.

He broke the kiss and both of them were breathing hard and with desire and he whisphered if she had enough or did she want more or him. The answer was easy she wanted jack fully and she wondered if he meant all the way and was a little nervous but she said anyway " You..i want you jack please" she groaned

She wanted them to go as far as they could without pushing it and she wanted to touch him as well if he let her.
Her response that she wanted him and her plea of “please” sent shivers through him. It would be so easy for him to slide between her thighs and with one thrust, the deed would be done. Did she really mean for him to take her sexually? Was it the right thing to do?

Conflicting thoughts flew around in Jack's head as he dropped the flogger onto the bed. He took a moment to gaze at her nakedness. The faint red marks from the leather tassels were disappearing and she was breathing hard from the deep kiss. He watche her breasts rise and fall with each deep breath and he couldn't but think she looked so lovely and vulnerable lying in front of him bound to the bed with a blindfold.

Jack wasn’t sure, but it seemed she really enjoyed the tassels slapping her skin and he swore from her hitched breathing, she had an orgasm as they hit her exposed pussy. He smiled knowing she didn’t cry she was cuming, following his instructions not to speak. He loved it when she yelled that she was cuming and he wished she would have disobeyed him.

A sudden urge overtook him and he wondered again if he should take her. She did say she wanted him and didn't she say please. Sliding between her thighs he looked at her bound body and felt the urge to take her. His body has been screaming for a few days and he knew she was in the same state. It was just a matter of when. He grabbed his cock and held it close to her moist lips knowing what he was about to do would change their relationship.

He rubbed the tip of it over the wet lips feeling her juices lubricate it. He felt her body tense up as he moved the head of his cock to the tight opening. He closed his eyes drinking in the wonderful sensations in his cock. He pushed the head against the opening feeling her tight vaginal muscles resisting his advances. When the muscles gave a little, he pulled back and then pressed again. The feeling was overwhelming and he knew he was at the point of not stopping his actions. Using all the strength in his mind, he pulled away and placed the fake cock to replace the real one.

A violent shiver tore through him as he pushed against the tight muscles but not entering her. Something about her body language told him to hold off. And then he realized he didn't want it to be like this. He wanted her fully aware of what he was doing and maybe even watching how his cock slid nicely into her pussy. "This isn't right yet," he said in a low tone. "I want you but I want you and I have to agree that this is really what we want."

He knew she was fighting demons too but it would have to be her needs that would take her to the next step. He had never in his life done this with a woman. Usually they begged to be fuck by him but there was something very special about Allison James and he held off, saying, "I just want you to feel what it's going to be like when you want it." he called out trying to soothe her fears.

Moving up her body, he staddled her again only this time he reached behind her head loosening the blindfold, seeing her bright emerald eyes and a soft smile on her face. He unhook the rope and released her wrists from the handcuffs and then put both hands on either side of her head.

"When it's time we'll know," he whispered and then said, "there is some wonderful oil on the night stand you can use to oil my cock for your gorgeous tits. It taste good too." knowing that she wanted to give him something very special.