Man vs bear in the woods hypothetical

They must be related to the racists who think they can fool anyone into not seeing they’re racists.
Thankfully a lot of people are beginning to see the democrats and leftists for who they are, as they're not fooling people anymore.
New one is alone in the woods with a beer or a woman? Beer.
At least with a beer, once you get the top off, you don't get surprised with nothing being there. :LOL:
Thankfully a lot of people are beginning to see the democrats and leftists for who they are, as they're not fooling people anymore.

At least with a beer, once you get the top off, you don't get surprised with nothing being there. :LOL:

It’s OK, "dude", we see you…

Thankfully a lot of people are beginning to see the democrats and leftists for who they are, as they're not fooling people anymore.

At least with a beer, once you get the top off, you don't get surprised with nothing being there. :LOL:
That’ll be a bear then.
You being dismissive to the point of snarky of the realities women experience is giving me pause in my perception of you.

View you as a threat? Are you taking it personally that men are violent and aggressive toward women and that women aren't thrilled with that reality?

Yugasoth? Are you suggesting that the realities women experience are akin to fairy tales or that the experiences are fictional?

My interpretation? How about BrightShinyGirl? Or Butters? Or Mary down the street? "Anything that qualifies as suggestive comments". Dismissive. Cool. So then you are saying women are imagining being stalked, cat called, aggressively followed etc.

Wow I had no idea these were your true colors. I'll never bother being empathetic - toward you - regarding any racial issue you may face. After all I can't control how you interpret literally anything as a racist comment. Etc.


How is this being dismissive. How much greater respect can possibily be given to the situation?

I didn't say women were thrilled. It mustbe terrible. However there isn't anything I can do about it any more than I can end world hunger.

No, I'm not suggesting that there aren't real dangers. I'm saying real or imagined you have to treat them equally. The only thing I accomplish by being present is validating the fear.

Of course you are doing a great job of proving the extreme left to th elimited degree they exist to be correct. Morality is not supposed to be transactional. I'm still gonna vote for anything that helps women because its the right thing to do no matter many view me as a threat just by drawing breath. I can only control me.
How is this being dismissive. How much greater respect can possibily be given to the situation?

I didn't say women were thrilled. It mustbe terrible. However there isn't anything I can do about it any more than I can end world hunger.

No, I'm not suggesting that there aren't real dangers. I'm saying real or imagined you have to treat them equally. The only thing I accomplish by being present is validating the fear.

Of course you are doing a great job of proving the extreme left to th elimited degree they exist to be correct. Morality is not supposed to be transactional. I'm still gonna vote for anything that helps women because its the right thing to do no matter many view me as a threat just by drawing breath. I can only control me.

How is it not?

The very first exchange we had was you equating your reality of having white women yell at you while you had to take it to the fear women have of men on a society wide scale. (Which makes me wonder if you are nearly as dismissive of black or native American women's experiences. Perhaps since they are not white it's okay for them to yell at you?) Your statement made it pretty clear that you were equating the black male fear response experience to all women and the reality of their (frankly earned) fear of men.

You're pulling a Cartman. Take your ball and go home then. But don't mistake your attitude for active participation in solving the gender issues.

It's very difficult to advocate for women when you equate the way men engender fear in women with a fairy tale type monster. And further telling me that advocating for women and participating in this thread as a voice for women is "extreme left".

Uh huh.
Whatever, have fun dude. You're the one throwing the hissy about MGTOW. Go your own way. It's okay.
You're the one throwing a hissy fit about "I choose bears" not being taken seriously. I ain't MGTOW, but you are just like MGTOW but female.

Also you're really, really confused right now.
You're pulling a Cartman. Take your ball and go home then. But don't mistake your attitude for active participation in solving the gender issues.
LOL wow you're just going gangbusters at everyone who isn't as pure as you. You're not a sensible feminist. There are tons out there who are sensible and not as batshit crazy as this. Get a grip ffs.
How is it not?

The very first exchange we had was you equating your reality of having white women yell at you while you had to take it to the fear women have of men on a society wide scale. (Which makes me wonder if you are nearly as dismissive of black or native American women's experiences. Perhaps since they are not white it's okay for them to yell at you?) Your statement made it pretty clear that you were equating the black male fear response experience to all women and the reality of their (frankly earned) fear of men.

You're pulling a Cartman. Take your ball and go home then. But don't mistake your attitude for active participation in solving the gender issues.

It's very difficult to advocate for women when you equate the way men engender fear in women with a fairy tale type monster. And further telling me that advocating for women and participating in this thread as a voice for women is "extreme left".

Uh huh.

For starters she was Hispanic. Not even passing for white. Being female is the only thing it takes. That wasn't a fear response, its a common sense response.

There is no active participation is solving this. Taking my ball and going home is the only appropriate response as you are making perfectly clear. Don't see why you're being so rude about someone doing precisely what you are asking them to do. IF a cop gets back in his car instead sending me home looking like I kicked John Wick's dog I'm not complaining about it.

You clearly did not READ what I wrote. I said REAL AND IMAGINED. The entire point of this bear vs man is that you MUST TREAT EVERY MAN AT ALL TIMES AS AN IMMENENT THREAT. NO EXCEPTIONS. You don't have a choice. That doesn't mean that every or even most men are going to do anything more than walk past you. Heck the biggest threat many of us are is being to involved in our phone to notice you and bump you.

ITs not you advocating for women. ITs you making it clear that you do the right thing for the pay off. Not because its the right thing. I don't always do the right thing. Sometimes I'm just gonna do whatever I was doing and mind my business for one reason or another.
You're the one throwing a hissy fit about "I choose bears" not being taken seriously. I ain't MGTOW, but you are just like MGTOW but female.

Also you're really, really confused right now.

LOL wow you're just going gangbusters at everyone who isn't as pure as you. You're not a sensible feminist. There are tons out there who are sensible and not as batshit crazy as this. Get a grip ffs.

Again, whatever dude.

You're the one who brought up mgtow.

Follow your own advice. Get a grip.
For starters she was Hispanic. Not even passing for white. Being female is the only thing it takes. That wasn't a fear response, its a common sense response.

There is no active participation is solving this. Taking my ball and going home is the only appropriate response as you are making perfectly clear. Don't see why you're being so rude about someone doing precisely what you are asking them to do. IF a cop gets back in his car instead sending me home looking like I kicked John Wick's dog I'm not complaining about it.

You clearly did not READ what I wrote. I said REAL AND IMAGINED. The entire point of this bear vs man is that you MUST TREAT EVERY MAN AT ALL TIMES AS AN IMMENENT THREAT. NO EXCEPTIONS. You don't have a choice. That doesn't mean that every or even most men are going to do anything more than walk past you. Heck the biggest threat many of us are is being to involved in our phone to notice you and bump you.

ITs not you advocating for women. ITs you making it clear that you do the right thing for the pay off. Not because its the right thing. I don't always do the right thing. Sometimes I'm just gonna do whatever I was doing and mind my business for one reason or another.

For a payoff? Dude you've jumped the shark. At this point I'm just going to leave you in your corner. Have fun.

As an FYI, I meant the reaction of fear that black men face as they age from boys into men.

You just continue going about doing that " right thing". Apparently you're not capable of picking up what I'm saying.
For a payoff? Dude you've jumped the shark. At this point I'm just going to leave you in your corner. Have fun.

As an FYI, I meant the reaction of fear that black men face as they age from boys into men.

You just continue going about doing that " right thing". Apparently you're not capable of picking up what I'm saying.

Its not something as they age from boys into men. ITs existing.

You don't know what jump the shark means.

I am picking up what you're saying. Men are evil and dangerous and must be treated as such. Absolutely nothing we can do will alter that and even if we choose to remove ourselves from the situation we are still wrong in your eyes and clearly the eyes of the majority of women. I'm fine with this situation. ITs not like I have anything resembling a social life to begin with. I work, and sleep.

WE cannot be allies without interaction, we cannot interact without terrifying you. Its a catch 22 and one that you offer no alternative to because there is no alternative.
If men are evil and dangerous, are women still our equals? Or do women only claim equal status to men when its convenient?
If men are evil and dangerous, are women still our equals? Or do women only claim equal status to men when its convenient?

Women are less likely to rape random women. Women do not control most of the pillars of power in this nation. While I don't doubt there are men out there who knew they had two choices, sleep with Karen or pack their desks the most terrifying thing of #me2 was that nobody was surprised. We all knew that a huge chunk of women in media were there because of sleeping with the right people. IT wasn't a matter of talent one way or another. Wienstien black booking you pretty much meant you had wasted years of your life. How bad was it over on Fox. You'd think Fox would think about hiring at least a few average looking women these days JUST to get past the optics of this.

So comparing the two in this way is absolutely pants on head retarded.

Also women WANTING equal status and having it are two different things. You don't see a whole lot of black people who don't want equal treatment. The ones who claim it happens in practice are rare.
After reading through this thread it was just as I assumed it would be, a lot of pissing in each other boot and calling names. Typical for the PB. I've debated on whether I wanted to chime in on this or not. I think I will.

I understand the concept of the bear vs man comparison. Those women who have been accosted, injured or raped, or who are timid and afraid are going to feel like the bear is a better option to meet in the woods even though the vast majority of them have never met a bear in the wild. It's fear of the known over the unknown. They do not want to live through the same thing they have. And many of those that haven't lived through such a thing are influenced by the fear of those who have. It has nothing to do with statistics or reality; it has to do with emotion and fear. I get that and to those women, all I can do is agree and try my best in my way to comfort them, however that needs be done.

Where it goes off the rails is to assume that the majority of women would be afraid and that the majority of men a woman would meet in the woods would consider assaulting them. Statistics don't support that viewpoint. There are all kinds of statistics (some of which have been quoted earlier in this thread) that show a woman is 80% more likely to be accosted by someone they know rather than a stranger. There are other statistics that show victims of violent crimes are evenly split between the sexes, so women are no more likely to get assaulted than a man would be. But I will say again it isn't about statistics and facts, it's about emotion, beliefs and fear.

As I said I understand it. I don't have to agree with it or try to apply logic to it, for emotion by its very nature is illogical. Am I saying those emotional fears aren't valid? Nope, not saying that at all. Fears don't have to be logical to be valid. A kid that is afraid of the boogieman under their bed is no less afraid than a kid facing a snarling dog.

And I must disagree with many in this thread who insist, by word or implication, that a large percentage of men are bad, or would stand aside and allow a woman harm from a bad guy. That's an opinion and a bullshit one at that. A man doesn't have to be vocal, an in your face cheerleader about supporting women. There are a whole lot of good men who do so silently. They prefer to do so with actions rather than words. "You need to condemn the bad guys!" is the cry. I get that. How many of you have actually done something to support that other than talking on a board on a porn site? I am confident that the majority of men I know (I admit a few I am unsure of) wouldn't harm a woman. And most would put themselves in harm's way to protect one.

So yeah, I understand it and the reason behind it. For those who feel that way I'll do what I can to alleviate those fears. For the good guys out there who read some of this stuff and feel like you are the whipping boy, you are. But buck up me lads, that's just part of being a good man who would do the right thing. Don't change that.
Its not something as they age from boys into men. ITs existing.

You don't know what jump the shark means.

I am picking up what you're saying. Men are evil and dangerous and must be treated as such. Absolutely nothing we can do will alter that and even if we choose to remove ourselves from the situation we are still wrong in your eyes and clearly the eyes of the majority of women. I'm fine with this situation. ITs not like I have anything resembling a social life to begin with. I work, and sleep.

WE cannot be allies without interaction, we cannot interact without terrifying you. Its a catch 22 and one that you offer no alternative to because there is no alternative.

No you're not listening to a thing I'm saying. What you are doing is essentially making it all about you. You are pulling a victim complex. You are trying to equate a bad day at work to the daily and wide-ranging onslaught of violence that women deal with every day.

At this point honestly, I recommend you stay away from women. You're not an advocate. You are just another selfish man with insecurities who cannot deal with the actual realities and instead get defensive.
No you're not listening to a thing I'm saying. What you are doing is essentially making it all about you. You are pulling a victim complex. You are trying to equate a bad day at work to the daily and wide-ranging onslaught of violence that women deal with every day.

At this point honestly, I recommend you stay away from women. You're not an advocate. You are just another selfish man with insecurities who cannot deal with the actual realities and instead get defensive.

Okay let subtract me from the equation as stupid as that is.

No many under any circumstances should ever approach a woman. If she wants your attention she will approach and greet you. If not you are a threat.

I do stay away from women to the absolute best of my ability. If I'm not an advocate then no such animal exists however.
Okay let subtract me from the equation as stupid as that is.

No many under any circumstances should ever approach a woman. If she wants your attention she will approach and greet you. If not you are a threat.

I do stay away from women to the absolute best of my ability. If I'm not an advocate then no such animal exists however.

You're the one saying this bullshit. Own it. Don't try to foist it on to others.

You said you being yelled at at work was the same as women dealing with the very real onslaught of threats by men women are faced with.

You said you would be better off just not dealing with women.

I agree. You shouldn't be around women. And if you're the best advocate for women, then women are fucked. Laissez faire deflected victimhood is part of the problem women have in dealing with men. Your outsized egos and fragile feelings can't do anything but make it all about you.

So dude, have fun.

You've shown me who you are. Relax. I believe you.
You're the one saying this bullshit. Own it. Don't try to foist it on to others.

You said you being yelled at at work was the same as women dealing with the very real onslaught of threats by men women are faced with.

You said you would be better off just not dealing with women.

I agree. You shouldn't be around women. And if you're the best advocate for women, then women are fucked. Laissez faire deflected victimhood is part of the problem women have in dealing with men. Your outsized egos and fragile feelings can't do anything but make it all about you.

So dude, have fun.

You've shown me who you are. Relax. I believe you.
It is the same thing as being cat called. IF anything its worse because its always negative.

Yes I am better off not dealing with women. It saves me from trouble that I have no defense against.

MY outsized ego? That is the funniest shit I have ever heard in my life. My fragile feelings? That's the second funniest thing I've heard in my entire life. I'm pretty much immune to the opinions of others.

I'm glad you believe me. I'm the guy who does everything possible to make things as good as possible for you without a single thought about myself.
It is the same thing as being cat called. IF anything its worse because its always negative.

Yes I am better off not dealing with women. It saves me from trouble that I have no defense against.

MY outsized ego? That is the funniest shit I have ever heard in my life. My fragile feelings? That's the second funniest thing I've heard in my entire life. I'm pretty much immune to the opinions of others.

I'm glad you believe me. I'm the guy who does everything possible to make things as good as possible for you without a single thought about myself.

Catcalled? Yeah more dismissiveness. I'm talking about stalking, violent threats, aggressiveness, rape, murder. Fucking catcalled? Grow up.

Yes you are.

Yes you do. Heh and that you are ignorant of it is its own irony.

You superhero you. You're just a peach. Go save a poor innocent gal from getting catcalled.
It is the same thing as being cat called. IF anything its worse because its always negative.

Yes I am better off not dealing with women. It saves me from trouble that I have no defense against.

MY outsized ego? That is the funniest shit I have ever heard in my life. My fragile feelings? That's the second funniest thing I've heard in my entire life. I'm pretty much immune to the opinions of others.

I'm glad you believe me. I'm the guy who does everything possible to make things as good as possible for you without a single thought about myself.

Count the number of times you used “I, me, my” in your comment, and then look up personal insight and self awareness.

That ^ MIGHT help you get a clue about why your ego has been brought into the conversation.

Interesting. :unsure:

I've never heard of a woman's (subjective) lack of beauty being enough to repel a bear's ferocity, but there's plenty of accounts where women's physical beauty wasn't the focus of them being raped by men.

or age, for that matter.

A bear was just spotted in Doylestown where I live.

Catcalled? Yeah more dismissiveness. I'm talking about stalking, violent threats, aggressiveness, rape, murder. Fucking catcalled? Grow up.

Yes you are.

Yes you do. Heh and that you are ignorant of it is its own irony.

You superhero you. You're just a peach. Go save a poor innocent gal from getting catcalled.
No you are not talking about stalking. You are not talking about violent threats. You are not talking about agressiveness or rape or murder. You are talking about cat calls being no different than blacks being shot for existing.

I'm no hero. But you are a flat out villain. I should be. . .well I already avoid you because you are a threat to me just by my drawing breath. The worst I wish on you is a less than perfect life. You are making it clear what you want for men. I've already done every single thing I can to make your life better and you are actively seekign to make mine worse.
No you are not talking about stalking. You are not talking about violent threats. You are not talking about agressiveness or rape or murder. You are talking about cat calls being no different than blacks being shot for existing.

I'm no hero. But you are a flat out villain. I should be. . .well I already avoid you because you are a threat to me just by my drawing breath. The worst I wish on you is a less than perfect life. You are making it clear what you want for men. I've already done every single thing I can to make your life better and you are actively seekign to make mine worse.

Well thank you for telling me what I am thinking. You are indeed such a true advocate for women. It's a good thing you are hear to mansplain for me, else I wouldn't know what I am talking about.

Here's a shovel. I can't do it better for you at this point.


JFC Such drama.