Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

When the show was over, Jack waited a minute while the patrons around them filed out. The reason wasn't because he didn't want to. No the reason was because the large lump in his trousers would be evident of how Allie's fingers had excited him. Then as the two couples exited the theater, he put his arm around her waist, hearing her ask if he was ready to have some fun as they rear door of the limousine opened.

Jack smiled. "I sure am ready for a lot of fun," he said seeing the white thong covering her sex as she sat down. He knew she did it on purpose and he grinned as he settled next to her. Abby and Doug entered the limousine and both had huge smiles on their faces.

They talked about how great the show was and Doug said it was particularly exciting, especially the part where he felt a lot of wetness when the water hit them. Everyone laughed and knew it was Abby's wet pussy that got him excited. Jack saw the gleam in Abby's eyes, knowing she was wearing no thong during the performance making it very easy for Doug to get her excited.

"Where are we off too," Jack asked as the limousine pulled out into traffic.

Abby grinned. "We're going to the XS nighclub in the Wynn Casino and Hotel .... the most expensive building on the strip. It cost $4 billion to build. I have a feeling Allison's concept will be somewhere in the billons, don't you."

Jack returned her grin. "We are talking business tonight. Tonight is all about have as much fun as we can on our last night in Vegas."

Everyone smiled knowing that business discussions were not in the cards tonight. The limousine pulled into the Wynn Casino and again, people stared at them as they walked to the entrance. Their was a long line inside the entrance to XS nightclub but that didn't seem to matter to Abby. She lead them to the door attendant, showing him the VIP passes. Inside Jack let out a low whistle seeing the dance floor and tables as another attendant showed them to a booth near the dance floor.

Jack nudged Allie when they got situated in the booth. "That's the way I want you tonight," he said nodding at the images of the naked ladies on the wall behind the bar. He really wanted her right now and as the lights started to dim and the band took to the stage for their opening set, he leaned over kissing her not caring what Abby or Doug thought. Allie got him very excited in the show and all he could think of now was dirty dancing with her.

When the half-clothed waitress appeared, Abby ordered bourbon for the men and fruity vodka drinks for her and Allie. The music started and soon the dance floor was alive with patrons. Jack felt Allie's body moving to the beat of the music. Putting a hand on her open thigh, he whispered in a husky sexy voice, "Are you ready to show your stuff baby."
Allie chuckled as Abby tried brining up business but Doug dismissed it , the woman was fun but she also had loved her job. Allie gasped at the line she saw , she hadn't been to s club since college Junior year and she looked forward to having fun.

Abby had VIP at this particular club and she didnt have to wait on the line at all heading in right away. She was impressed by the decor of the place and she could tell Jack was too as he let out a low whistle..

" Its amazing in here" she said as he held onto her as they made their way to the booth and she grinned as Jack nudged her directing her attention to the pictures behind the bar and told her thats how he wanted her tonight.

She giggled knowing how true that statement was and in fact she was certain the two wanted each other badly right then. The lights began to lower and Jack took the opportunity to lean over and kiss her deeply and she returned it eagerly and grinned at him not sure if Abby and Doug had seen them at that point and not really caring since the two of them had been boldly flirting in front of them all night.

She whispered " Its going to be hard containing myself tonight of you keep looking at me like that Jack" she grinned and pulled back. She saw their waitress approach and Abby handled drink orders getting the men two bourbon neat and the two of them a vodka drink called sin city for the two of them.

She heard the music and began to move along to it and she gasped feeling his hand on her inner thigh asking her sexily if she was ready to move her body and she grinned nodding " Yes, come dance with me... Im ready to see your moves"she said and stood grabbing his hand and moving to the dance floor with her.
If had been a few years since Jack danced to the beat of heavy metal and he was more than happy to follow Allie onto the crowded dance floor. While he was not known for his dance moves he felt he was more than adequate, smiling when Allie turned to him, her hips undulating to the music. The tassels on her dress swung tantalizingly and were just right for this type of dancing. With each movement of her hips and body, the tassels would swing back and forth, sending him a sensual message. And he had Abby to thank for the dress. He was glad they sneaked it into the pile of clothes they bought at the dress shop. As he watched Allie begin to dance he wondered what other dresses she sneaked into her new wardrobe.

Jack smiled swaying to the music and moving toward the sexy woman swaying and swinging her arms to the beat of the music. He loved the way she moved and the look on her face was one of pure joy. He lifted his arms up, mimicking her sexual sway, smiling and moving around her. She looked so damn sexy and Jack felt his desire rising, wanting to just hold her. And in that moment he wanted her so much.

They twisted and turned never more than a few feet apart. Jack's eyes were glued to her and he could see hers were focused on his. It was as if they were sending the same needy signals of lust to each other. If they were truly lovers, he would be tempted to find a dark corner and take her, spearing her to the beat of the heavy metal music.

But he knew the promise he made to her and himself and tried to find the will power not the take her right there on the dance floor. When they faced each other, moving closer, she turned her back to him and moved in a bumping grinding motion against him. He grabbed her hips, pulling her back against him grinding his hips against her backside letting her feel his hot desire for her.

He put one arm around her waist, holding her against him as his other hand circled her, capturing one of her geneerous breasts. "I love the way you dance baby. Maybe we should practice at home without these restricting clothes," he whispered hungrily in her ear and then kissed her bare shoulder.

She twisted in his arms, their eyes locked on each other. He ground his hips against hers as she put her hands on his shoulders. "You're so beautiful," he whispered seeing her tongue slip out and lick her lips.
She had fun dancing and grinned watching Jack follwed along with her pace moving along as well. She watched how his body moved and how he looked in his clothes and she saw how he was eyeing her as well, had she been fukly single, she would found a dark corner or Allley and had Jack have his fun with her.

Allie and Jack could hardly keep their hands off of each other on the dark dance floor grinding and touching lost in each other and turned on. She sighed feeling his hands at her hips and she grinded her ass into the hard cock she felt growing behind her and then his felt his arms move around her waist and his hands groping her breasts.

She sighed sexily turning and looking up into his eyes and wrapping her arms behind his head and ran one hand down his chest looking into his eyes and sighed sexily licking her her lips softly hungry for him a he whisphered how beautiful she was and she smiled and leaned in kissing him. " And you are so sexy baby.." she said sexily.

She looked around wondering where Doug and Abby had snuck off to probably going off to do what the two of them couldnt just yet. She loved how he looked at her when he was like this, when she got him to this point, it made her drip with anticipation.

She had an idea and said sexily in his ear " Do you want your prize now?.. or would you like to wait until we get back home... We could find somewhere private so we can touch each other?" She sighed nearly panting from the way Jack was grinding into her with his thickened cock.
He loved the way she wrapped her arms around his neck and stared into his eyes. To everyone nearby, they would simply appear to be two lovers locked in an intimate embrace. Their hips continuing to grind against each other and seeing her run her finger down his chest. Jack saw the hunger in her eyes and he pulled her tighter against him as they shared a hot kiss. He knew she could feel his hardness still growing under the shelter of his trousers. He also loved it when she called him sexy and it made him feel as though they had a real connection.

He chuckled when she told him about his prize. Jack had forgotten about the prize she was supposed to give him for the earlier go-kart race. He figured she must have something special in mind for him since they agreed intercourse was not in the cards yet. Or was it? If it would happen, Jack knew it had to be her wanting them to share the lust between them. He smiled remembering how she liked his prize, being restraned on the bed while he took his time teasing her and then fucked her gorgeous tits and filled her mouth with his cream.

"Mmmmm I'm very interested in any prize you want to give me," he said kissing her forehead. He thought for a moment and he had other things in mind for when they returned to the penthouse. "Yes I want my prize now ........ "Let's see what we can find," he whispered feeling her grip tighten around his neck and her breasts pressed needily into his chest. He wanted them out in the open so he could kiss and feel the ripe nipples in his mouth.

Jack's mind went into overdrive thinking of where he might find someplace private for them. A thought flashed into his brain and he looked around for Abby and Doug but didn't see them. He figured they were either dancing or off somewhere. He chuckled and then said, "Come with me baby ..... I have an idea." He took her hand and they walked toward the stage and then to a corridor next to the stage. He knew that in high end places like the Wynn, they usually had some room or rooms for the band to rest between sets.

Luckily no one noticed the two individuals disappear from the dance floor. Jack tried the door marked "Band" but it was locked. He should have known better that they didn't want their valuables stolen. He saw another door marked "Storage" and when he pushed down on the handle, it opened.

Pulling her inside he quickly locked the door and hit the lights, knowing the only people that could get in had to have a key. The music was blaring outside but they were in a place most people would not think to look. Turning to Allie, he grinned and took her into his arms. "I think I'm ready for my prize beautiful."
Allie felt like she was back in high school sneaking off to go make out somewhere private and she grinned he pulled her with him gently sneaking backstage and checking out doors first one mustve been a green room and was labeled band but it had been locked, then the next door they found out it was a storage closet and she gasped as he pulled her in quickly finding a light and locking the door.

She smiled as he pulled her in telling her how he was ready for his prize. She leaned up kissing him softly andthen pulled back slowly ran her hand across her breasts softly watching him.

She reached back and gently undid her dress watching him seeing him bite his lip a little and making her grown wetter him.

She saw how aroused he was through his pants and she reached out grabbing his hand " I want you to touch me Jack... wherever you want to baby..,im all yours tonight and once were back home. You can have me as long as you want to baby" she groaned.

She knew she and Jack had been refraining from sex until it was right time or was fully his but their past few days she had thought about being his fully and hardly thought about John, was it terrible, yes, but she craved Jack...she wanted him in ways she had never even dreamed of u til she met him, and she knew what thatbhad possibly meant for her and John and the idea of that had hurt her too becuase of their years together.

She sighed feeling his hands grip her breasts and sighed as he moved in kissing her deeply. She slid her hand down touching him too and whisphered against his lips " You are so handsome baby.. i want you so bad" she panted sexily
After Jack told Allie he was ready for his prize, he looked around the large storage room seeing extra chairs and tables scattered around the room. It was clear this was a place where the nightclub kept extra items in case of large parties or events. With the dance floor being used tonight, a lot of chairs and tables were stored but there was plenty of room for him and Allie.

Jack smiled when she leaned up to steal a quick soft kiss and when she stepped back, he watched as she ran her hands over her breasts, feeling a thickening in his trousers. The sight of her squeezing her breasts sent a thrill rambling through him and when she reached behind her to unzip her dress she didn't let it fall from her shoulders as she reached for his hand, telling him she wanted him to touch her where ever he wanted. A surge of desire coursed through his cock making it harder and wanting to bust out of the prison in his trousers.

"And I want to touch every inch of you baby ..... ohhhh god I want you so much .... now and when we get home," he groaned, hooking his fingers in the thin straps, pulling them off her shoulders. He elicited a soft appreciative moan as her dress fell in his hands and her nakedness was revealed. Carefully stepping out of her dress, his eyes surveyed her nakedness and except for the white lace thong and high heels, she looked very delicious. He had seen her naked over the last few days but now looking he felt a shiver running wild in his body and was afraid he couldn't contol his desire for her.

Jack reached out, running his fingertips over the breasts that he had fallen in love with the last few days. He felt her shiver when he cupped both breasts and then lowered his head to kiss each one before kissing her lips hard and passionately. He heard the soft whisper that she wanted him so bad and knew that if he wanted he could have her now. "I want you so bad too," he moaned falling into another kiss, pulling her naked body against his clothes.

He thought of her words as they kissed and knew this was not how he wanted them to come together for the first time. He wanted her in bed, touching, caressing, kissing as their passion for each other took total contol. The noise outside nor the fear of being caught could stop what they could do here in the storage room. He pulled out of the kiss and smiled at her. "Thank you for making your body my prize baby and I plan to fully enjoy and exploit it all night. But you deserve another prize too," he smirked.

He took off his jacket and threw it on a nearby table. "Before I ravage that beautiful body of yours .... I want you to use all your sexy skills to strip me," he said feeling a surge of electricity flow through his body. How far they would go was uncertain to him. All he knew was there was a stunning brunette in front of him and he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him.

When she started to unbutton his shirt, he chuckled, "you need to get me caught up to your nakedness." Reaching out, he cupped her breasts again, teasing her hardened nipples while the noise outside dimmed in his brain. The only thing he wanted to hear now was her moaning as they enjoyed each other.
Allison loved when he called where they stayed together home and she sighed seing how turned on he was just from her wearing the stilettos and lace thong. She groaned eagerly returning his passionate kiss and shuddered sexily feeling the cool air on her skin as Jacks warm lips kissed her breasts appreciatively before meeting her lips again.

She heard him say how bad he wanted her too and she knew with all this space and furniture she and Jack could have each other in many different ways but it wouldn't be the right time or be as meaningful as they both wanted.

She grinned as he said he was going to fully and e joy and exploit her body tonight and how she deserved another prize too. She grinned watching him remove his jacket and toss it on a table and then chuckled as he requested her stripping him before he had a good time on her body.

She smiled looking up into his eyes and slowly began to unbuttoning his shirt and chuckling as he said she needed to get him caught up to her. She giggled and said " Mmmm i think I can make that happen baby" she raid flirtingly getiing to the last button of his shirt and siging as he reached out teasing her nipples and making he moan softly.

" Mmmm i love how your hands feel on me Jack" she sighed sexily trailing her fingers down his bare chest and leaned in kissing it softly then moved her tongue over his nipple causing him to grunt and she let out a small giggle knowing how much that shocked and turned him on as her petitie hand moved lowered slowly to unbutton his pants.

She messed with his belt and got and it undone and leaned in pulling the zipper down slowly with her teeth seeing his cock jump with desire right in front of her eyes.

She sighed getting him undone and she slid her hands to his waist gently tugging down his pants. She saw his cock straining against his boxers and groaned seeing how hard he was.

She leaned forward and licked the outline of his cock before leaning back on her knees and looked up at him and grinned "Is that even enough for you Jack?"she grinned now that they were both down to their shoes and underwear bottoms.
Jack inhaled deeply when Allie leaned in to kiss his chest, taking time to flick her tongue on his hard nipple. Her tongue swirled around the nipple and when she nipped at it he felt a tremor flow through his body. He heard her giggle as he groaned from the erotic teasing and when her hand slid lower, he moaned, "Your mouth feels good on my nipple baby."

But she was on a mission. A mission he asked her to do and he smiled when she pulled the zipper on his trousers down with her teeth feeling her hot breath penetrate through the material onto his cock. And when she ran his tongue up and down his cock on the outside of his boxers, it jerked eagerly for her and her let out a moan.

"No it's not enough Allie," he groaned, lifting her up so they were standing. "I need you to see all of me and what you do to me," he groaned pushing his boxers off and seeing his cock sway in front of heer. "I need to see all of you baby too baby," he said grinning as he knelt down and pulled her thong off. Staring at her lovely pussy, he chuckled, "ohhh and remember I get to play with you however I want for as long as I want."

Standing he felt her fingers gravitate to his cock as he guided her backward a few feet to a table. "put your hands behind you and lean on the table and keep them there." When she did as he asked he pressed his body against her making sure she could feel his hardness rubbing her abdomen. His lips were mere inches from hers and he kissed her hard and then pulled back smiling. "You see what you do to me all day and night," he whispered moving his hips against her letting her feel his desire for her.

Kissing her cheek and then her ear, he ran his hand over her breasts, taking time to tweak each nipple and hearing her gasp, whispering softly in her ear, "These are mine and I can do whatever I want baby,"

He kissed the side of her neck as his fingertips began a journey over her tummy, feeling the muscles tighten as his hand moved lower. He sucked in some soft skin on her neck feeling her body shiver as his fingers slid over the soft mound just above her pussy.

"Lift your leg up onto the table baby.” Her womanly sex was fully visible and he took a moment to stare. “And this is mine to play with and do whatever I want too," he moaned feeling his cock jerk against her skin as his finger slid between her wet channel finding her aroused clit.

Jack knew they didn't have all night in the storage room but they both needed to shed some sexual tension before they went back to the penthouse for a night of lustful fun. And he knew that Abby and Doug might get suspicious. But he needed her now and if they were true lovers he would have sunk his cock into her for a quickie but for now he knew what he had to do.

They were both over sexed at the moment as his finger rubbed her clit harder. "I want you to cum for me baby ...... I want to feel your body wanting me so badly. I want you to give me your body," he moaned as his finger swirled around the swollen clit and then slid downward to her hole, feeling how wet it was and how easily two fingers slid inside her, finding her G-spot and rubbing it, feeling her body tremble a little.

He put the seed in her mind that he wanted her as his fingers began to finger fuck her.
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Allie listened to the instructions Jack gave her willingly , listening and feeling his need against her as he told her to feel what she did to him day and night and her touched her body and his lips explored her skin " Mmmm fuck Jack..." she gasped softly

She sighed feeling his fingers trail to her sensitive nipples and grew wetter hearing him say her breasts were his and he could do whatever he wanted with them and the he slowly trailed his hand lower and instructed her to lift her leg up on the table.

She did so and he stared lustfully admiring her wet waxed pussy. She head the lust in his voice as he said that was his too to play with and do whatever he wanted. She moaned at the thought of being all his and panted softly knowing how bad the two were resisting to just giving into having sex.

She ran her fingers across his chest pleasure written on her beautiful face and she knew she was faling deeper and deeper for Jack Wolfe even though her heart belonged to John as well, it was selfish, but she couldn't fool herself.

She leaned in kissing him softly and whisphered " Mmmm yes baby im yours" she sighed sexily and moved her hand to his cock stroking him and moaned as he pressed her clit and began rubbing it quicker and she couldnt help the moan she let out as she lened back on the table more.

"Uhhhh yesss!" Allie nearly screamed feeling him slide his fingers in and work his magic mvoing in a way that brushed her gspot telling her he wanted to feel her body wanting him badly and that he wanted her to give him her body.

She almost screamed for him to fuck her right there, her pussy quivered at the thought of it and she threw her head back feeling him put pressure on her hole and push deeper it almost felt like he was fucking her yet he hadnt even been inside of her yet.

She felt and heard how wet she was and and screamed out " Fuckkkk im cumming Jack!" and leaned forward holding onto him kissing the side of his neck sexily and stroking him faster wanting him to cum too as he thickened in her hand

" Youre mine too Jack.. i want all of you.. your body.. your cock.. I want your cum.." Allie moaned sexily in his ear knowing Jack loved when she spoke dirty for him and knew they would be pleasuring each other through the night went the got back to the hotel and came a gain thinking about it her pussy gripping his fingers causing him to groan.
Jack thought Allie was about to scream in orgasmic pleasure when her head flew backwards, eyes closed, and her mouth opened wide. But she was panting hard trying to get a breath of air as he felt her pussy muscles tighten around his fingers and he felt her body tensing up.

But then he felt her body begin to shudder and squirm as she screamed she was cuming. For a moment he wondered if anybody outside the room could hear her lustful screams of passion.

Feeling her body continue to shake he welcomed her arms around his neck. Her hard nipples bored into his chest as her lips kissed and then sucked on the side of his neck. How he loved having her clinging to him as lovers do while pressing her body against him. It was as if she were holding on for dear life while her orgasm racked her body.

As her body undulated in ecstasy, he felt her hand squeezing his cock and she started stroking his cock harder and faster. Jack moaned loudly, feeling his own climax growing stronger as he heard her yearning lust for him. She was telling him he was hers, wanting all of him, his cock, his cum. Her words incited a deep desire, encouraging him in a way to plunge his cock into her already hot pussy.

As she told him she wanted him he felt her pussy muscles quivering around his fingers and when they clenched again around his fingers, she knew she climaxed again . He groaned knowing he had given her more pleasure and then he pushed his fingers deeper into her pussy, feeling her tight muscles clamping hard around his fingers.

Pulling his fingers from her soaking wet pussy, he held up his fingers, glistening with her nectar. “I love the taste of your excitement,” he said, licking her juices from his fingers. Seeing her eyes shining, watching him, he offered his wet fingers to her, smiling when she hungrily kissed and then licked his fingers clean.

Jack knew their time in the storage room could be short lived if someone decided they needed to access the room. Her hand, still stroking his cock, was bringing him closer to losing any self control he might still have.

Seeing a leather chair, he gasped, "be right back." Grabbing the chair, he pulled it to her and then told her to sit in the chair. When she was seated, he smiled. "My turn to give you a treat," he moaned straddling the chair and offering his hard cock to her. "Go on baby enjoy it," he moaned, seeing her eyes staring at the thick shaft in front of her face.

At this point he didn't care if anyone came in to catch them. There was only one thing on his mind and that was to give her what he knew she really wanted. When she grabbed his cock, pulling it to her lips, he groaned knowing it wouldn't be long before he filled her mouth with his white creamy load. "Come on baby .... mmmmm yesss .... make me give up my hot seed for you," moaned feeling her lips suck on the head and then open wider to take more of his cock into her mouth.
Allie grinned as he told her he loved the taste of her excitement as he licked enjoying it and shared it with her and she sucked it off eagerly and kissed him after while still stroking his cock and sighed sexily as he pulled back gasping and saying he would be back and reluctantly pulled away.

She watched him quickly grab the chair and telling her gently to sit and offering her a treat smirking knowing that Jack knew how much she enjoyed swallowing his cum ever since shes tried it.

He told her to enjoy it and she leaned forward gripping him and admiring his cock and licked it a few times before slowly taking it between her lips and enjoying the groan she heard Jack make for her.

She heard him encouraging her as she sucked the tip of his cock slowly and looked up at him as she took more hearing him tell her to make him give her his hot seed.

" Mmm fuck you're so hot Jack" she groaned before taking him deep and sucking him hungrily, she would have his cum now, and then again a few more times tonight when they got back to the hotel, the two had worked each other up during the show and on the dance floor and she knew just how close they were to nearly having sex and neither caring if they were caught at the moment either.

She felt his fingers in her curls and his hips moving fucking her mouth gently as she brought him closer and knew how quickly his climax was climbing " Mmmm that its baby... feed it to me.. give my our cum Jack" she moaned heatedly and panted hearing him swear and pump his hips a bit faster as she sucked.
Jack’s fingers coiled in her brown hair, feeling his climax drawing nearer. His hips were moving gently and she pleaded for him to give her our cum. Was she becoming his the more they were together? His hips moved faster, each thrust sending his cock to the back of her throat.

His eyes closed moaning, “ohhh fuck Allie …. I’m going to cum,” just as his orgasm racked his body causing his hips to jerk as if touched by electric prod. He heard her moan around his cock, panting hard as she accepted his creamy offering while she continued to suck hard. His cock twitched over and over filling her mouth.

When he opened them, he saw a cute smile on Allie's face. He reached out, swiping some of his semen that she didn't swallow on her chin. “Looks like I made a bit of a mess,” he giggled, placing his fingers on her lips, watching her tongue swirl around them until they were clean.

It would have been so easy to grab her thighs, spread them and plunge his hardness into her but again he respected the compromise they agreed on a few days ago. But it seemed that every day all day was filled with sexual innuendos that triggered intense feeling for her in him. He believed she too had feelings of deep constant urges to forget their promise.

"We need to get back to the dance," he said pulling her from the chair and taking her into his arms. "We have all night to touch and explore each other's bodies and minds," he said in a low sensual tone. He kissed her deeply, loving the feel of her nakedness against his. Someday, he thought, you'll be mine as their tongues swirled and jab until the kiss broke and they panted smiling at each other.

He chuckled seeing Allie’s white lacy thong on the floor. Quickly picking the thong up, he chuckled, “you’ll have to work a little later to get back.”

He watched her dress in half the time it took him. When he finally finished dressing, he smoothed out a few curls from her forehead and then kissed her again, wanting more of her sweet desirable kisses.

He opened the door slowly, peeking out the crack, checking to make sure the hallway was clear. Grabbing her hand, he pulled out into the cool air of the hallway. He gave a sigh of relief that they were not caught and it was clear to him that Allie loved the same adventuresome playfulness he did.

Walking hand in hand toward the dance floor, they heard the band leader asking the audience if they were ready for some slow songs. There was loud yelling and then Jack stopped suddenly when the door to the room used by the band opened. Exiting the room was a large man with a scowl on his face. "What are you two doing back here?"

Jack had to think fast and blurted out, "Sorry ...... we were looking for the restrooms."

"Well, they're not back here," he said in deep gruffy tone.

"Thank you," he said looking at Allie and chuckling when they were out of earshot. "Whew that was close." They both laughed and when they got to the dance floor, Jack took Allie in his arms, looking into her eyes, as their bodies melded together swaying to the soft melody.

He kissed her softly and then heard, "There you are, we've been looking all over for you two." Abby had a smile plastered on her face. "Allison did he try to kidnap you?"
Allie laughed with Jack as they made their way back to the dance floor her thong now tucked away securely in his pocket and she smirked thinking Abby was right about how comfortable it felt not to wear any underwear at all.

She held his hand as they got to the floor and he led her against him swaying to the music as their eyes met. She smiled softly at him liking the feeling of being in Jack's arms and the two were lost in their own world for a moment before he leaned down kissing her softly.

She pulled back grinning it at him and then heard Abby approaching saying they were looking for the two of them and she chuckled when she teased asking if he was trying to kidnap her. " Not that i know of " she giggled and came up something quick " The music was a little loud he stepped out with me for a few minutes." She said hoping Abby would buy it not knowing how close she and Jack were to ravishing each other backstage, she probably would have a good with that information.

She had her own suspicions she and Doug had snuck off somewhere themselves and smirked as Jack still held her agaisnt him . " The band is really good, do you and Doug come here often Abby?" She asked seeing how they had a membership to come straight inside.

She wanted her and Jack to enjoy as much of each other as they could here because they didn't get this much alone time together with work in New York only at the end of the day when they had made it a habit to enjoy dinners together.

She wondered how things would be when they got back home since they had changed so much over the three days in Vegas it was like they had been lovers for years and could hardly keep their hands and lips off of each other ever since they addressed the kiss that happened her first day and the chemistry between them had been on fire.

Even now with him holding her gently as they danced she wanted to be in Jack's arms, it felt right there even though it was wrong. She could handle the guilt another time, she didn't regret being with Jack one bit, a man this amazing, caring, protective and smart is a knockout she wondered why he wasn't taken, in fact, she hadn't asked much about his life aside from his mother, but she knew Jack hadn't had a wife or anything like that because he stayed alone and offered her a room to stay in his loft above the offices.

She knew it was selfish, but if someone had come along to be with Jack, she was sure she'd be jealous for sure but she also would want Jack to be happy no matter what.

She blushed a little as he tucked some hair behind her ear as the song stopped and the four of them made their way back to their VIP table.
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As the four walked back to the VIP area and sat in the booth, Jack realized he was happy just being wiht Allie. She was smart, articulate, beautiful, very sexy, and not after his money. She seemed oblivious to the amont of money and fame he had. To him, they seemed to fit like a pair of gloves, meant for each other. She seemed so natural to the lifestyle he led and if he wasn't mistaken, John, was going to be a doctor he would not want her traveling all over the world with him.

And while he had the opportunity and so did she, to share all of themselves sexually, there was something holding both of them back. For him it was respect for her and he knew for her it was her supposed love for a man she started dating in high school and felt an obligation to remain true to him. If it wasn't for her boyfriend, John, there was no doubt they would have shared their bodies together.

Allison was the first woman since his nasty divorce to make him really happy. He didn't know what was going to happen when they returned to New York but he put that out of his mind for now. Now sitting next to her, feeling her sexiness and heat, all he wanted to think about was being with her.

He watched her take a sip of her sin city drink, seeing her looking out at the dance floor. They had one more night in Vegas and he planned to make the most of it. He put his hand on her bare thigh and leaned over seeing Abby and Doug looking at the dance floor. "let's dance some more."

He saw the soft knowing smile that he loved and nodded her head. On the dance floor the music was loud and the beat strong but that didn't matter to the two people, who to anyone watching, thought they were lovers. He looked at Abby and Doug dancing nearby, seeing that expression in her eyes when she glanced at them. One thing about Abby, she was a keen judge of character.

He put his hands on her hips and smiled when she linked her fingers behind his neck. He pulled her closer so their bodies were touching, swaying to the music, their eyes locked together as if they were the only ones in the room and lost in their own world. His hands moved to her perfect ass cheeks, squeezing them as he kissed her.

When the kiss broke, he rubbed her behind and squeezed them again. "You seem to be missing something," he chuckled moving his hand up under the hem of the dress and tassels. If anyone was really watching, they would have gotten an eyeful. "I have a way you can get it back, but it will cost you," he said with a smirk and devilish smile.
He saw her give him a cute questioning look and before she could speak, he whispered, "tonight when we're back home, you have to give me a private showing of the sexy lingerie you and Abby ...... or should I say the sexy lingerie I brought you ....... deal?"

Jack had a feeling the lingerie show would take a while between clothing changes as he would want to inspect each one very closely. And it didn't matter, they had all night and could sleep on the plane tomorrow.
Allie held on top him once again her body fitting against him perfectly and she could stay likenthis all night , the two of them lost in each others world and she locked eyes with him as they swayed to the music.

She smirked as he moved his hands down to her ass squeezing it and she sighed sexily as he leaned in giving a sensual kiss and she felt him massage and rub her ass again.

She giggled hearing him say she was missing something and gasped as he slid his hand under her dress gripping her ass like that and telling her he had a way she could earn her thong back.

She gave him a look and raised her eyebrow a bit but he answered before she asked and she grinned seeing he was curious to see her model some of the lingerie for him.

She giggled and looked up into his eyes as he asked her if they had a deal " You drive a hard bargain Mr. Wolfe... how could i refuse ... especially when i wanted you to see.. how about thiis...ill show you them.. but when we get back home... we play a little game and you can guess what set i have on depeding on my outfit" she said sexily to him and " Do we have a deal? Spank me if its a no and kiss me if its a yes"

She smirked loving the playful behavior they had sometimes it was fun and relaxing and she ran her hand across his chest and grinned as the music picked up a little.

She saw Abby and Dougn had seen their little display but she knew that two had no clue Jack was gripping her rounded fit ass right there on the dance floor.
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Jack could only smile when she told him he drove a hard bargain. He thought he had a deal when she mentioned how could she refuse but then she surprised him. He saw the glint in her eyes when she suggested they play a game. It piqued his interest. He always loved playing games with sexual overtones as the outcome. And with Allie, he was pretty sure the game would involve a lot sexual situations.

His smile grew wider when she told him that he had to guess what sexy underwear set she was wearing under each outfit.

The thought spanking her was very appealing if he guessed wrong and kiss her if he guessed correctly. It was a no lose deal for either of them and he thought he could rig the outcome if he wanted to spank her. He wondered how much she could take of his hand slapping her naked behind.

“It’s a deal baby,” he said squeezing her ass cheeks. “But I have to warn you, I’m not a good guesser so you might want to be ready to feel my hands caressing your lovely ass and then giving you a nice spanking.”

The look in her eyes told him she liked playing games involving sex and might be looking forward to having him guess wrong a lot. It was just another thing that he felt they had in common. Over the last few days he realized they had more in common and every day seemed to bear it out.

He leaned his head forward, his eager lips finding hers, feeling the lust in their kiss. The music was like an aphrodisiac reigniting their lust for each other. His hands squeezed her cheeks hard and he felt her hips undulate against his inciting more thoughts of them being together totally.

When the kiss broke, he noticed Abby and Doug moving toward the VIP area. They appeared to be ready to leave and as he panted a little harder, he wanted to leave and get back to the Mirage for the sexy lingerie exhibition. The game, he was sure would take a long time and be filled with fun for them. The sooner they got there the sooner their playful fun could get started. "I see Abby and Doug are sitting this out. I think they are ready to call it a night. How about you and I call it a night? You know we have some very important business back home to take care." He laughed knowing her answer.
Allie giggled and nodded. She could tell Abby and Doug were finished formthe night as well and she wanted to have fun with Jack back at their hotel. She took his hand as he guided her back through the crowd and they joined the couple who were on their third drink and Allie shook her head learning her lesson from last time.

" If i do itll be a huge headache for me and Jack " she laughed remebering her crying the first time she got too drunk around him. They had left most valuables in the limo and they made their way back out , Jack holding her as they walked out and she saw a few camera flashes go off as he shielded her a bit and Doug shileded Abby before they got in the limo and she figured someone mustve tipped them off and paparazzi were there to get some celeb gossip which means someone mustve dropped the info Jack was in Vegas.

She had remembered their first dinner togehter when the woman had approached and she had wondered if Jack had gotten that all the time. She settled beside him and abby across from her , both making sure they got in carefully due to lacvk of underwear and Abby seemed to have noticed and smirked at that.

It wasnt long before they were back at their hotel thanking the couple for a fun night out and Abby told Jack she would give them a call and the two wished them goodnight

She followed him to the elevator and he used his key to get to theor loft and made out with her the entire way up pinning her back to the elevator door and lifting her easily in his arms.

She held onto him making out as he carried her in when the door opened and he moved with her sitting on the couch with her straddling his lap. She grinned leaning her forehead against his and panting "I guess i better go get ready for the show huh?" She chuckled giving him a soft peck before reluctantly climbing off of his lap.

She grinned and said " Do you mind finding a song? something i can model this lingerie for you to."

It took her no time to undress since she was bare beneath the dress she had on. She went to her bags and pulled out a sexy two piece burgundy set and walked out hearing the music and posed for him .

" How do you like this one Jack?"
Jack was happy to know Abby and Doug were ready to go. He and Doug escorted the two lovely ladies out into the hall and then through the casino. On the way, he saw some light flashes and instinctively tried to shield Allie's face while Doug did the same to Abby. "Sorry about that," Jack mumbled as more flashes filled the space around them.

The deed was done and the paparazzi got what they were paid to do. Tomorrow in the tabloids there will be a story about Jack in Vegas and he could see the headline ..... Jack Wolfe with a new model ..... who is she??? .... He didn't say a word but he knew the newspaper hounds would try to find out Allison's name. Would this information get back to her parents and family or what about John. Would someone recognize her and tell him? For now it was better to leave well enough alone and tomorrow would be soon enough to address any article in the tabloids.

In the elevator, after pinning her against the back wall and kissing her passionately, he picked her up easily in his arms and carried her into the penthouse. Setting down on the couch and watching with glee as she climb onto his lap straddling him. He felt his cock react to her bottom squirming a little in his lap as they kissed heavily before she announced she should get ready for the show.

Jack, in response to her request for a song, smiled and tried to think of somethng appropriate. He thought of a stripper song but then knew the perfect song for her first appearance. When she entered the room wearing a burgundy two piece he whistled and pressed the button and the song 'This Magic Moment by the Drifters' filled the surround sound speakers. It was voted at one time the best love song for lovers and Jack admired Allie posing for him. It made his blood begin to boil as she walked sexily to him, standing with her hands on her hips.

"Very good choice Allie but I thought I had to guess what you were going to wear. Looks like I win baby. Come closer and let me sample the material." When she was standing at the edge of the couch, he reached out to run his fingers over the lacy thong material taking time to push his fingers between her thighs feeling her wetness. "I can see why you are getting wet baby," he said pulling the material aside and rubbing her shaved pussy lips and hearing her soft moan.

Pulling his fingers out, he pulled her down onto his lap so she was straddling him again and ran his fingers over the silky lace bra, squeezing her breasts and feeling his cock start to grow. "Mmmmm very nice bra and thong outfit," he said in a quiet tone as he continued to massage her breasts through the bra.

"I guess since didn't get a guess, you deserve your first spanking." Pulling her over his knee, he rubbed his hand over her firm buttocks. "What's nice about this outfit I don't have to pull anything off your cute ass," he laughed and began to swat her ass, seeing them jiggle a little with each swat. And what surprised him was she didn't cry out but wiggled her ass as if she wanted more. "I'm sure you'll get some more spanking before the night is out," he said pulling her back onto his lap.

"Now stand up and take off your bra and thong. Leave them here and I'm guessing your next lingerie set will be blue." He watched her take off her bra, seeing her nipples hard and ready for his mouth later. And when she pulled her thong off he felt his cock jerk, wishing things were different between them.

When she turned to leave he grabbed her hand and told her, "Not so fast baby. Get back on my lap, kiss me while I touch your tits and then take off my shirt before you leave." He saw her wide smile as she settled onto his lap to do his bidding.
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Allie had forgot their little game after that short confusion with paparazzi but Jack made quick to remind her of her deal and smirked as he fondled her ass and spanked her.

She wiggled a bit liking it and smirked as he pulled her up onto his lap and instructed her to strip but leave the underwear there and she did so making a show out of it and smirked as he guessed the next woukd be blue and he was wrong but she hadnt said anything.

She was about to go change but he stopped her grabbing her hand and She smiled as her eyes met his and he instructed her to sit on his lap and kiss him while she took his shirt off.

She straddled him and then leaned in slowly making out with him sighing as he deepened it a bit and she slowly worked the buttons undone from his shirt and she sighed feeling the hardness in his pants beneath her naked body.

She gasped feeling him begin teasing her nipples and she placed her hand on his chest slowly trailing her fingers down watching him and smirked kissing his lips then neck softly and whisphered in his ear as the song began to end slowly " I better get changed into the next one baby.." She sighed and slowly began to climb out of his lap.

She smiled looking back seeing his eyes were fixed on her and she knew if things were different she and Jack would've made love multiple times tonight but there was that line the two of them respected and didn't cross just at the borderline of them having sex.

She changed into the new floral set one she had picked herself, it was cute flirty and feminine and she hoped Jack liked in .She stood in the door frame posing and watched Jack's reaction "I picked this one out...what do you think?"
Jack waited patiently for Allie to return in a new lingerie set, feeling his cock pressing against his trousers, he thought of taking them off but he knew Allie would have the pleasure to relieve him of them shortly.

He grinned, seeing her standing in the doorway posing in a floral set and looking sexy. As she strutted toward him, he sighed, “I think it's absolutely gorgeous on you and I love the roses. Allie, you are one beautiful woman Allie James. Come here and stand in front of me.”

When she did as he asked, he saw the look of pure sensuality written on her face. He took his time admiring her thinking that one day he wanted to make mad passionater love the ended with them joining their bodies as one. “Turn around Allie. Let me admire you.” He smiled as she slowly turned around and when her back was to him, she turned her head, smiling at him.

Then she turned to face him and he stood up and walked behind her, putting his arms around her, his hands cupping her breasts, lightly massaging them. “I love your body Allie,” he whispered in her ear and pushed his hips against her backside. “And another part of me loves your body too.”

He loved hearing her soft moan as hips moved against her backside. “It looks like I picked the wrong color baby and you know what that means don’t you….. another spanking for you.”

He didn't bother to take her bra off but pushed her lightly, saying, "kneel on the couch baby and put your hands on the back." When she did he smiled seeing her ass cheeks staring at him. Rubbing his hands over them, he gave her a sudden smack that was harder than the ones she got earlier, hearing a soft grunt. He slapped her other cheek and followed that with a few more smacks that started to leave a rose color on her skin.

"I have a feeling you like misbehaving and having your bottom swatted," he said smacking her a few more times, surprised when she didn't utter a complaint only wiggled her ass as if to ask for more.

"There's more where that came from baby," he said pulling her floral thong off her legs and then throwing them where her first set lay. Rubbing her ass, his hand slid between her thighs and he felt them spread freely. touching her shaven mound, he inserted two fingers between the soft fleshy folds and found her clit. Her moan was all he needed to hear, knowing she was liking their playtime. He rubbed her clit and then pulled his wet fingers out and offered them to her mouth.

"Lick them clean baby," he said and then he pulled her into a standing position. Unhooking her bra, he saw her rigid nipples and rubbed them while he stared into her eyes.

"time for you to change but before you do. Take off my trousers and leave my boxer on." He saw her broad smile and then added, "when you're done I think your next set will be red. But first the trousers."
Allie smiled hearing him use her full name and call her beautiful , just hearing her name of his lips made her even hotter for him. She walked over slowly letting him take in the lingerie on her and stood in front of him and smiled softly.

She did as she was instructed turning so he could see her smooth back ,ass and legs and she looked over her shoulder smiling at him then turned around to the front.

She watched him stand and looked up at him then he circled her and then stood behind her wrapping his arms gently around her and gripping her breasts while he pressed his cock into her ass letting her know how much he loved her body and how much his cock loved it too.

She moaned softly as he grinded himself gently against her and instrusted her to kneel in the couch and position herself. She felet him rub her ass then gasped feeling him smack it then he gave the other cheek the same treatment , spanking and massaging her and she bit her lip liking it.

She grinned hearing him say he had a feeling she liked misbehaving and being spanked and she sighed sexily as he spanked and massaged a few more times and she heard the need in his voice as he told her there was more where that came from.

She felt him slowly pull her thong down and heard it join the pile of lingerie he'd gathered and he began to let his hands explore her then he slipped two fingers into her tight wet hole and rubbed her clit ans she couldnt help but moan.

She heard him groan before pulling her up to stand and face him. She heard him instruct to clean her juices off his finger and she grabbed his hand looking up at him and sucking it off teasingly and then grinned.

She felt him unhook the bra and remove it rubbing her nipples as he watched her nd she sighed softly. She grinned hearing him say he wanted her to take his pants off and toldnher his guess for the next set was red and he had guessed correctly at that.

She looked at him stepping closer and leaned in kissing him softly and smiled when he returned it "You Jack Wolfe ...are one very tempting man" she said desire clear in her voice as she gave him another soft kiss, she almost wanted to tell him to forget their unwritten rule and just take her but she knew they should wait till it was right.

She slowly unbuttoned his pants then slid them down his legs watching him and helped him step out of his pants seeing the hard generous sized meber staining against his boxers and she couldn't help but lean forward and give it a kiss.

She stood slowly and grinned " Ill go get changed baby"she said and walked off naked only wearing her heels.

She went and changed into her final piece she wanted to show him something a little different but she knew he would love it. She put on a red lace strappy and smiled looking herself over before stepping out joining him and walked over sexily. " This is the last one.. for now " she said and " Do you like it?" She asked knowing he did from the way he was eyeing her.
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As Allie unbuckled his belt and began to push his trousers over his hips, he thought of her comment that he was one very tempting man and he knew what she meant. She too was very tempting and knew that their agreement was hanging by a thread. He wondered if they could make it through the night.

When Allie relieved him of his trousers, he saw her eyes staring hard at his cock making a tent in his boxer shorts. As she leaned forward, kissing the outline of his cock hidden by his boxer shorts, he felt a strong shiver course through his body. "Hmmmm Allie," he gasped. "You are one tempting woman," he moaned feeling her lips and hot breath on his covered cock. He wanted to push his boxer shorts down and let her hungry mouth go after his now thick cock that was straining to be released. His fingers touched her brown hair and he almost told her to forget about the next lingerie set. But when she pulled away after the sensual kiss, slowly standing, he somehow found the will power to let her go when she told him she was going to change.

He knew it was going to be a sexy outfit and watching her walk naked across the room dressed only in heels, sent another surge of lustful want and need through him. His cock jerked a few times showing his appreciation of her sexy backside. He thought of how much he wanted her and it was almost more than he could bear. He had never been with a woman this long without have sex but he sensed her body was more than willing but her mind struggled with being faithful to her long time boyfriend.

He waited but this time his mind and his cock were getting impatient, wanting to see what lingerie set she would select. If it was red then there would be no spanking. Kissing would be the reward for getting it right. When she appeared in the red lace strappy lingerie his jaw dropped at the gorgeous woman standing in front of him. When she told him it was the last one for now, he couldn't agree more.

"Mmmmm baby you definitely picked the right one to stop for now." He knew she had other sexy lingerie but those could wait. He wanted her. "I absolutely love it baby," he said in a soft tone just staring at the outfit. "You sure know how to turn me on baby .... and those stockings and garters make you all the more desirable." He knew his words were inciting her imagination but he couldn't help himself. She looked so damn desirable.

Trying hard to not jump up and throw her on the floor and take her, he gave her a devilish smile. "Since I guessed correctly, I get to kiss your lovely body from head to toe ....... I want you to walk over to the other side of the room and get on your hands and knees and crawl to me like the tigeress you are ....... and when you get here I think you know what to do with my boxers ..... there is a special treat for my lovely lady."

When she got to the other side of the room, he hit the play button on the stereo and the sounds of love me like you do blared out of the surround sound. "come to me Allie .....," he said hoping he didn't overstep his thoughts of her and him.
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Allie grinned as he told her how much he loved the lingerie and that it was a good one to stop at, she had picked a few pieces like that with Abbys encouragement because she was shy never wearing anything that sexy before and she was glad her new friend had pushed her to try something different aside from thongs once and a while.

She could tell how badly he wanted her and she wanted the same and she wondered how patient the two could be before finally giving in and taking each other. The waiting was new for her, butn she knew when she and Jack finally had each other fully it would be one for the books and something she woukd never forget.

She smiled back at him seeing him naughty grin as he eyed her saying since he guessed right he got to kiss her from head to toe but he wanted a show from her first asking her to crawl to him before she took off his boxers.

She blushed at the song choice and chuckled asking her herself indeed what she was waiting for with Jack, as much as she was trying she was falling in love, maybe she wanted to make sure he felt as strongly for her as she was starting to feel for him, or scared to lose john outnof her life if they broke up? She shook that out of her mind as she watched him eyeing her on the couch and smirked before slowly getting to her knees.

She crawled over to him slowly and sexily being playful with him and got to him licking his boxers tasting some of the precum that leaked through and sighing before taking them off watching him.

" You taste so good Jack ..she groaned before licking the tip of him knowing what he wanted her to do. She leaned up kissing him deeply and reached down slowly pulling his cock out stroking him and said " Before you kiss me anywhere youd like... i want to make sure you get a very special kiss" she sighed sexily and leaned in kissing his neck and then down his chest then back down to his cock again giving it a few kisses before taking it between her lips.
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Jack saw how Allie blushed as she started to crawl toward him and hearing the song filled with love and what are you waiting for. He wondered if it was appropriate but she didn't seem to mind as she slowly came at him like a hungry tigeress. He could see the passion in her eyes. As the song talked about what are you waiting for, he wondered if they really could wait. The heat between them was strong and he sometimes felt he was in a fiery furnace just being with her. If they could hold off coming together, it would be a first for him.

Jack realized he had strong feelings for Allie after only a few days. He knew she was still with John and he resisted telling her he had those feelings. Did she think of him that way? Did she want what he had to offer her? It was too early in the relationship but he hoped that soon that would change.

He saw the lust in her eyes as she got to him, seeing her eyes focused not on his face but on the large tent his cock caused in his boxers. He groaned when she began licking his boxers. "Ohhhh Allie I love watching you slip your tongue up and down my cock. You make me want you so bad," he wasn't sure if he should say it but he needed to tell her how he felt.

When she told him he tasted good, his cock jerked as she licked the tip seeing the twinkle in her eyes. Then instead of taking him into her mouth, he smiled seeing her crawl up and kissing him deeply while her hand slipped down to grab his aching cock.

He laughed when she told him she wanted to make sure he got a special kiss before he ravaged her body with kisses and caresses. He moaned as she kissed his neck and then began a slow agonizing trek, kissing her way downward until she was face to face with is hard shaft. And when she held his cock gently placing butterfly kisses up and down it until she licked his balls, he could only emit pleasurable moans one after another. She was making his body begin to shift into overdrive.

And she started sucking the head, he closed his eyes and groaned, "Ohhhh fuck Allie .... mmmmm I love the way you make love to me and my cock." He felt his cock throbbing with love and lust for her, watching her take more of his shaft into her mouth, feeling her tongue swirling around it.

The night was still young and she looked absolutely sexy and in her red lace strappy lingerie. "I'm going to take my time and make you suffer with pleasure as I take off one piece at a time Allie. I want you squirming and begging me to let you cum." His breathing was growing more harsh and he knew the more she teased his cock, the closer he was to cumming.

He was panting harder, knowing he was fighting a losing battle of self control. "Uggg Allie keep it up baby ..... ohhhh god yes Allie, keep sucking my cock ..... I'm so close to giving you what you want. Love me like you do." His hips rose a little off the couch and he groaned, “I'm going to give you what you want Allie and then it’s my turn.” It had a double meaning and Jack wanted her to know he wanted her so very much as his cock throb relentlessly.